posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 10:12 AM
We have been trying to resolve a very big mystery here in the UK over the last 16 months, and it is this,,, for many years an old gravel pit area that
closed in the 70's has been used as a dog walking area ever since, no gates just drive off the A12 right into a big stone car park, it could take 90
or more cars and not be full.
Then you get out your car with your dog and your able to walk a full mile in a square and get back to your car and leave. Anyway 16 months ago we went
on our weekly visit, and wow massive new gates put up on all 3 exits, sign saying Keep out, closed due to naughty sex crimes happening here.
Then we still kept an eye of this place, parked the car in a lay-by and walked to the gates, odd thing here, no public can get in, but all 6 rubbish
bins are full near the gates, emptied some time or other, but filled again next visit, this with no public or anyone ever getting in those grounds.
I now have had people say they see lights in there, people digging deep at night time from 11 PM till 5 AM 7 days a week, and I just am thinking are
things going on under ground? what do you folks think?