posted on Jun, 23 2004 @ 03:53 PM
The documentary I watched pretty much proved that it was indeed filmed in 1947. I think that they also pointed out a clock or an object in the
video that was not made after 1950.
This is the Frakes one...yes, like the Moon Landing Fox special, it was convincing only because it stretched the truth, such as the film age, etc.
Stan Winston (one of the effects guys) has since recanted his comments on it also.... (He is the one who commented that he'd hire the guy who made
this). Stan is probably THE most talented effects guy in the biz (i.e. Jurassic Park dinos, etc.) and it was actually one of the most convincing
elements of the documentary to me.....until of course, he stated it was for publicity...
The masks, etc. were reported in most major media, about a month or two after the special... I'm sure a rudimentary seach of CNN's archives would
pull it up, as that's where I remember it most (I believe USA Today had the same pictures of the dummies and masks if I recall).
About that time, there were a lot of UFO tidbits going around. This happens every so often. I'm of the opinion that it's a cyclic leak of
information/disinformation, to quietly condition us when they finally wheel out the 50 year old saucer....hehe...