i had my own problems with bullying. first i was told to fight back, even to the point of being yelled at by teachers because my elder sister was
getting upset at it. so i got in trouble for NOT fighting back. it was kinda hard to "just ignore the bullies" as they would hunt me down. i became
a fast runner and good tree climber to try to avoid the bullies (most of my male class mates).
then i started to try to fight back, of course then got in trouble for fighting. and since i was in so many fights I WAS THE PROBLEM, and was the one
getting in trouble over it, the bullies got away scott free.
that wasn't even the worst of it. once i started to get on the winning side of things, something interesting happened. INSTEAD of the bullies leaving
me alone, like i was told would happen, it just got WORSE. OTHER KIDS would join in to help their fellow out, so that i was facing MULTIPLE ATTACKERS
at once. yet i was STILL THE ONE that got in TROUBLE over the fights. also the fights were getting more and more serious to the point I WAS in FEAR OF
MY LIFE. but yet teachers would do NOTHING TO HELP, and i just spent MORE time being yelled at in the office. obviously it HAD to be MY FAULT that
most of the my class and other classes were attacking me.
of course i then learned about using ANYTHING i could get my hands on as a weapon, a branch, belt, book bag or even a chain became my tools to defend
myself. of course i got in yet MORE trouble over this but i had learned my lesson that i NEEDED to PROTECT myself, the bullies DESERVED what they got,
after all I STILL DID NOT WANT TO FIGHT, but i HAD to defend myself. i know many kids got injured but that as far as i could see was their problem.
one instance that stands out clearly in my mind was the day THE ENTIRE CLASS (of something like 32 boys), one grade below me decided to have fun. four
or five of them started in on me while the rest locked arms forming a barrier so i could not escape. well i just happened to have a railway spike in
my hand at the time as i had been trying to help a younger kid dig a piece of clothing out of the ice. i was terrified, i figured i had just one
chance to escape with my life. i formed my fist around the spike and chose what seemed to be a weak spot in the ring. i took off with as much speed as
i could get up, charged the "weak link" and gave the hardest punch i could to his face, and made my escape to the culvert that was my sanctuary
since the others could not get to me in there. well of course i got called into the office and yelled at once again. it seemed that i had broken the
kids jaw and fractured his skull. it also seemed that this kid who had been locking me into the fight became an "INNOCENT BYSTANDER", of course over
30 witnesses against one of me THEIR word was taken on that. no one realized what i had in my fist or i would have gotten in yet more trouble, but you
know what I FELT NO REMORSE AT ALL over it. that kid got what he fully deserved, and at least THAT class left me alone from that point on.
what did i do to deserve this treatment? i was poor and not good in school as well as being smaller than everyone else. so i guess i DID deserve to
have the crap kicked out of me on a daily basis didn't i?
sadly if TEACHERS actually STOPPED the fights and instead of giving all the crap to the defender went after the bullies maybe that kid and several
others would not have been injured. and he as well as a few others would not have needed to go to the hospital.
it all finally ended when i got into high school, started wearing cammo and steel toe boots etc. basically i had to BECOME the SCARY DUDE, known for
things like body checking assailants into lockers with enough force to severely damage the lockers. and to literally keep on beating my assailants to
the point they could not get back up, using any weapon i could grab. after that the attacks FINALLY stopped. i was just to dangerous to attack at that
point i guess. rather sad that to be safe i had to abandon my peaceful ways and become very much the KILLER type just to survive.
i can't even remember all the times i was ready to end it all and give up on life. i even tried to hang myself a couple times. all because the school
system REFUSED to protect me and actually DEAL with the problem. instead insisting that it WAS ALL MY FAULT.