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Evolution - defies accepted science

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posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Superhans

Originally posted by Miccey
reply to post by Superhans

I´ll swing one at you...

Abiogenesis: Life ARISES from inorganic matter...TRUE/FALSE?
What do you get in form of ORGANIC/LIVING matter?
How do YOU explain, MICROBIAL lifeforms journey from Organic matter...

I would say EVOLUTION....

You are confused my friend

Ahh if you say so...

Anyone else who would like to EXPLAIN...
Not throw stuff in empty rooms...

Oh btw...Does it make you feel better to have the illusion
of being right all the time...

You should have said:
My friend, confused you are....

Yoda wannabe
edit on 2012/10/13 by Miccey because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Jobeycool

I am back. Sorry for all my posts I was drunk last night. A lot of them were off topic. But I need to reply to this one.

A theory is never factual ever. Stop spining it your way.Evolution is a theory trying to explain sceince.Doe snot mean it is the least bit factual whatsoever.

Since when a theory a fact? Evolution theory is the best theory we can explain the facts.

Everything falls. Correct? Planets orbit each other. Correct? Blah blah. Those are the facts.

Now what are the best theory to explain those?

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
reply to post by Jobeycool

I am back. Sorry for all my posts I was drunk last night. A lot of them were off topic. But I need to reply to this one.

A theory is never factual ever. Stop spining it your way.Evolution is a theory trying to explain sceince.Doe snot mean it is the least bit factual whatsoever.

Since when a theory a fact? Evolution theory is the best theory we can explain the facts.

Everything falls. Correct? Planets orbit each other. Correct? Blah blah. Those are the facts.

Now what are the best theory to explain those?

The best THEORY.....
I have no clue, ask the INFORMATIONPORTALS...
But, I wouldnt say GOD

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

You have computer and a monitor in front of you? Thats a theory working.

Electronics, Quantum Mechanics, physics, etc etc. They're all theories that WORK.

They may not be facts but hey they work.

Evolution theory is the best theory we got. It works.

Maybe it isn't a fact but still it works.

If you have an alternative theory or a better theory then present it with evidence.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by Miccey

The best THEORY..... I have no clue, ask the INFORMATIONPORTALS... But, I wouldnt say GOD

That's the point! Nothing to do with God! We observe the facts in nature and make theories on them.

It seems that the certain people say that scientists are trying to take out God. They aren't!

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
reply to post by Miccey

The best THEORY..... I have no clue, ask the INFORMATIONPORTALS... But, I wouldnt say GOD

That's the point! Nothing to do with God! We observe the facts in nature and make theories on them.

It seems that the certain people say that scientists are trying to take out God. They aren't!

And, ABIOGENESIS is the THEORY on how lifeforms sprout to BE..
And, EVOLUTION is the THEORY on how they EVOLVE...

My question AGAIN:

To the creationists:

If we did/do find microbial lifeforms on other planets...

Do they have their OWN god, would it be OUR god or would it be ABIOGENISIS/EVOLUTION?

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by milkyway12

Ok so your faith in God is weakening but unfortunately the creationism arguments have been shown to have more holes than swiss cheese.

There are reams and reams of information on the internet to read that shows this to be the case. However, I suspect you will choose not to because the only logical conclusion is : There is no God.

Tough deal with it, grow up and become an enlightened Human being instead of behaving like someone with a bow and arrow who still prays to the sun !

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
reply to post by Deaf Alien

You have computer and a monitor in front of you? Thats a theory working.

Electronics, Quantum Mechanics, physics, etc etc. They're all theories that WORK.

They may not be facts but hey they work.

Evolution theory is the best theory we got. It works.

Maybe it isn't a fact but still it works.

If you have an alternative theory or a better theory then present it with evidence.

hi, i'm back! liked this post btw. computers ARE a fact and they were originally only a theory. Evolution is STILL only a theory.

btw, i hear a lot about 'scientists say this, scientists say that'. during the fifties scientists said that smoking was good for you, would clear the lungs etc. everywhere you looked people were hacking their guts up saying 'ah but scientists say its fine'. bit like global warming today (sorry to stray off topic btw) despite the fact that we can all see that the weather is still the same as it always has been (yep, it's still miserable in britain) people still say 'ah but scientists say it's Gorebal (sic) warming. it isn't. you only have to look out of the window to see that the weather is still the same as it always has been. peaks and troughs for want of a better phrase.

the only thing that scientists have ever proved is their willingness to say anything to get better funding.

"You need more money to test the big bang theory and you want to build a hedron collider? Really? ok then here is 6 billion dollars. good luck and let us know what happens"...

edit on 13-10-2012 by sweetooth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by sweetooth

hi, i'm back! liked this post btw. computers ARE a fact and they were originally only a theory. Evolution is STILL only a theory.

But it works right?

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:38 AM

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by sweetooth

hi, i'm back! liked this post btw. computers ARE a fact and they were originally only a theory. Evolution is STILL only a theory.

Scientific fact:

An observation that has been confirmed repeatedly and is accepted as true (although its truth is never final).

Scientific theory:

A well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment

Get the terminology right before denouncing something as "only a theory".

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:41 AM
This sort of thread becomes tedious because it's just goes round and round.

I read the debate thread on OBD's between hefficide and sonofthesun (hope i spelt your names right,guys !!)

Thing is the nature and meaning of OBD's are beyond our ability to quantify or effectively proove the root of yet here were two elegantly,articulately debated viewpoints that were fully sourced and conducted with genuine respect.

I believe they should be held up as the highest standard of arguement or thread besides being enjoyable to read,informative and a pleasure in just following the tussle between to masters of the craft !!!

Then we have,what 19,20 pages of largely drivel and acrimony dressed up as reasoned scientific debate.

It's like the majority of religious vs science arguements or athiest vs christian.The two parties,except the few on either side that can see beyond their bias,aren't going to find common ground and they rarely even try.

I do have an evolutionary/scientific bias and as it IS the accepted theory in the scientific community and taught in schools so the onus is on the creationists to provide the degree of multi layered,multi discipline evidence to outweigh evolution because it is the most fully rounded,complete theory we have as of now.

Don't get hung up on abiogenisis because isnt transpermia still considered a good cause for how life began on earth.It can answer the start of life on our planet although not explain how life began off planet.

That is a distraction though as the point is this thread.

I issued a not unreasonable challenge to the creationist lobby that met a total deafening silence but the fundemental challenge still stands.

Before you argue creationism and try to overthrow the accepted theory i.e evolution then proove,present evidence for,demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that a creator exists.

Citing the bible prooves nothing.

I havent seen anyone quoting passages of Darwins The Origin of Species at all,let alone in isolation and out of context.

Proove with at least some real evidence,demonstrate your Creator is there first then put forward a fully reasöned debate explaining the merits of the Creation theory and how it explains the panacia of living creatures that live today and have ever lived then perhaps you'll get my genuine attention maybe then i'll give creationism real consideration.

Because to advocate your theory by pulling holes in the present one means absolutely nothing.

It's like saying your wrong therefore i'm right but thats flawed from the outset we both could be wrong,or both dribbling down our bibs.

If you conclusively show evolution to be the product of a simple mind what then ???

You still have to proove your theory is fully able to fit not just the basics but the flaws evolutiön couldnt satisfy.

I've yet to read exactly what the Creation theory consists of beyond god said let there be light and....

Illuminate us scientific savages why Creationism is a fuller,more complete theory that should stand beside evolution even replace it totally on the merits of Creationism without resorting to the failings of evolution.

I challenge you to proove your theory right by its own merit and nothing more.If its truth then it's simple,right !!

If you cant or wont then i cant see any value to it beyond a paragraph in a first year R.E lesson.

Proove your right !!!!

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:41 AM


posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by sweetooth

1) btw, i hear a lot about 'scientists say this, scientists say that'. during the fifties scientists said that smoking was good for you, would clear the lungs etc. everywhere you looked people were hacking their guts up saying 'ah but scientists say its fine'. bit like global warming today (sorry to stray off topic btw) despite the fact that we can all see that the weather is still the same as it always has been (yep, it's still miserable in britain) people still say 'ah but scientists say it's Gorebal (sic) warming. it isn't. you only have to look out of the window to see that the weather is still the same as it always has been. peaks and troughs for want of a better phrase.

2) the only thing that scientists have ever proved is their willingness to say anything to get better funding.

3) "You need more money to test the big bang theory and you want to build a hedron collider? Really? ok then here is 6 billion dollars. good luck and let us know what happens"...

1) Scientists proved the link between smoking and cancer. Scientific opinion changed in light of this evidence. This directly refutes your argument.

2) [citation needed]

3) Your understanding of how scientific research is conducted and how funding is granted is incredibly naive and outright false. Do you really think scientists walk up to politicians and say "give us $6billion" and the politicians say "sure, don't spend it all at once, though!" ? Really? If so, [citation needed] as you don't get to make things up as you go along (like you did yesterday. BTW, you got a source for your assertion that DNA analysis only works on human DNA yet?).

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
reply to post by Deaf Alien

If you have an alternative theory or a better theory then present it with evidence.

I know you were asking someone else but this is the theory I subscribe to.

Lots of evidence.

I believe in design. I also think creationism should NOT be taught in schools. Although I think students should be exposed to the debate and ALL of the evidence. It's healthy and promotes critical thinking. But somehow there is much fear surrounding that.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by john_bmth

Originally posted by sweetooth

1) btw, i hear a lot about 'scientists say this, scientists say that'. during the fifties scientists said that smoking was good for you, would clear the lungs etc. everywhere you looked people were hacking their guts up saying 'ah but scientists say its fine'. bit like global warming today (sorry to stray off topic btw) despite the fact that we can all see that the weather is still the same as it always has been (yep, it's still miserable in britain) people still say 'ah but scientists say it's Gorebal (sic) warming. it isn't. you only have to look out of the window to see that the weather is still the same as it always has been. peaks and troughs for want of a better phrase.

2) the only thing that scientists have ever proved is their willingness to say anything to get better funding.

3) "You need more money to test the big bang theory and you want to build a hedron collider? Really? ok then here is 6 billion dollars. good luck and let us know what happens"...

1) Scientists proved the link between smoking and cancer. Scientific opinion changed in light of this evidence. This directly refutes your argument.

2) [citation needed]

3) Your understanding of how scientific research is conducted and how funding is granted is incredibly naive and outright false. Do you really think scientists walk up to politicians and say "give us $6billion" and the politicians say "sure, don't spend it all at once, though!" ? Really? If so, [citation needed] as you don't get to make things up as you go along (like you did yesterday. BTW, you got a source for your assertion that DNA analysis only works on human DNA yet?).

and who is to say that scientists will not turn around tomorrow and tell us that evolution theory is rubbish?

and yes scientists do just walk up to politicians with their grubby hands outstretched! AND to big corporations. where do you think all university funding comes from?! altruistic philanphropists?!
edit on 13-10-2012 by sweetooth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by squiz

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
reply to post by Deaf Alien

If you have an alternative theory or a better theory then present it with evidence.

I know you were asking someone else but this is the theory I subscribe to.

Lots of evidence.

I believe in design. I also think creationism should NOT be taught in schools. Although I think students should be exposed to the debate and ALL of the evidence. It's healthy and promotes critical thinking. But somehow there is much fear surrounding that.

very good post btw. this is what i have been trying to say but in a different manner. i am neither a believer in the big bang theory or a creationist. my mind continues to be open to the FACTS but so far no-one from either side is able to come up with any.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by sweetooth

and who is to say that scientists will not turn around tomorrow and tell us that evolution theory is rubbish?

What does that matter? The scientific theory of evolution explains the scientific facts of evolution to such a level of accuracy it is utilized in technology today. If it wasn't accurate, we wouldn't be able to utilize it and the technology wouldn't work. It also makes accurate predictions that are validated as new discoveries are made.

How does one utilize creationism to make better technology? What predictions does creationism make that can be validated?

and yes scientists do just walk up to politicians with their grubby hands outstretched!

[citation needed] Please stop making wild, unsubstantiated assertions without backing them up with evidence. Furthermore, explain why scientific funding has been drastically cut over the years in GB and the USA.

AND to big corporations.

What does this have to do with anything?

where do you think all university funding comes from?! altruistic philanphropists?!

Yes, partly. As well as students, government funding, corporate sponsorship (which directly refutes your claim as corporations are inly interested in funding science that works so they can use it to make money) amongst other things.

But all of this is off-topic. What does this a) have to do with evolution and b) what I have challenged you on, i.e. your misuse of scientific terminology and logically-inconsistent (and often outright fabricated) arguments? Each time I point out something you have said that is demonstrably wrong, you gloss over it and start making new unfounded and demonstrably wrong arguments. You should be ashamed of how your are conducting yourself, ignoring people's rebuttals only to carry on stating new assertions that are completely inaccurate and often made up on the spot. Stop trying to move the goalposts.
edit on 13-10-2012 by john_bmth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:48 AM
double post
edit on 13-10-2012 by john_bmth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:51 AM

Originally posted by sweetooth

Originally posted by squiz

Originally posted by Deaf Alien
reply to post by Deaf Alien

If you have an alternative theory or a better theory then present it with evidence.

I know you were asking someone else but this is the theory I subscribe to.

Lots of evidence.

I believe in design. I also think creationism should NOT be taught in schools. Although I think students should be exposed to the debate and ALL of the evidence. It's healthy and promotes critical thinking. But somehow there is much fear surrounding that.

very good post btw. this is what i have been trying to say but in a different manner. i am neither a believer in the big bang theory or a creationist. my mind continues to be open to the FACTS but so far no-one from either side is able to come up with any.
Let me offer you a fact to help you on your journey.

Evolution has nothing to say about creation. Evolution has nothing to say about how life began. Evolution explains the diversity we see around us today and in the fossil record.

No one has the answer to how life started and evolution does not even attempt to do so. Please tell me why you feel so threatened by what evolution explains. Why are you so angry at something that shows every spec of life on this planet is connected, related and special?

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