As Oscar Wilde once stated, art imitates life. I am still relatively new to ATS, but I have noticed since joining that this site seems to follow and
imitate some interesting trends of it's own, that imitate life in the everyday outside world. I have read thousands of threads over the years far
before joining ATS (do not let the member start date fool you), since roughly late 2005. There are some very gifted authors of some truly great
threads on here. I am a lover and student of psychology, and I am connecting a few dots as to some parallels that I have noticed since becoming a
Many great threads that I have read on here in the recent and not so recent past have been seemingly ignored and forgotten, while I have seen some
decent threads (some low on scientific research or even adequate source citations for the premise of the posted thread) get applauded by many and seem
to garner many responses, as well as stars and flags - while some truly mind blowing threads attracted little attention and very little interest in
general. This confused me at first, and I started really reading and studying the differences between some of the popular threads and the ones that
were not. I found some very interesting differences between a lot of them.
Remember back to when we were kids and school? You had the popular students, the outcasts and those who seemed to fall somewhere in that "gray area"
between the two. It doesn't really need to be extrapolated upon that much as to where this way of thinking originates and always has. Hollywood spends
billions a year to create an image of what is cool, what should be morally acceptable and what should be generally frowned upon in society as a whole.
The mainstream media follows tongue in cheek in it's reporting and glamorization of what you and I should accept as right or wrong - building the
framework in our minds what they believe we should imitate and integrate into the inner dynamics and psychological infrastructure of us as individuals
and our families. In popular culture and media reporting, popularity indeed rules the day as to what we deem as cool, interesting or worthwhile - most
of us following like sheep (whether we realize it or not) as these two factions of the entertainment media have become masters of manipulating the
collective psyche of the masses as they have done for well over a century.
Now you may be asking, what does this have to do with ATS? Well, from what I have seen in a lot of things I have observed on here, a good bit. Some of
the truly remarkable threads that were well structured, worded and researched in many instances and generally ignored, were not authored by those that
were well known here, albeit they were new, or hadn't the known history of making great threads like others who have been here longer. Many of these
great threads were out-shined by members who posted one liner or short blurb comments and actually had more stars granted to them than the thread's
author. The ones that seemed to generate the most stars for such comments posted were well established and are well known by the ATS community - with
higher ranks, star and flag totals than other posters within the thread itself. Some members with lower ranks and/or star and flag totals in very many
instances, made better points and observations than some of the aforementioned established older members - who often in their short blurb comments
barely stayed on topic, mocked the thread's author in their difference of opinion, or gave negative feedback and made rude comments in relation to the
topic itself, at times, more often than those with lower star and flag totals.
I have read great threads in different forums with subjects closely relating in content between well established members and new (or not well known
yet) members, and in many instances the well known members threads accumulated more attention and responses, as well as star and flag totals. In some
instances, the lesser known or new members thread was structured better, had better grammar and vocabulary usage, more extensive cited source examples
and generally came across as more clear and concise than a few of the more established members threads. I have to admit that this was a bit
interesting to see and compare. It follows a parallel to how we live our daily lives in the world, and who we as individuals value as greater paragons
in learning about what has gone on in the past, what is happening in the present and things that hold a bearing on our individual and collective
In our world, a lot of us tend to value the opinions of those that they see as greater moral, visionary or frankly speaking - fascinating and/or
seemingly more interesting figureheads in our society. The media machine constantly feeds us as a collective consciousness who we should emulate,
idolize and value as our role models. How we should think, act and conduct our every day lives as in comparison with the celebrities and political
figures that the mainstream media plasters all over our television and computer screens on a daily basis, and leads most of us in how we handle our
professions, friendships and family relationships - whether realized or unrealized.
Do you always tend to honor the values and opinions of members who have a longer history here at ATS because you agree with their opinions more than
others? Is it because you see some members of longer ilk and standing here as more knowledgeable based on their prior knowledge expounded on past
subjects or is it for other reasons? Is it because they are seen as more popular or they are more well liked by other members of the ATS community?
All of these things could truly be the answer apart, or together as a whole. I wonder these things at times based on seeing posts that have been
exceptionally starred for very little contribution to the thread topics subject matter contained therein. When I read a remarkable outstanding thread
and one liner and short minimal posts give little to no on topic feedback, discussion and/or debate garner more stars than the material presented in
the thread by the OP, I wonder at times.
In our society a lot tend to value those that hold positions of clout and what is accepted as exceptional over those who do not. People that we watch
on the news, listen to with our individual music tastes, our local, national and global legislators and even celebrities. Indoctrination into what is
seen as the way to conduct our lives started young, and continues every day. Do we as members here carry that way of thinking into how we evaluate and
judge the knowledge we share between us and our opinions on such matters? Does popularity in some instances show itself on ATS in how we rate and
respond to such information and who's opinions matter more based on said shared information? From what I have seen, in some of the parallels I have
noticed this in how we deal with the external stimuli in pop culture and the indoctrinated psychological framework in which we judge and see others in
relation to our own preconceived notions, So, I would say yes.
edit on 10-10-2012 by Rubicant13 because: (no reason given)
edit on 10-10-2012 by Rubicant13 because: (no reason