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New Senate Push to Pledge Unconditional Support for Israeli Preventive War on Iran

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posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 02:50 PM
Here is a brief mention of Israeli Zionists influencing Canadian foreign policy.

Many of the links and videos from my first thread have been taken down by the mainstream media as they accidentally shed Israel some bad PR.

Is it me or is the Canadian Pro-Israeli stance getting out of hand?


Harper's knee pads are probably worn out!


edit on 12-10-2012 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by SrWingCommander

We will not let the only true Democratic Republic in the middle east be pushed into the ocean.

Do you consider a country based on apartheid that practices genocide to be a democracy? In a democratic society all citizens are supposed to be treated equal, this is not the case in Israel.

The whole "Israel is the only democracy in the ME" phrase is a total face.

Israel isn't being pushed into the ocean, the Palestinians are.

: (no reason given)

Oh here we go again.......

"Aparthide"....that's rich......Just because the Palestinian's allowed their territory to be used as a platform for war in 48 and 67, with the promise from Saudi, Syria and Jordan of "more land" later.....then lost on that gamble and had said lands occupied doesn't make Israel an "aparthied" state.

Clinton and Rabin offered Palestinian Statehood in 99' and Yasser Arafat walked out. When same said territories are used as a camp for THOUSANDS of rocket attacks and are free operating zones for groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to train and plan for Israel's you understand why the areas are controlled as they are???

Do I agree with everything the IDF has done or how they do it,,,no, not nessicarily. Do I like that innocent people are put in the middle of this because they live in the do i have a problem that same said territories ARE patrolled, controlled, or zoned off by the IDF.....nope, not really.

You can be an Arab (or Muslim) and be an Israeli' citizen....kind of blows the aprathied theory. I know it's a popular opinion....the world was flat once too.

According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, the Arab population in 2010 was estimated at 1,573,000, representing 20.4% of the country's population.[4] The majority of these identify themselves as Arab or Palestinian by nationality and Israeli by citizenship.[5][6][7] Many have family ties to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as to Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. Negev Bedouins tend to identify more as Israelis than other Arab citizens of Israel.Most of the Arabs living in East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967, were offered Israeli citizenship, but refused, not wanting to recognize Israeli sovereignty. They became permanent residents.[9] They are entitled to municipal services and have municipal voting rights.[10]


Get that....even those who refused citizenship can claim permanent resident, and vote.

Yes, it's a democratic republic.

On the other topic. I don't think we have a WRITTEN treaty to defend Israel. But we have stated we would "support" them in a conflict since 48. In 73 we put a condition on that we didn't want them to do a preemptive strike if they wanted our help, which is why they got hit hard and almost lost. Who knows what's been agreed on behind closed doors.

edit on 12-10-2012 by SrWingCommander because: streamline quote.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by SrWingCommander

You deny Israel's apartheid while you avoid the topic:

New Senate Push to Pledge Unconditional Support for Israeli Preventive War on Iran

It's about American politicians supporting Israel as if it was the 53rd state LOL.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 03:26 PM
While I might debate the idea and merits of having said policy/legislation of "unconditional" support......I don't really have a problem with it either. Might be better if we did have a more formal defense treaty with Israel.

Your the one who challenged that Israel was not a democratic republic. Technically it's more of a parliamentry democracy if you want to get really technical my friend.

Still the longest and really only functioning stable democratic government in the ME, aside from Turkey, but since they are NATO most consider them more European.

Unless you want to consider muslim brotherhood in Egypt a functioning stable government. It was recently "elected".

Good discussion. Got some stuff to do, check back later.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by SrWingCommander

Ask a Palestinian if israhell is a democracy.

They are kept inside fenced in ghettos, have different license plates so cops know who to mess with, and have to stick to certain roadways.

What a democracy for all!!

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 03:30 PM
Fantastic!! We need to be more vocal about US support for Japan, too. There is nothing wrong with letting people know where our loyalties lay.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 04:33 PM
Drunk friend, lmao. Sometimes that same "drunk friend" needs a beat down to smarten them up.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by kryton
reply to post by SrWingCommander

Ask a Palestinian if israhell is a democracy.

They are kept inside fenced in ghettos, have different license plates so cops know who to mess with, and have to stick to certain roadways.

What a democracy for all!!

Sorry,,,,,,epic fail post.......go read my last two posts in this thread the link and do a little reading.....they can thank Yasser for being in their little mess now........

Or this:

edit on 12-10-2012 by SrWingCommander because: links

I swear it's like everything prior to 2001 on this has been forgotten. Or better yet, not known. I am sure today's younger generation is just shown pictures of "those poor palestinian's being treated bad by big bully israel!".
edit on 12-10-2012 by SrWingCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by SrWingCommander

You deny Israel's apartheid while you avoid the topic:

New Senate Push to Pledge Unconditional Support for Israeli Preventive War on Iran

It's about American politicians supporting Israel as if it was the 53rd state LOL.

How knowledgeable you are......LoL.
53'rd state? Seriously? Learn some geography, there's 50 states, not 52, how would U.S. support of Israel make it the 53'rd. Wouldn't it be 51?

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 05:34 PM
it's nice of pm harper to paint a giant bull eyes on canada for picking sides against a people that don't even know canada is a country.

it's like he went out of his way to make iran an enemy, when iran's problems are with israel and the u.s.

luckily, despite all of harpers horrible choices, jihadi's don't feel canada is worth the expenses.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Antonio1

|t's an ongoing joke Mr. Smarty pants....Guam and Puerto Rico are the other two iSRAEL IS the third.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:14 PM
Im home right now tired after a long day at a crappy job.
At the end of the week i get a check thats crappier than the job which is missing quite a few bucks thanks to taxes.
I do understand why theyre necessary, the taxes, but why the fck should any penny of it go to a war monger a few continents away?

International welfare. I dont get it.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by seabag

Correction – He is a neocon…..not a right wing extremist. Remember, this is the buffoon who is for amnesty for the 12 million illegal’s. That certainly isn’t a right wing position, is it?

Do you consider Reagan to be a neo con? Remember he gave amnesty to the illegals also. And the way the GOP acts he is the poster child for the right wing.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by mikeone718
Im home right now tired after a long day at a crappy job.
At the end of the week i get a check thats crappier than the job which is missing quite a few bucks thanks to taxes.
I do understand why theyre necessary, the taxes, but why the fck should any penny of it go to a war monger a few continents away?

International welfare. I dont get it.

Israel spends most of the aid here in America. Buying politicians and weapons isn't cheap.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:33 PM
Piss on Israel. They are nothing but a parasite feeding off the American workers and is nothing but a burden on America. Israel needs to tell all the millionaires and billionaires that live there to pay for their warmongering. Israel isn't worth an American life or an American dollar.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by SrWingCommander

I swear it's like everything prior to 2001 on this has been forgotten. Or better yet, not known. I am sure today's younger generation is just shown pictures of "those poor palestinian's being treated bad by big bully israel!".

Unlike you I'm sure quite a few of them have researched Israels past that is why the old poor innocent Israel lie isn't working anymore.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite

Why would we not do this? It's like you have a friend and your friend is being threatened by a bully and you ask your other friend "Hey, if our friend gets into a fight with the bully, lets pledge to help him, so he's not alone.

Except that is a terrible analogy, as israel is hardly the "victim party" in this case. If you wanna really throw the bully scenario out there, iran saw israel on the playground equipment, and wanted to join in, but israel wasn't happy and cried to the teacher, so he can have it all to himself because the teacher has ultimate power.

If anything, israel is making a victim of itself, and fabricating a false "bully". That's like me walking up to a person on the street and clocking him in the face because he looked at me funny, and then running into the arms of a police officer.

See how stupid this sounds? In fact, i guess you're right - the bully situation is a perfect analogy - just not in the same point of view you referred to it in
I don't usually laugh at people's views, but come on man - you see what israel is like. Iran may have the force of religion behind it's goals (which we ASSUME is the case in it's nuclear goals - we don't actually "KNOW" anything), but if one kid can play with the ball, why can't the other kid?
Come on, a lot of people here would agree with a "class-less" society and dislike one having more power over another, why not translate it into the middle eastern context? Why let israel have ultimate power at the drop of a hat should they feel like annihilating a nation for whatever reason?

Power corrupts, and israel/US is a perfect testimony.
edit on 12-10-2012 by xxdaniel21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 10:11 PM
The whole goddam thing is pure psywar propaganda folks......This goof is shilling for the Mil/ Ind complex....
It is a foregone conclusion that the first sign of an Isreali attack will bring a # storm of missiles,(now we arent sure exactly how accurate) down onto every american base or facility, ship or shore,,,,,,,
We dont need this inflamatory resolution, it just more rah rah the war hype.......
Youse all should know this,

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by stirling
The whole goddam thing is pure psywar propaganda folks......This goof is shilling for the Mil/ Ind complex....
It is a foregone conclusion that the first sign of an Isreali attack will bring a # storm of missiles,(now we arent sure exactly how accurate) down onto every american base or facility, ship or shore,,,,,,,
We dont need this inflamatory resolution, it just more rah rah the war hype.......
Youse all should know this,

Hey bro tell that to the 750 thousand displaced Palestinians, or the thousands of Iranians who are about to die to these wars based on lies.

I'm sick of war mongers lying to us.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by SrWingCommander

Rofl, Israel's idiotic situation aside, we don't have the means to fight another war, nor do we have the public support. A majority of Americans are fed up with these BS wars, though perhaps not enough judging from the blind pro-Israeli support on these forums. If Israel wants to go to war, let them go to war. Our economy can't brace another war, neither can our sons and daughters. Iran isn't a threat to America, and if Israel wasn't such an unruly neighbor and actually had a government that sought peace with her allies, she wouldn't need to fear attacks from bordering countries.

"HuRrRRr DurRRrRrr DurrRrRrR Let's go send our boys to die so Israel's douchebag leaders can feel reassured that we've got their back hurr durr durr." Yeah, no thanks. Israel's actions put her in a situation where she has become despised by her neighbors, so let her take responsibility.

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