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My chemtrail observations over the years...

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posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Hi, my name is aRogue and I live in Melbourne, Australia. It's been a while since i've made a thread so i apologise in advance if it isn't up to the correct standards. I like to kick things off quickly so let's get straight to the point of this thread shall we!

I'll be honest with you, i don't frequent this part of ATS much. I personally don't find the chemtrails subject that fascinating, but for some time now i've been meaning to make a thread and at least share my observations i've witnessed over the years.

I'm fortunate (or should i say unfortunate, lol...) enough to live in the vicinity of flight paths frequently used on an hourly basis by both commercial airliners and chemtrailers. Over the span of roughly 10 years looking up and taking note, it's become clear to me that 'they' are indeed spraying something - what? I don't know.

Below is a print-screen taken from Google Earth of my house. The one with the swimming pool in the backyard, yeah that one...

All jokes aside, this image shows the flight-paths of commercial airliners and chemtrailers, give or take a few hundred meters off the crease... The blue line shows the flight-path of commercial airliners (Qantas etc) and the red line shows the flight-path of chemtrailers.

How do i know this? Because over the span of roughly 10 years, every single plane that i've seen flying in the direction of the red line has been spewing something out the back of it's behind, and not ONCE have i seen a chemtrailer going in the direction of the blue line.

So yeah, i just wanted to make this thread as it was constantly in the back of my mind nagging me to do it, just never had the time/nor effort to do so. Hopefully it provides some use to someone. Peace!
edit on 12-10-2012 by aRogue because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:49 AM
Something you might be interested in is

That way, you'll be able to see the altitude of the aircraft that fly over your head.
Contrails often depend on altitude.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:51 AM
It is a very interesting subject and you will get lots of replies telling you you are wrong, it's merely contrails.

I believe some are contrails, but when you see commercial sized planes flying side by side, spewing out a trail from each plane over a major U.K city, you do question it.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, now to find out what the deuce it is they are spraying!!

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:09 AM
That link will sure come in handy alfa, i'll be sure to check it out whenever i see another chemtrailer go by. Thanks!

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by aRogue

Good Thread here. Just wondering which way the Prevailing Winds Cross Your Continent? If they are mostly like east to west, or vice-versa, then it makes sense for the Poison Planes to Spray the directions they do. Then they get their Trails moving sideways across the Country. More bang for their buck that way, eh?
Here in the MidWestern U.S.A. they spray in all directions. And Yes there are MANY who still don't believe in the ChemTrail 'Notion' here! UnBelieveable...... Later, Syx.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by aRogue
Hi, my name is aRogue and I live in Melbourne, Australia. It's been a while since i've made a thread so i apologise in advance if it isn't up to the correct standards. I like to kick things off quickly so let's get straight to the point of this thread shall we!

I'll be honest with you, i don't frequent this part of ATS much. I personally don't find the chemtrails subject that fascinating, but for some time now i've been meaning to make a thread and at least share my observations i've witnessed over the years.

I'm fortunate (or should i say unfortunate, lol...) enough to live in the vicinity of flight paths frequently used on an hourly basis by both commercial airliners and chemtrailers. Over the span of roughly 10 years looking up and taking note, it's become clear to me that 'they' are indeed spraying something - what? I don't know.

Below is a print-screen taken from Google Earth of my house. The one with the swimming pool in the backyard, yeah that one...

All jokes aside, this image shows the flight-paths of commercial airliners and chemtrailers, give or take a few hundred meters off the crease... The blue line shows the flight-path of commercial airliners (Qantas etc) and the red line shows the flight-path of chemtrailers.

How do i know this? Because over the span of roughly 10 years, every single plane that i've seen flying in the direction of the red line has been spewing something out the back of it's behind, and not ONCE have i seen a chemtrailer going in the direction of the blue line.

So yeah, i just wanted to make this thread as it was constantly in the back of my mind nagging me to do it, just never had the time/nor effort to do so. Hopefully it provides some use to someone. Peace!
edit on 12-10-2012 by aRogue because: (no reason given)

So you're trying to say that because you never see planes in one direction with trails, and planes going the other direction do have them, those must be chemtrailers? What you've got is a few lines drawn on a screen capture. Take some time and head out to flightradar, look at the actual flight paths of the planes passing within roughly 150 miles of your location. This will give you the ACTUAL picture of which flights are going which direction, who operates the planes, and the altitude they are traveling at.

While you're at it, give us some sort of proof of chemtrails.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by SyxDaliGee
reply to post by aRogue

Good Thread here. Just wondering which way the Prevailing Winds Cross Your Continent? If they are mostly like east to west, or vice-versa, then it makes sense for the Poison Planes to Spray the directions they do. Then they get their Trails moving sideways across the Country. More bang for their buck that way, eh?
Here in the MidWestern U.S.A. they spray in all directions. And Yes there are MANY who still don't believe in the ChemTrail 'Notion' here! UnBelieveable...... Later, Syx.

What is the purpose of the spraying? And what would the purpose be to spraying an entire city or state?

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by aRogue
All jokes aside, this image shows the flight-paths of commercial airliners and chemtrailers, give or take a few hundred meters off the crease... The blue line shows the flight-path of commercial airliners (Qantas etc) and the red line shows the flight-path of chemtrailers.

How do i know this? Because over the span of roughly 10 years, every single plane that i've seen flying in the direction of the red line has been spewing something out the back of it's behind, and not ONCE have i seen a chemtrailer going in the direction of the blue line.

The thing about Melbourne is that it's not a flyover area. 99% of the air traffic in the Melbourne area is going to Melbourne, and hence it's too low to make contrails. I've been doing some analysis of this kind of thing. Here's a map of Australia and NZ. I used ADS-B tracked flight data to draw in all the flight segments OVER 30,000 feet for a 24 hour period:

Here's the same thing zoomed in on the Melbourne area

And here is it with the flights below 30,000 feet added in in grey.

(The links above go to high resolution version of the above images)

Now this is pretty rough, but gives some idea of where contrails will form, and where they will not.

Likely what you are seeing as "chemtrails" going North/South are flights like QF63 and QF64, Sydney to Johannesburg, which is well known to produce contrails over Melbourne.

I'm surprised you never see any East/West contrails. But the only East/West flights would be from NZ to Asia - and perhaps they generally fly in darkness?
edit on 12-10-2012 by Uncinus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Uncinus

I'm surprised you never see any East/West contrails. But the only East/West flights would be from NZ to Asia - and perhaps they generally fly in darkness?

Auckland-Asia would not go anywhere near Melbourne. But there is at least a daily Auckland-Perth flight by Air NZ that might go close.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by abeverage

abeverage, glad to see you actually asking for info, instead of ridiculing the OP. Not sure what all You know or have seen/heard about all this, plus I can't seem to get the right words out to people about this topic, so I rounded up some short vids that will hopefully give you some answers. I get that Deer in the Headlights look alot.

(Links Posted Below)
Please do as I have done and Look into all this. See for YourSelf instead of taking my word for it as ALL kinds of Info is out there to be seen.
You asked Why would they do this.From my short time researching this I can say a couple of the Reasons for doing this are: (AnyOne Please Correct Me on Wrong's here

1.) Monsanto has engineered seed to grow crops that are Aluminum resistant,(a major material in ChemTrails. Aluminum Particulates kill organic matter?) therefore CONTROLLING the Foods we eat and the sale of seed for it,corn, soybeans, etc., monopolizing the Market.($$$$$$)
2.) Barium, if I have read right , is toxic (RadioActive?)to us. Other Chemicals not meant for our Consumption as well are in these Trails and these particulates end up in our Mouths, Lungs. Breathing Disorder Deaths have moved up on the Leading Cause of Death list from something like number 8 or 9, to number 3 in the past 6 years. Breathing Disorders, Asthma in Children, Allergies, Lung Cancers, Throat Cancers, Digestive Tract Cancers are Growing at Enormous Rates So we have what seems to be An Intentional Population Control Method in these Trails. Also all the Crap has to be weakening our Immune systems. Maybe they are setting us up for an attack of some kind knowing our Immune Systems won't be able to fight it off??!
I lost Both Parents to different Cancers over the past several Years. My GrandFather, a Few Friends, Both My Wifes Parents and Her GrandMother as well.
I'm sure you have noticed the SkyRocketing Frequency of Cancer Rates in Your own Life, and the Lives of Your Friends, CoWorkers too?!

arogue I am not trying to sideline your Thread here, but am trying to help You get the word out on all this.

Ok abeverage Check out these Vids for a Start on some Info.

Chemtrails Inside and Out (3:09)

The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air - The proof ====✈ (2:48)

200 Million Tons of Aluminum Aerosol Chemtrail Poisoning All Life! Scientific Proof (9:57)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:25 PM
OP, saved me from sticking my foot in my mouth every time a contrail popped up. I even debunked myself one time, realizing afterwards that my city has (daily) quite a few upper air routes, and taking the time to track the planes.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by SyxDaliGee

As for this video...

Here you go....

And for future videos, if the name TankerEnemy is connected to a video in any way you can bet it is less than credible.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by aRogue

I believe something more harmful then chemicals are seen in our sky's.
What we in all nations are seeing as a visual is.
Profits from our labor, bailouts, and our economy,
being outsourced, and mocking us,
by leaving trails in our sky's.
Wave goodbye to your money, and your way of life,
as you see it fly by.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul

Originally posted by Uncinus

I'm surprised you never see any East/West contrails. But the only East/West flights would be from NZ to Asia - and perhaps they generally fly in darkness?

Auckland-Asia would not go anywhere near Melbourne. But there is at least a daily Auckland-Perth flight by Air NZ that might go close.

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking there - wrong hemisphere
The only great-circle destinations along that line are the middle east and southern Europe. It looks like they go via the Maldives.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Ok, Thanx for the HeadsUp on TankerEnemy. I will store that away for Future Refs......
I can just about see that the DeBunkers Vid does explain the Vid I posted, but with a Question.
ChemTrails go on for miles and stay there. I mean I can see that the Moisture and Temps do have a bearing here, and once the temps settle out and the trail dissapears, he is just showing us a normal CONtrail, right? Because look, Admissions are made to the ChemTrailing Phenom under the Guise of GeoEngineering, not my terminology, theirs. So his DeBunk, just reinforces the Chem Phenom, IMO. Thanx I do appreciate you giving your time to help me, Syx.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by SyxDaliGee

1.) Monsanto has engineered seed to grow crops that are Aluminum resistant,(a major material in ChemTrails. Aluminum Particulates kill organic matter?) therefore CONTROLLING the Foods we eat and the sale of seed for it,corn, soybeans, etc., monopolizing the Market.($$$$$$)

utter twaddle - monsanto has engineered crops to be aluminium resistant - because aluminium is the 3rd most abundant element in the earths crust

aluminium toxicity has been a known issue in agriculture for longer than we have had jet aircraft , source

and it is cheaper and easier to grow aluminium resistrant plants than alter the soil chemistry to allow other species to survive

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

As I have evidentally misunderstood some info I read, I stand Corrected. Thank You for Pointing that out to me as I do not want to Knowingly spread Bad Information. Syx.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by SyxDaliGee
reply to post by abeverage

abeverage, glad to see you actually asking for info, instead of ridiculing the OP. Not sure what all You know or have seen/heard about all this, plus I can't seem to get the right words out to people about this topic, so I rounded up some short vids that will hopefully give you some answers. I get that Deer in the Headlights look alot.

(Links Posted Below)
Please do as I have done and Look into all this. See for YourSelf instead of taking my word for it as ALL kinds of Info is out there to be seen.
You asked Why would they do this.From my short time researching this I can say a couple of the Reasons for doing this are: (AnyOne Please Correct Me on Wrong's here

1.) Monsanto has engineered seed to grow crops that are Aluminum resistant,(a major material in ChemTrails. Aluminum Particulates kill organic matter?) therefore CONTROLLING the Foods we eat and the sale of seed for it,corn, soybeans, etc., monopolizing the Market.($$$$$$)
2.) Barium, if I have read right , is toxic (RadioActive?)to us. Other Chemicals not meant for our Consumption as well are in these Trails and these particulates end up in our Mouths, Lungs. Breathing Disorder Deaths have moved up on the Leading Cause of Death list from something like number 8 or 9, to number 3 in the past 6 years. Breathing Disorders, Asthma in Children, Allergies, Lung Cancers, Throat Cancers, Digestive Tract Cancers are Growing at Enormous Rates So we have what seems to be An Intentional Population Control Method in these Trails. Also all the Crap has to be weakening our Immune systems. Maybe they are setting us up for an attack of some kind knowing our Immune Systems won't be able to fight it off??!
I lost Both Parents to different Cancers over the past several Years. My GrandFather, a Few Friends, Both My Wifes Parents and Her GrandMother as well.
I'm sure you have noticed the SkyRocketing Frequency of Cancer Rates in Your own Life, and the Lives of Your Friends, CoWorkers too?!

arogue I am not trying to sideline your Thread here, but am trying to help You get the word out on all this.

Ok abeverage Check out these Vids for a Start on some Info.

Chemtrails Inside and Out (3:09)

The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air - The proof ====✈ (2:48)

200 Million Tons of Aluminum Aerosol Chemtrail Poisoning All Life! Scientific Proof (9:57)

So I have watched some of these my next question would be why...
Why spray populated areas? What would be the point of poisoning your ENTIRE population? Rich and Poor breathe the same air don't they? Never see Trump, the President or any other Rich or so called Elite with a breathing apparatus. If I did it would lead credence to this theory.

Now I will not throw out weather modification or atmospheric war/battles or even protection from solar rays. But I do not see the logic in population control through massive poisoning in this form. Sure foods, water and inoculations can all be avoided by the wealthy but air???
edit on 13-10-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by aRogue

These things are not real. They are just fumes from the plane!

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:21 PM
abeverage asks a good question..."Why spray populated areas?". look into something called "weather derivatives".

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