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Russian military pushing towards disclosure.

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posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 05:34 PM
There has been recently speculation as to UFO belligerence towards some of the militaries of earth.
A recent explosion of 4000 tons of stockpiled ammunition at a dump in russia was officially explained as being caused by a discarded cigarette end, rumours from the area have been saying that UFO's have been seen in the area and recently the military fired rounds at an object.

A russian three star general, who is still in the service of his country, has gone on the public record and stated that UFO's are real, that they are visiting earth, and, we should not be attempting to engage them using weaponry.
Also the recent statement from nick pope saying that the british government has "Alien weaponry and technology capable of fighting UFO's" has come at a time when the rumours of a uni-lateral force of many of the worlds governments capitalist and communist, working together to attack an Alien threat here on earth.

Personally, i hope any interaction between the governments of our planet and alien visitors are regarded with the respect that should be afforded to such a fantastic opportunity for human kind to begin our next stage of genetic and galactic development.
The PTB have a tendency to mess everything they can up, especially if it threatens the hegemonic status quo they have enjoyed for so long.

I hope they can see it is time for the people to be allowed to achieve the potential that lies in each person, that every person has the right of natural law to progress unhindered and unpolluted by the fear mongering backwards looking mindstate that has enslaved them for millenia.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 05:43 PM
In Russia, you don't give away state secrets unless you plan on coming down with an unexplained case of radiation poisoning. I don't believe him...

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 05:52 PM
I don't understand why people think because a report; or an investigation into aliens; is somehow MORE reliable coming from a Russian source. If anything, it makes it about 90% less reliable.

Who cares if an investigation is launched anyway? Anyone who has studied this area of research knows two things:
1. The truth is never told, it's always a half-baked story, repackaged to fit societal norms.
2. They sugar coat the results.
The reported cases of 'true' abductions are completely and utterly horrifying. They contain graphic mutilation and torture, medical examinations and forced sexual encounters. Who in their right minds would want this sort of things?

I was once told that if aliens don't do one of two things you know they're of the Satan persuasion. That being, demonic. The first was completely and openly denounce governmental atrocities and give FULL details as to why we should never trust politicians. The second was that they should have no problem declaring God and Yeshua/Jesus as LORD and master of all things created, this would be easy for an 'atheist', they'd just lie to you, but 'aliens' aren't allowed to as they'd have to admit Jesus' authority over them. Then rebuke them openly (test their spirits) with this "LORD rebuke you" or "Yeshua rebuke thee". This would have no effect if they're not demonic. NEVER say "I rebuke you in ".." name" that doesn't work and never has done, you have ZERO power over these entities, the LORD God does.

I think we should all practice caution in the field of both abduction and UFO cases. Do not invite it, or hope for it, please. I've seen a UFO up close, a big triangular one, I'll write about it sometime, it was horrifying.

To the OP. I understand your approach to the situation of 'first contact' however, please be careful. The entities lie, deceive, abduct and mutilate which is terrorism. This isn't some fantastic Hollywood film, it's reality and reality ALWAYS sucks. If these entities aren't malevolent I'd like ONE answer WHY OH WHY are they so clandestine? I mean really. If they're so good, and want to help, why do they hide. Don't give me the whole "there's bad aliens stopping them" either, they'd find a way to get their message out (every home has a television set, right, they could easily broadcast it). Does my head in that people think they're still good.

Stay safe people. God loves you.

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: Spelling mistakes. Grammar mistakes. Bad structure. No proof read.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 06:12 PM
I hope disclosure is coming, and I did find it strange that those bombs went off... a cigarette end? I'm no expert on bombs and that but how close would someone need to be to flick a tab end at a load of bombs? Was anyone killed?

I'm Thinking if the disclosure will happen it'll be the very last resort for the world elite...

reply to post by Joneselius

Sorry, I am missing something here? what exactly makes you qualified to say any of what you just said?
You start your post with racism and end it with god crap that many don't even believe let alone relate to!

edit on 14/10/2012 by StrangeWayz because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by StrangeWayz
reply to post by Joneselius

Sorry, I am missing something here? what exactly makes you qualified to say any of what you just said?
You start your post with racism and end it with god crap that many don't even believe let alone relate to!

I don't agree with a god argument coming into anything to with anything, but I wills say that Russia is notorious for bad information. Hence the old phrase "russian science" -tongue in cheek, when back in the 80s (?) it was so bad that anything out of Russia was considered bunk among some research circles... This isn't even taking into account the widespread corruption in every other industry...

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by boncho

Ok I get that, But the USSR is gone now, although the new gov isn't much better.. I just don't like people generalizing everyone in a country on a select few...

That is the fuel that propaganda runs on and it is the same reason that some people today still believe that all blacks are crooks, all whites are middle class and all Arabs are radicals, Russians are liers, the chinese are smart, the Americans are Stupid and we are perfect.. etc

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by StrangeWayz
reply to post by boncho

Ok I get that, But the USSR is gone now, although the new gov isn't much better.. I just don't like people generalizing everyone in a country on a select few...

That is the fuel that propaganda runs on and it is the same reason that some people today still believe that all blacks are crooks, all whites are middle class and all Arabs are radicals, Russians are liers, the chinese are smart, the Americans are Stupid and we are perfect.. etc

To be fair, if I was in Russia I'd be criticizing anything that came out of the US as well. I highly doubt any country at all has a good track record worldwide, especially when it comes to information disseminated into competing nations...

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by boncho
I will say that Russia is notorious for bad information.

So is your country, and just about any country owned by TPTB.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by VoidHawk

Originally posted by boncho
I will say that Russia is notorious for bad information.

So is your country, and just about any country owned by TPTB.

Yes I believe I summed that up in my last post. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 08:59 PM
If Aliens are here and do become hostile, we as a civilization will never make it if we continue to pass judgement on people for the sole reason of what country they are from (ie: don't trust a Russian or, as a Russian: don't trust an American). With a topic like this, prejudices should be forgotten and people must work together for the good of our planet.

Seriously, with the topic of aliens, etc.. Race,country of origin, etc should be completely insignificant in determining authenticity of any finding.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by The X

Personally, i hope any interaction between the governments of our planet and alien visitors are regarded with the respect that should be afforded to such a fantastic opportunity for human kind to begin our next stage of genetic and galactic development.

Right. And who's standing in the way of that, right now?

Them, not us.

Stop with the excuses. If you think alien visitors are coming here (I am not convinced), then they are flying around without our permission, without bothering to ask our permission, and have not given or done anything whatsoever to improve human lives and instead have only caused fear and anxiety, as one might expect from their actions.

They might not be enemies, but friends they are not.
edit on 14-10-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-10-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 11:56 PM

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by StrangeWayz

Actually I was referring to Russia's past of...... Lets just say, lack of honesty concerning anything to do with national security. So no, it's not racism and if you'd of asked me, instead of attacking, I'd of told you that.

You call it 'God crap', I call it truth. I don't think the 'elite' will have anything to do with the Nephilim at all, I think THEY think they do, but they wont. They're just as deceived as we are.

Now, because of your star hunger (ie calling me racist with no basis) tell me. When was the last time you saw ANY military general speak the truth and live? I don't see any, Russian, American, British..... NONE. Other than the occasional "this war was wrong, that war was wrong"...
edit on 11/10/2012 by Joneselius because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by The X

This sounds fascinating and will have to pick up on the video later.
Thanks for posting.
Russia and US both have any UFO ship developments confiscated from Germany WWII.
The technology is shared with the understanding the world economies depend on not
disclosing free energy flying ships and technology. Perhaps the military thinks they
will end up on top but they might be opposing official international agreements.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 10:46 PM
You are all wrong they work with aliens from the USA so even I am wrong as a potential psychic.

I do not know the truth and neither do you.

I f I knew I would share as the gov strategem suggest a single processor is weaker than many

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 10:54 PM
If this is true, I commend this guy.... but maybe he could give some more details as to why they think they should not be engaged with weapons?

It kinda points in two broad directions.... they are saying this as a friendly non violent gesture or they are are saying it will do no good and we know this becauuuusssssssee????


maybe one day we too will be able to form a more informed opinion when people decide they are ready to slither off another tiny piece of a detail.

how does this serve the public? yeah, thanks for the confirmation maybe one day we'll see action

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 11:04 PM
ever wonder why it's always generals and people in military operations?... because they can see them. we can't.

they don't want anyone communicating with them and they won't even admit they are there even if one was right over your house... and one may very well be right over your house, who knows. they could be spirits, they could be cloaking and that is very important... but they cannot even muster up the decency to give details on one event that might indicate how that works and why we cannot see them, but they could be very close to any one of you, so it seems. i won't give all the reasons for that last statement but it seems to be an overwhelming characteristic and i can certainly feel something but no longer see it.

spirit? invisible et? crappy et long distance service? I DON'T KNOW.

but somebody does.

does it matter if we go batty in all this? No.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 01:49 PM
sad to think that some people on this earth shoot these things, great example to set for our species

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 02:01 PM
well I cant say I believe him. You dont just say you will disclose things, and not do so fully all at once.

He is just looking for attention. His pals and him are probably just having a laugh. OR, they want to work the reverse of the ploy played to them in roswell, and make the Americans think they have UFO technology. They were duped then to think WE had it, now they want to make the americans think THEY have it or know what the real deal is.

and now for some bad pun....

In mother Russia Officials do not disclose secrets, state officials are kept in the dark about you!
edit on 16-10-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

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