posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 02:45 PM
I'm shocked anyone would ask as if it's up to us whether they are re-armed and rebuilt militarily? If they don't rebuild themselves, well, we've
left and 911 doesn't ring to a U.S. General with thousands of troops anymore. It rings to Baghdad Bob and his Iraqi Cops and Security Services.
Thats a BAD BAD neighborhood they live in, historically. Weakness isn't tolerated, it's removed by blood. If they remain weak for long, they won't
remain for long..period. Neighbors and the Kurds will see to that eventually.
So the question really is just this... Do WE want to get back into the cycle of playing arms dealer for all the political nightmare that comes with it
there..and led to this all in the first place? Or more importantly perhaps...Have we ever stopped or even slowed down? (eyes the staggeringly advanced
and high tech toys of the Saudi's...with Made-in-USA on them all)