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How TPTB maintain control : A theory

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posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:25 PM
How TPTB maintain control : A theory

In the years I have been interested in conspiracy theories, I have always wondered how this massive house of cards hasn't come crashing down at least a few times. As I considered this thought, and as I explored more and more conspiracies, I realized that some have certainly failed. How many things go as planned and we end up hearing nothing of it? How many of the conspiracies we do know about were failed executions, the sloppy execution giving us the evidence to notice it? So much else has happened that most stop looking at them, the passion for them dies. I believe this is a real strength of TPTB. They have built a wide range of conspiracies that are so intertwined that even if one fails and the public gets a treasure trove of evidence to prove some dastardly conspiracy has taken place, the sheer level of contingencies, scapegoats and distractions will keep the larger plans intact. They use this wide array of conspiracies and assets to constantly distract the public from the rest or their plans. And sadly I do believe this may also mean there is little that can be done about it.

Anytime someone is deeply offended by some new event or conspiracy they have become aware of, there are literally hundreds of things that can distract them. While they are upset maybe a new iPhone or new Android will come out and they will find themselves caught up in that excitement. Maybe a new movie or video game they have been waiting for comes out. Maybe their favorite sports team wins a game or a championship. Maybe a new war starts or an attack that appeals to their emotions and distracts them. Maybe something happens locally that fires them up and makes them again believe in the system and pulls the shroud back over their eyes. Maybe a new song becomes popular on YouTube and they get involved in that or perhaps a new sensational Meme has caught on and they can’t resist joining in the fun. Maybe something important or exciting happens in their social circle and it draws their attention, perhaps a marriage, death or new birth. Maybe they lose their job or get a promotion and they have to focus on more important things. Maybe they meet an interesting girl/boy/man/woman who they want to pursue relations with. Maybe their car breaks down or their house requires some fix. Maybe they get sick, or a child or loved one.

Any one of those things can pull someone back into the society that lives on top of all the conspiracies surrounding us, and for most people there is at least one if not many things capable of diverting our attention away from suspicion and our questions and forces us back “to reality” as it is.

Of course if none of those things matter to you, you are considered an outcast. Having no job, no friends, no hobbies, no family, no assets, no connections; what does society think of someone like that? Even now, studies want to suggest a person without a Social media profile is "suspicious". People want to ridicule and judge those who fear GMO's or vaccinations. Whatever you personally think about those things, society does work against stepping outside the boundaries it has setup for us.

The first sign of this was when I realized how much media we as humans have access to now. Just think about it for a moment:

Right now, there is simply no way you could ever play every video game, hear every song, read every book, watch every movie, watch every TV show, be up to speed on every current event, join every local/state/national political event, read every news paper or watch every news broadcast in your available life span. Because as you come closer to finishing more and more of each, each are expanded upon. You really end up having to focus your hobbies and attention, “prioritize” if you will.

If you spent every waking hour devoted to a conspiracy you truly believed in, you would be labeled crazy or “obsessed”, and perhaps rightfully so. But even those prone to obsession will find something “fun” to be obsessed with as well. And how much of that will be a distraction?

Every person has to work for some aspect of the system we reside within just to survive. We all need some form of income to support ourselves and for most that means having a job, or family. And those require time to maintain. Time spent away from trying to uncover truths or see through lies.

I feel that TPTB spend just as much time on plotting their NWO as they do on making sure there is a steady stream of media and new toys for the public to absorb. Or a steady stream of small scale events to stir emotions. Those who would believe conspiracies only exist on a global elite scale would easily overlook some criminal activity in another state or town. But both big and small events could easily be spawned by the same groups. Most people would dismiss a connection, and those who might see it get isolated and ridiculed for their paranoia. “Not everything is a Conspiracy” you might hear.

They keep the world moving so fast that no one can see the forest for the trees. And as soon as you start to see that forest, any one of the hundred of things that is important or of interest to you will change and you’ll be pulled back in.

So if this were true, one would have to ask if being a happy sheep is good enough? I think back to the movie “The Matrix” where the character wants to go back into the system. He says “ignorance is bliss”. And it’s a legitimate consideration. How many think they could actually handle the truth of the global conspiracies (assuming they are real)? Assuming they are real, how could you live within the system knowing what’s really going on? How easily would you be labeled crazy or paranoid by speaking the truth? One man couldn't change the system.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can keep most people ignorant of things. Even in today’s world, too many people need to focus on their most basic needs, just to survive. Looking at the pyramid, how much of your focus is spent on the bottom 4 tiers? Or the bottom 3?

For many I have met in my life, any amount of mental energy spent on considering a conspiracy is too much to ask. They have too many pressing needs in the bottom tiers of their Hierarchy of Needs. And really, no one can fault them for that. In the end, can we fault anyone who chooses not to question or consider the world because they believe ignorance serves them and their survival best?

If “problem solving” “lack of prejudice” and “acceptance of facts” reside on the top tier, then anything that appeals to something below will keep a person distracted from the truth….whatever that truth may be.

Anyway, that's just my theory on it.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by tpsreporter
How TPTB maintain control : A theory

In the years I have been interested in conspiracy theories, I have always wondered how this massive house of cards hasn't come crashing down at least a few times. As I considered this thought, and as I explored more and more conspiracies, I realized that some have certainly failed. How many things go as planned and we end up hearing nothing of it? How many of the conspiracies we do know about were failed executions, the sloppy execution giving us the evidence to notice it? So much else has happened that most stop looking at them, the passion for them dies. I believe this is a real strength of TPTB. They have built a wide range of conspiracies that are so intertwined that even if one fails and the public gets a treasure trove of evidence to prove some dastardly conspiracy has taken place, the sheer level of contingencies, scapegoats and distractions will keep the larger plans intact. They use this wide array of conspiracies and assets to constantly distract the public from the rest or their plans. And sadly I do believe this may also mean there is little that can be done about it.

I didn't even need to read the whole thing to know you were spot on.

I started thinking of this when I realized how much I don't know. Instead of trying to be a know it all and research every conspiracy known to man, I decided to take a different approach. I'm not sure how many people can understand this though. There is too much to take in and worry about in life. My hypothesis was that they MAKE IT THIS WAY. Thats how they control people. They metaphorically and literally keep us in a loop.

And trust me, their isn't anything you can do about it. People can post up their quotes about strength in numbers, how we need to audit the FED, how we can make a change, how we need to stop the corrupt politicians or anything else, but the fact is there is nothing you can do about it. Be warned though, you'll be trolled and flamed for coming to a conclusion like this. (Albeit a damn good one that matches my thoughts exactly)

People can't accept the truth.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by tpsreporter

I think your theory is correct but I have to add how they control us isn't just the amount they release but it's what they release. My guess is 90% of the media we receive is tailored to what they want us to hear. Anyone else is quickly considered 'fringe'. Many hear something on the news and take it as the gospel truth. Even if something comes up later recanting the story the damage has already been done.

It is easy to learn something but harder to unlearn it.

We have media outlets that are biased toward one political party or the other. Rarely do we find one who is unbiased. One station will tell you how horrible Obama is doing while the other will tell you how wonderful he is doing. Regardless of your political opinion the fact that you get two entirely different stories from two supposedly reputable media outlets should help you see how they manipulate us. They divide us with rhetoric of red and blue when all we really need is for them to be is black and white with there facts. There should be no opinion in the news we receive. Just give us the facts and let us decide our opinion.

The media is who needs to be 'occupied'. They are who ultimately decides who even hears about your cause. If decided they can demonize you and most will believe it instantly which ruins your movement. My example, you may agree or not, is the Ron Paul campaign.
edit on 10-10-2012 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Vandettas
I didn't even need to read the whole thing to know you were spot on.

I started thinking of this when I realized how much I don't know. Instead of trying to be a know it all and research every conspiracy known to man, I decided to take a different approach. I'm not sure how many people can understand this though. There is too much to take in and worry about in life. My hypothesis was that they MAKE IT THIS WAY. Thats how they control people. They metaphorically and literally keep us in a loop.

And trust me, their isn't anything you can do about it. People can post up their quotes about strength in numbers, how we need to audit the FED, how we can make a change, how we need to stop the corrupt politicians or anything else, but the fact is there is nothing you can do about it. Be warned though, you'll be trolled and flamed for coming to a conclusion like this. (Albeit a damn good one that matches my thoughts exactly)

People can't accept the truth.

It is good to know that i'm not the only one who has this conclusion though; that we are more controlled than we think.

At the very least perhaps all those efforts to audit the FED or deter the Wars TPTB want to pursue might be slowing them down if nothing else? We couldn't know one way or the other what effect we have if any. As a person who likes to know the truth, this idea is hard to accept. The concept that perhaps i really couldn't handle the truth?

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by TheLieWeLive
reply to post by tpsreporter

I think your theory is correct but I have to add how they control us isn't just the amount they release but it's what they release. My guess is 90% of the media we receive is tailored to what they want us to hear. Anyone else is quickly considered 'fringe'. Many hear something on the news and take it as the gospel truth. Even if something comes up later recanting the story the damage has already been done.

It is easy to learn something but harder to unlearn it.

We have media outlets that are biased toward one political party or the other. Rarely do we find one who is unbiased. One station will tell you how horrible Obama is doing while the other will tell you how wonderful he is doing. Regardless of your political opinion the fact that you get two entirely different stories from two supposedly reputable media outlets should help you see how they manipulate us. They divide us with rhetoric of red and blue when all we really need is for them to be is black and white with there facts. There should be no opinion in the news we receive. Just give us the facts and let us decide our opinion.

The media is who needs to be 'occupied'. They are who ultimately decides who even hears about your cause. If decided they can demonize you and most will believe it instantly which ruins your movement. My example, you may agree or not, is the Ron Paul campaign.
edit on 10-10-2012 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

Oh i agree. Ron Paul seems to be genuine and most likely one of the few good guys in D.C.
(Though i have doubts about his son.)
It's ironic that the media, the other candidates and plenty of people considered him "un-fit" for the presidency, but they could never explain a solid reason why. Why shouldn't we audit the bank of the country? Why shouldn't we uphold the constitution we were founded on and that which grants us so much of the freedom we cherish? Why shouldn't we only go to war when we need to?

It's sad and slightly disgusting to think, no one could give me a solid reason why someone who is against pointless wars is bad. Do they not know what War is? Do they not realize these are 'real people' dying? And that without a just cause, death is not honorable. It's very sad.

I do agree and appreciate your addition, and i totally agree that it's more than how much media we get but also what we are exposed to.

Does anyone else find it interesting that the highest grossing video games the past several years have been "Combat Simulators"?
Games that not only give the most realistic portrayal of "War" but also glorify it? And these games show combat very much like the Wars we are already in, in the middle east.

One of those games was literally about a War in Iran. Did no one consider the implications of that?

I guess i can't be shocked, not if my rant is true.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:38 PM
Distraction from the ability to be our highest selves is the best they have, but our mass ability as humanity is what makes it possible for them to pull it off. I agree, it is too easy for people to be comfortable with what is fed to us. People in general don't even pay attention when they tell us what is going on point blank. Here are just a few quotes for you.

"The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists."
J. Edgar Hoover

"While you here do snoring lie, Open-eyed conspiracy His time doth take."
William Shakespeare, The Tempest (Ariel at II, i)

"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses."
Albert Einstein

"People yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands."
David Rockefeller

"To repress rebellion is to maintain the status quo, a condition which binds the mortal creature in a state of intellectual or physical slavery. But it is impossible to chain man merely by slaving his body: the mind must also be held, and to accomplish this, fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most the overlords, the keepers of his destiny."
Manly P. Hall

(Sorry if I made any mistakes, my own distraction of food looms over my head today, I have to can 10 gallons of apples. )

In their own words, they have stated a similar idea process that the OP addresses. Now if only we can get more people to make this crucial observation. The distractions are only going to get worse. My personal theory is that it will probably shift more toward our necessities. Energy prices are going up, I just heard on the radio this morning that natural gas customers can expect to pay up to "19 % higher fuel costs this winter, not because of price increases, but because we expect it to be that much colder." Really? I didn't even know what to think about that. Our food prices and availabilities are getting worse as well, and we should all know about the drought. They will ultimately control the masses by their hungry bellies. IMHO, everyone who sees the writing on the wall and does not takes realistic steps toward providing at least those bottom 2 rungs of Maslow's pyramid, needs to re-examine their priorities (sorry, some of my frustration with blind, lazy people who will play games all day and then expect a share of my hard work). From experience, knowing that I can provide for my family without the grid negates the worry of our most base needs. Be pro active and can some food, store some water, learn about plants, move out of the city if that is what it takes. We have to be pro active to provide for ourselves in life or we will never have security.
There are steps we can take to break the cycle,(mostly, we all have to eat) and every one of us who takes those steps pushes us one step further away from "the matrix".
LOL, as I sit here in front of a glorified toy and drink my coffee, instead of folding laundry or cutting up apples.

BTW: Drive them all nuts, I have these talks with people constantly, some blow me off, some laugh, some surprise me and are open to it. Hopefully we can spread the awareness from the discussion boards to the people around us every day. That would be pivotal in changing the tides.

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by woodsmom

Very excellent response! I agree with all of that.

It is a point i did not address, that basically the items on the bottom of the pyramid are controlled by the Wealthy Elite, and thus, anytime the populace starts acting up they can limit access to the most basic needs and draw everyone's attention away.


As for what power people have, it feels like the only thing people can do is question all things, stop taking things at face value and being driven by emotion. But this is easier said than done.

When you're faced with homelessness or hunger, you have little time to worry about questions.

So basically TPTB's true power:

Their endless supply of distractions
Their control over the resources that meet our most basic needs
Their control over the flow of information
Their ability to appeal to people emotions with lies.

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