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Quantum Activism is about changing ourselves and creating a better world in accordance with the new paradigm articulated by Quantum Physics: consciousness creates reality. The goal of a quantum activist is to express Good, Beauty, Truth, Justice, and Love in their life and to intend those qualities for all of humanity. In doing so, the quantum activist will help transform the world. This article is based upon the teachings of Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D., a retired professor emeritus of theoretical physics and the author of “Quantum Mechanics”, a highly successful textbook that is used in universities throughout the world. In addition, he the author of numerous books that bridge science and spirituality including “The Self-Aware Universe”, “Physics of the Soul”, “Quantum Creativity”, “The Quantum Doctor”, and “God is Not Dead.”
So you won't be sure of the fact that life evolved on earth? I don't see that as a belief so much as a fact given all the evidence for it. You're painting a more nebulous picture of truth than is warranted.
Originally posted by quelmarth
it has to be that way because i wont be ever sure of anything.. (unless i do believe it is that way)...
Join the revolution going on in science.
A genuine paradigm shift. While mainstream science remains materialist, a substantial number of scientists are supporting and developing a paradigm based on the primacy of consciousness.
. . . Dr. Goswami is a revolutionary in a growing body of renegade scientists who in recent years have ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret the seemingly inexplicable findings of their experiments... and to validate their intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimension of life.
. . . Establishment scientists who subscribe to a worldview called scientific materialism flatly declare: the idea that consciousness has anything to do with quantum physics is bah humbug anyway. Consciousness is a brain phenomenon with no causal power. And unconscious is voodoo psychology. Look: there is only one world—the space time matter motion world. This defines nature. Reject supernatural ideas.
In classical physics, objects are either particle or wave. In quantum physics, they are both particle and wave creating confusion. It seems like a paradox. Look at the experimental data, these scientific materialists say, and you would not be confused. Experimentally, material objects are both waves and particles. How can it be that way? Complementarity! The wave and the particle are two complementary aspects of the same thing. What nature it will reveal in a particular experiment depends on the choice of experimental apparatus. If you want to measure the particle aspect, use a cloud chamber: it will measure the approximate trajectory of the object for you to see. If you want to measure the wave aspect, use a double slit arrangement. The result will be a wave interference pattern revealing the object as wave. Each experiment allows you to see only one aspect at a time, never both together. That is why these aspects are called complementary.
Indeed, today most textbooks of quantum physics define the complementarity principle this way and claim that this resolves the wave-particle paradox. No reference to two domains of reality here.
But the truth is, quantum physics would not let you do that. The idea of unmanifest and unconscious potentia is inherent both in the definition and measurement of quantum objects.
As Werner Heisenberg, the co-discoverer of quantum physics knew, quantum objects are defined by waves of possibility residing in potentia, a domain transcending space and time. . .
Originally posted by quelmarth
Recently i found a video that finally my rational side allowed me to accept and my recent spiritual side also...
That video and idea comes form a Theoretical Quantum Physicist- Amit Goswami
. . . with great excitement, Jacobo and I (and the two students involved, Leah Attie and J. Delaflor) wrote the paper on transferred potential that was published in the journal Physics Essays (Grinberg-Zylberbaum et al. 1994). Grinberg-Zylberbaum's experiment proved quantum nonlocality by demonstrating that the communication between the subjects could not have taken place electromagnetically. In 1995, I invited him to come to Vivekananda Kendra in India to give a talk at a conference and to begin a collaboration with the scientists there to prove the instantaneous nature of the communication (a more direct demonstration of nonlocality) between the two subjects in the experiment by placing one subject in Mexico and the other in India. Jacobo came and gave the talk, but soon after, before the experiment was put into actuality, he just vanished (rumor is that the CIA may have been involved; I don't know)!