reply to post by Kluute
Hi Kluute!
Firstly, I absolutely love your avatar. Stunning!
You say that at first you didn't know if you should believe it? Well, I can tell you first hand that it depends on what it is you want to believe.
My difficulty with your thread on this AMAZING topic is that everyone here is very focused on how Annette looks. Yes! SHe does look amazing for her
age. Many responses are on the sad sad line of: 'I would rather eat meat and drink milk..... than LOOK like this.'
Anyone who has followed the raw diet will tell you that they hardly ever start out on it to achieve ageless beauty. Some people discover this new
reality through a serious yearning to heal a health problem after trying lots of medical advice and chemicals. The youthfull look is simply a result,
an added bonus, not the goal at all!!
I have been on and off the raw diet a few times in my life. The first time was at the age of 15 for a year and a half while at boarding school! Yes,
it meant that I had to store my fruit in a cupboard and bring it down with me at meal times, yes it took guts and garters, but I did it. When I went
to boarding school I started eating meat for the first time and got terribly sick after a while. I was home for two weeks during which I fasted and
then went onto the raw diet.
Within 2 months I felt AMAZINGGGG! One cannot describe it. It is like waking up after a long drowsy nightmare of trying to think through the fog in
your mind. To have that absolute clarity, excellent sense of smell, endless stamina, much improved intilligence with a great body to boot, is NOT to
be smurked at!
Unless you prefer bacon. Shame. Slaves to the machine.
Let me tell you: THERE IS ABSOLUTE NO WAY for any person who has detoxed and stayed on raw past the difficult detox stage to tell a 'normal eater' how
absoluty fantastic, clear minded, intilligent, super fit and super human one feels on the raw diet.
Why do I say that?
Because someone who's body and brain is intoxicated with processed food and chemicals do not have the clear thinking brain to understand how wonderful
this makes one feel. The mind cannot percieve it, thus, it must be an illusion, cheating, untrue, and discredited.
Did Adam and Eve not live on fruit?
Or was there a bacon bar and steak house which the bible forgot to talk about????
This is a basic truth of humans that have been obscured by centuries of lost truth and abused by those that fill their pockets with money made off the
promoted idea that man MUST eat only for satisfaction, gratification and pleasure. It is a concept that has been so badly distorted that man has
difficulty realising that eating is actually about FEEDING the body. Man is the only specie that eats for pleasure. Man is the only specie who lives
in dis-ease due to how he eats. Man is the only specie who will poison himself to make a quick buck. Man is the only specie who believes his good
health is dependent on millions of tiny little pills, potions and pastes.
You truly are what you eat.
The truth that has been ripped from those giving such negative responses on this thread is that if man can SIMPLIFY to the extreme that which he puts
into his mouth, one can actually heal the planet! Not only in a health sense, but especially in the way he thinks sense.
If you can heal man's thinking you can truly heal the planet. The raw diet does that. Your thinking changes. Your perspective changes. Your priorities
changes. Your reality changes.
Sadly, I am a hipocrate. I know these truths, have experienced them strongly and profoundly, but have not been able to maintain a pure diet on a
permanent basis. However, that does not make them not true.
Fire away.
edit on 11-10-2012 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason given)