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'Meteor' prompts Devon and Cornwall tremor reports

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posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 10:03 PM
if that meteor did that to that guys head I am stayin inside!


posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by SkipperJohn

Close shave for sure

I wondered earlier if these sonic booms could all be related to a single asteroid which has broken up and is in orbit around the Earth with fragments re-entering seperately? Is this a possibility or would these fragments have been detected?

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Hey FireballStorm. Glad I caught your entries. Have you recorded any Orionids? Let us know.

Hi there intrptr.

The Orionids is a bit too weak of a shower for me to run my cameras and wear the shutters for the sake of catching one or two dim meteors. I'm waiting for the Geminids in less than two months time now Also in the process of moving to a new property in a rural area, which will save me having to drive for hours to a reasonably dark sky site. Just got the contract today, so with any luck I should be moved in in time for the Geminids! When I'm settled I also intend to setup a dedicated fireball camera/cameras that will record any fireball automatically.

Originally posted by intrptr
And have you had a chance to analyze any of this?

Meteor over SF Bay Area

I have been following the reports. There are rumors that a meteorite fragment has been found, but that has yet to be confirmed as far as I'm aware.

NASA is on the case with the analysis. This was posted on

METEOR MAKES LANDFALL: A small asteroid that exploded over the San Francisco Bay Area on Oct. 17th, shaking houses with its sonic boom, might have scattered pieces of itself on the ground. That's the conclusion of Peter Jenniskens of the NASA Ames Research Center. He triangulated data from a pair of meteor surveillance cameras to determine the fireball's trajectory, denoted by the black arrow in the map below:

"The asteroid entered at a [relatively slow] speed of 14 km/s. There's a good chance that a fairly large fraction of this rock survived and fell somewhere around the North Bay," says Jenniskens. "Much more accurate results will follow from a comprehensive study of the video records. Now, we hope that someone recovers a meteorite on the ground."

In the map, red dots represent the surveillance cameras Jenniskens used to calculate the trajectory. The black arrow traces the asteroid's path; 85 km and 39 km are the altitudes of the asteroid at the two ends of the arrow. Jenniskens adds that "39 km is not the end point, but the final bit captured by the San Mateo video camera." The disintegrating asteroid continued beyond the tip of the arrow for a possible landfall somewhere north of San Francisco. Stay tuned for updates on the meteorite hunt.

Note: This was not an Orionid.

edit on 22-10-2012 by FireballStorm because: clarification

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:14 PM
i've been into watching meteor showers since i was a little kid. the current wave of meteors and 'fireballs', and the 'sonic booms' accompanying them, are unprecedented. this is not normal.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by FireballStorm

Yep. Lucky earther gets roof rattled by bit of boloid...

Meteorite Lottery winner...

I missed it, even though I was outside walking my dog about then. Little further North of me...
Thanks for the update about Geminids. Hope things are all settled for you by then.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
I wondered earlier if these sonic booms could all be related to a single asteroid which has broken up and is in orbit around the Earth with fragments re-entering seperately? Is this a possibility or would these fragments have been detected?

I'm not sure if you are aware fiftyfifty, but we just had one of those.

They are extremely rare events however, so although there is a chance that this event may have been another (or even related to last month's event), without any evidence to support the theory, I personally don't think it's likely.

I also posted another speculative theory that it may have been caused by reentering space junk, but I do think that an unrelated natural fireball is still by far the most likely possibility.

It's been estimated that there are two fireball events every day on average somewhere in the world that are capable of dropping meteorites on the ground/making sonic booms that are heard in the ground. It may well just be that this quota happened to be occurring over populated areas recently, rather than over ocean/uninhabited areas as these events usually do.

It has been estimated that 100,000 tonnes of extraterrestrial material reach the Earth's surface every year. It can be anything from fine dust to metallic masses weighing many tonnes.
Extraterrestrial material that falls towards the Earth is classified by size. The majority of this material is in the form of tiny particles called micrometeorites. They fall continuously, and arrive unnoticed.
Meteors or 'shooting stars' are often seen in a clear night sky. They are larger dust particles and small rocky fragments, many no more than a gram in weight, which are burnt up by friction as they fall through the Earth's atmosphere.

Source: Oxford University Museum Of Natural History

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by intrptr


Sounds like it's been confirmed by Peter Jenniskens, which is good enough for me.

Have you considered have a little wonder a bit further North of where you are to look for fragments?

I didn't realize you were around that area. We'll have to hook up next time I'm over there - my sister is in the North LA area.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by FireballStorm

Sorry for the delay. I have other things going on right now that take me away for a bit. I'm in SF South Bay.

I thought about hunting them but so many are already on it. Its in the news a lot here. Nasa / Ames even is calling for testimony and pics to help determine fallout path. And they are organizing amateur search teams to look where they indicate.

A lot of that area is wine country and I was thinking if I could get a ride on tractors that fertilize or drive the grape fields that might be one avenue of approach to look for bits. Also waiting for a few more samples to be found to indicate closer where to look. If you do make it some day, ping me and we'll see about a meet.

My dream of hunting meteoric treasure is to 4 wheel it around on dry lake beds in the desert. Less competition. Been to the arctic lately? They silhouette black against ice fields and are visible for miles with binocs. I learned that from the meteor man.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
My dream of hunting meteoric treasure is to 4 wheel it around on dry lake beds in the desert. Less competition. Been to the arctic lately? They silhouette black against ice fields and are visible for miles with binocs. I learned that from the meteor man.

My partner and I share the same dream as you have.

Wide open featureless areas and 4x4's (or whatever will get us there!).

I guess you've heard of it, but the Imilac strewnfield, Atacama Desert is one place that is high up on my "wish list" of places to visit.

Anyway, hope you get a chance to search for fragments from the Novato meteorite, and good luck if you do!

It's a long way off yet (although I'm sure it'll be here before we know it) but if the forecast remains good we will probably be over there in 2014.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by FireballStorm

I also keep my eyes peeled for other ways of finding neat rocks. Believe it or not, people throw away a lot of junk and sometimes that includes rock collections. I have a garage full that may include some small specimens of meteorites. I have yet to get them verified. They just "look like" things that could be...

I know, I know, I will get ambitious enough some day. Nowadays I just rather enjoy exploring the world around me from the internet. To me that is enough for now. Will stay in touch...

Happy hunting.

Meteor Man

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 08:29 AM
I would point out here that the current hurricane/storm that has hit America is following the path of two meteorites. The first was the large meteorite that travelled in the direction of Northern Canada, while the second was the recent sonic booms in the area of New Jersey.

That's a coincidence. If it's not then the implication is of similar storms in Devon/Cornwall pretty soon now. We are seeing weather in France and Switzerland, and next would be a storm in the San Francisco bay area.

When I track these event's I'm looking for corroborating evidence (dead birds etc) both were present in the Northern Canada fireball and the New Jersey sonic boom. As I'm looking for entry into the solar system over the oceans (to avoid observation) I usually find the location with Google maps and then zoom out to see the context with the ocean arrival point. In doing so I'm aware of the trajectory being followed. So when I see weather maps where this storm is following the same trajectories, it is a concern. In the case of Devon/Cornwall the contributing evidence comes from Chemtrails just before. So if there is some influence over the weather caused by devices (if not meteors) then Devon/Cornwall would tend to be next. That's something to watch for.

In conquering a world Adolf was defeated by the weather in Russia. Any advanced race from a smaller world would have less people than we do. Direct conflict would result in us winning just on numbers. Vietnam is a fine example. To defeat a world a better weapon would have to be used. Using Nuclear bombs would defeat the object of the exercise. Using the weather would be an excellent choice. We know that the weather can be controlled by our own military efforts, an alien race might have better more effective methods.

This could be an attack, but on the other hand it could just be the green house effect as there is a notable similarity with the film The Day After Tomorrow.

posted on Oct, 30 2012 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by MDDoxs
Interesting development.

All this brings up a troubling thought; Why are there no warnings?

I realize tracking these objects is difficult, but if we can not efficiently track these types of things, it does not take a very large chunk of space rock to do significant! damage.
edit on 19-10-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

I sometimes think the same but at others i honestly think "what would be the point of warning us?". I mean, really? If something massive was going to smash into us, what good would knowing it was coming do? Not like you could effectively prepare for it and the hours leading up to it would be truly horrific.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 08:15 AM
What would be the point of warning us?

Forewarned is forearmed. Specifically we must remember that this is a physically large planet. In the case of solar flares, a coronal mass ejection does take some time to arrive but as it's travelling from the Sun typically it would only impact on the lit side of the planet facing the sun. Thus if you are warned and you were careful to only use electronic appliances AFTER DARK then they wouldn't get fried. You would only follow such a strategy if warned.

In the case of a meteor impact. First it has to be big enough to detect but if it is and it impacts the likelihood that it will not be huge in size also implies that the devastation would be limited to the half of the planet around the impact site. If you were warned you could move to the other side of the planet (and quite quickly these days).

In the case of some kind of radiation from the sun that would kill life directly. A super powerful X-flare. Again only the lit side of the planet would die. Possible evacuation for some warned in advance and afterwards everyone would spread evenly around the world again. Every 50% reduction would still leave survivors.

With a solar flare wiping out the electricity supply. Knowing that one is the cause of the other would result in my filling the numerous empty milk bottles I have lying around - with water from the taps, as the pumps battery backup would fail 2 hours later. That's a lot of water. Stored as a result of the warning. With the bathtub full as well (as per Australian survival rules). The lack of water could then be accounted for by advanced preparation.

Ultimately people talk about the end of the world, but that's a matter of definition. Mostly they think it's their own demise. The planet would always survive even if reduced to rubble it would still aggregate back into a planet eventually thus not ending. If the air became unbreathable, vegetation would still survive so the world wouldn't end. Even if half the people died the gene pool has in the past dwindled down to 100 individuals and it still wasn't the end of the world. Being warned leads to being prepared. What if we didn't warn drinkers not to drive?

The chaos that would be caused by a warning would extend for the duration of the warning. No warning would result in the shorter version termed mayhem as it would be more extreme than chaos. We must confront disaster and be prepared for disaster. We must not ignore the possibility. Simple changes to lifestyle - a kettle that you stand on a hob instead of one you plug in, could also function on a primitive fire in the absence of electricity, thus hedging your bets and embracing more flexible technologies. The military does that all the time!

In conclusion we require a warning before the event (not after the event as the media is apt to do). Where is the news paper with tomorrows news in it, rather than yesterdays news? If the circus come to town on Tuesday, I want to know about it on Monday, I don't want to read about how great it was on Wednesday (if only I had known). It's better to be warned.

posted on Oct, 31 2012 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by Flavian

Originally posted by MDDoxs
Interesting development.

All this brings up a troubling thought; Why are there no warnings?

I realize tracking these objects is difficult, but if we can not efficiently track these types of things, it does not take a very large chunk of space rock to do significant! damage.
edit on 19-10-2012 by MDDoxs because: (no reason given)

I sometimes think the same but at others i honestly think "what would be the point of warning us?". I mean, really? If something massive was going to smash into us, what good would knowing it was coming do? Not like you could effectively prepare for it and the hours leading up to it would be truly horrific.

Yes, but the size class of object we are discussing here is in the vast majority of cases incapable of causing significant damage. See my post here for a more detailed explanation.

It actually does take a fairly large object (unless it's very dense - but the majority are not) to cause significant damage on the ground. Thankfully objects that are large/dense enough to do damage do not hit often, unlike the class of object we are discussing here, which is relatively very common.

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 12:22 AM
Well got the UFOCapture program and camera going a few day's ago
nothing so far

wife was looking at me kind of funny when she saw me running around the yard in the dard and turning a mini flaslight on and off then checking my computor

But now it pointing up so now UFO or Meteor I'm ready

Ok now remember this was a test run to see if I could post it to YouTube

not a UFO or Meteor ( a mini flasflight going on and off)

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Trillium

It will be interesting to see if you catch anything! Are you in the UK?

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by fiftyfifty
reply to post by Trillium

It will be interesting to see if you catch anything! Are you in the UK?

Sorry I'm in Northern Ontario Canada on 3 acres about 50 kelometer from town
on main highway 11

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 07:23 AM

"This UFO war is an extension of alleged naval battles off the coast of San Francisco earlier reported by Gordon Duff from Veterans Today who refers to his own unnamed “reliable” sources."

As I've suggested there might be something going on! The source here is dubious at best. It might also be disinformation as we are asked to look at the South Pole rather than the North Pole.

posted on Nov, 3 2012 @ 09:49 AM

The video here is especially useful (Russian with English subtitles). The last part deals with the polar regions of the earth.

Kettlers drivel descends to Reptilians - thus false disinformation. As you probably realise talk concerning Reptile aliens comes from the Sumerian gods and their creation myths. Those were not generally factual and were religious just as religions came up with their own ideas about the creation of the world. Perhaps certain cults like these myths and promote them? The general view is that faster than light travel is unlikely.

The big bang as suggested would and could explode faster than light (and did). I suggest two universes. A universe of waves cast into the future and a universe of particles cast into the past (as previous said). They are connected by the singularity and light bounces back and forth. They appear to be magnetically polarised and in our universe the permanent magnet is a fine example. But... you have opposing time flow:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Particle universe
..................^..........v.......................Time bubble

posted on Nov, 7 2012 @ 11:13 AM
The Gordon Duff link is:

Looks real and: "Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these operations will lead to fatal consequences." is one of the points raised. Not entirely sure why these things are kept secret, obviously something to do with people being better off not warned?

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