posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:34 AM
The horror begins this autumn could mean,that this game starts in autumn, which technically it has because everyones wondering what the hell it is so
i guess this was part of the game plan and they seem to be releasing information bit by bit.
The image is now rotating and we have a new sentence....
hic est tuum temptamen quod temptat tua potentia
Here is a good affort at translating...
You choose what it says
hic est tuum temptamen quod temptat tua potentia
Though I think Mirthful Me is correct with the latin saying "this is your trial and trial your might", here are some of the literal translations of
the words in case we need them in the future.
hic - this, this one; this present; in court, my client
hic - here; in this place, in this matter; hereupon
tuus -a -um, possess. pron. of the 2nd pers. sing. thy, thine, your.
temptamentum -. a trial, attempt, essay.
quod, conj.: the fact that, the point that; as to the fact that, whereas; because, on the ground that; why, on which account; with temporal clauses,
since; as far as, to the extent that; introducing a fresh sentence, and, but, now, esp. foll. by si.
temptatio -onis, f. a trial, test; an attack.
temptator -oris, m. an assailant.
tempto -are, to prove, try, test, attempt; to test by attack, to assail; to work upon, tamper with, excite, disturb.
tu, pron. you.
potentia -ae, f. power, might, ability; efficacy, potency; esp. (unofficial) political power.
[edit on 10/18/2004 by infinite8]
Also i dont think this game has properly started yet as i said before they are releasing little information all the time so i would think this is a
tactic to get everyone to notice it and get more and more curious, more of a mystery that way.