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Thank Allah for the War on Terror

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posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:45 AM
We have a problem in America. And it's a real problem -- not one of those cooked-up-for-the-news-cycle problems like Libya or Iran. It's an existential threat to our way of life in a much, much bigger way than Al Qaeda ever could be. It's more insidious than Fascism, and more subtle than Socialism. It's a combination of all the worst possible outcomes for our Nation and it's breeding like a wildfire through a dried out forest. This evil seeks out our children and corrupts them. It targets grown men and women who stand up against it and tears them down. It comforts us with lies broadcast to tens of millions. It has gained a permanent foothold in our schools, in our churches, and in our sports. It has crept up like a thief in the night and even now, with the dagger in our backs, we don't even realize we have been attacked. As our nation's blood runs down to the gutter we will soon occupy ourselves, we go on as if nothing is wrong -- maybe a little tired, maybe a little irritable -- but unaware.

What is this creeping menace? Is it the Government? No. Is it guns? No. Is it drugs? China? The "economy"? No. Corporations? The Military Industrial Complex? No. It is none of these, because all of those problems have one thing in common not shared with this present and invisible threat: Those problems all have solutions. The problem I'm talking about is without resolution, and it stalks us day and night just biding its time, knowing that we are powerless to defend ourselves against it.

The truth is as simple as it is horrific: Americans have ceased to believe in America. It is we who are the worst enemies of this Republic. We have contracted a full-blown case of national auto-immune disorder, and soon there will be no time left to find a cure. We are on our last legs as a free Republic, and I'll give you a few concrete examples why this is true.

Liberty. This word is repeated so often that we are almost completely desensitized to it. When we think of "liberty," what do we imagine? Flags. Parades. Wars of defense. National heroes. Acts of valor. Uniforms. I tell you that these things are not Liberty, clothed in the vestiges of freedom though they may be. Liberty is something else entirely. It is the right to live your life as you wish -- free from hindrance and obstruction by anyone, including your own Government. But liberty also means the good sense to stay out of other people's way, too. It means fighting to the death to defend a man's or woman's right to do something you detest, on principle.

You cannot know the meaning of Liberty until you have chosen to defend the Liberty of someone you hate. You cannot be both a Freedom-Fighter and a Freedom-Denier. You cannot blow the trumpet of Freedom while inhaling the poisonous fumes of hatred and fear. You cannot claim to love your rights while you clamor for the end of the rights to anyone who challenges your views and beliefs.

And you cannot claim that you have fought to defend Liberty, or that our soldiers have fought to defend Liberty, when you are unwilling to afford Liberty even to those who contradict this claim.

Privacy. Your life is your own. What you do is your business. This is supposed to be a revered and self-evident truth for Americans. We have a right to privacy; to the reasonable expectation that no one can stick their nose into our business. And, yet, even as we send tens of thousands of soldiers overseas -- ostensibly to defend our "Rights" -- we are losing our rights faster every day here at home! We no longer have the right to communicate with our friends and relatives without some Government snoop listening in. We no longer have the right to freely associate with whom we choose, or to post what we like to whomever we please on the Internet, without falling into some watch list. We do not have the right to peacefully assemble, wherever and whenever we please, to air our grievances. We no longer have the right to come and go into and out of the country -- or even to travel a highway near the border -- without inspections and checkpoints.

These rights we have given up in the name of Security are the same rights our fathers fought and died to secure and defend in generations past. But we are content with Reality TV and pop music; we are happy to sell out our nation's heritage for the bold-faced lie of "Security." We have no privacy -- what is ours is theirs, and what is theirs is secret. Our money, our lives, our very identities are merely variables in a program and we are counted as statistics.

Civility. No nation can last long with every Citizen at some other Citizen's throat. "A house divided against itself cannot stand," Lincoln said. Well, we may not be in the violent throes of a second Civil War today by military standards, but by civil standards we are hardly far from it! Our nation was built on the assumption that people may reasonably disagree on the issues, but can nonetheless count each other as brothers and sisters in this Republic. But today, that is no longer true. A disagreement about healthcare, taxes, or the military inevitably leads to accusations of treason, and demands for someone to "Love it or Leave it." And what higher form of love can one have for his country than the desire to perfect it?

Americans no longer believe in the America that our founders created. We do not want a nation that minds its own business; we do not want a government that knows its place; we do not want to be civil to one another. We do not WANT to be FREE. And so, the government gives us what we do want, because that is what it was designed to do.

Have a pleasant 21st Century, America.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by vexati0n

Originally posted by vexati0n
Americans no longer believe in the America that our founders created. We do not want a nation that minds its own business; we do not want a government that knows its place; we do not want to be civil to one another. We do not WANT to be FREE. And so, the government gives us what we do want, because that is what it was designed to do.

This is something that Ron Paul has said frequently, that "government is a reflection of the people, if you want to be the policeman of the World, if you want a nanny state that takes care of you from the cradle to the grave, if you want to give up your freedoms in the name of 'security', if you want banker bailouts, if you want run away debt" etc.

And while I agree with this, I think that there is a bit more to it.

At the height of the opposition to the Iraq invasion, 70% of Americans wanted our troops to come home, yet the government did nothing. I would argue that most Americans think that government borrows and spends too much, yet nothing changes. Its probably safe to say that most Americans think that government oversteps its boundaries ("authority"), but its business as usual.

The government simply does not care about the will of the people.

Now I think Ron Paul's point was that if you want a giant police state, if you want to be involved in endless wars, if you want a government whose spending is out of control, then youll vote for the typical 2-Party establishment candidates.

If you value freedom, limited government, sound money, fiscal responsibility and peace, the American people would have voted for Ron Paul.

Problem is, people are easily brain washed and influenced. If it were not for the constant media and establishment attacks on Ron Paul, the people may have swept him into office.

This holds true for many issues. The establishment bombards Americans with constant propaganda. And while we are responsible for our own actions, there is a lot of mind control at play.

edit on 16-10-2012 by gladtobehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
reply to post by vexati0n


I'll have to add onto your post...

Well said.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 11:52 AM
Muslim terrorists deserve to meet "allah" sooner rather than later.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:01 PM
why would you bring up allah in this thread

if you want to blame someone about terrorists then let me remind you

the "terrorists" at the moment are sponsered by the west..both in Libya and Syria...not to forget tunis and egypt.

without bin couldnt invade 15 countries looking for him....

so you need to thank yourself for the terrorists....and stop blaming people for your perceptions.

americans are people cant label the whole country with one view....

i just read your op...dude...i think you need to marinate your thoughts before you share.
the title has nothing to do with the body?
edit on 16-10-2012 by thePharaoh because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:02 PM
I do not understand why you have the title you do.

Could you help me understand?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:06 PM
Maybe the OP is a Muslim American and a Patriot. Maybe the OP is not a Muslim American but wanted to make a statement about how we tend to fracture and divide amongst ourselves over labels and lesser issues than that we are ALL Americans, regardless of color, creed, religion, etc.

That would be my guess as to why Allah is in the title.


posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
I do not understand why you have the title you do.

Could you help me understand?

Because of the irony of the whole hilarious sideshow that is America. We send troops overseas to plunder and kill in the name of Freedom -- defeating "Evildoers" who believe in this fictional caricature of Allah, and "defending the Rights and Freedoms of Americans at home" -- meanwhile, we are plundered and subjected to a police state in the name of Freedom here!

Certainly Allah would not condone any of this nonsense, if he is any kind of reasonable god at all; but when Americans look back on this century as the years when democracy died, we will understand that we have no one to blame but ourselves and our ridiculous fear-mongering and our frothing knee-jerk hatred of anything and anyone different from us. Many Americans seem to think Allah personifies all the evil in this world -- well, they will learn to understand it is their own ignorant understanding of the world that gave rise to the New America.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by solidguy
Muslim terrorists deserve to meet "allah" sooner rather than later.

And by saying that, so do Western gvernment officials for pouring money into their causes. Just remember where most of those terrorists came from. Your hard earned tax dollars.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide

Maybe the OP is a Muslim American and a Patriot. Maybe the OP is not a Muslim American but wanted to make a statement about how we tend to fracture and divide amongst ourselves over labels and lesser issues than that we are ALL Americans, regardless of color, creed, religion, etc.

That would be my guess as to why Allah is in the title.


Patriotism is what causes division amongst humans with those invisible lines we call borders.

If we were patriotic about being Earth citizens I would be the most patriotic and proud to be a part of such a unit.

What the OP states has so much truth with many free societies especially the US. Even the way you have tried to interpret what the OP meant by the title I still dont see why. No Muslim would thank Allah for any war especially a war that can create enemies as it pleases. The only reason that seems logical to me is the OP is after some type of reaction, whether to debate and prove a point or just to poke us with a stick.

Thats why Im hoping the OP can help me understand what the connection is between the title and the post.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by vexati0n

Originally posted by InhaleExhale
I do not understand why you have the title you do.

Could you help me understand?

Because of the irony of the whole hilarious sideshow that is America. We send troops overseas to plunder and kill in the name of Freedom -- defeating "Evildoers" who believe in this fictional caricature of Allah, and "defending the Rights and Freedoms of Americans at home" -- meanwhile, we are plundered and subjected to a police state in the name of Freedom here!

Certainly Allah would not condone any of this nonsense, if he is any kind of reasonable god at all; but when Americans look back on this century as the years when democracy died, we will understand that we have no one to blame but ourselves and our ridiculous fear-mongering and our frothing knee-jerk hatred of anything and anyone different from us. Many Americans seem to think Allah personifies all the evil in this world -- well, they will learn to understand it is their own ignorant understanding of the world that gave rise to the New America.

Thank you, Star for your as you see through all the deception and how things really are with US foreign policy and American society.

question, how does such a small voice of reason be heard in an avalanche of ignorance?

Find an answer and change the world.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by vexati0n
When we think of "liberty," what do we imagine? Flags. Parades. Wars of defense. National heroes. Acts of valor. Uniforms. I tell you that these things are not Liberty, clothed in the vestiges of freedom though they may be. Liberty is something else entirely. It is the right to live your life as you wish -- free from hindrance and obstruction by anyone, including your own Government. But liberty also means the good sense to stay out of other people's way, too. It means fighting to the death to defend a man's or woman's right to do something you detest, on principle.

So basically we should allow everyone the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... which is all well and good, but you do realize it's the politicians trampling all over the Constitution right? Not the people. The reason so many are failing to believe in America is because of the scumbags we put in office.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by DarkKnight21

Originally posted by vexati0n
When we think of "liberty," what do we imagine? Flags. Parades. Wars of defense. National heroes. Acts of valor. Uniforms. I tell you that these things are not Liberty, clothed in the vestiges of freedom though they may be. Liberty is something else entirely. It is the right to live your life as you wish -- free from hindrance and obstruction by anyone, including your own Government. But liberty also means the good sense to stay out of other people's way, too. It means fighting to the death to defend a man's or woman's right to do something you detest, on principle.

So basically we should allow everyone the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... which is all well and good, but you do realize it's the politicians trampling all over the Constitution right? Not the people. The reason so many are failing to believe in America is because of the scumbags we put in office.

Politicians are there because we put them there. They don't get there on their own. Even if they cheat their way in, they only make it because we don't stop them. Either way the responsibility is on US. The government is going to fill every possible space we leave open: that's the nature of government. It isn't even that the government or politicians do this on purpose. It's just that it is OUR responsibility to be vigilant -- not their responsibility to be responsible.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by DarkKnight21

If we put them into office then how can they be to blame? It's easy pointing the finger, but more difficult owning up to the ones pointing back at ourselves.

The US government is rife with corruption because we the people have let it get this way. We got so wrapped up in shiny things that we took our eyes off of the ball. We let things go to pot. Now we're afraid to stand up and fix it because we're too attached to our shiny things and fear losing them.

We let the fox into the hen house and he isn't going to talk himself into leaving. We have to be the ones to get the fox out.


ETA: OP beat me to the punch! Kudos Sir!
edit on 10/16/12 by Hefficide because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by vexati0n

Originally posted by DarkKnight21

Originally posted by vexati0n
When we think of "liberty," what do we imagine? Flags. Parades. Wars of defense. National heroes. Acts of valor. Uniforms. I tell you that these things are not Liberty, clothed in the vestiges of freedom though they may be. Liberty is something else entirely. It is the right to live your life as you wish -- free from hindrance and obstruction by anyone, including your own Government. But liberty also means the good sense to stay out of other people's way, too. It means fighting to the death to defend a man's or woman's right to do something you detest, on principle.

So basically we should allow everyone the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... which is all well and good, but you do realize it's the politicians trampling all over the Constitution right? Not the people. The reason so many are failing to believe in America is because of the scumbags we put in office.

Politicians are there because we put them there. They don't get there on their own. Even if they cheat their way in, they only make it because we don't stop them. Either way the responsibility is on US. The government is going to fill every possible space we leave open: that's the nature of government. It isn't even that the government or politicians do this on purpose. It's just that it is OUR responsibility to be vigilant -- not their responsibility to be responsible.

It really doesn't matter, in my opinion. Even if we could kick whomever out of office whenever we wanted, the hand that feeds is still dangling money in front of whomever will play their next puppet. It's the bankers and the elite that are corrupting the system, and lack of integrity on our part that makes it the status quo. But still much more them than us.

Also, I still don't understand what "allah" has to do with this..?
edit on 10/16/2012 by DarkKnight21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by DarkKnight21

The banks are at the root of the problem, and people will never learn until they toss pin those worthless cartels against the wall and let them have it.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 01:18 PM
The body of your post was very well said and I agreed with nearly all of it. I'm still a little confused about the title, but did get me to click and see what was up.

Most Americans have no idea what Liberty and freedom mean...they would more than likely be terrified at the prospect of being responsible and self reliant...If our founding fathers saw us today...they would probably declare war.

Privacy? No such thing anymore. Not only because of the invasion capability of the technology we welcome into our homes...but because our neighbors tend to be more concerned with what is happening in "your" house rather than their own...which leads to your topic of "civility".

Civility...goes hand in hand with " be civilized. What an awesome concept...except it is diseased and dieing right in front of us. People have completely lost the concept of "live free". They have lost the notion that each human being is entitled to their opinion even if you disagree with them. I suppose they are afraid if you disagree with them, you might prove them wrong...and everyone loves to cling to their fallacies and dreams...regardless how ignorant they are. I always say the true test of a persons appreciation of Liberty and Freedom is whether or not you are willing to share that freedom with someone you completely disagree with. If you are not...then you don't really know what freedom means.

There are a lot of things in this world I disagree with. Somethings, in my opinion...are detrimental to many...some...not so much. In my opinion, when something intrudes on the freedom of many...or even one...there is a problem. I feel everyone should be free to confront life on their terms..,however that may be. I do not care how you choose to live your life as long as it doesn't impede upon my freedom or the freedom of another...that is the culmination of liberty and civility.

If you want to sit naked in your house, smoke weed and play video games or watch porn...that is your business, I do not care in the least...just don't bring it out into your yard...please.

Nice post...anytime you can inspire thought and's a good post. S & F for you.

What we are allowing to happen to us in this coordinated and focused effort to divide us is a terrible crime...allowing the loss of Liberty for someone because you dislike them or disagree with them is a sad-sad state of affairs...We watch stupefied while our Gov strips more and more freedoms away in the name of security...and I don't think they are finished yet.

edit on 10/16/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/16/2012 by Jeremiah65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by solidguy
Muslim terrorists deserve to meet "allah" sooner rather than later.

Unless Allah comes down to see thee terrorists...

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 04:10 AM
very well said,
i would like to add more, but ill just leave it at, no one in this country from households to leaders has any principles people just keep passin the buck and letting corporations/governments/boss'/neighbors walk all over them, and for those in power, not enough brass to stand up to those above and say
excuse after excuse after frakin excuse, thats all we get now out of the leaders leading us heh.

posted on Oct, 18 2012 @ 09:31 AM
Leave Allah, Jesus and Buddha alone. Rope and noose for everyone who did exactly what they didnt want.

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