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So, Dems are excited about Biden's debate.performance.. why?

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posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by queenannie38
reply to post by gncnew


Because we didn't know he had it in him, that's all. Or maybe suspected and were delighted to see Joe come out swinging. I don't know. It doesn't matter.

Why was everyone happy with Romney when he was rude and talked over the top of Obama during the first debate? It is just entertainment.

I didn't see that in the debate, I saw Romney talk over the moderator, but not the President.

Go rewatch the debate again Romney talked over the president several times. Biden talked over Ryan because Ryan kept going over the time limit and wouldn't listen to the moderator.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by gncnew

I liked it because Joe did not get decimated as the opposition was wanting. He did not let Ryan lie and he convinced me that he will fight for women's issues.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 05:07 PM
because in the 2 party system you spin everything and lie all day long

yay !

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 06:03 PM
I do not know how much was Biden and how much was Ryan just being nervous but, Ryan came off looking completely not ready to be President if it was required. Thats the same thing that haunted Palin. I have to wonder now if Obama will call out Romney for lying like Biden did Ryan or if he will just let it slide again. I am not a Biden fan, he has been lucky that in both debates he was up against weak opposition.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 06:36 PM
Wow! You just affiliated a group of people with one of the "political parties" in the false american voting system! Great way of showing yourself to be a brainwashed sheep. Here is a little tip. It doesn't. even. matter. None of that soap opera disguised as a political election matters.

Edit: I mean did any of you do even the slightest bit of research on the nature of america before you posted?

This is the second zietgiest video, and it really shows the truth of modern day's society and how everything is controlled by a small group who pretty much dominate the media and tell people what they want to know. In american politics, both democrats and republicans are the same, it's simply created to put people into "camps" where they debate back and forth about which one of their "candidates" is more suited to become the useless figure known as the "president', usually through superficially means like #ty wording or how they look.
edit on 12-10-2012 by GodParticle because: elaboration required

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by gncnew

If Biden smiled, laughed or interrupted it occurred directly after Ryan lied or distorted something.

Don't blame Biden for having some balls or for the amount of time Ryan lied

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 06:55 PM
Proof the debate is meaningless is seen plainly in this thread. Everyone who has praised Biden, awarded Biden a victory, or defended Biden's interruptions is clearly on record in other ATS threads as a supporter of the Obama/Biden ticket. Everyone who has praised Ryan or awarded Ryan a victory is clearly on record in other ATS threads as a supporter of the Romney/Ryan ticket. The handfull of fence sitters I've seen floating around ATS, along with most of the outside looking in candidates who were smoked in the primaries don't seem to care enough to even bother posting in this thread. Point to be made: The V.P. debate's only value to the campaign is to strengthen core support of each party, not sway anyone to one side or the other.

It's the no-name comedian who warms up the crowd before Johnny Carson takes the stage... Everybody wants to laugh, they're there to laugh, but they wouldn't walk across the street to listen to the guy who's making them laugh it it wasn't for the fact that the real show is coming up soon. We have been "blessed" with some serious clowns as vice presidents in America over the years. From Dan Quayle's derp-de-derp demeanor, to the hysterical hystrionics and Chicken Little act of Al Gore, to the crumudgeonly "Emperor Palpatine" act of Dick Cheney, to the Town Fool act of Joe Biden. I sadly don't know who is more entertaining and amusing, those Veeps or the folks who actually get strummed up by their essentially meaningless opinions and statements.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 06:59 PM
Biden was a bit of condescending whilst trying to do so passively at some points, calling him my friend here, and the laughing. In all honesty Ryan should've said "Hey man, I'm not doing stand up here". I didn't expect much, but I suppose democrats are excited because of the dismal performance of Obama. I'm not sure why I watch these things when I'm rooting for neither...

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Biden completely owned Ryan. Eat it. Eat it all.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 07:56 PM
Because they are democrats! The same reason why republicans liked Ryan's performance, jeesh.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 07:58 PM
Biden was a smirking, laughing, braying jackass. And that is probably what voters will remember since neither one did a dang thing worth remembering.

Funny how you Biden lovers can scream that Ryan or Romney lied about this or that, but can't seem to accept that Biden and Obama both have told their share of lies.

Ya' know what, THEY ALL LIE! THEY WILL SAY ANYTHING TO GET ELECTED. Obama/Biden doesn't give a rat's *ss about you or me. Romney/Ryan doesn't give a rat's *ss about you or me.

And those of you who can't understand this are dumber than last year's bird's nest.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Yeah -- we saw Sean Hannity's comments this morning too. It doesn't mean they are 1) real, 2) rational, or 3) interesting. It just means that Hannity's is a blow-up doll with an agenda.

As for the rest: Ryan bet his future on Reagan's trickle-down economic theory, which has been a demonstrable failure in every sense over the past 4 decades.

When Romney loses, and he will lose -- Ryan will be back begging for moar pork at the congressional trough, and the GOP will eat its own in an attempt to recover what is demographically dead anyway. Then -- and only then -- will the true reformers strip the core of conservative philosophy from the corpse of fake tea-party "activism" and American Taliban-style religious fanaticism that is the modern day GOP.

I can't hardly wait.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by GodParticle


We know this.

Welcome to ATS!

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:11 PM
S&F for a great question that made me wonder the same thing & maybe this is close?...

Aside from magical thinking or as Louis Black would say, “DELUSIONS”, Dem’s praise could stem from a subjective, as opposed to, objective point of view…

Interestingly, it appears as though many in their camp may consider Biden’s internet course on “Gospel Preaching 101” to be money well-spent!

According to their imaginary website, this amazing course is designed to turn “scholarly scribe into pulpit prophet” in less than 1-presidential term (actual time may vary depending on ethnicity)…

Aside from the fantastic utility that online education offers a world traveler, the great part about this particular course it's applicabilty to “political propaganda, as well as, religious ranting” (actual made-up quote).

Of course, to sweeten the deal, taxpayers don’t pay a dime because the course was included in Obamacare! Ironically, we heard the amazing immediate results of Biden’s course with his new 'adjectives of encouragement' after the Obamacare speech…

Still not sold? Try this on; the results are nondiscriminatory. Yes, you heard that right nondiscriminatory. Regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, and IQ, this course uses fundamentals from an age-old secret: “If you can’t baffle them with bullsh!t, distract them from the question!”…

You see, with tutor Martha Raddatz, the VP debate was an excellent platform for Biden to brilliantly showcase his new learnins’ and validated that not all of the Obama administration’s investments are bad decisions…

Oh, in the 2nd-term, be sure to check mailboxes (foreclosed homes, if homeless) for everyone’s taxpayer-free course on "Competitive Ghetto Preaching in the New Ghetto States."

Thanks for playing along & remember the immortal words of our great comrade "...the rich don't need all that money" (Biden, J. 2012), but most of all, thanks to everyone just like me that voted against a potential Palin presidency & is getting to see a new era of communism just around the corner (instead of the backyard?)...hmmmm...change...

edit on 12-10-2012 by OlafMiacov because: typo

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:50 PM
Everybody this was only for us who have already decided we are voting for Obama, the performance by Biden showed us exactly why he is VP to the less experienced but more tempered Obama.

Sorry if i sound like a cool-aid drinker but i grew up with a republican two term catastrophe and wont consciously contribute to it happening again even if the system may be "Broken" to an extent.

But i am going off topic, this debate performance by Biden was for me and others who have already decided. Ryan was just doing the best he could against a typhoon of a personality, but hey Biden even said it himself "I say what i think". Weren't people trying to defend Romney last month for defending all his crazy comments and brown face?

My point is its all politics, the issue's are what matter. And Biden spoke to those of us who are already decided.
edit on 12-10-2012 by POPtheKlEEN89 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by gncnew

Have several combat tours; don't need anyone to make me feel tough. But tell me, what is it with republican candidates? Your last president, like Romney, was also a former cheerleader. Maybe that's why he felt he had to start two wars; and your current VP nominee used to work for Oscar Meyer and drove the weinermobile....

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by gncnew
Because he was confrontational and disrespectful? Because he interupted Ryan on a regular basis? Because he was dismissive and condesending?

What exactly is the logic here?

Dems are excited that their 2nd in command could be a jerk to his counterpart? I'm just confused - is it because you felt the Commander in Chief looked so weak and took a beating the last time that you needed to see someone on your side be an ass and make you feel tough again?

I ask you ONLY to reflect the on the "other foot". Had Ryan come in and interrupted Biden, had he laughed and dismissed him, had really gone for the jugular on things like security leaks and Joe's inexplicable tendency to put his foot in his mouth?

Had he instead treated Joe like the senile old man he often acts... would you be ok with that? Would you be remolding that Joe got his butt kicked, or would you be incensed at the disrespect shown?

Romney simply owned the first debate. He didn't do that by insulting or talking down to the President, he did that because he had a command of the issues that Obama seemed to lack.

So the Dem response is to act like a jackass and bluster and interrupt....

When Biden is your champion - there is something deeply wrong. He failed to explain - even once - what Obama's plan was moving forward and instead spent the ENTIRE debate trying to poke holes in Ryan.

It was sad, and useless. I can only wonder how the left is happy with this and feels this was a win.

In Obama's words from 2008:

And that's to be expected, because if you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters.

Tell me folks, what did Biden do last night? Pretty sure there were no ideas he explained... in fact, his "memorable" quote was looking into the camera and saying "Who are you going to trust... Me or Him?"

Fear mongering is all they have left.

You don't think conservatives have been disrespectful to Obama overteh past 4 years. He's a Muslim, he's Kenyan, he's Indonesian, he's a communist etc, etc. And now when someone finally stands up to a conservative and calls them out on their lies they are the ones being disrespectful?

Cry me a river.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by gncnew
Had Ryan come in and interrupted Biden, had he laughed and dismissed him, had really gone for the jugular on things like security leaks and Joe's inexplicable tendency to put his foot in his mouth?

Had he instead treated Joe like the senile old man he often acts... would you be ok with that? Would you be remolding that Joe got his butt kicked, or would you be incensed at the disrespect shown?

Because that would be all Ryan could do? He has no substance, no policy, no ideas. He can't beat Biden on the issues that matter so the only thing he could do is mock Biden for some of his stupid comments.

Damn, the crying from these right-wingers is incredible. Biblical.

Your boy got his ass whooped. And he looked like a boy. Biden hit him with a political lead pipe and the camera had to pan away from showing Ryan being taken away on a stretcher. Daaaamn.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by hotintexas
Biden was a smirking, laughing, braying jackass. And that is probably what voters will remember since neither one did a dang thing worth remembering.

Funny how you Biden lovers can scream that Ryan or Romney lied about this or that, but can't seem to accept that Biden and Obama both have told their share of lies.

Ya' know what, THEY ALL LIE! THEY WILL SAY ANYTHING TO GET ELECTED. Obama/Biden doesn't give a rat's *ss about you or me. Romney/Ryan doesn't give a rat's *ss about you or me.

And those of you who can't understand this are dumber than last year's bird's nest.

Typical conservative argument. It's no about who tells the most truth but who can get away with telling the most amount of lies. Both of the tickets suck, but you really do need to vote for the lesser evil. If Romney gets in Israel is going to attack Iran because they know Romney will back them. Right now Bibi is apoplectic because Obama has him on a short leash. A vote for Romney is a vote for WWIII. A vote for Obama still may get us there but if you're a doom-lover you'll be ticking Romney's box.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by gncnew

LOL. It's the Democrats way of thinking. They are better, just because, they don't have to have reasoning to be better, they just believe it. And that's that. Pretty ignorant and annoying though at how Biden performed though. I will be ashamed if Obama wins again, he is no better a politician than Biden. His performance this first term should have proved that. Yet, people want him again. I will never understand.

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