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Annette Larkins: The Beautiful 70 Year Old Who Doesn't Look a Day Over 40 !!!!

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posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:46 AM
It's genetics and her diet/exercise. What's so hard to realize about that.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Kluute

Hi Kluute!

Firstly, I absolutely love your avatar. Stunning!

You say that at first you didn't know if you should believe it? Well, I can tell you first hand that it depends on what it is you want to believe.

My difficulty with your thread on this AMAZING topic is that everyone here is very focused on how Annette looks. Yes! SHe does look amazing for her age. Many responses are on the sad sad line of: 'I would rather eat meat and drink milk..... than LOOK like this.'

Anyone who has followed the raw diet will tell you that they hardly ever start out on it to achieve ageless beauty. Some people discover this new reality through a serious yearning to heal a health problem after trying lots of medical advice and chemicals. The youthfull look is simply a result, an added bonus, not the goal at all!!

I have been on and off the raw diet a few times in my life. The first time was at the age of 15 for a year and a half while at boarding school! Yes, it meant that I had to store my fruit in a cupboard and bring it down with me at meal times, yes it took guts and garters, but I did it. When I went to boarding school I started eating meat for the first time and got terribly sick after a while. I was home for two weeks during which I fasted and then went onto the raw diet.

Within 2 months I felt AMAZINGGGG! One cannot describe it. It is like waking up after a long drowsy nightmare of trying to think through the fog in your mind. To have that absolute clarity, excellent sense of smell, endless stamina, much improved intilligence with a great body to boot, is NOT to be smurked at!
Unless you prefer bacon. Shame. Slaves to the machine.

Let me tell you: THERE IS ABSOLUTE NO WAY for any person who has detoxed and stayed on raw past the difficult detox stage to tell a 'normal eater' how absoluty fantastic, clear minded, intilligent, super fit and super human one feels on the raw diet.
Why do I say that?
Because someone who's body and brain is intoxicated with processed food and chemicals do not have the clear thinking brain to understand how wonderful this makes one feel. The mind cannot percieve it, thus, it must be an illusion, cheating, untrue, and discredited.

Did Adam and Eve not live on fruit?
Or was there a bacon bar and steak house which the bible forgot to talk about????

This is a basic truth of humans that have been obscured by centuries of lost truth and abused by those that fill their pockets with money made off the promoted idea that man MUST eat only for satisfaction, gratification and pleasure. It is a concept that has been so badly distorted that man has difficulty realising that eating is actually about FEEDING the body. Man is the only specie that eats for pleasure. Man is the only specie who lives in dis-ease due to how he eats. Man is the only specie who will poison himself to make a quick buck. Man is the only specie who believes his good health is dependent on millions of tiny little pills, potions and pastes.

You truly are what you eat.

The truth that has been ripped from those giving such negative responses on this thread is that if man can SIMPLIFY to the extreme that which he puts into his mouth, one can actually heal the planet! Not only in a health sense, but especially in the way he thinks sense.

If you can heal man's thinking you can truly heal the planet. The raw diet does that. Your thinking changes. Your perspective changes. Your priorities changes. Your reality changes.

Sadly, I am a hipocrate. I know these truths, have experienced them strongly and profoundly, but have not been able to maintain a pure diet on a permanent basis. However, that does not make them not true.

Fire away.

edit on 11-10-2012 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 02:33 AM
That's amazing!
She didn't have to give up the meat, though.

That has nothing to do with the aging process.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

You would of achieved the same results with a small portion of meat in your diet. Eating like that is making your body lacking in protein. Of course too much is a problem, but to cut it out of your life will have some physical side effects that will be in the backround while your skin looks great.

My mom did this kind of diet her entire life but instead of replacing all of her normal eating habits, she just increased the amount of raw fruits and her intake of water.
She always fed us fish to enrich us with Omega 3 for supplementing increased brain activity.

You can totally live a long healthy life eating a strict diet like this without eating meat, but you are missing out on plenty of different health benefits from not eating meat. And I'm talking about buying fresh meat from the market, and preparing it yourself.

Btw, the reason you got sick from eating that meat is most likely from a reason other than the actual nutritional properties of meat. Maybe, you just got a batch that wasn't good that slipped through the cracks!
Happens in the fruit and vegetable world, too!

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by Awen24


posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by littled16

I had to laugh at your comment! I am nearly 50 and I am meant to look in my later 20's early 30's.
Now I have to say I eat everything, especially chocolate.
I don't have any grey hair yet and the old fashion looks I get when people ask my daughters age can get a bit embarrassing!
I put it down to one thing and one thing only the luck of the draw!'.
Good luck to her though. I don't believe there is any magical formular, just everything in moderation. Even fruit!

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 03:36 AM
I'd like to see a picture of her at 20, 30, 40 and 50 first.

Anyone betting on something else such as surgery?

Show me progression pictures. Otherwise it's as unplausable as evolution.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 03:36 AM
I'd like to see a picture of her at 20, 30, 40 and 50 first.

Anyone betting on something else such as surgery?

Show me progression pictures. Otherwise it's as unplausable as evolution.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 04:23 AM
All I can say to this is Genetics, my reason? My Grandfather, Howard Grant Welch was very healthy. He looked his age, but was in better physical condition when he died (in a car accident) at age 71 than most men in their late 40s. He ate red meat, fried foods, and had an occaisional drink of homemade blackberry wine or moonshine. Of course, he also kept his own chickens, and vegetable garden until he died and ate lots of fresh, albeit fried, fish. Some people just age well, I don't feel that the vegan diet is better, mostly based on our own evolution, and from personal experience. Most of the vegans I have known are very sallow and unhealthy people, they are constantly suffering from one ailment or another, are underweight, and malnourished. But, that may not be true for the majority of Vegans, maybe only the ones i know.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
My difficulty with your thread on this AMAZING topic is that everyone here is very focused on how Annette looks. Yes! SHe does look amazing for her age. Many responses are on the sad sad line of: 'I would rather eat meat and drink milk..... than LOOK like this.'

The reason being is because this thread is based on the premise of how she looks, not her health, that would be a different conversation. Maybe this is why your struggling with this thread and the 'sad sad' lines regarding how she looks, it's on topic.

She does look amazing for her age, no doubt, but to give up entire food groups to achieve this is not worth it to many people, hence the reponses you see and dislike.

If this diet is for other reasons such as health issues then fine but thats not what many people here are discussing, but if you would like, I will add my opinion to this aspect too. The best diet is a BALANCED diet, plenty of fruit, veg, fish with a proportion of meat and dairy included.

In my opinion this raw diet is not as good as you say, I believe the reason you feel super human is mainly down to a placebo effect, just as people who say they feel weak and tiered on these diets are probably experiencing a negative placebo effect.

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
Unless you prefer bacon. Shame. Slaves to the machine.

Is that for real?

Originally posted by UnlimitedSky
Did Adam and Eve not live on fruit?
Or was there a bacon bar and steak house which the bible forgot to talk about????

I have no idea what two fictional characters had in their diets, but I'm sure snake was on the menu at some point.

To tell you the truth I disagree with all of your post apart from the point you make regarding eating processed foods, that is true and it is also easy to avoid without giving up entire food groups.

The people on these diets do not live longer than normal eaters, the health aspect to these diets is purely placebo in my opinion and if that works for you, great, I am truly happy for you, meanwhile I for one will continue to take pleasure in food and that includes all food groups.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 05:51 AM
Im sure she hasnt spent a penny on any type of cosmetic surgery.


posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 06:09 AM
I agree with the genetics aspect of looking younger. I don't look my age. I know that. Having said that there is a black African lady in our office, who is 61 and if I didn't know here, I would swear she was in her 20's. She looks amazing, great figure, beautiful face and gleeming white teeth ands I know for a fact she hasn't had any surgery..
So all I'm saying is Annette is certainly not alone. I guess if she wants to promote her lifestyle and eating habits and make lots of money, good luck to her.
I would, but I'm too shy! Lol

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 06:34 AM
I think it is a great video in the OP. People can pick her apart but she is living consciously and that is the key to a sustainable future. I think I will do some sprouting today...

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by happinness

I also am "getting up there", but unfortunately didn't get blessed with the young looking genes! I definitely look my age, but I'm cool with that. I am lucky that I don't have grey hair, but I figure when the time comes Miss Clairol will insure that I never will!

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by marg6043

Lucky you! When I was young I looked older than my actual age, but it worked out okay during the teen years ( got into clubs and was able to buy things I shouldn't have at the time). Nowdays I look my age but that's okay. I went to my 25 year class reunion in 2010 and looked younger than most of the chicks I graduated with so I'm all good!

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 08:50 AM
If you watch the video, she claims she has terrible genetics. She said her family is disease-prone and that her family members generally get sick or die young. She claims to have defied this by her diet.

I saw a comment about how a raw food and vegan diet can lead to problems in the long term. (Mineral deficiencies and such) I've heard of that more than once.

I knew a married couple, both in their late 50s, who were in phenomenal shape. They were absolutely age-defying.
They did juicing, sprouts and all that, and consulted a book "Formula For Life". They really liked that book.

They followed a very nutritious diet, but Saturday was their "cheat day". They would eat pizza, pasta, sometimes even cheeseburgers. The guy wasn't into sweets, but the wife was, so she would have chocolate cake, ice cream, etc.

I think that might be a good a strict, healthy diet, but have a cheat day.


posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 09:17 AM
She looks great. I can only wish I would look that good at her age. The BIG 50
is next year for me and I am concerned.... I need to change my habits now for a heathier life style
hopefully it's not to late.
I go throught spurts where I only eat good things I stay away from anything
that you would call "BAD" I can do this for months but eventually I get so so depressed I walk around like life sucks........
and my husband would threaten to tie me down and force feed me a bacon double cheese burger and a side of fries!!!! So I eventually go back to my ill begotten ways..... back to 10lbs over weight and happy .. I don't know which is worse??

edit on 03/30/09 by starlitestarbrite because: spelling as always

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 09:34 AM

edit on 11-10-2012 by davjan4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 10:04 AM
i'd hit it.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 10:22 AM
There is no way that i could look like Annette Larkins at 71 even if i did drink a gallon of pure distilled water every day and ate raw food. That's because i'm white and male...

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