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I feel sorry for Americans

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posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:38 PM
Sometimes I wonder about our politicians agendas let me remind you my fellow Americans that everything our "leaders" do they do in our nation�s name.

And by the way US generosity toward other countries comes with a price tag and retribution.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:38 PM
I dunno about that, I enjoy electricity. ^_^ can't be too poor ya got a puter. unless its one of those communist community computer pods.... CCCP ya know.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:41 PM
I don't think you ever mentioned this, but you, webvida, are from 'where' again?

Personally and IMHO, you are exactly "who" to be judging Americans or anyone else for that matter?


[edit on 18-10-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:47 PM
I got news for you. Even most Americans who are dirt poor and without much opportunity are grateful to be Americans and not looking to move out.

Show me a country - any country - with an illegal American immigrant problem.

If I were elected president, I would set aside a few million dollars of the federal budget to "help" those persons who don't like living in the U.S. to get the duck outta here. Fly them over to Europe. Drive them over the border to Canada or Mexico. Cause forr each person who leaves, there are tens of thousands who want in.

Feel sorry for yourself, pally. It's wasted on us.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
I don't think you ever mentioned this, but you, webvida, are from 'where' again?

Personally and IMHO, you are exactly "who" to be judging Americans or anyone else for that matter?

I was born in New Zealand and currently reside where ever I please.

I am not judging anyone, I am just speaking my mind... , now "who" are you to be judging me? LOL actually what are the credentials required to become one of these "who" people? CAn you name a few "who"'s for me so I can know if someone has he right to judge me, or amercia, or ... whatever...

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:50 PM
it's funny how on forums threads just to turn into pointless silly little things that ohhh who cares.

gets some angst out?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Pyros
I got news for you. Even most Americans who are dirt poor and without much opportunity are grateful to be Americans and not looking to move out.

Show me a country - any country - with an illegal American immigrant problem.

If I were elected president, I would set aside a few million dollars of the federal budget to "help" those persons who don't like living in the U.S. to get the duck outta here. Fly them over to Europe. Drive them over the border to Canada or Mexico. Cause forr each person who leaves, there are tens of thousands who want in.

Feel sorry for yourself, pally. It's wasted on us.

Ah another utterance of suburban contentment or are you typing this from your "white trash" trailer park or is it from that piece of cardboard on the sidewalk...

Funny I ahven't heard much talk on the internet from "Even most Americans who are dirt poor" - can you direct me to their website? Thanks

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Pyros

Show me a country - any country - with an illegal American immigrant problem.

Maybe due to the fact that the US has raped and poisoned all the countries on her borders... you could say that these countries are in fact full of illegal american FACTORIES? Oh there is always Canada, but those peace lovin mung beans wouldn't put up with your violence...

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by webvida

Originally posted by ShadowXIX

The poverty line in America is a far cry from what people are going through in Africa. Most of whom would wish to be at the American poverty line level.

What people are going through in Africa cant even be compared to the US.

What is worse? Living in a country where virtually every other person is in the same boat as yourself or living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you have nothing while so many others around you have it all...

Maybe I am crazy, but I think I prefer poverty in the 3rd world - at least it is fair.

That's a good question, but maybe you should have worded it like this. What's worse? Living in a country where virtually every other person is in the same boat as yourself without any hope of ever getting out or living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you have nothing while so many others around you have it all perhaps giving you hope that anything is possible....

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:09 PM
I am going to Monday Night Football tonight!

St. Louis Missouri
Edward Jones Dome

St. Louis Rams vs Tampa Bay Bucs

I will have a Bud for ya all!

Go Rams !!!
Go Cards!!!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by livenlearn

That's a good question, but maybe you should have worded it like this. What's worse? Living in a country where virtually every other person is in the same boat as yourself without any hope of ever getting out or living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you have nothing while so many others around you have it all perhaps giving you hope that anything is possible....

Or better yet like this:

That's a good question, but maybe you should have worded it like this. What's worse? Living in a country where virtually every other person is in the same boat as yourself without any hope of ever getting out or living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you have nothing while so many others around you have it all perhaps giving you hope that anything is possible...

...if you are extremely lucky, or rob a bank! Hey but you can always have fulfilling employment at Wallmart or mcDonald's; this is especially cool if you are a single parent as it gives your children all sorts of opportunites to play with matches at home while you are working till 10pm - but wait that is not right... these people have no right and can't afford to have Children! They should have had an ABORTION!!!

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by webvida

Originally posted by livenlearn

That's a good question, but maybe you should have worded it like this. What's worse? Living in a country where virtually every other person is in the same boat as yourself without any hope of ever getting out or living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you have nothing while so many others around you have it all perhaps giving you hope that anything is possible....

Or better yet like this:

That's a good question, but maybe you should have worded it like this. What's worse? Living in a country where virtually every other person is in the same boat as yourself without any hope of ever getting out or living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you have nothing while so many others around you have it all perhaps giving you hope that anything is possible...

...if you are extremely lucky, or rob a bank! Hey but you can always have fulfilling employment at Wallmart or mcDonald's; this is especially cool if you are a single parent as it gives your children all sorts of opportunites to play with matches at home while you are working till 10pm - but wait that is not right... these people have no right and can't afford to have Children! They should have had an ABORTION!!!

Yeah Yeah Yeah, the grass is never greener right? Everyone has their issues. Sounds like you know ours, what's yours?

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by livenlearn
Yeah Yeah Yeah, the grass is never greener right? Everyone has their issues. Sounds like you know ours, what's yours?

Um quite a few, but currently concerned with the subject of this thread - you know, the "feeling sorry for Americans" thingy... not really an issue, more of a pity thing, which is awful really becuase I can't think of what I (or anyone else for that matter) could possibly do to help you all. Quite sad really.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by jrsdls
I for one would rather be here than any other place in the world. I have been around the world, I've seen it and know it's better here.

If one looks at historic immigration trends, it looks like most of the world agrees with you. I also notice that there is very little imimgration out of the United States.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
If one looks at historic immigration trends, it looks like most of the world agrees with you. I also notice that there is very little imimgration out of the United States.

Where would you go? They only ones that could afford to emigrate are the ones with money and they really have it too good to leave. And the poor unfortunates who do actually manage to immigrate to the USA must be shoked to find that they are nothing more than slave livestock imported to serve rich masters with no hope of ever making enough money to return home...


posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by webvida

I was born in New Zealand and currently reside where ever I please.

I am not judging anyone, I am just speaking my mind... , now "who" are you to be judging me? LOL actually what are the credentials required to become one of these "who" people? CAn you name a few "who"'s for me so I can know if someone has he right to judge me, or amercia, or ... whatever...

I was going to say that New Zealand was on my list of coolest countries even before you posted this. Iceland is awsome, Sweedan is way cool, Japan is awsome if you have the money. The USA is a damn fine country reguardless of our problems. This whole my country is better than your country argument is nothing more than annoying.


posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by webvida

Originally posted by livenlearn
Yeah Yeah Yeah, the grass is never greener right? Everyone has their issues. Sounds like you know ours, what's yours?

Um quite a few, but currently concerned with the subject of this thread - you know, the "feeling sorry for Americans" thingy... not really an issue, more of a pity thing, which is awful really becuase I can't think of what I (or anyone else for that matter) could possibly do to help you all. Quite sad really.

Hahaha, we don't need help from narrow minded people like you. Didn't you ever learn that what comes around goes around? Pretty basic but most people would agree it holds true. You're day will come. The only difference being, I genuinely we'll feel bad for your innocent ones and not feel pity except for people like yourself.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by webvida

What is worse? Living in a country where virtually every other person is in the same boat as yourself or living in a country where you are constantly reminded that you have nothing while so many others around you have it all...

Maybe I am crazy, but I think I prefer poverty in the 3rd world - at least it is fair.

wow you would really rather be in poverty level in Africa then in the US

$ 8,980 a year is average of the poverty line in the lower 48 in the US. Poor in Africa would wish for that much money. Many poor in Africa live on a less then $1 a day. That would be about a whopping $365 a year.

Lets not forget things like the genocides, Aids,Lack of medical supplies and hospitals and a host of other things, trust me theres alot more.

Yeah I think you are crazy to prefer poverty in Africa.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:43 PM
After the last elections we here in the States had several hollywood actors say they would leave the country if GWB was elected.

To my dissapointment, they are still hear.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 03:46 PM
I'm not the one saying my country is any better than anyone else's... it seems some of the Americans here are hooked on some sort of superiority complex...

The topic of this thread was concerned about my views on democrates and republicans, but has since been consigned to "America is the greatest, Amercia is the best, talk against America is not to be tolerated"!

I would like to know the percentage of Americans as opposed to the rest of the world who browse these forums - from what I have seen there is at times here a "patriot brigade" that gangs up on many posts which go against the "everyone loves america" agenda....

Don't get me wrong - I love the American People, I just don't like the US government

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