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Interview with an Alien!!

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posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 09:19 PM
From Dr Michael Sallas, the expert on Exopolitics:

1. Could you describe the location of the star system from which you originate?

2. Can you describe the most important characteristics of your society and history?

3. Has your society ever gone through something similar to Earth in terms of subversion by external races such as the Grays or Reptilians?

4. Can you describe the nature of your activities on Earth and how long you have been here?

5. Please describe how you assist individual humans and what your goals are in such assistances.

6. In what way do you differ from other ET groups trying to assist in the evolution of humanity?

7. Do you cooperate with other extraterrestrial groups assisting humanity? If so, can you describe what star systems they come from and their specialities?

8. Are you involved with any `Galactic Councils' that deliberate on the Earth's future and can you describe the nature of your involvement?

9. What would you consider to be your most important contribution to the evolution of humanity?

10. Have you had any official contacts with government authorities and what were their responses to you?

11. Are your personnel and/or ships actively targeted by national security agencies intent on limiting your interactions with humans?

12. Do those extraterrestrial races who disrupt humanity's evolution directly interfere with your own assistance efforts with humanity either by targeting your personnel/ships or humans you work with?

[edit on 21-10-2004 by Collin]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:16 PM
link is bs you got another one sounds intersting gimme another link and ill be sure to check it out

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:25 PM
Yes please, how about a link to open up and not a Yahoo singup page?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:42 PM
I know there is one video that shows an interview with an alien...however it looked so staged, since the alien wanted to be completely enclosed in dark because of some reason, but it showed shadows of it's face, and it looked all disproportional. I really wouldn't believe anything you see outta these things, since it is too easy to make Flash and Quicktime videos these days...all you need is a nice clay model and a voice-over and boom, you got a video with an alien.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 10:46 PM
The way I read it is this is an interview not a video. I am not sure
though. I tried to open the link by Dr. Michael Sallas, and got a Yahoo
signup page. That might have taken me to the link for the interview?????

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 10:10 PM
Galactic Federation rep Kyador responds via a contact group including Blazin, a member of Dr. Sallas' Yahoo discussion forum Prepare4Contact:

I've put together a series of responses to questions I asked Blazin concerning her `friends' from the Galactic Federation with whom she has had a number of contact experiences. I've included the original email I sent to Blazin regarding her group, and will upload into the files section of a drawing of one of her friends, Kyador, who according to Blazin answered many of the questions, and of the Galactic insignia he uses.

I wish to make clear that I have no affiliation with Blazin's contact group and simply wanted to know more about them in terms of my current research interest into different ET groups and how they interact with contactees. I offer the questions and answers provided by Blazin simply for your perusal and hope that it may stimulate discussion and further questions for Blazin and her `friends'.

In peace

Michael S.


Questions for Blazin's Contact Group

These questions are for research I am conducting on the different `benevolent' extraterrestrial races assisting humanity and their unique characteristics and activities. All answers can be anonymous in terms of being included in the research paper and book in which they will eventually be published.

QUESTION #1: Can you describe the location of the star system from which you originate?

Kyador said:

We do not have a home planet. The galactic judges are usually active on an intergalactic level most of the time. Central control is more termed our home, which is known to us as Saturnalia, located on one of Saturn's moons. Your feelings on my sternness that you felt when looking at my picture are accurate and you are right. I am mainly that way WHILE WORKING, but I also have other moods. And no, sternness is not a Saturnalia quality. How can a person define the qualities of MANY different people and beings that are all working together, and place them into a category?

(He asked that i try to explain because he is not a linguistics expert. I told him neither am I, but I will try.)


So far, Earth has mainly been dealing with races whose citizens are all from one specific "home world". Pleiadians have their home planet, and within that world they have their own government, citizens, and social structures. Same with Arcturians. On and on it goes. Whereas in Central control, there are many different races working and living together, including humans. Humans right from earth as well. There are representatives of many worlds within the Federation, that all live/work out of Central Control itself. It is a huge place. They don't "own" the planet. They live there, and are stationed there. And if you want to view it in ways of "ownership", it would be all the different races "owning" it together. So this is not the same as those who have "one race" living in/on a planet.

Then you also have a variety of ships that are specific to each planet. They do stay more "close to home" or local, wherever that might be. There are also intergalactic ships that leave Central Control and take on a variety of missions and they can be gone for long periods of time. Then they return when they are through to get the next assignment. Kyador is one that does these types of missions. He is the youngest one of 7. He and the other 6 like himself have very large ships. Their crew numbers anywhere from 325 - 350 people/beings per ship. Again they are like the "mobile homes of Central Control" and there is a variety of races on each ship. They are also the most heavily armed ones known as well. They have to be because of the job they do, combined with being so far from "home" many times.

Kyador again:

Would you tell him I do not have people.

[This is in reference to the statement he noticed about "Kyador and his people," in one of Dr. Sallas' emails].

We do not own or claim each other. No matter what jobs we have. Those that are part of my "crew" are there by choice. There are not "millions" sitting on a planet somewhere with me being the "leader" of that.

QUESTION #2: Can you describe the most important characteristics of your society and history?

If people truly want contact, then they need to embark on really EXPANDING their awareness of how HUGE the Galactic Federation is. Last calculated, very recently..ha ha...there were approximately 5,000 planets that are members of the Galactic Federation, believe it or not. There are many planets, and many different "jobs" that people have and can take. There are law counsels, there are educators, scientists, engineers, law enforcement, "mechanics" (for lack of a better word...ha ha), on and on it goes. This goes for within each planet, as well as within the Federation "headquarters". Each soul has within them or is given what it needs so as to do the job of their choice to the best of their abilities. All beings are equal, power matters not. The scientist is just as happy with what he has and is, as the "planetary master". Things are not even remotely viewed in terms of "this one has more power than that one", even though different positions require different levels of "power". There are no feelings of "i am 'behind' because of my level of power/understanding/knowledge". There are no feelings of inadequacy or inferiority. This is non-existent. Each soul has it's own specialty and its own gifts to offer.

All people/beings have the basics for survival and comfort, so there are no "wanting" or "lacking" scenarios. There is no over-excessive hoarding or one person with an over-abundance while others have very little. All use/take what is necessary for their daily living and comfort and do not desire or crave having any more than that. Nor does anyone become obsessed with "attaining more" that what they need. So there is enough to go around for everyone. (nor are these behaviors allowed) None place any of these things over the well being of others. When a mass of people get together that all live the same basic ways, it is like a well oiled machine in action.

Many people out there have loving qualities within them, but very few take the job of coming here and/or associating with too many here, because of the nature of this place, and it is not necessary for them to do so. Furthermore, it is not without a gamble when some do choose to, because one does take the chance of becoming slightly lost, even if they weren't initially, to say the least..ha ha! Others have walked the earth and then returned to their "home world" as well, so yes, that too is possible.

No "book'"or "bible" is necessary nor does the federation have these things, because all have reached the stage and live the ways of love, honor and respect already. That combined with the direct relationship with "the All That Is"...the Creator, creative force (terms here) negates religion and books from being necessary. In some ways the halls of the Federation is similar to earth but on a much LARGER scale. To describe "our ways and characteristics" is to include any planet that is of the federation. If you want specifics on each world, that is up to them if they choose to give it. But no matter where the being/person/entity is from, they don't have the corruption and the nasty "soul qualities" that some Earth people have. Not saying federation is perfect. It is saying that we value love above all else and control those things about ourselves that erode away at the peace and harmony attained. These undesirable qualities are are strictly forbidden and you do meet with those that will help work it out of you real quick if it is found within you for any length of time..ha ha! The only ones who seem to get angry over this are those who are, by nature, turned in ways that would be "unacceptable" and do not want to do the work required to change that.

There is a centralized "head quarters" so to speak. It is the core of the Federation, which is called central control (best words available..ha) On Earth, people deal with only a few different skin colors, religions and races (and it seems, as a race, there are many problems) but out there, is all manner of appearances and customs that are intermixed and all beings manage to live "as one" in harmony. (keeping there individuality too...unlike the stories of the "hive mentality" that seem to circulate ha ha) Each planet has their own "ways"of being that are unique to that world, but all in all, Federation planets do live by the same "basic" laws of love, honor and respect. In central control and on some of the larger inter-galactic ships there is usually a wide variety of different races all working together.

Now, customs and such are fine to have, the main "rule" is this: Do no hurt or harm to any being with what you are/what you choose to manifest or represent. No one has the right to force another how to think/be in federation worlds. All things are seen as "holy". So the religions of Earth, would not be too popular, given their "rules and regulations" of how one must act, dress, show love, and "manifest holiness". Certain rituals taught here as "holy" are neither here nor there in the scheme of things. Think of the intricate perception problems that arise and/or exist between those of different faiths/ways here. Not always does one act on them here, but their reaction within is very predominate. People "bristle" and seethe within, and smile on the outside here. That will be known by all out there. There is no hiding behind a smile. None of the things taught in this place are MANDATORY, as far as hair, clothing, rituals performed. In fact for the most part they are not even needed here either, but most people would really get upset over that one...ha ha! Nor are religions considered the "ways of the universe" no matter what religion is being manifested.

Each soul has it's own past life experiences, its own path etc., and there are no two EXACTLY alike. If you have the basic qualities like tolerance, kindness, love, honor and respect, compassion, honesty, you have the basics for what will be needed "out there" where the environment is even more diverse than this world. Whether you choose to serve in central control, or stationed on a planet or on a ship, there is much diversity. High tolerance is mandatory, for many different ways there are, for people/beings to manifest what they are, as well as how they choose to "give honor to the Creator", whom they choose to love and how, etc. These things are more of a personal preference again, as long as one's choice does not hurt/harm to another and those that choose to interact/be involved with each other do so by mutual consent. There is no game playing or lying so there is no fear of whether or not you are "about to get tricked or stabbed in the back".

In addition, there is no "marriage" like on earth. Men and women freely move in and out of personal relationships with each other all the time. And they manage to stay loving while doing so..ha ha! People do not stay confined only to their race either. Love is love. It blooms where it will. Outer appearance has nothing to do with it. It is not something that ends up consuming their every waking moment however! The personal side to life does not take precedence over what needs to be done. In the life of a federation member, no matter how screwed up your personal life may be ha ha...when duty calls, you respond, and can do so immediately. It is for the greater good and is the CHOSEN responsibility of each individual. Each soul is and maintains their level of responsibility to their chosen job WILLINGLY. Laziness is not allowed. Everyone must do SOMETHING. Many times, the larger the job one has, the less time for anything in a personal sense. Which is different than earth in the sense that so many lose jobs or cannot function properly if they are not happy in their personal relationships first and foremost. People here seem obsessed with "their personal life" and recreational time (on the inside) . So much so it even effects their performance at work, at home, etc... On a larger scale, it ultimately effects how the entire planet functions, believe it or not.

In the federation, involvement in a personal relationship must be based in and governed by love, honor and respect for the other. Period. There is no "possession" over another and so forth. There is no jealousy and all that comes with the "possession" scenario. Men and women also care for themselves, and when necessary/needed they also care for each other without having to be reminded, asked, prompted. And they do so without without needing the "intimate relationship scenario" to motivate them. It is a way of life and not based on love in the personal sense as it seems to be on earth. (i.e. he is my husband/father/mother/brother...therefore i will care for him (and not always is that the case either)...but watch out to the stranger on the street who walks by and yet has no blood and/or intimate ties..ha ha) Most people here, that are not "living right", have the rewards of that already, which is loneliness, bitterness, anger, discontentment, jealousy, hate (all these things are very unpleasant to have within), down here there is war, and disease, sorrow etc... Out there, among the regular people, these things are unheard of. The "conflict situations" are not brought even close to the "regular citizens". There are those souls that enjoy living on the edge and usually opt for jobs which involve the conflict situations, but a majority do not. To the regular citizen, this place looks "very scary"..ha ha! Especially for those that have never incarnated here before.

Kindness, love, honor and respect, is a way of life for those "out there" no matter what "home" planet they are from. It goes to the core of their being. It is not something they have to TRY to do, or something they need to "work on" but it is something they are. Many times they do not even remotely understand actions/behavior contrary to these things. Some have never "fallen". Some have "fallen" or made mistakes, and then returned back, learning and realizing where they erred. But either way, their basic reactions to situations are peaceful, docile and loving. They would be easily taken advantage of, used and abused (the regular citizens). Some would be easily manipulated, etc., IF the manipulative types or those with undesirable qualities were allowed to walk there. Many people in worlds out there do not "see evil", yet most people here see evil in many things where there is none. Disrespect, jealousy and things like this are non-existent. Arrogance is not within, nor is hate and all the things that are not acceptable.

There is no such thing as "abduction" because that is highly illegal. Those planets that have been converged upon by forces attempting a "take over", merely report that directly to Federation Headquarters, and then those that are in the "law enforcement" area are sent in to run them off. They do their job well ha ha! In spite of what other races might say, these "galactic judges" are at the "top" of the Federation and just under the being that is termed "galactic master" (there are galactic judges and terrestrial judges who handle the "local" stuff ha ha). There is order kept in the universe to the best of any beings' abilities, except for those who do not wish it. Those planets are left alone as they wish.

Now in reference to meeting with those of the federation, and who live "out there", there is a TON that must be done before a being from the Federation can meet with a person here to even begin the hard task of "BRIDGING THE GAP". One small example, they have to learn the language of the person whom they choose to contact. To heck with meetings between worlds, it is hard enough to bridge the gap between someone of earth and someone out there so as to learn more about each other and each other's world. Not always is that easy.

An example, what might be taught in an alien world in terms of "earth verbalistics", may not be the 'lingo' of the day..he he..makes for interesting and even humorous communications! (not to mention the physical preparation necessary before meetings on a physical level can take place, talked about in a previous post). In addition, not always does the relationship LAST. One soul or the other can become too frustrated, which can hinder their soul progression more than be helpful. With all that goes along with this scenario, sometimes it is necessary for one or the other, to get out of the relationship. Soul development and spiritual progression is at the VERY TOP of the priority list, for any/all involved.

It is required of the federation member to maintain what they are, and it is also required from the person contacted here to also live, learn and maintain themselves in a more loving/decent way (if they were not already doing so). Goes without saying that both people involved do change in some ways, when this type of meeting occurs ha ha. By joining the federation you agree to live their beliefs to the best of your abilities. An example, the person in contact with a Federation member, decides to start being cruel to others. This would be chastised. If the person still decides to continue their behavior, or defend their position, odds are they will ultimately lose their contact. Worse yet, if they continue/pursue, they will be escorted to a place where people live in the same ways they believe in. The Federation won't stand with or allow people that live like that to be involved with people from their worlds, they would be risking themselves to continue being dragged along with a person that does not agree with their ways. They have a right to be live as they choose, and so does the person going in a different direction. Since nothing is forced, that causes the relationship to end. Call it what you will, it is the only way to prevent the federation from being affected and/or taken over by those who would do nothing but destroy it as well as preserve it for future generations. (which includes people of earth too for those that are interested..ha ha)

Free will is honored as all beings have rights to venture into what they wish, as well as retreat if they feel the urge and/or need to do so. This becomes a massive problem when dealing with earth people, because in general Earth people can become too clingy, or jealousy and distention rises up, especially with those directly around the 'contactee'. (family/friends/non-believers) Others would merely use the relationship to benefit themselves either for financial gain or for other reasons, which are too numerous to list. There is so much that factors into things it would blow the mind of most. It is definitely not the "easy road" in any sense. NO SOUL is endangered in any way, spiritually or otherwise, whether they be here or out there. A couple examples where things go awry is, people here would become angry and/or impatient when their "contact" needs a break, or when their "contact" chooses to leave. It seems to bring much pain to some people. Others become too possessive and ATTEMPT to exercise THEIR WILL over another, with all manner of wrong behavior, in the attempt to make the "being" from out there stay in their lives. People do this to each other here too. So many things are tested and must be considered before a soul is on the road to contact, and for the sake of all involved. And it is for the good of all beings involved.

Out there, each being has their own unique "soul drive", which is listened too. It must be, because to commune with the Creator and not do this is deadly. No soul, goes against their own inner guidance system out there. There are many jobs. There is no "more important" and "less important" job. It is people here that choose to raise one being over another, or place more importance on one soul or job over another. This is not found out there. If anyone wants to interact with the decent ones, they need to realize this, and go within to get rid of that perception totally and all that goes along with it, otherwise, it has a very bad effect on the relationship. Most often times we are the ones that cannot hold the "mutual" friendship type stance, and it is people here that are seeing "hierarchy", when no one does out there. It is another quick way to jeopardize the relationship.

Since there is a general vibe that ALL ARE EQUAL, no matter what job they have, it lessens the urges to "move to the top". No one desires to do and be anything, other than what THEY ARE! In the worlds out there...there is no "top", there is only "what is destined by the Creator". There is also diversity in the sense that not every soul wants to go into the SAME position. One could be VERY spiritually advanced, but have and main interest in the science field, so why would they try to be on "law counsel" or why would they even have an urge to go for a "planetary master" position? (one example) The drive/desire would not be within them to do so.

To go against that which is your destiny given by the Creator, is a crime. Unfortunately here many times one has to drop their "soul drive" for survival purposes and in time it can ultimately lead to a "death like" state of being (along with depression, unhappiness, and many other undesirable fruits). To go against what is naturally and inherently in the soul, is viewed as going against the "soul drive", which is the divine part of you. It is the thing that is "of the Creator", thus if not heeded, one is going against themselves, and against the Creator itself. (if the voice within is telling you to do hurt/harm to another, you are listening to the WRONG voice...ha ha...)

Many times on earth, one's inner guidance tells a person one thing, but then they go against it because of "society" or "peer pressure", "family pressures", ultimately becoming someone they are not over time. Or people try to be like someone else, which again goes against who YOU are. Or you have to give up your TRUE passion so as to provide for a family etc. This places the soul further from the Creator, and further from anything that can come from that relationship. It can also taint or alter the inner guidance system over time and if done enough. It also places a person further from "knowing oneself" if you are trying to become someone else. Many try to pattern themselves after certain "spiritual leader", but that position was already taken by another soul. They fail to see they are imitating another, instead of just being themselves. This is sad, but it is very predominate down here. And many times it is what is actually TAUGHT from birth on. However, the more one ignores the soul drive/voice/person within, the further they stray off their God-given path, and the more unhappy they become. Some have strayed so far they no longer have that part of them that was given by the creator accessible to them or "alive within them". This is the state of being 'cut off' or "fallen". All of these scenarios are not present in federation worlds.

People/beings in the federation are not forced or held to taking jobs they do not like or if it is not something they were/are naturally drawn to and/or created for. There is no having to give up your passions for other things. There are no "survival issues" like on earth which frees up much time to be what you were destined to be. HOWEVER, there is natural respect given to those "further along". No question on that one and it does not take a genius to spot who they are ha ha. Earth and a few other places is where you find the twisted things involving leaders and hierarchy. But that does not mean in loving worlds there is no "order" etc...

Regular citizens out there for the most part, are very meek, mild and loving. All regular "citizens" have and maintain a direct relationship to "the Source" (down here it is sometimes called "doing manna" or communing). It is a requirement in worlds out there to do so. The Creator is the best at not only giving blessings but also giving chastisement directly. No one would go against that. Those that have, have suffered the loss of that direct relationship. The regular citizen is not told what to do when, as it is not necessary. HOWEVER, if a being ahead of them does tell them to do something, they listen, because they KNOW FULLY and in truth, where they are in the scheme of things and what their exact level of progression is vis-a-vis those destined and who are in the "leadership" type roles. They do TRUST their leadership with everything in them.

They do not have people wandering the halls questioning those in the leadership positions and filling their worlds with suspicion and doubt as so often times is seen here. And leaders out there have definitely earned that trust, unlike the leaders people are used to on earth. Out there, it goes along with that respect issue. All have and do respect their leaders with everything in them. All stand in agreeance and compliance to this, and also stand with the belief that there is no cruelty allowed, no tyranny, etc. To question and/or doubt these things would be viewed with shock and even horror. These are things that are once again learned on earth and maybe in a couple of other worlds, but do not exist within the federation. It is very easy to maintain when whole worlds all live with these beliefs. And simply put, it does not take a rocket scientist to see the qualities of being in certain leaders out there. Most beings are capable of that. There are a few leaders who are known on a "intergalactic" level and have achieved a state of being that most have not yet. Those that are "at the top" are actually the most humble, most beautiful souls one could meet.

Down here people would see that to interact with a decent being from out there, is not what most believe. It is our lack of knowledge of this area, as well as the misrepresentation of the "benevolent beings" from people DOWN HERE, that has really done serious damage to perception of what it is like in the decent contact scenarios. They are not here to take over, or control the world (it would probably be more awesome if they did however--those controlling the world today sure aren't doing too well--but unfortunately their laws prohibit "taking over" does NOT prohibit getting involved however...which is another very serious misconception here, whether believed or not). But there is a way that has to be followed, to do it.

There is a BIG difference between true evil and corruption, and those who "make mistakes". People really need to realize that. Most that make mistakes have been labeled as "evil" by people HERE, even if they are not and have only made a mistake (the down side to any "religion" and its teachings). As i said, out there all things about you will be known. But you are not frowned upon for "making mistakes".

Corrupt/wicked souls are not allowed to return to the direct relationship with the Creator, because it would be destructive to their soul. They are also not allowed to be incorporated into worlds within the Galactic Federation. No matter how hard they try, they will never attain that relationship with the Creator, and will never walk in more decent worlds out there, until they fix themselves and become more like those they would choose to live with. For those souls that are loving, kind, after they are done here doing whatever it is they came to do/learn...a "Federation training center" has been set up and is sometimes used to work out the negative effects of the wrong programming one received in their last life. This center acclimates the soul to the general way of life "out there". The souls that choose to stay, go on to wherever/whatever they are interested in. There are others who have already repaired that relationship with the Creator, and walk here once again, to aid others. In addition, there are also people that have already been incorporated into other worlds "out there", and go back and forth, but they will remain "unknown" to the masses and continue to do so for their own safety and the safety and well being of them and their families. It is possible to do that as well.

Yes you can/do also get a body. One that can be more specifically designed to the job you take/choose. A scientific mind might work a bit differently than an educators mind would work (an example). This can be and is done genetically, believe it or not. Depending on the job one takes, depends on the type of "body" or "vehicle" they might choose to go with. Would you do a construction job with a corvette? ha ha. Similarly, there are different "body types", specifically designed to give maximum performance, depending on what the job is. Also, one job might require more patience than another, so souls with more of that quality might choose a job that would utilize the over-abundance of patience they have, like an educator. Or child-raising. There are centers where all the young are raised, and by those who are specifically geared toward doing so with the maximum amount of love, patience and guidance possible. There is no child abuse or neglect. We are all brothers/sisters so there is no need for "different parents". All are raised in these "centers" initially. Then they branch off into the areas they were created for/destined for when they are ready.

Yes, even the top, most advanced, benevolent civilizations use genetic encoding and/or artificial means to "grow" the embryo/fetus. Even the human type ET's do this, believe it or not. Another area that will hold earth back in a massive degree is seeing evil in genetic manipulation when there is none. Seeing evil in ridding the deformed fetus BEFORE birth breeds a society that is deformed, and by choice. The federation worlds already KNOW FACTUALLY that the soul enters the body AT BIRTH and not before. A fetus is nothing more than a piece of tissue until the TRUE LIFE FORCE enters. But on Earth, many view abortion as a "sin". It is perceptions like these that will hold this world back for a long time to come. But it is not within Federation worlds and none of these things are viewed as "sinful" in the eyes of the Creator either. The Creator does not demand that any soul take a life that is "impaired". When this is found on a genetic level, it is gotten rid of. It is a horrible thing to more advanced societies to sentence a person to life in a malfunctioning and/or diseased body. How can anyone properly serve the Creator or any world in that shape? Needless to say there is no '"disease" or "malfunctioning" bodies. If earth wishes to advance, this is one area they are going to have to seriously reconsider before they can do so. But again "religion" teaches anything but the truth in certain areas.

I do not know where the misconception came from that aliens do not feel emotions. That also could not be further from the truth. Many have emotions just like earth people. The difference is they can control their emotions, instead of letting their emotions control them. And you know when they "let it flow" it can be MUCH STRONGER than an earth person's emotions, believe it or not. But they may not always react in exactly the same way or over the same things an earth person would. It does not mean they are emotionless.

Those that are truly in positions of power out there most definitely HEAR and LISTEN to things given by people here and/or out there. It is a mutual sharing that goes on for those involved with relationships like this. They take some of the ideas here and also incorporate them into their world so as to make it even better than before. All learn, all progress, always! They give knowledge/information as well. And yes love, honor and respect is given. Since THEY do not see hierarchy out there, why would they not venture forth and deal with someone "small and unknown" by earth's standards, let's say like me for example (he he, and there are others). People here are included in these processes as if they were "one of their own" because by living certain ways, you automatically agree and become such. You do not become a "slave"'. That sounds more like earth based "fear" talking than actual reality.

QUESTION #3: Has your society ever gone thru something similar to Earth in terms of subversion by external races such as the Grays or Reptilians?

"our society" has beings of all walks of life. There are some victims of subversion in many ways due to past lives lived, even on earth. So we are not exempt from having specialists who not only know how that feels but also are wise to how the more negative "renegade factions" are operating. But "the federation itself" has not been subdued since the beginning of it's existence that we know of (eons ago). There have been planets that have turned in reports of ATTEMPTS that have been made on their world, but that is as far as it went. We move instantly when it is brought to our attention.

QUESTION #4: Can you describe the nature of your activities on Earth and how long you have been here?

Just as long as humans have existed, so also has the Federation and the worlds within it existed. INCLUDING humans. Humans are indigenous to the galaxy...not the earth. Earth is merely a place one passes through. But it is a very temporary place if you really think about it. Humans have existed out there as long as and before "the beginning" as this world calls it. So where exactly are you from??? I guess it is safe to say "since before recorded time" we have been involved. The "we" encompasses those in human form as well as those who may not be. It is a big and diverse "system" out there.

QUESTION #5: Please describe how you assist individual humans and what your goals are in such assistance:

Depends on the human, and it depends on whether or not a human is open to 'other ways' than only what they have been taught HERE. Or have they become so corrupted and/or set in their teachings in this life that it could actually jeopardize them more to be "contacted"? Is the human a kind soul that is truly interested in loving and aiding his/her "fellow man"/alien etc..(ha) or is the person in it for "self" and all the "temporary" things offered in this place as a "reward" for "coming forward" etc. To aid or become involved in corruption is to make it grow. (Much to the shock of those who do not understand why love is not shown the "wicked" is...but it is a different type of love..."tough love" very definitely applies in some cases.) And our stance is to try to assist any person that wants to CHOOSE to live in kind, loving, decent ways. Whether they know we are around or not. That does not matter. Most often times in this world, those are the types that are kicked around far more than many that choose to "conform" to the ways of this place. They go without in many ways too. So sometimes aid of a different nature is given. Otherwise those meek, mild souls could end up in very bad shape due to the levels of cruelty in this place. We don't want to take over the world...we have our own as stated before. Humans are very much a part of it as well, and by choice, which negates the need to "get humans" as we have sometimes been seen in the fear based thinking going on.

Those humans who wish to, come to us. Don't worry we find them and we can go to them too. Two way street. Our door is always open to them as well. UNLESS they choose to live in ways that are unacceptable by EVERYONE'S standards, humans included. Our "acceptable" ways of being do match those basics taught on earth, the biggest difference lies in the "applying and living" areas. While everyone lives it in our world, on earth it is quite contrary to that. With the EXCEPTION being "the few" that live it down here (hopefully that will change). We also will not go where we know we are not wanted, and this we can find out rather easily.

Assistance can be as small as using mind powers etc... and "willing" things to happen in a person's life so as to uplift their quality of life a bit or sometimes to aid those who have chosen "the larger missions" (Earth's perception, to us the job of "a housewife" is no less important than those in the public eye, there is no "bigger" or "smaller", all are worthy jobs, especially when done in and with is love). But you know those smaller people whom no one knows or who have been pushed under society itself and are deemed "worthless/unknown". (not that they are). Let's say for example one like this need a job...then all of a sudden an avenue "opens up" they did not expect. It "lands in their lap and comes out of the blue". The rest is up to them. We cannot live other people's lives for them as we too have to live our own.

Usually, believe it or not, it is not always the BIG things but the small things that can bring about change. Unlike many believe here. We have been known to also "heal", not that we always announce what or how we did. There are cases in this world that are "not explainable" by medical personnel. Why do you think that is? Those that have and use the power of the Creator are quite capable of healing. Nor do they want "credit". HOWEVER there are things involved and this is a touchy area. For instance, some souls choose to come here and experience disease and what it is like to have one (believe it or not). Others are here for karmic reasons and to stand between them and the Creator is a big no-no. It cannot be, and one can lose anything they have achieved if they act contrary to that, including their own relationship with the Creator and all that goes with it. Not to mention taking the receiver's God-given path and life lessons away from them by choosing to alter their "destiny".

Or aid can be as large as having to give backup, while a soul like the Christ being decides to come in for the sake of all. (He brought quite a bit into this world that was previously unspoken, and in truth, UFO's/aliens and the basics of the Federation included, but it never made it "into the book".) Backup might include running any/all forces/beings off that would divert the mission from being accomplished. Those who take jobs like that are not in it for self. They are not in it to 'take over' or 'rule'...but to bring TRUTH and LOVE on a larger scale, in hopes humanity will respond with the same, which is their right if they CHOOSE to. And those aiding in the background of that last mission, had to stand and watch while his last days took place (as in the Christ being's case). This is no easy task for any beings that were involved either. God's will did take precedence as it always has and always will.

By the way, that was the biggest contribution to humanity that we can think of.(***answer to your question #9 asking..."what would you consider to be your most important contribution to the evolution of humanity"?) Please know we ATTEMPT to bring larger truths here, as well as assist in other ways, with and/or without proof, both have been done, but what Earth does with it is another thing. There were many involved, believe it or not. They are still involved and have been since, it is not in the public eye however. Makes one wonder what IS going on "in private" doesn't it? Live and learn...that applies everywhere. "Going public" is not ALWAYS the way used. And look at what we have found that is left of what was brought then...not much.

Our goals? Nothing. We already have our world/our ways and we like them quite well. We are happy, healthy and living in peace. We did not choose to answer your questions for US, but for you. We have our contacts and are quite happy living and growing together and have been doing so for quite some time. We need not "go public" or disrupt things to do that. And yet, here we are watching the "P-4-C" group. They yearn for something other than what they have made their way through so far down here. How can we pass by and look away? So we try to offer what we can too, believed or not.

But honestly, what are YOUR goals? That is more the question. Do you wish to incorporate someday into a larger system of things 'out there' and stand for what true human beings can be? (a question for each soul). This is not about us, as we are already there and living our lives. This is about those who yearn HERE. This is about those who want something different than what they have been offered so far and how to get it from where you stand as well as travel elsewhere if you choose and the opportunity presents itself. It's for those who have been mistreated based on their beliefs in aliens/ufo's etc.. For those who diligently seek the truth and live in the ways of love, but find it not returned to them. For those who are meek and have been trampled upon by men/women who would call themselves "human" and are far from what a true "human" should be.

And not that it has not been offered before, but things have for whatever reasons become lost once again. We have extensively studied this for quite some time. Shall those that are "unknown" and those who thirst, be left to endure all that comes with living in this world, even if they do not agree or give into it all, themselves? Just because the corruption and the tyranny and the lies are in control? Does that not make a big statement, that to live in those ways is the best choice? Is that the TRUTH that mankind wants and has created? (no it is not, it just APPEARS that way because of those "at the top"). There are other ways to go about things. We do live and learn from things in days past and alter our course appropriately so as not to "make the situation worse than it is already" or to cause a "repeat" of days past. Yet, it is for the above mentioned that we will state "our truth" as we always have, and once again for those who are interested, but it is not for us.

QUESTION #6: In what way do you differ from other ET groups trying to assist in the evolution of humanity?

How do we differ? Or more the question is "how has any aid given in this place, been PORTRAYED to others?" We understand humanity more than some races coming and going. Why? Some of us have been humans in many lives. We choose however, not to give into so many of the things that those in your world do. There ARE ways around "the social barriers". There are very peaceful ways around "the system of things" as well. But few seek to find that. Other groups that have gotten involved, may not always know how far to take things. Or they are representing one world of many. Our "group" if that is how it is seen, is not representing "one planet" or "one way". We are more a group that represents many beings from all walks of life. Many different types are incorporated into the core of the Federation so it is not so simple as saying 'one faction' is being represented. As far as lack of understanding for "the human condition" and "being human" this is not something that is a problem in our "group". Interesting how people are taught "aliens" do not understand "humans" isn't it? Does this not create mistrust and lack of forward movement?

I wonder where those teachings are coming from? Why would this fallacy be believed? Maybe some factions/groups lack in understanding, but not ALL do. Once this understanding is attained and in motion, what is there that cannot be done to aid? It goes without saying the more power one has, the more one can do. Power of any type is misused and abused in your world however. And in many ways. This has also happened "out there" in some cases as well. The problem lies in this world and the corruption therein, not in the lack of understanding or movement of those out there who would gladly jump in and "fix the world" if they could. Have to get rid of the corrupt misguided teachings and the ones living for "self" in wicked ways etc...before that becomes possible. And it is in this area that we find ourselves in a similar situation as some of you: not knowing where to begin or if what is done will even be effective. (how do you think the corrupt can be "gotten rid of"? granted we could always simply "wipe out" any corruption, which is a possibility but what does that teach and how would that effect those who are kind, meek and loving?).

Ultimate goal, to spread love and TRUTH as far and wide as possible before the Creator decides things are too far gone for the planet to continue existing as a worthy part of anything. But the odds of getting too far without some serious and much BIGGER moves on our part, are slim. To us however, "bigger" could be allowing some previously "unknown" souls to come forward and share what they know/have and if they choose it themselves FIRST. It is not asked of them, expected or forced. And there are risks involved as well.

You will know who they are because they will take no money, they will not give into the same forms of "social pressures" and the "fruits of that" as others have. They will not be leading rebellions. They will not write books and follow that path, which again forces a person to partake of that whole scene, whether wanted or not. How can anyone change things by partaking and acting within the "system of things" that many do not agree with? Those that have books/information will offer it freely, for whomever is interested. There is a way to do all of this and still hold down a job to get what is required for daily living, food etc...and without risking your entire being and/or beliefs! Did the Christ being charge for his God-given abilities and services? Yet, he also was a carpenter. Wonder why? (a small point some miss).

QUESTION #7: Do you cooperate with other extraterrestrial groups in assisting humanity? If so, can you describe what star systems they come from and their specialties?

See answer 1-2 for the description of the Federation. There are too many too well as all having their own specialties within each race. It is also up to them to want to be listed as well. Similar to earth and as stated before each race has their own law councils their own scientists, communicators etc....with the exception of the 'law enforcement' area which is usually handled by central control and by those termed "galactic judges", not to mention a few others who have positions beyond that. Again, each planet within the federation has their own system and then there is Central Control which is the core/headquarters and also the upper management or 'governing body'. They are the ones that handle things inter-galactically or when situations arise involving planet-to-planet type scenarios.

QUESTION #8: Are you involved with any "Galactic Councils" that deliberate on the Earth's future and can you describe the nature of your involvement?

As you can see by a few of the other things that have been posted...this answer would be yes. Hopefully we are doing a satisfactory job when it comes to "our deliberations". And we do include the feelings of those on Earth that we deal with when it comes to things involving their own world. HOWEVER, those of our choosing already have shown that they are not in things "for themselves" or for some of the same reasons that exist in other "contactee cases". They have also shown they have sufficient amounts of love, compassion and understanding for humanity, as well as other races, even in their present state, so that they would give honest, unbiased opinions. None of us/our contacts are completely "knowledgeable" of "all things" happening all over the place, on earth or otherwise. That is not only non-human to expect of any person/being, but it is also non-extraterrestrial ha ha! Only the Creator knows "ALL THINGS".

Hopefully people really realize this and do not expect anything from anyone else that they could not give themselves. Nor does it mean these people are any better/worse than the next person/being. However, the next phase of things "has to start somewhere" right? Earth needs to rid itself of these perceptions once and for all. The "galactic council" that handles things involving the fate of other planets is at the very core and upper management within the federation/central control and is comprised of the "galactic judges" and then you have that one being that is termed "galactic/intergalactic master" (who also works with a "group" of sorts). So there are systems within the final system so to speak. And yes decisions on this level are made by this group. On a collective level, however, each being also maintains their "sovereign" opinions/feelings/observances/findings, which are shared at the time when the meetings take place.

QUESTION 9: What would you consider to be your most important contribution to the evolution of humanity?

Our aid can be as large as having to give backup, while a soul like the Christ being decides to come in for the sake of all. (He brought quite a bit into this world that was previously unspoken, and in truth, UFO's/aliens and the basics of the Federation included, but it never made it "into the book"). Backup might include running any/all forces/beings off that would divert the mission from being accomplished. Those who take jobs like that are not in it for self. They are not in it to 'take over' or 'rule'...but to bring TRUTH and LOVE on a larger scale, in hopes humanity will respond with the same, which is their right if they CHOOSE to. And those aiding in the background of that last mission, had to stand and watch while his last days took place (as in the Christ being's case). This is no easy task for any beings that were involved either.

God's will did take precedence as it always has and always will. By the way, that was the biggest contribution to humanity that we can think of. (***answer to your question #9 asking..."what would you consider to be your most important contribution to the evolution of humanity***) There were many involved, believe it or not. They are still involved and have been since, it is not in the public eye however. Makes one wonder what IS going on "in private" doesn't it? Live and learn...that applies everywhere. And look at what we have found that is left of what was brought then...not much. Please know we ATTEMPT to bring larger truths here, as well as assist in other ways, with and/or without proof, both have been done. But what earth does with it is another thing. There were many involved, believe it or not. They are still involved and have been since, it is not in the public eye however. Makes one wonder what IS going on "in private" doesn't it? Live and learn applies everywhere. "Going public" is not ALWAYS the way used.

QUESTION #10: Have you had any official contacts with government authorities and what were their responses to you?

No official contact with any government authorities and this is BY CHOICE and very intentional...for many obvious reasons to you and us.

QUESTION #11: Are your personnel and/or ships actively targeted by national security agencies intent on limiting your interactions with humans?

Yes ATTEMPTS have been and are made. If an attempt is made on a technological level, on our ships, it is without effect. We keep those contacts we do have private so as not to jeopardize them/their families (some personnel are human and do not choose the public ways). Those that are "suspected" have phones tapped, and are "monitored" in many ways. Those that have become too much of a threat, are merely "taken out" on this planet, as has always been the case. Can things change? This remains to be seen. At this juncture, we can say "so far so good".

But the danger is very real. Naturally a corrupt government etc... will be more than nervous if any loving factions/their contacts, come forward and become directly involved with this world to a larger degree. And why not? The atrocities can be exposed and so can those committing the deeds also be exposed. It will also expose the liars within this world that are claiming to represent Federation forces, when in fact it is not true. If anything, many making claims have added to or have become a misrepresentation, reasons varied. Not that this world will want to have to also come to terms with this as well. But, when met with the truth, all false things immediately will fall by the wayside. Especially when it stands right in front of you. Or when you walk "out there" and compare the "stories" that circulate, with experiences. It is a silent but known fact that if certain contactees are messed with too much, so also will it be returned and in ways they will not want. We do act, as stated before. It can be no other way, and it is by their choice if they act against those here that are 'contactees', as we are not drawing first blood or exposing "their little secrets".

How else will anyone EVER begin to bring change into this world and bring it closer to what the Creator itself had in mind, "love ye one another"? Should everyone involved in doing so sit back while one representative after another is "taken out" by the corrupt, so as to "save the corrupt" from being exposed and losing "power" and "control" over people that do not belong to them? Should the corrupt forever be allowed to reign supreme, even when the most supreme force in the universe never intended it to be like this in the first place? Do you not think there are those that will act on behalf of the Creator and on behalf of those who are aiding/hearing/learning/growing down here? Just because it does not hit your "mainstream media" does not always mean it is not happening. It has been and will continue.

The government knows this already. However, we are attempting to be "gentle" when it comes to "rocking things". We wonder what a whole planet of very angry misled people would do if they knew the WHOLE truth? Those at the top will quickly fall and become the newest "trampled upon" which still defeats the efforts to "create a more loving world". Hopefully the governments of this world will not be so foolish as to think "nothing will happen" if they continue choosing to draw first blood. maybe earth repeats history, but not all of us need that lesson and we are capable and willing to act if necessary.

QUESTION #12: Do those extraterrestrial races who disrupt humanity's evolution directly interfere with your own assistance efforts with humanity either by targeting your personnel/ships or humans you work with?

Yes they attempt it, although their maneuvers are usually short lived. They cannot target our ships/personnel, because our ships can "hold their own" putting it mildly. And yes, our contacts here are also targeted in a variety of ways and usually from more than one angle. This is usually the avenue most chose for disrupting "evolution". If not done by those here, it is from forces out there. This has been the biggest "weakness" if you want to see it that way. Having those down here attempting to bring awareness to others ... a hard job....and one that is not without danger to self and to the whole scenario as well. Those beings 'out there' that have been involved in the misguiding of earth, know fully that to tamper with the contactee is 1/2 the battle won. And many contactees are only beginning to step onto the path, which is when the optimal time is to "mess things up".

Few and far between are considered "experienced" in this area. These beings are being stopped but there are always times where something happens that 'messes things up' in spite of how hard attempts are made to prevent it. So then the whole process must halt while the damage is repaired in the person it occurred in. We do not see one soul having any less worth than millions. They are just as important and have to be stabilized before things can continue. Otherwise it is not real LOVE, honor and respect going on, but something else. We do not "use" people. Those that attempt public work do so by choice and out of love, not by "order". Not always does the contactee here remember all that they came to do or remember all the things they lived prior to this etc...once in the 'flesh'. Makes for a very interesting path for them, and for those who are "watching their back" say the least. If things went public before the contactee was aware they were "messed with" and false information was sent in, that is even worse for the whole scenario. And many have "pride issues" that must be contended with at that time. Some never get past those and lose their "interaction and contact".

[edit on 19-10-2004 by Collin]

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 11:12 PM
thanks mate found it very interesting. Does this guy have credentials when and where and how did he conduct the interview could you give us a little backgroun info if you wouldnt mind

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 11:37 PM
It's bogus.

It's simply someone doing a lot of New-agey rambling interspersed rather illogically with some Judaeo-Christian concepts (new age ones, at that) and mashed together with some Star Trek concepts (but not Star Wars, interestingly enough.)

I had written a longer response and the computer ate it... however, there's some huge flaws in the long-winded prose. Some of the striking points include a real rant on how everyone has their perfect job and then a sudden delving into Calvanism saying that rebelling against the ordained is a sin.

You can tell that the person who is pretending to be the alien is actually a fairly young man, who lives in either England, the US, or Canada. The "tribal" concepts in the "federation" setup are straight from current pop culture (zillions of aeons of evolution and aliens can't come up with a better system of government than a primitive tribal utopia.)

There's a number of contradictions in the statements (and such an overwhelming emphasis on nobody being forced to do any job they don't like that you get the sense the writer is young and either can't find a job or is stuck in a Sucky Job.)

From an anthropological standpoint, this "sophisticated galactic Federation" doesn't know anything about linguistics (and this is a contradiction since it supposedly is formed up of hundreds of member planets. Linguistics would be a necessity.) The legal structure is insufficient to the tribal government style (which the writer, of course, wouldn't know unless they studied laws and lawgiving systems (I'm doing that right now for an academic paper I'm writing))

In a nutshell, the writer's answer has been fueled by modern scifi (and not much of it) and his own longing for a better future. But there's no alien and no real answers given there.

Just a hoaxer's answers.

posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 11:48 PM
Were those responses taken via dictation or in a written format? I assume by the responses that they were written responses, given the number of quoted keywords and the "see quesiton #9" type responses.

and you do meet with those that will help work it out of you real quick if it is found within you for any length of time..ha ha!

Is it just me, or were there a lot of "ha ha"s for an exceptionally educated being? And I think I heard a hint of an Alabama accent in that statement above.


posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 11:52 PM
so Aliens & Educated people cant say "ha ha"? LOL

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Kal
so Aliens & Educated people cant say "ha ha"? LOL

Absolutely, but I wouldn't expect it to be peppered so heavily throughout a document of such monumental significance (had it not been a sci-fi script).

I'm rather surprised they didn't accidentally inject a "LOL" or a smiley.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:11 AM
That alien is more wellspoken than most Americans I've seen, its amazing!!!

Central control is more termed our home, which is known to us as Saturnalia, located on one of Saturn's moons

Can someone calculate the possibility of an alien species having the *exact* same name for a planet as us, with another name built on that *exact* name in a classic human touch (think Australia)?
My mind boggles with the possibilites of what they would have called it had it been near Uranus.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by merka
That alien is more wellspoken than most Americans I've seen, its amazing!!!

Central control is more termed our home, which is known to us as Saturnalia, located on one of Saturn's moons

Can someone calculate the possibility of an alien species having the *exact* same name for a planet as us, with another name built on that *exact* name in a classic human touch (think Australia)?
My mind boggles with the possibilites of what they would have called it had it been near Uranus.

Let's drop the Cassini-Huygens probe on that moon instead of Titan. Oh, wait, they didn't specify WHICH moon.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:41 AM
I completely agree with Byrd. This looks a lot like an attempt to write some kind of utopia. It reminds me (in some way...) of those renaissance texts and novels, being written here in Europe, in the same manner: we were being visited by some kind of stranger (usually from Middle East or so) who would explain us how their society was better. It was then the only way to openly criticize the system by making it like a fiction or an utopia, and by making it said by someone "alien" (from a far foreign country that is)... Would it be presented as a fiction it would have been a better read.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:59 AM

From navajoprophet:
thanks mate found it very interesting. Does this guy have credentials when and where and how did he conduct the interview could you give us a little backgroun info if you wouldnt mind

Sure. From the Prepare4Contact yahoo forum homepage:

Prepare4contact is a discussion forum dedicated to the study of how individuals, communities and humanity generally can best prepare for open interaction with extraterrestrial races. The forum seeks to disseminate accurate information about extraterrestrial races, their agendas, activities and history, and assist members in making informed choices about how to best prepare for that time when the extraterrestrial presence becomes widespread public knowledge. The forum promotes the idea that it is only through a self-empowered humanity, that open interaction with extraterrestrial races can do justice to humanity�s need for equality, freedom and sovereignty. The forum also promotes the aspirations and views of that segment of humanity long denied political representation in secret government interactions with extraterrestrial races. Finally, the forum seeks to understand the full extent of extraterrestrial behavior on Earth in order to promote healing, forgiveness and reconciliation over past injustices, and to build a post-contact world based on peace, freedom and fraternity between all races.

Prepare4contact is an open unmoderated forum where all members can post provided they refrain from personal attacks, flaming, selling, spamming or crude language. Disruptive, provocative, insulting, or uncooperative individuals and/or postings will be removed from membership. Internet articles should be listed by their url only and not reposted in their entirety. Members should paraphrase and/or provide only sections/summaries of longer articles. Members should notify the list-owner privately by e-mail ([email protected]) if they notice someone who is behaving outside of the guidelines suggested here or promoting an agenda inconsistent with the forum�s purpose.

About the List Owner
Michael E. Salla, PhD is the author of Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence (Dandelion Books, 2004) and founder of

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:26 AM
I found the interview very interesting. However is it from an alien? I personally think no. I found the linguistics to be too close to our own English, as well as some of the concepts, methaphors and analogies.

An example of some: "a well oiled machine" "no matter how screwed up your personal life maybe" "the hive-mentality"

The galactic federation, with all due respect to Byrd, does not sound too far-fetched. One would imagine an intergalactic government and a federation comprised of multiple factions, in a universe brimming with intelligent life. Star Trek, maybe science fiction, but it is written by qualified science writers and rooted in real scientific concepts; warp drives, tractor beams, quantum teleportations, phasers, holograms, triquarters, anti-matter reactors, artificial intelligence, cloaking, shielding, nanotechnology, genetic engineering. All of these actually exist on a rudimentary level today(except for warp drives, which are only theoretical)

We also know that government black-world technology far surpasses the public technology. So it is perhaps reasonable to believe that the government possess a much more advanced level of the aforementioned, perhaps even, Star trek caliber.

[edit on 20-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 05:46 AM

Your feelings on my sternness that you felt when looking at my picture are accurate and you are right.

Why wasnt this picture added to give atleast some verification of the story?

They don't "own" the planet. They live there, and are stationed there. And if you want to view it in ways of "ownership", it would be all the different races "owning" it together.

He implies the fact that we think we own the Earth, which isnt the case. The fact that we are unable to relocatie in any form simply gives the perception that we belong here, hence "our planet". I suppose the fact that we were (created or evolved, whatever you want to beleive) here pushes that feeling even more.

I would expect an ET to know this, and thus wouldnt make the poke about us thinking we own the Earth. They are after all supposed to be far more intelligent and if I can note this why couldnt they?

If people truly want contact, then they need to embark on really EXPANDING their awareness of how HUGE the Galactic Federation is.

Is that an assumption that all humans (or even half, or even half the governments) know what the Galactic Federation is?

I find it amazing that this particular ET is so centralized on the "past life" theory. Just my opinion though.

So much so it even effects their performance at work, at home, etc... On a larger scale, it ultimately effects how the entire planet functions, believe it or not.

Why did he stop emphasizing that the "home" and "work" on their planet was different that the home and work on ours? Just before that it was "home" and "work" instead of simply, home and work.

An example, what might be taught in an alien world in terms of "earth verbalistics", may not be the 'lingo' of the day..he he..makes for interesting and even humorous communications!

Its funny how hes no "linguist" in our language but can discern the differences between modern and dated lingo to find humor in the fact that its older. hmm.

Since there is a general vibe that ALL ARE EQUAL, no matter what job they have, it lessens the urges to "move to the top". No one desires to do and be anything, other than what THEY ARE!

That contridicts the theory of a higher council. Obviously if there is a council there would have to be a way to obtain that position, which would lead to lower positions in the working to get to the council position. You wouldnt go around looking for the next US President on the streets would you?

However, the more one ignores the soul drive/voice/person within, the further they stray off their God-given path, and the more unhappy they become.

Amazing, no bible yet they have a term linked to the bible....God-given path is in reference to the bible and god.

Thats all im doing now because I have to get ready for school but thought id point those out. Correct me if im wrong, I dont mind.

[edit on 20-10-2004 by Delirious]

[edit on 20-10-2004 by Delirious]

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 06:53 AM

He implies the fact that we think we own the Earth, which isnt the case. The fact that we are unable to relocatie in any form simply gives the perception that we belong here, hence "our planet". I suppose the fact that we were (created or evolved, whatever you want to beleive) here pushes that feeling even more.

I would expect an ET to know this, and thus wouldnt make the poke about us thinking we own the Earth. They are after all supposed to be far more intelligent and if I can note this why couldnt they?

Do you know how much we have plundered the planet and poisoned it, and how we slaughter many species on this planet. If we didn't think we owned it, we would not be raping Earth of it's resources and murdering the animals.

Not only do we think we are masters of this planet, and masters of other life, we think we are the masters of the universe. So this "aliens" comment is very justified.

Is that an assumption that all humans (or even half, or even half the governments) know what the Galactic Federation is?

I find it amazing that this particular ET is so centralized on the "past life" theory. Just my opinion though.

What he means; for people to become more aware that there are more in this universe sharing space with us.
As for the "past life theory" this is a fundamental truth of spirituality, and as he said, spirituality is the most important aspect of their lives. I agree.

Why did he stop emphasizing that the "home" and "work" on their planet was different that the home and work on ours? Just before that it was "home" and "work" instead of simply, home and work.

He was saying that our need for recreation, gratification impedes on our ability to work and lead successful lives. I do not completely agree with this philosophy, I think playing like the dolphins, and enjoying life, is much fulfilling. However, in a social system, everyone must be contributing something towards the sustenance of society.

Its funny how hes no "linguist" in our language but can discern the differences between modern and dated lingo to find humor in the fact that its older. hmm

He does not have to be a linguist to know that. If as he states, Earth language is taught in their home planet, then he would know the difference.

That contridicts the theory of a higher council. Obviously if there is a council there would have to be a way to obtain that position, which would lead to lower positions in the working to get to the council position. You wouldnt go around looking for the next US President on the streets would you?

He said, people are selected for their positions, based on their skills and experiences. There is no hierarchy.

Amazing, no bible yet they have a term linked to the bible....God-given path is in reference to the bible and god.

That should not be surprising, as he said Jesus Christ did incarnate to spread the truth about the universe. Which is what the bible is based on.
The reason they don't need religion in their lives, is because for them, it's teachings, are common sense. Again, to them, the most important aspect of their lives, is their spirituality. I agree again. Love, peace, and positive cohesion is what promotes well being, of an individual, and a society.

Again, I don't really believe this person is an alien. Then again my reasons for not believing are quite shallow. Further more, I would need actual proof.

[edit on 20-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 08:24 AM

Do you know how much we have plundered the planet and poisoned it, and how we slaughter many species on this planet. If we didn't think we owned it, we would not be raping Earth of it's resources and murdering the animals.

Yes I know how much we plunder the planet but seeing as we have no other resources aside from the sun and wind at the moment there really isnt anything we can do. If anything we are captive here. If the Earths resources dry up we die, doesnt seem like much ruling going on there.

We cant just hop to another planet and perhaps share its resources, there for we dont own the plant, and dont think we own it, we use it out of necessity.

As for the "past life theory" this is a fundamental truth of spirituality, and as he said, spirituality is the most important aspect of their lives. I agree.

It just doesnt make since to me why an alien would use these terms, but like I said thats my opinion.

He was saying that our need for recreation, gratification impedes on our ability to work and lead successful lives. I do not completely agree with this philosophy, I think playing like the dolphins, and enjoying life, is much fulfilling. However, in a social system, everyone must be contributing something towards the sustenance of society.

I agree that people should contribute to society but that doesnt answer why through the whole interview he specifically seperated our home and theirs and our work and theirs with qoutation, suddenly he stopped as if he forgot that he was talking about their home and work and not ours.

He does not have to be a linguist to know that. If as he states, Earth language is taught in their home planet, then he would know the difference.

I didnt see where he said it was taught. I must have skipped some by mistake, I was reading between doing other things.

He said, people are selected for their positions, based on their skills and experiences. There is no hierarchy.

There would still have to be positions to show their skills in certain fields which were required to be in a council. You cant have a council with out having a system of steps and checks.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 08:32 AM
Greetings Starfighter....

You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against the evil forces of Zur and the Kodan Armada....

That's pretty much what I'm hearing here....

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