posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 05:31 PM
Well, sometines we ask for help from something divine,
or something we cant explain. I did this, last year.
My wife was about four months pregnant, when she started
getting burning, shooting pains in her feet whenever she walked.
It got to the point where she could only walk for about five mins
before the pain became too much. The doctor said it was the extra
fluid due to pregnancy, and should get better.
After about two weeks, the same thing started to happen to her hands.
It got too the point where she was in bed 24/7. The pain in her hands was
constant. The only way i could relive the pain, was to give her a frozen bottle
of water, but the pain came back with a vengence.
I took her up the hospital, and they did not know what was wrong. They gave her
some morphine and steriods for the pain, but they did not work.
It got to the point where i was wasging her, feeding her, doing everything. I was worried
sick about the effects this might have on our baby.
Anyways, this went on for about two months. She got so bad, i just could not handle seeing my wife in
so much pain. I rang an ambulence and she spent the next seven days in hospital trying to find out what was wrong. For the pain they gave her
tremadol, which seemed to knock her out.
They brought in a specialist from london who diagnosed my wife with Erythromelalgia. A rare horrible condition
with no cure. He said he has never come across this with someone who got the condition while pregnant. He
gave my wife a drug called gabapentin, which eases the pain.
I got home and i cried. I thought i would be looking after my wife for life, and looking
after our child who might have problems because of what my wife went through, and
her medication.
I went out onto my balcony, looked up and said to the cosmos " please help my wife get
better, and please let our baby be healthy. I done this every night. My wife, after a few
wekks started to notice the pain in her hands were going. Then they stated going in her feet.
She got to about eight months, and she was pain free. Our baby daughter was born on the 12th september
2011. She is beautiful and healthy. every night, without fail, i thank the cosmos for helping my wife and getting
my daughter through the pain and suffering my wife had, and the medication.