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California VS MONSANTO & co – PROP 37, Pick your side

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posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:25 PM
Greetings to all Ignorance Deniers on ATS.

The more important CLASH of INTERESTS in our Generation is just about to unfold.
In less than a month to go, on 6th O November the Californians will say YES or NO for the Right to Know what they are eating.

If the *Yes* crowd win, Californians food sellers and producers will be subjected to GMO labeling laws.
In the case of a *NO* victory, everything stays as it is.

I don't want to elaborate to much on the details of the PROP 37, because we are here at the ATS, research and a constructive debate will hopefully close the gap.

The guys of the US and international MSM are busy “sexing up” the PUPET SHOW.
They are ignoring or playing down the importance of the referendum as much as they can.

Even here on the ATS, as I see it, this topic is not becoming the attention it deserves.
However, I'm quite excited to see the outcome of our discussion and I would really request all members of the ATS-community to really give their best to see what is at stake in California.
Let's try to go beyond old rivalries, petty differences and the small desires of the EGO.

I don't see much room for the Divide and Conquer agents here. However, we should not ostracize other people's opinions and arguments. Every soul is a battle field!

I personally think that here lies the key to set a process in motion that will/can potentially change the entire world we live in.
Maybe there is a weak spot on the armor of the system and California may blow the first huge whole on it.
Let's us all give ourselves a chance rethink and expand above of what we think we already know.

PROP37 may be the so long awaited chance to PUSH BACK that many of us have been waiting for so long.
PROP 37 is at the cross road of OUR future, the future of our children, their children and all generations yet to come.
Let's try to understand where do the roads lead.

California will send a strong shock wave to the entire world.
Now we are all Californians, lets get this one right!

To add more 2 c, I'd like to give you guys some food for thought with some Bio Diversity's very close related questions.

Here it goes:

1) Why is 95% of the global food production based on only ca. 30 plants types, regardless of the fact that ca. 75000 plants are suitable for human consumption?

2) Why are the original ca 50000 rice sorts in India being reduced to only 30-50 in the last 100 years? Do you have something similar in your country?

3) Why 75% from all domestic plants (agricultural crops) have gone missing in the last 100 years?

4) I think everybody here on ATS have heard about the Seed Bunkers being built or already built almost everywhere in the world. Does anyone knows how to get to any of them? Who has the keys to the Bunkers?
5) Are you aware of the fact that we about to be the first generation of humans that is not able to feed itself without a handful of Corporations?
6) What do you thing about patents and monopole of agricultural crops?

Ok, That's it
pick your side let us know why

Thank you guys


When they turn the pages of history
When these days have passed long ago
Will they read of us with sadness
For the SEEDS that WE LET GROW
We turned our gaze
From the castles in the distance
Eyes cast down
On the path of least resistance

Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wise

The hypocrites are slandering
The sacred halls of Truth
Ancient nobles showering
Their bitterness on youth
Can't we find
The minds that made us strong
Can't we learn
To feel what's right and wrong

Cities full of hatred
Fear and lies
Withered hearts
And cruel, tormented eyes
Scheming demons
Dressed in kingly guise
Beating down the multitude
And scoffing at the wise
Why can't we raise our eyes
And make a start
Can't we find the minds
To lead us closer to the Heart

lyrics by N. Peart

edit on 17-10-2012 by sidLives because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-10-2012 by sidLives because: spelling

edit on 17-10-2012 by sidLives because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:39 PM
I really cant understand why anyone would vote no, I would love to know what there reasons would be.

Anyway I doubt this will shock the world as gmo products are outlawed in some nations in Europe, not sure about elsewhere and I know of atleast one major food store chain in the uk that does not sell gmo products when it comes to their own branded items.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:41 PM
Monsanto needs to die,.
I am for all natural foods no GMO

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by lewman
I really cant understand why anyone would vote no, I would love to know what there reasons would be.

Anyway I doubt this will shock the world as gmo products are outlawed in some nations in Europe, not sure about elsewhere and I know of atleast one major food store chain in the uk that does not sell gmo products when it comes to their own branded items.

Amazing what happens when the people actually get a voice vs being dictated to. Kudos to California!
edit on 17-10-2012 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

It will probably pass, then Monsanto and friends will trot out the legal teams and tie it up in court for about a million years or so.

But you know, it's a start. And each move toward getting this information into the public awareness is a step in the right direction.

We have a right to know what is in our food.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by sidLives

Even here on the ATS, as I see it, this topic is not becoming the attention it deserves.

Um... Where have you been?
Nearly every tenth post is anti GMO.
Ok so I am over exaggerating a bit, but really, it is a popular subject here.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by JustSlowlyBackAway
Oh much agreed,.
I am awaiting the latest french research on the rats and tumors from GM corn to be blasted from the monfranken team.. nevertheless.. I do my best to inform, inform, inform

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 09:13 PM
There are some people that are independent and can think for themselves.
Then there are others who are to lazy to look into things for themselves and apply basic critical thinking skills. They also need their hand held by the state when they go into the store, they can't bother to think for 2 seconds and recognize that most produce is genetically modified and chances are, unless it has the organic label on it chances are it is genetically modified or it has something else they were told to be afraid of. What is more is that these people also think that everyone is as indoctrinated into mindlessness as them. Im not "against" the labeling specifically im just getting sick of the warnings that have to be put on everything because of stupid people.

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 09:24 PM
S&F! I hope the Yea's get it. If so, it will just be a matter of time before other states will follow suit. I can't wait!!!!!!! The people will now be able to vote with their pocketbooks just what they want to put in their mouths. This will (hopefully) send a strong message to Monsanto that we want them OUT. It's silly, manufacturers have to list the material contents in the mattress you sleep on but companies don't have to list the true contents of the food items you put in your mouth. How backwards is that?!?

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by lewman

Not really, in Europe the import of products containing GMOs is still allowed. What they got in the EU os basically the work of politicians. What is happening in California is the real Deal! In California we have a real Grass Root awareness . If it passes, The corporates will have to change their "habits" everywhere in the USA and the rest of the world will hear.
Besides, lets see it as the first steep in a long journey.

edit on 17-10-2012 by sidLives because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by elouina

Oh... sorry. I mean posts about the PROP 37.
I'm still struggling to navigate on the ATS site.
Thanks for the info

posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by sidLives

Welcome to ATS.

The song lyrics says it all for me. I often ponder the weaknesses we have that would allow for a corporation to make so much progress into the poisoning of us and the very environment that sustains us.

The winning of this proposition will go far and make not only head way into the people of the world kicking the corporate greed out of our food supply, but also our water supply, our private lives and the other freedoms that have been systematically exploited and eroded for a buck.

Nice thread.

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Superhans

As I see it, you have made some good points here, but maybe we should give ourselves another chance to expand our views.

There are some people that are independent and can think for themselves.

I agree with that and still think that we should not give anybody up. Maybe a spark could light some few candles down the road. I just think, it would be a “good investment” on the future.

Then there are others who are to lazy to look into things for themselves and apply basic critical thinking skills. They also need their hand held by the state when they go into the store, they can't bother to think for 2 seconds and recognize that most produce is genetically modified and chances are, unless it has the organic label on it chances are it is genetically modified or it has something else they were told to be afraid of. What is more is that these people also think that everyone is as indoctrinated into mindlessness as them. Im not "against" the labeling specifically im just getting sick of the warnings that have to be put on everything because of stupid people.

Do you know, I'm also not a big fan of the skewed gov. laws, regulations and warnings for everything we do in our lives.
But, labeling laws are already in place every where, Ink is cheep, why not extend to GMOs too?
I see it as one of the last loop wholes in the system.
The more they fight it, the easier it will be to awake the masses. We should not vacillate a sec to explore it.

I think we need everybody on board. Every Soul is a Battlefield.
Most people have had too much faith in the system they live in for too long to realize what is going on .
They've been educated and indoctrinated , as you rightly pointed out, to believe that everything is fine, NEVER NEED TO WONDER HOW OR WHY.

Besides, the architects of the system are clever enough to keep them too distracted with futilities, busy and confused with artificial problems like the enemy far way, the next coming crisis or the ongoing Puppets Show we use to call democracy.
Most of them strongly believe that they should be already happy to just survive.

For the sake of us all, keep in mind that what we have here is very big.
Ignorance Deniers should not be afraid to try to understand what LIFE is all about.
Please spread the SEEDS of awareness as far as he can.

It's a Referendum about *** INDEPENDENCE vs CORPORATE dominance ***!
Thanks again

Peace and Spark

+Star for you brother

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 12:18 PM
I'd vote no on it because all this concern is really hyped up hyperbolic nonsense about how the GMOs cause this and causes that. What it really amounts to is paranoia because it means change, and people are highly resistant to change. I want real proof that it causes harm. I want real proof from objective and unbiased sources.

Other than that I just vote no on all new propositions because we don't need any new legislation and there's far too much of it on the books as it is. All the government does is take things away from people, and I'm tired of all kinds of legislation saying you can't do this you can't do that. America was built on the promise of freedom, and was not meant to be so restrictive on people.

So we don't need any more damned legislation.

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

Thank you for giving your honest & valid opinion!
I hope you stay with us in this thread and keep elaborating on your view

A big star for you brother

peace and respect

posted on Oct, 19 2012 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by sidLives

I'm in California and I fully support prop 37.

The worning may make it a feed ground for frivolus lawsuits but we will work on that later.
Even if food does cost 400. more per year on average (as they are saying in the bill) it is still cheaper than paying the hospital to undo the health damage done by GMO food.
If it were so harmless why does Monsanto go to such lengths to hide it?

posted on Oct, 19 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by lewmanAnyway I doubt this will shock the world as gmo products are outlawed in some nations in Europe,

If those nations are Spain, Greece and the other nations torpedoed by the banks, They could svae themselves by exporting non GMO food to the US I would (and have) paid more and chosen imports that over local grown, unlabled probably GMO food.

If we had a chance to vote with our dollars the GMOs would go away.
GMOs are either industrial products (corn for alcohol) or patened for the express purpose of stealing a farmers land through lawsuits.

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