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Boycott and Chaos at the United Nations in Geneva: Who Committed War Crimes in Iraq?

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posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:47 AM
By Dirk Adriaensens
Global Research News
Date : October 03, 2012
Link :

According to the news , The Geneva conference organized by the current Iraqi authorities in order to condemn the crimes of the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Huseein , backfired into a strong condemnation of the crimes against humanity, committed by the Anglo-American occupiers and their Iraqi allies .It was held on 19 September 2012 .

A Conference in Geneva about the “crimes of the former Iraqi regime” of Saddam Huseein, organised by the Iraqi government, has turned into a condemnation against the occupation and the current US sponsored regime.

Intensive attempts were made by NGO’s to bring this conference to a halt. The attempt succeeded and the conference turned into an occasion to reveal the violations and the crimes committed by the occupiers and the current government since the invasion of 2003.

The official international UN Human Rights Bodies, the Western politicians and the mainstream media may have betrayed and forgotten the Iraqi people, millions of people and thousands of NGO’s around the world have not! And as you can conclude from this action, there is always hope and positive results can be achieved, when united we keep on defending the rightful demands and aspirations of the Iraqi people. Next year will be the tenth “anniversary” of the invasion. Let’s organize political and cultural events, protest actions, lobbying campaigns and conferences…. Let them know we still haven’t digested this illegal imperial invasion and brutal occupation of the sovereign Republic of Iraq, that we have not forgotten the Iraqi people. The central slogan should be “Accountability for Iraq and Restoring Justice”.

edit on 6-10-2012 by synapsis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:04 AM
Or yous can march to George Bushes hideout, drag him by his feet across the USA while smacking him across the head with someones shoe and then hang the murderer.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by DarknStormy
Or yous can march to George Bushes hideout, drag him by his feet across the USA while smacking him across the head with someones shoe and then hang the murderer.

Yeah good idea

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:07 AM
Flagtastic thread + article.

I think it is for certain that human rights were violated by the Hussein regime, and with America having the loudest voice in the world this is well known.

Good for the Iraqi's for speaking up! I always like to see "little guy" get justice, and hopefully this is a solid first step in making that happen. I hope the US doesn't end up buying their way out of this, as billions in aid is not doing the trick in Iraq. There needs to be some type of guilty verdict in an international court.

It's going to be very interesting to see where Iraq is as a nation a few decades from now. There is some potential as a regional power. They have energy resources, ports, and some decent crop land. Currently the population is about 33 mil and GDP per capita 4.5K.

I think there is hope that if violence can cool down in Iraq and the region, there is potential for tourism. Iraq has a ton of history and they could follow Dubai's lead and build an impressive city whether on the coast or in near the river valley to attract travelers.

First, their national conscious must be placed at ease by an American withdrawal and some admission of fault.

Iraq Wiki

The Iraq Wiki, sounds like some type of exotic desert bird.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by PatrickGarrow17
Flagtastic thread + article.

Good for the Iraqi's for speaking up! I always like to see "little guy" get justice, and hopefully this is a solid first step in making that happen. I hope the US doesn't end up buying their way out of this, as billions in aid is not doing the trick in Iraq. There needs to be some type of guilty verdict in an international court.

Did you feel the same when he was invading Iran and US was giving him wmds ?

edit on 6-10-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by mideast

I didn't feel anything when that happened, I wasn't born yet. But from what I've read, it is further proof that both sides need to be held accountable for unethical behavior.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by synapsis

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by synapsis

Looks like the puppet masters tried to stage a show and instead got a dosage of reality.

The state controlled media will no longer mention the invasion and occupation of Iraq but the people arent going to forget.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:04 PM
The US government wants these wars and invasions to appear as if they are occurring due to some moral superiority, or that they are acting on behalf of justice. This is just an illusion, as there are always reasons that have nothing to do with the official reason given by the government. This is obvious considering that the US has committed some of the most heinous war crimes ever perpetrated in recent memory, in various different countries. They won't own up to any of them though, like the uranium-tipped ammunition used in Iraq, which is causing much more damage today than it did when implemented on the "battlefield."

The soldiers and their commanding officers, for the most part, do not realize that they are just puppets of a corrupt regime, no different than many of those who westerners despise overseas. It is hypocritical, and it is rampant. Great figures throughout history have warned us of the dangers of ending up in the exact position we currently hold. The military industrial complex, the controlling of a nation's banks, etc...All has come to fruition.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by synapsis

I hope the whole truth comes out, all of it.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:16 PM
It would be nice to see some sense talked from Geneva.
Nostradamus, rest his soul, gave a warning about that place.


Century 9 Quatrain 44

"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
Saturn will be converted from gold to iron,
RAYPOZ will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs."

Migrés, migrés de Geneue trestous,
Saturne d'or en fer se changera,
Le contre Raypoz exteriminera tous,
Auvant l'aruent le ciel signes fera.

Other translations

Leave, leave Geneva everyone! The grim reaper will change gold to iron Those against RAYPOZ [?] will be exterminated. Before the invasion the heavens will show signs.

Depart, depart from Geneva all of you,The gold of Saturn (nuclear material) shall be changed to iron (to a lesser material), The negative ray (contre Ray-Poz) shall exterminate everything, Before the happening the sky shall show signs.

Leave, leave Geneva everyone!
Saturn will change wealth to weapons,
RAYPOZ wil exterminate all the opposition.
Before the invasion the heavens will show signs.

Leave, leave Geneva everyone!
The grim reaper will change gold to iron
Those against RAYPOZ [?] will be exterminated.
Before the invasion the heavens will show signs.

"The negative ray (contre Ray-Poz) shall exterminate everything,"

It is reasonable to attach this to CERN, they are attempting to smash atoms and do admit to the possible formation of anti-matter, "(contre Ray-Poz)" and of course the first line is quite unmistakable.

A detail from a watercolor in the Vaticinia Nostradami codex, 1629 AD, at the Central National Library, Rome. The current buzz on the internet is a prophecy by Nostradamus that seems to indicate a colossal disaster for Geneva caused by the LHC. It's so striking, I thought it worth a closer look. While searching for the original French quatrain, number 44 in Century 9, I came across this image from what's being called 'The Lost Book of Nostradamus' from the recent book with this title by Ottavio Cesare Ramotti.

An archer shoots two fish in opposite directions across a gap, within a section of pipe. If you're imagining the LHC proton beams shooting through a detector through a beryllium pipe, and you're from the Renaissance, knowning nothing of physics and little of machinery, how better to illustrate this event? Fish too, in opposite streams, quite remarkable when you recall the quatrain and the 'Raypoz'.

Geneva Conventions

The Geneva Conventions comprise four treaties, and three additional protocols, that establish the standards of international law for the humanitarian treatment of the victims of war. The singular term Geneva Convention denotes the agreements of 1949, negotiated in the aftermath of the Second World War (1939–45), which updated the terms of the first three treaties (1864, 1906, 1929), and added a fourth treaty. The articles of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) extensively defined the basic, wartime rights of prisoners (civil and military); established protections for the wounded; and established protections for the civilians in and around a war zone. The treaties of 1949 were ratified, in whole or with reservations, by 194 countries.[1] Moreover, the Geneva Convention also defines the rights and protections afforded to non-combatants, yet, because the Geneva Conventions are about people in war, the articles do not address warfare proper — the use of weapons of war — which is the subject of the Hague Conventions (First Hague Conference, 1899; Second Hague Conference 1907), and the bio–chemical warfare Geneva Protocol (Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, 1929).

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:45 PM
This is re-posted from another thread but is relevant here.

Originally posted by ipsedixit
I have a conspiracy theory that is seldom if ever talked about.

The theory is that the UN sanctions which followed the first Gulf War and which went on for ten years, at the insistance of the United States and despite studies that had concluded that they should be terminated after only a year or so, because the havoc they were inflicting was near catastrophic at that point, were actually planned as an offensive weapon of war to kill as many Iraqis as possible and maintained as a result of pressure brought to bear on the United Nations by the United States of America, the genocidal perpetrator in the case.

If this was done it was the brilliant use of an international institution usually seen as an encumbrance by one of the most innovative, amoral and aggressively warlike nations since Nazi Germany.

I wish a whistleblower would leak the position papers from the State Department on this issue. Maybe Hillary Clinton (Lady Ha Ha) will be indiscrete someday.

My personal opinion is that this is one of the slickest "crimes against humanity" ever perpetrated. The Nazis have come a long way baby.
edit on 6-10-2012 by ipsedixit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:50 AM
Great thread to inform people, can't believe this is kinda going under the radar here on ATS, should be a LOT more replies and discussion on this subject

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by synapsis

War illegal crimes where commited by the collation forces... Heck peeps have you seen the pictures of the kids born all deformed in Iraq because of the use of Depleted Uranium.... It sucks and the people used such weapons and the people that ordered such use should be held to account...

How about toture... Outlawed under the Geneva convention....

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 09:32 AM


one way or another, it will be SPOKEN & HEARD



posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:03 PM
Those kids look like they are in a lot of pain. (DU babies)

Question: when you google "Ali al Salem" air base, you can see HAZ structures with big holes in the roofs.
My question is, during Gulf war 1, did US troops use DU munitions on the HAZ's that the Air Force at Ali al Salem still uses?

Certain shops were operating out of those busted up bunker hangars. I wondered if they had ever taken the Geiger counter into the building with them. Some troops say the dirty sand is the #1 reason Salem is still "secret location" on our order records...

edit: agree with poster above, we should all aspire to be Nazi hunters if and when we feel the lovely urge.
edit on 7-10-2012 by KhufuKeplerTriangle because: naziiiis

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Todzer
Great thread to inform people, can't believe this is kinda going under the radar here on ATS, should be a LOT more replies and discussion on this subject

This thread gets close to what one might call, in Joseph Conrad's phrase reapplied, America's "heart of darkness".

Most Americans cannot face this information. Most Americans have been gerrymandered by their media and their political leaders, into a state of cognitive dissonance with respect to America's activities overseas. They believe that America is exporting freedom. They believe that depleted uranium munitions are safe if handled properly. They believe that mistreatment of Iraqis was an exception and not widespread.

I could go on, but cutting a long story short, "moving on" is the American way. Americans don't "face up" to things. They "palm up" to things and move on. The heart of darkness is a dark hollow place.

posted on Oct, 8 2012 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Originally posted by Todzer
Great thread to inform people, can't believe this is kinda going under the radar here on ATS, should be a LOT more replies and discussion on this subject

This thread gets close to what one might call, in Joseph Conrad's phrase reapplied, America's "heart of darkness".

Most Americans cannot face this information. Most Americans have been gerrymandered by their media and their political leaders, into a state of cognitive dissonance with respect to America's activities overseas. They believe that America is exporting freedom. They believe that depleted uranium munitions are safe if handled properly. They believe that mistreatment of Iraqis was an exception and not widespread.

I could go on, but cutting a long story short, "moving on" is the American way. Americans don't "face up" to things. They "palm up" to things and move on. The heart of darkness is a dark hollow place.


Americans are very detached from the real world
Everyone i talk to and i mean EVERYONE about depleted uranium and about all the birth defects in Iraq have no idea what im talking about

but then i remember we are 14th in education.

I feel sorry for Iraq it will suffer for decades :/

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 01:55 AM


posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 01:56 AM


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