posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:47 PM
Ok first of all, you cant even be a canadate if your not completely 100% dedcated to the nwo. It dosnt matter who wins, the out come will be the
same, because when it comes down to it. Its not up to us. The elections are fake, and have been so for quite some time. Kerry is probly gona win,
remember there both skull & bones wich is a chapter of the illuminati(the 322 to be exact). But the president dosnt have the power to really do
anything on his own anyway. Most of the stuff done by presidents are orders that are giv'n to him from the cfr and or trilateral comission, and or
the Bilderberg group. You would be wasting your time to even vote, because you'd be voting for David Rockefellers pupit. If you wana waste your
time in live to vote for who David Rockefllers b!tch is gona be, than be my guess. But if you do even a little bit of research, you'll find the us
presidency just simply is not up to us. Its up to the bilderbergers who gets to be pres. Before them it was up to the cfr and the rockefellers. At
less if kerry wins, i'll be able to tell ppl im from the united states when i leave the contry. Cuz i travel alot, and ppl r pissed off at us cuz
they think we aprove of what that IQ'less **** dose.