posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 10:12 PM
I remember when it was different. Back in the day you could read the New Topic Firehose at your leisure. Even step away from the computer and when you
returned all would still be right with the world. New topics were added and old ones shaved away in an orderly fashion like how they load passengers
on the planes now. In your own row and by the numbers.
I don't know what's happening with the world today but it has all changed. Now it is a race to the finish line.
I'll be reading the New Topic Firehose page, it all doesn't fit on the screen of course so you have to scroll down.
I have to make a decision - read left to right or top to bottom sticking in the rows and advance quickly reading everything in view. Then scroll to
the earlier entries in the firehose I wasn't able to fit on my screen. I try to remember where that UFO or whatever I wanted to go back to was. Left
right or middle column and was it top middle or bottom of the hose itself?
Sometimes I read bottom up because when new entries are added those on the bottom vanish first and I don't want to miss anything. Which ever way I
end up reading I have to stick to it so I don't keep reading the same thread titles over so you get sort of a concentration and focus "rhythm"
going on...and
I usually ALMOST make it to the bottom of the entries.... but not quite. So close.
At some point what happens is my screen goes blank.
After that I can't really describe the horror.
All of the topics I have been studying get thrown up in the air unceremoniously and dropped back down on the page in no particular order. A tangled
mess of topics, the columns are reversed and the items so confusingly laid around I have to pick them all up again in my minds eye. It is like how
passengers used to board a plane with everyone scrambling to get in line first. A chaotic jumble of threads.
It feels as if I was playing solitaire and someone just came along and kicked my card table over.
Why do they have to change the columns arrangement?
What was wrong with the old way? It wasn't broke.
I feel better now that I have purged
these hateful emotions!