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* Artist Akiane Kramarik Paints Mysteries of Divine Presence *

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Hey! Yep, its me. lol I understand... I have a different Avatar/Picture. The guys back in my pic is my ex boyfriend who died in the 2010, Nashville flood. He has Jesus on his back and used to say that all the time. "Jesus has my back".

In regards to Akiane... She does sound so wise doesn't she.

I watched this video earlier and was amazed at her emotions and the way she is soooo deep in her thinking her passion just makes me emotional.. lol.. maybe its a girl thing, I dont know, you tell me.

I don't know.. I can't explain it but I enjoy listening to her.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:20 PM
I just got done watching the video and yep, that's right where I am at. Strange hearing mirrored thoughts like that sometimes,although not that unusual as there are lots of people waking up to what is really going on finally.

Is she considered an indigo child?

Her thoughts almost exactly mirror my own and that is weird

I love it when that happens.
The way she described seeing her paintings is very much what I have experienced.
Same with some drawings.

Is she really only 18 though? That's an incredible philosophy for an 18 year old. It took me almost 20 years to learn everything she just said....

edit on 9-10-2012 by Darkblade71 because: typonese

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ

Originally posted by sled735
Thanks for this inspiring thread, Mama J.

I had heard of Akiane a long time ago, but had forgotten about her. I didn't know all the information contained in this thread about her story, so it is a great read. I believe her story.

IMO, the reason her painting looks like other pictures of Jesus is because this is what Jesus looks like, and the way he appeared to her, and others who have painted him.

It would get confusing to the masses if everyone saw Jesus as a totally different individual, wouldn't it?
Some paintings look a little different, but close enough to tell it is the same person.

I'll continue to follow this thread.

edit on 10/9/2012 by sled735 because: addition to comment

Too funny! I LOL'ed when I read that because it is sooo true.

Why would He want to confuse the masses?

Yes, I said that because one of the previous members said he thought she got the image from seeing other pictures of Jesus.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by abeverage
I am curious if her parents were painters or artists? I didn't take the time to read it because I take most child prodigies with a grain of salt, even Mozart had a composer father which makes his brilliant work a little more understandable then someone with farming parents becoming an amazing composer out of the blue...

I believe the only thing that struck me as really cool, yet odd, is not that her parents home schooled, were poor, but the fact they were one with nature. I guess on a creative side....being one with nature could possibly suffice.

I dont know??

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Oh thats sooo cool! Not sure about Indigo, you be the judge.. I would say so.

Indigo kids can show an uncanny ability to sense dishonesty are often identified or suspected of having Attention Deficit Disorder - ADD, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD or Autism.
Your indigo child may be destined to be one of tomorrows psychics and can be recognized by these frequent traits.
He or she will feel that they are here for a purpose, but may not know what purpose.
Demonstrate an unusual sensitivity to the supernatural and/or psychic skills.
Are best when they are alone, or outside in nature or with pets.
can be easily frustrated by established systems that block creativity.
Show strong attitudes about world issues such pollution, government corruption, and war.
Often think up better ways of doing things at home and at school.
Disagrees with hard and fast authority.
Have a strong sense of self-worth.
On occasion will know that something is going to happen before it actually occurs.
Often knows what you are about to say.

The link above has the video of indigo children. Whats up with the blue eyes?? Anyone know?

edit on 9-10-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 07:04 PM
This one is much better..

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by trysts
reply to post by MamaJ

I think she's a good painter, but I don't believe the story she and her parents tell. It seems to make the Christians happy. It has been proven for almost two-thousand years that Christians will believe anything

Amazing painter i must say... Its really beautiful!
Thank you for share'ing with us

Dumass comment... What if this entire world was intelligent design... And i belived our creator was a pink elefant with wings. I die, i go to random place, i meet my savior! a pink elefant with wings...
Dont want to make any offence on people... im just assuming that if there is a creator, he doesnt really have a physical form, and may assume one that soothes us...
So if a girl has dreams about jesus telling her to paint!, or inspires her rather...
And it makes people belive in jesus, i dont see the harm in that... As far as i recall jesus stood for some pretty good things... So did muhammed, and krishna and wtf not...
ITS WAYS OF LIFE THAT MATTERS, not your bloody beliefs. Life is choice, choice is power, for good or evil.
Be good, do good, karma is

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Johnkie

It's "dumbass", Johnkie. Thanks. lol

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

I must be an early 2nd wave


That's cool, I could relate to whole thing but the grades.
I kept good grades

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 10:51 PM
The rhetoric explaining this is so secondary. The painting is extraordinary regardless who painted it. It looks like a photo...brought to life. Her age makes it even more extraordinary.

I see no reason to disbelieve her story and certainly not to mock her painting of Jesus. It is similar to others but to me their is a distinct facial difference.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:19 AM
I just watched about 10 minutes of the PBS interview and all I can say is WOW! She seems really grown up for her age and articulates really well for a 15 year old.

Her paintings are really well done too, I liked the one at about 8 or 9 minutes into interview with the planets and stars in what looked like ocean waves.

Thanks for the info, I hadn't heard of this before. S&F!!!!

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by trysts
reply to post by MamaJ

I think she's a good painter, but I don't believe the story she and her parents tell. It seems to make the Christians happy. It has been proven for almost two-thousand years that Christians will believe anything

You can choose not to believe yourself. But I've spent my past few months living as a wnderer all over the country. I met allot of amazing people. I've experienced a lot of different things. Some physical and some spiritual. You may make fun of people who believe Jesus is God but I can guarantee you he is. I've had my proof. I searched for truth and I found Him! I received the Holy Ghost. I spoke in tongues. He's literally spoken to me. Go ahead and laugh and call me crazy. Do and say what you will, but no one can take away my experiences and my love for Jesus. The people that make fun of the Bible are usually people who know nothing about it. If you want Truth read the Bible from cover to cover and I guarantee you, you will be changed. I'm still reading it and it didn't take all of it to change me. I used to be a Deist and though aliens created us. I was way off!!! Jesus created everything! From a grain of sand to the Universe. Nothing is too much for Him. When you get to a point where you talk to Jesus and he talks back you'll understand. I'm not saying I'm a prophet or anything like that. Anyone can hear Jesus, just try. He knows if you're sincere. I sold all of my belongings to wander and get closer to Him. I never had a single problem out there. I was in extremely bad areas and no one and nothing touched me. You say Christians will believe anything, but you don't understand true Christians don't have to rely on faith we get proof from our God Jesus Christ. We get proof a lot more than people think we just don't share it on the internet and the news because of two reasons: 1. You have to knock on His door no one else can do that for you. 2. People like you.
On another note He comes to children because of their innocence. Children are the purest humans on Earth. They are the representation of the innocence Adam and Eve had before they ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Of course they're not perfectly pure because no one is or was except Jesus.
I kind of ranted a little bit my apologies, but I just wish everyone else would take that leap of faith. Don't be afraid He will catch you. If you'd like to know more of my experiences just let me know and I'll happily share, but it's getting late and I'm heading to bed. Goodnight and I love you all. God Bless!!!

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Wanderer777

I read the bible, Wanderer777. The old testament is an ugly anthology of hero-worshiping, vengeance, jealousy, war-mongering, plagues, curses, and disasters, while telling the tale of the beginning of the world/universe by a formless voice.
The new testament is much, much calmer, focusing on the life of Jesus, who amazed people by performing miracles and predicting future events. He speaks in metaphor and riddles which impresses everyone. This part of the bible seems to have very little relation to the first part, though there are a few references to it. It is mostly held together through the initial "God"(formless voice) character of the first part.
At the end is a very confusing dream of the end of the world.

The most frustrating thing about the book is that any skepticism expressed by it's characters is quelled by a miracle and/or a prediction which comes true. This is frustrating to me, because the miracles and such produced for the skeptical characters in the bible have been replaced entirely by "faith", in the real world. "Faith", as it relates to the bible, appears to be believing that the characters and/or events in the bible are real, without having any understandable reason to do so. Very frustrating.

It was not life-changing to read the bible, Wanderer777. Sorry.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ

Do you mind sharing with us your work??

I would have shared but I didn't applied copy protection on them... But trust me, they are nowhere as beautiful as this girl's masterpieces... I mean, these would be paintings I would hang on my wall, definitively! That's saying alot from a guy who wouldn't even hang Picasso or Michael-Angelo.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by trysts

I'll agree there was a huge difference between the New and the Old. But if you actually had read it you'd know why. That was the beginning. God's presence was well known and seen at that time. There was a lot more proof than now. So when his people would turn their backs on Him he got angry, as anyone would. He loved every single person, but not everyone loved Him. Now think about how that would make you feel. We were created in His image so every emotion we have he's dealt with and mastered. Plus the Old is a span of thousands of years and war is pretty often regardless of what you believe in. The only vengeance he got was against evil. The New was an entirely new covenant He made with everyone. There were over 500 eyewitnesses who SAW and SPOKE to Jesus after he rose to life on that beautiful Sunday. If you did read the Bible you'd have read that. Can you off the top of your head tell me what happened in the book of Jeremiah? Or what about in Judges or at least Joshua? Don't look it up I want to hear what you have to say. I'll work my hardest to show people, but people have to realize they have to meet God half way. He wont do everything for you.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by trysts
reply to post by Wanderer777

I read the bible, Wanderer777. The old testament is an ugly anthology of hero-worshiping, vengeance, jealousy, war-mongering, plagues, curses, and disasters, while telling the tale of the beginning of the world/universe by a formless voice.
The new testament is much, much calmer, focusing on the life of Jesus, who amazed people by performing miracles and predicting future events. He speaks in metaphor and riddles which impresses everyone. This part of the bible seems to have very little relation to the first part, though there are a few references to it. It is mostly held together through the initial "God"(formless voice) character of the first part.
At the end is a very confusing dream of the end of the world.

The most frustrating thing about the book is that any skepticism expressed by it's characters is quelled by a miracle and/or a prediction which comes true. This is frustrating to me, because the miracles and such produced for the skeptical characters in the bible have been replaced entirely by "faith", in the real world. "Faith", as it relates to the bible, appears to be believing that the characters and/or events in the bible are real, without having any understandable reason to do so. Very frustrating.

It was not life-changing to read the bible, Wanderer777. Sorry.

When I first came to ATS, I could not believe how many athesists actually existed in the world. Even though Im older, I hadn't seen the world or talked to many people outside of my state, lol so coming here really opened my eyes. I wanted to share my experiences and even back a couple of months ago I didn't get it. I didn't get how people will dismiss anything they do not experience for them self.

When I watched Akiane's videos I was reminded over and over that each person has a different path that is unique in its own right.

This little girl cares not for a permanent residence, she wants to see the world and gaze out of her eyes like a child. Always in wonder of experiencing new things. She "trusts" God to guide her when she has no clue where to go or what to say to people. Its more of a trust than faith, I think.

I say this because I do not want you to dismiss what you have yet to experience. Keep an open mind. Open your heart to all the many possibilities that exist in this infinite Universe.

For me, I can honestly say that only this year did the Bible make more sense to me. Reading it front to back a few times was the way to go for me. When I began studying in depth (my way) I realized the Bible comes alive. No joke! It does. The reader/seeker/me began to see the multi layers that exists within in its pages and notices the literal meaning but sees beyond the literal as well. Its also spiritual and metaphysically layered and when you realize this you are taken back and in complete awe. It comes alive in all of time. All of time can be seen in that book that I discounted many years because I blamed others for my misunderstanding. When I realized I can't blame others and had to read it for myself over and over again and did.... is when I was so thankful I had not given up on the text. Even now though, I don't connect with the Christian belief.

For example.... Israel is a Country. Jacob was named (BY GOD) Israel. Israel means rebel. Jacob was the "father" of the 12 Israelites (rebel tribes) tribes. Only one of them was Judah (later became religion of Jews).... there are 11 more and then we can't forget the "two lost tribes". Anything 12 represents mankind, like that of the Zodiac. We (all spirits) ARE Israelites as well as Israel.

The six days of creation sets a stage before man. Before man was created we were the stars singing in Genesis in our true spirit form.

The Old Testament shows us what MAN himself thought of God. In the New testament the belief of God destroying cities and such then became a blame for "satan". The New Test. has good news (Jesus) and a lot of love and this is where man can be seen to evolve into his spiritual essence of a loving spirit.

Jesus tells us all about reincarnation and how this one used to be that one and so on. I know.... I know.... The Chrisitan will not believe such but its one of the oldest spiritual teachings and one who is true to himself when reading the Bible will see it over and over again.

So.... if there is indeed reincarnation. Jesus reincarnated. If Jesus reincarnated then he helped write what would be in the Bible today. We can see Him evolving over the course of time in the Bible. Its really cool! lol

We are spirit.

Akiane agrees that we are spirit. We are more than the eyes can see, although some eyes do see much more. Its easy to discount anothers experience. Just be open to the changes your heart may indeed go through until your dying day because God will always try to get through.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Wanderer777

I have always been called a gypsie by my mom and believe me, If I had my way I would be a nomad. lol

I too read the Bible front to back a few times before I began to realize it coming alive before my eyes in real time. I always thought the Bible spoke of ancient times but in reality it speaks of all time.

Each reader/seeker receives different messages I believe. Each reader will believe that which has connected for him/her.

Others who read it do not see the reincarnation stories in it, but I do. They don't see the creation story in the spirit but i do. It doesn't mean either is wrong or right in their understanding though. I don't think so anyway.

When I have my revelations I want to share... but no one understands the "word" like I do. lol
edit on 10-10-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by reficul
how come jesus has blue/green eyes,dirty blonde hair and kinda looks like a cross between richard gear and wolverine???!!!

lol Who cares? I don't mind, maybe he upgraded his styles.

The point is, I can't believe a girl that young painted this. I mean, even more experienced folks have trouble doing that.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by swan001

Originally posted by MamaJ

Do you mind sharing with us your work??

I would have shared but I didn't applied copy protection on them... But trust me, they are nowhere as beautiful as this girl's masterpieces... I mean, these would be paintings I would hang on my wall, definitively! That's saying alot from a guy who wouldn't even hang Picasso or Michael-Angelo.

My daughter who is 12 painted a picture of the peace sign. I thought it was breathtaking. Art in all forms is beautiful to me, and even though it was not like Akianes I can still appreciate the work my daughter put forth.

Same with you... when you can, share your work with me. I can only dream of being as creative as some of you here on ATS.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by swan001

Originally posted by reficul
how come jesus has blue/green eyes,dirty blonde hair and kinda looks like a cross between richard gear and wolverine???!!!

lol Who cares? I don't mind, maybe he upgraded his styles.

The point is, I can't believe a girl that young painted this. I mean, even more experienced folks have trouble doing that.

Thats what Im saying too. Who cares who he looks like..... the dude is Jesus!
She prayed and prayed for someone to be her model and the next day walks a carpenter in her front door and she said.... you are IT! You look like my visions!!!!!! WOW! What a story! Life is all about expression.

I think its no wonder I love guys with pretty eyes and dark hair. I could almost obtain a crush for Jesus.

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