posted on Oct, 17 2012 @ 02:10 AM
Ok people... here is the response from Shaun Whitehead....
Hello Peter
Thanks for your interest in the Djedi project. I can understand your frustration! The rather unglamorous truth is that the project has only ever
been a part-time one for us; it has no funding or particular support from the SCA, so we have worked on a best-efforts basis up to May 2010, and could
generally only visit Egypt during the university vacations. We have all the tools and instruments to look beyond both blocking stones in each shaft.
Unfortunately, as we were preparing to return, the problems began in Egypt. Along with all other missions, we had to resubmit our application. We
did, around 15 months ago, and we have since been assured that we can go back "when things settle down".
We have not penetrated the second blocking stone, it is not even clear that it is safe or sensible to do so. Almost all of our findings were
published in the formal report in ASAE. This is the right way to do things, unlike missions who reported on findings in the media and never published
anything properly.
I am currently working on my own interpretation of the Djedi story as well as the history and significance of the shafts. When this is complete it
will again be published in the proper way.
I'm afraid that I can't add anything more but I hope this has at least answered a large part of your question.
Shaun Whitehead
I must admit I am a little disappointed... I am surprised he calls it a "part time" project... this offends me slightly! I was convinced they had
already gone through the second slab... but it appears I was wrong.... anyhoo, looks like it's going to be a while before we get any answers!