Well, two rants in one day. I must be in a bad mood...or perhaps time is just very short to this election day and the frustrations of how screwed
we've been left are needing a little vent to escape...
I'm a Rabbit without a party..and it's sad enough to sit and cry in my carrot juice for. In my state, I started this season with confidence and sure
Claire McCaskil was on her way out and Conservatism could return to a state that IS
almost entirely conservative when a
couple big cities are removed from the numbers.
Then...Well...My choice is
Wanna-Be Senator Todd Akin. Need I say more? Can there be a worse example of a friggen Greek tragedy here?? I mean,
long hard hoping and working. Looking forward to setting right how Claire ever got into office to begin with (a story worth it's own thread)..all
great things to start the campaign season with, right? Then Akin happened.....and oh damnit did he "HAPPEN" on everyone. Like a constipated Seagull
just letting loose over a stage packed with Politicians at the beach. He happened on us all.
Okay,... So Akin is a flaming loser that forces me to vote for the woman I once nearly dreamed of seeing thrown out at the next election. Never let it
be said..I'm a party hack as I realized during a phone survey a few days ago.
My God...but I am really going to vote for Claire.
I have no choice..and party just be damned. Akin isn't a bad Republican. He's an ignorant
MAN with too MUCH ignorance in him to start On The Job training inside the United States Congress during THIS period of history.
So I get to accepting how I'm voting for what I've come to detest...because the alternative is a level of education I equate with the Middle Ages.
So be it...and so it must be. Hell, I only have the one bitter pill right?
(big sad eyes while shaking head)
Oh..then I hear about Arkansas and the 3 Stooges(A thread currently up about GOP being so disgusted..even THEY cut funding to 'em) ....and recall the
dumb ass in Idaho that makes Akin look downright intelligent. Oh but those aren't MY problem right?
So I glance upward and higher...not to the heavens, just Washington D.C. I'd consider it the
opposite place, eh?
What do I find there? I find a
Marxist Socialist who I can't support on the most core of my deep personal principles. That's an absolute,
period and beyond any hint of chance for change in any way.
So.... SURELY...I must have a better choice...right? (hopeful smile) right?
I gaze at my choice...and find a lifelong
Corporate Raider who lived the life immortalized by the Fictional character 'Gordon Gekko" in Wall
Street. Nice...
I can learn to address the Commissar as
Comrade or I can learn to like the extremes of greed like a
personal mantra. Anyone see where
other options exist? I don't. That's what we have to choose from...in it's MOST basic terms.
So it is, I feel like a Rabbit without a party..and almost a Bunny without a country as things are turning into something I just don't recognize at
the Federal Level as the America I've known, loved and been proud as hell to say I'm a citizen of.
Where is that America? Where is the place where the Eagle looks to the Olive Branches in it's Talon and NOT the quiver of Arrows in it's other.
We miss her.....and I'm sure I speak for many when I say,
we want her back. Nothing more...and I don't even care about blame for
what's happened if we can get BACK that place of peaceful living we once all knew and so recently too.
How do we get anything back though, when the choices aren't just incapable of restoring it, but have every intention of getting further and further
from that place we all knew to love?