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What Is Your Interest(s) In The UFO/Alien Phenomenon?

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 12:42 PM
The reality of existence, the joy of the citizens of the heavens and the eutopias that exist and with my experiences, am pushed daily ever onwards, to learn and even share. Out of knowing where I came from and wanting to go back home or to higher levels. And for truth for all. For all to be freely able to progress and learn with TRUTH. No more slavery. Free energy and upgrade for this planet. To Free this planet.
edit on 9-10-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 04:05 PM
I enjoy the mystery of what exactly UFOs could be most of all.

I do like reading the case files, as well, and seeing how the stories, craft and aliens have evolved over time (or maybe just human perceptions have).

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:05 PM
Well, the philosopher Lennon once wrote, “Nothing you can do that can’t be done,” which in this context I take to mean that whatever aliens have accomplished in medicine, physics, social advancement, etc. is probably within the ability of humans. So seeing what is really possible would be encouraging.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:13 PM
God I just want humanity to catch up with the times. No more delusions of wondering. I am so ready for the next level its not funny, like being a college graduate stuck in kindergarten.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by karl 12

My interest is what the hell are they?

I have to agree with this member. I've done a fair amount of looking into the UFO thing myself, and I believe that there's something very real going on that the world at large is totally oblivious to. Nobody seems to be able to say exactly what it is, but it seems to be unprecedented. That is, it's unlike anything we've ever discovered before as a species. A whole new unrecognized category of phenomena.

This quote by an astronomer named Allen Hynek is apt:

We know that there exists a subset of UFO reports of high strangeness and high witness credibility for which no one - and I emphasize - _no one_, has been able to ascribe a viable explanation.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by MadhatterTheGreat
Title speaks for itself. What drives your interest or interests and what is your main purpose for wanting to know more/the truth?

For me personally, I could care less about the conspiracy theories, what the government(s) knows and doesn't know, agendas or any of that sort. I'm strictly interested in the science behind it all, as well as the biology of the species and their home planet/galaxies, etc. Such as if they do exist, how their craft work, the technology behind it, how long it took them to develop that technology and all other questions surrounding their general technology. As far as the species are concerned, are their bodies like ours, do they reproduce like us, do they have emotions, etc. And probably my biggest fascination would have to be with where they come from. Are they a lone planet such as us, or are they in close proximity to other intelligent life? Do they come from a federation of intelligent beings? What is their atmosphere and geology like? These are the kinds of questions that I pose to the theory of intelligent life and are interested in hearing yours.

UFOs are a real mystery; I love mysteries. No one knows anything about UFOs so no explanations are possible.

Aliens? The key word is alleged for no one has any info and I don't accept tales of alien abductions or interaction with aliens. Most connect aliens with UFOs but no one knows if there is a real connection. We don't even know if UFOs are "craft", it is assumed. It is also assumed that there are aliens inside the "craft". All assumption. No one has any direct knowledge about anything on the subject.

Are there beings other than humans in the universe? No, I don't think so.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by MadhatterTheGreat

My interest in UFO's stems from a fascination in aircraft, of any kind. I enjoy exploring alternative methods of flight and propulsion methods. I am curious about extraterrestrial life, but my opinion is that the vast majority of genuine UFO's are likely man-made. That's not to say I don't believe aliens can exist, in fact I would be suprised if there were no other life forms in our universe.

In saying that, it is unfortunate to see so many people simply accepting any UFO videos as real or undeniable proof of aliens, without bothering to explore other explanations. I think it's important to be at least a little bit skeptical of any UFO claims, otherwise it just makes all UFO enthusiasts look like gullible idiots, and makes it harder for genuine research into genuine incidents.

For those interested, one of my favourite UFO cases is one from here in NZ in 1978, which involved multiple eye witness accounts, video footage and purportedly radar echoes from ground based radar stations. Sorry it's just the wiki link, but there is more information around if you want to find more. Kaikoura Lights

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by MadhatterTheGreat

They have been around for a long time and the level of Tech. required to FOLD SPACE/TIME is so High that it is possible that they could be Hundreds of Thousands of Years in Advancement of Humans. The chances that any Alien Life Form would be able to breath the same air or be immune from our Planets Bacteria and Virus' are extremely doubtful so it is likely they have either Genetically Engineered their Explorers or perhaps they are wearing Bio-mechanical Suits.

We are aware of several KNOWN E.T. RACES....we also are aware of other UNKNOWN RACES.

The basic proof that E.T. is a reality can be found in the early 1950's and 1960's Washington DC E.T. Craft FLYOVERS. They were massive in scale and seen by THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE. The DC Newspapers have documented this as well as have many interviews of Military, Civilian, Police, Fire, Civil Defense and other authorities. To find this info you must read the actual DC Newspapers.

Split Infinity

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 08:36 AM
I really can't pinpoint the actuall moment all this alien stuff got ahold of me, but all i can say now is that im interested in every aspect of it all. I'm driving my family and friends nutts!!!! It sounds weird but it's almost like i woke up one day and was like bam!!!!! my mission is to help wake people up. Help them see that theres so much more to us, we really are special beings and we didnt get this way through a natural evolving process. Theres so many great wonders in this world that can not be exsplained. well we are one of them and i believe that we are going to be informed very soon.Some people are not going to be able to handle it, everything they know ,all that they have been made to believe will go right out the window. i went through it already but i feel free. awake , and ahead of the game .

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 10:18 AM
My interest is very simple. Can contact be made and if so, can people benefit from coming in contact with these aliens. Example, what would happen if someone was abducted by a Grey entity. Based off most of the stories, they put implants in you, so they can keep track of you. But let's take a deeper look into a some of the stories, where the Grays have spoken to people inside these ships. Would a Grey entity make me a smarter thinker? Could he expand my brain compacity, so that I could hold more information without having to write things down on paper?

We always depict these beings as being hostile, but could good things come from meeting them? Maybe all we have to do is ask.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 11:55 PM
Bottom line (that somehow seems to be undervalued in these discussions):

Obviously, if we are NOT alone, and the phenomenon (Aliens/UFOs of ET origin) can finally, once-and-for-all be substantiated - then it will mean profound and everlasting changes to humanity on Earth. Changes to society, our global economy, technology, religion, human evolution itself.

What is often overlooked, however, is the corollary: If we ARE alone, it means equally profound and everlasting changes for humanity. It will mean we must immediately and with tremendous fortitude, begin to ensure the survival of the human species, by protecting our planet, evolving away from hatred and warfare, seek ways to colonize the cosmos, etc. After all, if we are indeed alone, then even a random natural global catastrophe may wipe out the only sentient beings in the universe: us! A solar flare, asteroid impact, geomorphic rupture, super-volcano - any number of things could snuff out the only intelligent species - if indeed we are alone. WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!!

Now, personally, I am reasonably certain that the galaxies, Milky Way included, are essentially teeming with life. BUT WHAT IF WE ARE ALONE??? Don't we have a responsibility to ensure our own survival??

This is my interest. To learn the truth - if the truth is to be known to us. For only then can we prepare for the future. Either truth means profound implications for the human species. It is a very, very, intriguing enigma.

And the coolest thing is - either answer means magnificent changes ahead! I just wish I will live long enough to know which of the two scenarios will unfold...

Good luck to you all...
edit on 10/11/2012 by Outrageo because:

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 08:24 AM
My interest in the phenomena of UFOS and paranormal, as I have had life long experiences with the paranormal, which is evidenced in my book. As I am ill, I want to leave something as I am ill for the paranormal experiences I have had and those I have researched to compare my experiences with evidence to provide something that hopefully the next generation of researchers can use as some kind of handbook.

It is going to be dedicated to TONY DODD as he researched my case and showed me not to be afraid to speak about what I have been through and to share my experiences with others.

I want to give back to the paranormal community, like it has given me. Also, in the past I have been asked to write a book on my experiences. How do you compile 45 out of 49 years of experience into a book of the paranormal without evidence. I want the world to use my material, although credit to me, but I want my book to be just a fraction of information that is already out there.

I was 49 on the 7th of this month, but I am not the least bit bothered about my age, when I am living temporary in a care home where the residents are 50 years older than me.


posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 01:36 PM
I have been aware from a very young age of the existence of ailens and UFOs. I have always felt that we were being visited and have never doubted the fact that life is teeming out there waiting to be discovered. I want to know what other civilisations are like. Are they as messed up as we are? Do they fight wars? Do they beleive in a Supreme Being, that sort of thing. To learn this and more for me is to discover the real truth, who am i what is my purpose and what is my ultimate place is in the universe.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by bottleslingguy

yes, true but what *is* true? sure 1% is "true" but what....

posted on Nov, 2 2012 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by The Shrike

Originally posted by MadhatterTheGreat
Title speaks for itself. What drives your interest or interests and what is your main purpose for wanting to know more/the truth?

For me personally, I could care less about the conspiracy theories, what the government(s) knows and doesn't know, agendas or any of that sort. I'm strictly interested in the science behind it all, as well as the biology of the species and their home planet/galaxies, etc. Such as if they do exist, how their craft work, the technology behind it, how long it took them to develop that technology and all other questions surrounding their general technology. As far as the species are concerned, are their bodies like ours, do they reproduce like us, do they have emotions, etc. And probably my biggest fascination would have to be with where they come from. Are they a lone planet such as us, or are they in close proximity to other intelligent life? Do they come from a federation of intelligent beings? What is their atmosphere and geology like? These are the kinds of questions that I pose to the theory of intelligent life and are interested in hearing yours.

UFOs are a real mystery; I love mysteries. No one knows anything about UFOs so no explanations are possible.

Are there beings other than humans in the universe? No, I don't think so.

Your posts never fail to stun me for their lack of clear logic. First, you admit UFOs exist, call them a mystery, but say they can't be explained. Okay, I can accept that logic.

Then, our ask the question if there are other beings in the universe and you say you don't think so.

So,you admit that UFOs are real, but discount almost any possibility of there being life in the universe. Not life visiting presently, but life, anywhere in an infinite universe. You are saying you doubt other forms of intelligent life exist, despite the potential billions of inhabitable planets in our solar system alone!

Wow, your thinking really gives me pause.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:36 AM
My interest is very simple. I personally feel that one could benefit from meeting a friendly alien. Who says all aliens are bad? Just like people, there are good ones and bad ones. I'd like to meet a Grey entity, that could use technology to enhance my brain capability. To a human being, that's a bit of a chore, but to a grey entity, that's probably one of the easiest things in the book. Imagine not having to go to school anymore, because you already have the knowledge of someone who has traveled through different star systems. Everyday, you would wake up with a new plan, while others are paying boat loads of money, just to feel like they have a chance of learning a tiny bit of what you know.

Not only that, but living just as long as they do. I bet you the Greys have the technology to stop the aging process. To us that's impossible. To them, it's as easy as turning off running water. Imagine waking up and not seeing time as days, weeks, months and years. Now that you have a superior life time, you see time in a wider array. You now see that life is a lot better when you can look at everything, from every angle and learn as much about it as you can, without having to worry about getting sleep and paying your bills on time.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by asala

Good points. Knowledge doesn't always help us if it comes too quick or at the wrong time. Like Icarus. But doesn't nature, to some extent, self-limit people so they don't fly too high?

I've heard we don't fly too high if we fly with our own wings. Was on a Micheal Jordan poster

What good is finding the secret to eternal life if it kills our species? It could happen! There're many contrivances that could make it possible. We humans are stupid enough you know.

I look at it this way. Maybe someday we'll live 1 million years apiece. But it'll be built on the back of all the many people that died long before, learning the lessons humanity needed to learn. That seems to be how nature works. Nothing comes free. Even the chance to breath the air and to be born required millions, maybe billions of years (or more) of evolution that led to the modern day human.

edit on 4-11-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 01:44 AM
I've seen them twice. I am retired now, so don't really care anymore if anybody thinks I'm a nutter.

I saw the first when I was 15. I went with some family members to watch the move "Goldfinger" at the drive in in San Jose, CA on the east side of town around 1965.

I could not see the movie very well because I was in the back seat. It was kind of dusky, so I looked at airplanes out the window and stuck my head out because the airport was toward the west. I looked up and saw a bright white light right above going pretty fast overhead. It looked to be kind of high, but not as high as most planes. It was traveling generally toward the west.

What was remarkable was that it took a sharp right turn in the sky toward the south, transecting a section of sky almost instantaneously, then proceeded along the same exact direction it was on before the right turn and at exactly the same speed. It went on a ways, then repeated the right angle turn to go back to its its original course. It went a ways further, then one last very rapid right angle turn and then just travelled west straight until it was no longer visible. The sections of sky traversed by the right angle maneuver were large enough to be dramatic.

I was amazed and the incident stuck in my mind like a bur in a saddle. The WAY the object moved both straight and right angle were hard to describe. It was awe inspiring and frightening at the same time.

I really did not know much about UFO's, but presumed I would read about this sighting in the paper. I looked in the paper for about a week, no luck. I thought that since it occurred over a populated area and an airport, it would be somewhere in the news. Nothing.

There were no information sources at the time like now, it was either the newspaper, TV or the library. I was presuming that the thing I saw was some kind of military vehicle. The only thing I had ever seen about UFO's were grainy movies at night after creature features, I didn't equate the object with these, did not believe in UFO's just thought the movies were put ons to enhance the creature features.

When I was about 28, I saw a paper back on UFO's, and bought it and read it. It finally gave a description of the right angle maneuver, something no earth made craft could do at the time. That was when I first realized I had actually seen a UFO, though I had suspected it because I could not get the sighting out of my mind for any length of time and could never find any explanation for it. After that, I looked for them when I was outside, saw lots of celestial phenomena, satellites, planes etc. etc. but no UFO.

When I was 41, I was in the geyser area of Calistoga, bright clear day, brilliant blue sky. I looked toward the west and saw a featureless grey lozenge traveling south to north along the Napa Valley, just trucking, noiseless. It was pretty low, easy to see, no wings or lights, just a grey ellipsoid traveling north as casually as could be. I realized, "I just saw another one". I have seen pictures of UFO's that look like this particular object on the internet since then. It just went straight and out of sight, no unusual maneuvers.

I have seen nothing since that would convince me it was any kind of UFO.

I probably would have no interest in UFO's if it were not for these haunting sightings. I probably would not believe in the phenomenon. However, once you see one, you change. You really cannot forget them.

My entire philosophic and world view have altered as a result, one begins to question everything.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 04:40 AM
I loves science. And as such, am curious about our universe. Although I see little convincing evidence of alien visitations on earth in our recent history, I am open to the possibility that some day we may see something other than lights in the sky or grainy russian videos on youtube.

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by MadhatterTheGreat

I am interested in going to other planets, galaxies and things with their technology, IF any aliens with such technology are around. And meeting these species if they look, well... better than us and having mates there too.

As for my particular interest in the topic it is, Dulce NM and anything they may be doing down there, MiB - that's why I actually realized, I wouldn't have to infiltrate anything, THEY will come to ME.

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