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The Aliens Are Called God, They Come From The Planet God............

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posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:13 AM
Then what??

followed by guilt,remorse,denial ,anger then apathy

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by davethebear

TextThey Come From The Planet God

Your really amazing.i wish i knew where you got this information from.
are you a gemini,pices or cancer ?

edit on 5-10-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

If you really want to know so that you can send me a birthday card, I am a Pisces........haha

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by yasysay
I agree with you 90% but I think the aliens/gods were here long before man I think they have been working on the earth since it's begining.

I believe the dinosaurs were ancient excavation equipment and their extinction was part of the plan once they paved the way for the break up of Pangea.

I believe the Gods/Aliens have supreme controll over the weather, climate, movement, etc.. of the Earth. They had the power to make the ice ages and the power to mutate evolution into what it is today.

I believe the Bible has alot of pretty sound information in it if your willing to understand the people were as u said explaining it the best they knew how and take it with a grain of salt.

I believe Noah's Arc was a DNA bank because nature is nature u put a lion on a boat with a gazelle he is eating it, birds fly they aint gonna stay in captivity in a boat, insects eat other insects etc... as far as flora good luck keeping that stuff alive in a boat and how in the crap could u fit that much in one boat anyway, trees can get pretty heavy!

I believe the war in heaven is a true story and that nothing was embellished.
I believe the Codex Gigas was made possible at the hands of Gods/Aliens.
I believe that most of our knowledge and discoveries were gifts from them.
I believe they are here with us always working as our most brilliant minds like Hawkings, Einstein, Tesla, Edison, (not Bill Gates
), Darwin, Plato, Aristotle, DaVinci, etc... them dudes were above human thought.
I believe the Marianas Trench, the mid-atlantic ridge, the zebra stripes in the ocean, the mid-atlantic current, and the size - shape - and alignment of the tectonic plates, were no accident and they were all planned parts of the machine we call Earth.

I believe the arc of the covenant was a time travel machine or some type of stargate, this is something not covered on the show they have on the history chan but most of the lore surrounding the arc involves time travel. The biblical description of it in exodus if u try to draw it and take in to context what materials were used it was an electrical device. It was for communication with the Gods/Aliens it explains the visit with Moses on Mount Sainai where he was given the 10 commandments, Jesus' resurection, Jason and the Argonots, King Arthur and the Knights of the round table... The fleece of Joseph etc. The staff and rod are depicted in a majority of paintings and statuary surrounding Biblical accounts as well as Egyptian art, and many other antiquities from around the world.

Thank you OP for your wonderful post it was a great read. Very well put

Thanks yasysay, for your lovely, interesting response.........I have come across some of the ideas that you stated above and some of them I haven't....the idea about Noah's Ark is an interesting idea concerning DNA etc......but I am always waiting for the news to come on TV with the headline that somebody, somewhere has found the Arc of the Covenant. It has to be somewhere, that is unless it has of course been transported somewhere else......keep watching the news....cheers

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by davethebear

Then millions of Muslims will declare war on the infidel that exited that craft......blasphemy

Dave, I've often thought the same thing you've written in your OP. I think it would be quite fitting if that were true.


And there, you have ample reason why the NWO needs to subdue those radical and violent religions that totally ignore good sense. As it stands, they will not listen to reason on their own. Their religious leaders have them locked into a more or less permanent state. The only recourse is to get a change into their midst or to eliminate them. The nice way, if to the detriment of other religions (and even the non-religious) is to allow them to mix with more rational cultures and societies such that they eventually and automatically give up their hardened beliefs and assume a more urbane outlook. But that will take a hundred years or so.

I'm assuming that UFO disclosure (from the ET side) is on hold for that reason. The modern West (and other areas) are ready and has been for decades.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Good job.

You just successfully unveiled part of the great deception.

The event of which you speak is designed to do exactly as you say - and to convince people of the same.

The great deception will be believed by most - even Muslims (other poster) - similarly to your story.

The pieces are slowly falling in place. I do not understand all of how it is going to play out specifically, but I do know that God the Creator as prophesied of this event.

The marriage of all the false religions with the name of Jesus Christ is the intention - and many self-proclaimed Christians will believe in it.

But God says that the delusion will be so strong that "the even the elect might be deceived, IF it were possible".

There will be many miracles - in particular, "fire falling from heaven in the sight of men"

The Universal Church will require everyone to worship these creatures of which you speak. Look up "universal" and the church today that carries its name for wisdom as to who the "universal" church is. Hint : The term "universal" itself is not used, but a word which translates to mean "universal". And the leader of this "universal" church is met by all other religious leaders in the world and they have made friends already - actually, the other religious leaders literally perform worship on the leader of this "universal" church. If you will seek, you will find it.

But the true God, and our true Lord, Jesus Christ, needs not that any sit in His seat - and no one does but Him. And His throne is now in Heaven, not on earth.

You should also understand already that the "aliens" to which you refer will be coming up from this planet- they will not be coming out of heaven, or the sky. They do not have access to the sky because they are cast here - their place is not found in the heavens... and the heavens and its host rejoiced.

Remember that it is written that at the end, things will be the same as they were before the flood in Noah's day.

Remember also that in Noah's day, before the flood, the world was full of not only humans but also the progeny of the fallen ones - the "men of renown". These men were glorified above God because of the great things they did - and eventually myths and stories of these great men overshadowed peoples' memory or desire to serve the God that had so recently created them.

The same it shall be. The fallen and their progeny will be revealed to us as "ancestors" and "angels of light" and "our God" they will say. Because of the state of mankind now, many will be willing to be deceived into believing that their salvation has come in the form of technology and flesh to save it from itself.

But those that obey God rather than men will reject these "saviors". And the same will be found and killed.

The world will be at peace - but those that obey God will not accept this peace as godly but as a construct of evil; and evil's intent is to cause all flesh to be in subjection to it so that the very soul of all flesh might be destroyed with it. The unveiling of their existence will only further be proof that the time of God's wrath is AT HAND.

Except this flood will not be of water. It will be of fire. Just as John the Baptist said, that he baptized people with water, but the next baptism will be that of fire.

This is the meaning of the UFO phenomenon and the conspiracies surrounding it. Look at how the people are greedy and hungry for an answer - as if their heart muscle has atrophied from starvation of food; the same being called "disclosure". This seed was planted in a particular time - now the current generation, all from age 70 and below, are well acquainted with our "alien" neighbors... even if they don't fully believe yet, they have been subjected to it so much that the mention of these aliens is no longer far-fetched, but expected. The yearning for a change.. which yearning is fed by means of cultivating our desire to be instantly gratified; which is a hypnotism designed to cause people to desire bigger and bigger changes all the more frequently. People will become accustomed to change at such a violent rate that the next thing will have to be twice as explosive as the event before it. People have become so desensitized to the mere thought or idea about world wide destruction and alien creatures that people beg for it as an escape from monotony.

You will get your wish. And because you were hungry for flesh when God was giving you the angel's food every morning, you will be given your flesh. And because you eat the flesh out of your greed, you and many that you know will be plagued and suffer and die because of it - but not before you enjoy every bite of that flesh.

As well, this is good news for the hopeful and the faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ as well; because those who are true to Him will know shortly even more-so how blessed they are to have submitted to Him. They will know He is the God of Truth, and not a liar; that His Word is true. He arrives soon

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:55 AM
I'm with TarzanBeta on this one. The deception is about to reveal itself and The Great Apostasy will follow. But here is what I don't understand about this Alien stuff. Seriously, why are people calling these beings our creators? Such logic doesn't even make sense. If God exist, and I believe he does, then that would have to mean that God is the Creator of every living thing and creature in the universe. Even if aliens do land on earth only a fool would be stupid enough to call those beings God.

But the bigger issue is that these Aliens are said to have created all the world religions and they manifested themselves to certain people in order to show them the way to God. If that is true then we have a major problem. All religions are not the same, just because they have similar stories about events in history does not mean they are all true. Each religion requires something different in order to get through the gates, and each religion has it own view of God and how everything got started.

So if Aliens created all the religions then they must have a serious lying problem because none the religions are the same. Maybe some of the events in history are similar, but the over all message of who God is and where man came from is not the same in each religion. Clearly these Aliens are lying to people but no one wants to see it that way.

So the question is, if Aliens created humans, then who created the Aliens? Surely they didn't create them self.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by davethebear

Good questions, all. Star and Flag for a good post, and some intelligent thought. I will attempt to answer some of your questions with my own thoughts and knowledge.

If aliens exist, where did they come from?

The Universe is teeming with intelligent life, I think every planet is inhabited, however some live underground on the planet, and some live in a higher dimension, and some live in a distant time, past, or future. I also believe strongly that all of us are related, in some way or other, we share DNA and many other things pertaining to life.

As I think more and more about people’s belief in God and alien beings I am drawn more to my own belief that they are both probably one and the same…

Yes, I agree. Sumerians spoke about the Annunki, an advanced Race that not only created them, but also gave them civilization, agriculture, fire, and technology. According to the studies of Zecharia Sitchin, there is a 12th planet in our solar system that is home to this Race. Many people ascribe everything about the 12th Planet and Niburu was "made up by Sitchin to sell books," but the fact is many authors and scholars before Sitchin also wrote of these stories told by the Ancient Sumerian People. To think that these highly advanced peoples tirelessly scratched fiction and myth into their sacred clay tablets is only fooling themselves, for these Ancients were recording their History, noting more, or less.

This planet is inhabited by the Anunnaki (the Nefilim/giants in the Bible), "Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came". They landed on Earth, colonized it, mining the Earth for gold and other minerals, establishing a spaceport in what today is the Iraq-Iran area, and lived in a kind of idealistic society as a small colony. They returned when Earth was more populated and genetically interfered in our indigenous DNA to create a slave-race to work their mines, farms, and other enterprises in Sumeria, which was the so-called Cradle of Civilization in out-dated pre-1980s school history texts. They created Man, Homo Sapiens, through genetic manipulation with themselves and ape man Homo Erectus.

"If the Anunnaki created us, who created the Anunnaki?"

Enlil and Enki, two governors of Earth sent from Nibiru to rule Earth, were responsible for all this power and control. They gave the ancient Sumerians their architectural, agricultural, astronomical, and cultural training in exchange for labor and "gifts to the gods" in the form of a lot of mining, food, and material goods. Therefore the Nibirians themselves no longer had to physically work on Earth. The Nibirians disguised themselves as fish-humans, lion-humans, bird-humans, and other creatures to get the people to worship them as token gods, something that Moses violently opposed. Later, the Pleiadians, who were involved in Egypt's 3rd Golden Age, attempted to end the worship of the many Nibiruan and Sirian gods in these lands with the one-god concept. However, wars always resulted from these differences of belief systems, and the Sirians and Nibirians thrived on all the humans fighting each other instead of the gods who were the real enemies behind the scenes.

Every 3,600 years a major event occurred on Earth that was well-documented by ancient and modern historians. The Great Flood of religious referred to an attempt to destroy the slave races of humanity by the Nibirians because they have rebelled against their leaders(gods) from Nibiru. Enlil and Enki were involved in a heated dispute over whether to destroy or preserve the slave races and this power struggle resulted in ancient wars.
It is my believe that these are the beings humanity called "Gods," along with Angels, Demons, Watchers, and Nephlim.

Jessie Martell's Research: Sumerian Artifacts

Sumerian Questions and Answers

The Sumerian Scribe


Nibiru - The 12th Planet

With the awe and wonder that followed the visit of these beings that were so obviously more intelligent and advanced than our ancestors, then they would have surely knelt down and worshipped before them. This worship could have either been for survival means ie, hunger, death, torture, or just because the visitors were loved, adored and could do no wrong; they were perfect in every way…

Of course this was what happened, and it stuck, for people today still bow down on their knees, or place their face on the ground, for this is bred into them on a genetic level.


posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by davethebear

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by davethebear

TextThey Come From The Planet God

Your really amazing.i wish i knew where you got this information from.
are you a gemini,pices or cancer ?

edit on 5-10-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

If you really want to know so that you can send me a birthday card, I am a Pisces........haha

I am a Gemini, and Only a Pisces a Gemini or a cancer could know information like this or was given information like this from the heavens.
Now i can say i believe you when it comes to this thread.Can you please share more info about how you came up with this?

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:47 PM
(Continued from previous posting)

So if you believe in God, do you actually believe in Alien beings? And vise versa……

Yes, I have to. I know there is a Grand Creator, even though I have not a thing else to describe it, nor do I personalize it like many do, I just think of it as a vast and intelligent force that has a creative power. I once asked what I am sure was an ET about this, and was told that all creatures in the Universe have a belief on a Creator, he called it "First Creator." As far as I have been able to ascertain, only the human race fall down and worship those of a higher intelligence and technology. To them, and me, any being that demands worship does not deserve it.

These beings for some reason left Earth, how long had they been here? We don’t know. So for people to have seen these beings and spent a certain amount of time with them, and then one day see them fly off into the ethos, then they would certainly be worshipped as God(s)…

I think they (The Annunaki) left out of necessity, rather than pure design. I think their home planet orbits about a failed Star, and that Star orbits around Alcyone, a Star in the Pleiades System, as does our Sun, Earth, and all of our little Solar System. Will they one day return? Perhaps, but I think not to act as Gods this time, but rather to evacuate their creations to a safe place, as they did in the days of Noah.

Since the day that the Alien beings went away and left a little of their knowledge to us, our ancestors pronounced them as God(s), because they could only see them as God(s). So because of the meeting between the two strange sets of beings, one obviously being more advanced than the other. People started to write down words, memories, stories and whispers and the occasional drawings/paintings in the only way that they knew how to describe their experiences and understanding and in time became more and more elaborate..

That is the way of Humanity, tell the story better, and more elaborate each time, keeps your listeners interested. And do not forget, the Holy Roman Church burned many of the Ancient Texts in favor of their own book, which was heavily edited, and had a lot of untruths contained.
They even authored a book of Banned books!
Index Librorum Prohibitorum

]List of book-burning incidents
So, as one can see, with all or most other religious texts burned and out of sight, along with the Priests and followers of any other religious sect, the Church now had a lock on Truth, Knowledge, Religion, and even State, and no one dared to dispute them.

I just have this nagging feeling at the back of my mind that all religions that are at war with each other all share one single thing in common, and that is the Alien being called God.

That is more than a feeling, friend, it is more than prevalent even in this forum. The different religions are constantly fighting each other, hating each other, and killing each other. And if law allowed, I am sure many of them would right now go about killing anyone not a part of their particular sect.

God is not the creator of the Earth and all that is upon it, and neither are Alien beings...

They are both the same and it seems to me as though everyone is waiting to witness the same thing. They are waiting for an event to happen which was told to them was going to happen many generations ago. The Aliens beings called God said that one day that they would return. According to many observers and witnesses they have seen visits, but not as long as they would like them to be.

One day the massive visit will take place, a craft will land on the Earth and when it does happen a creature will exit a craft, stand in the doorway, hold out his hand and say, ‘Hi, my name is God, we come in peace, we are from the planet God.’

Then what??

My thought are reflective of your own, friend. Even the Gods of the Bible claim one day they will return. What then? Well, many things will happen. I tend to believe that the main reason I have been showed so much is I am slated to be a liaison between the ET and Humanity.
I know many reading this thread will make their own assumptions, attach their own words and names, and so on, and some will not believe a word because they are all alone in the Universe. Two things stick out, and to be prove beyond doubt that an Intelligence exists beyond Earth.
The Aurora, Texas Crash of 1897, and The Black Knight from Space. There is just no rational explanation for either of these.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by davethebear

Originally posted by LastProphet527
reply to post by davethebear

TextThey Come From The Planet God

Your really amazing.i wish i knew where you got this information from.
are you a gemini,pices or cancer ?

edit on 5-10-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

If you really want to know so that you can send me a birthday card, I am a Pisces........haha

I am a Gemini, and Only a Pisces a Gemini or a cancer could know information like this or was given information like this from the heavens.
Now i can say i believe you when it comes to this thread.Can you please share more info about how you came up with this?

Cheers again LastProphet,

It seems as though you are a great believer with Astrology and the signs of the zodiac etc, unless I am totally mistaken..........I have no idea about Astrology and it is a topic that I personally have not much interest in and have never taken much notice in, but you seem to be a follower....

Why do you believe that only a person who is born under the sign of Gemini, Pisces or Cancer could come upon an idea/information regarding my original posted thread? I would like to know your reasons why you stated this mainly for curiosity reasons than anything else, but always interested to know another persons point of view and the reasons behind them.....

I still don't know whether some people who have responded to this thread are really getting my point about what I am trying to say....

I don't believe that there was a creator, I am open to suggestions as to why we are here, but I don't believe that a particular being created everything as for instance stipulated in bible teachings etc....

I firmly believe that visitors from another place visited the inhabitants of the Earth some many thousands of years ago, they showed our ancestors what they were capable of and therefore because of their advancements in intelligence they were thought upon as God(s). And because of their greatness our ancestors automatically assumed that they were responsible for our being here because they had nothing else to attribute it to...

I suppose the idea of God and Aliens being the same thing has always been at the back of my mind. I firmly believe that the so called rules, regulations and morals etc that we as people live our lives to today were presented to us from these other superior beings who lived their lives in a similar way in the place wherever they came from...

But I also believe that the more superior and advanced beings gave us this code of a way to live, but they weren't fully aware that we as a people on Earth would over time develop in a much different way to what they expected us to. Maybe this was due to us being a totally different species to what they were. So the way in which the superior beings had evolved/developed over the generations was in a totally different way to what we would, which leads us to where we are today and where we are at....

I think that the so called superior beings meant us no harm when they gave us these rules to follow, but over time I think that they realised that they had made a mistake by doing what they did and things got a little messy....

I believe that these other beings come from a place where there is no war and destruction, there are no unnecessary arguments and fighting, they come from a place of peace. It is just down to us not having the leadership in the proper way because they decided to leave Earth in the hope that their laid down plans would suffice and all our needs and requirements would be met if we followed them. It just happens that we are a different species and over time developed the plans to suit us as a people, but something happened along the way where things broke down and didn't go to plan...

In some ways I believe that the alien beings maybe came into our ancestors lives with the intention of doing good, but it didn't pan out that way. Maybe they are embarrassed as to how things developed. Maybe one day they will show themselves to us, admit that they are not our creators and also tell us that they have no idea of where they came from either. I believe that they will show themselves and admit that they tried to lead us in a direction of laws and regulations that were good and worked for their kind, but they didn't realise, even with their advanced knowledge how differently we would turn out...

Maybe one day they will make an apology broadcast to tell us how they tried to help us, but it all went wrong and are sorry ...

I suppose it's similar to wherever you are from in the world each country have their own customs and way of living, which in return could also be the same principle depending on which other world you come from outside of our own..

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by davethebear

The universe is too large to ask the question, 'where are the aliens?' I do not know why they chose to go underground in Antartica and Utah, possibly it was because since aliens can make us hallucinate and put us to sleep upon contact like a hypnotist they could not make themselves known. So even when they were here we did not see the aliens.

God is the creator of the universe and the creation of earth, as in a vibratory creation of now so we cannot ask 'where is God' unless we are assuming reality is a physical person or alien that will do something to show humans of a likeness to them, but I don't believe in any of that, I believe in the power of you.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:38 AM
I have a question:

Where did the Planet God (and its inhabitants) come from...
i.e., If they made us, did someone else make them, or did they spontaneously evolve?

And to follow up on the question above:

1. If some other being made them, then who made THAT other being?

2. If the inhabitants of the Planet God spontaneously evolved, then why could it not have happened elsewhere, with other beings? For example, if the the inhabitants of the Planet God spontaneously evolved on their planet, then why couldn't life just spontaneously start on Earth (and/or elsewhere)?

edit on 10/9/2012 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 10:00 AM

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as you are." Matthew 23:13-15

“Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?” asked Pilate, knowing it was out of envy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead. Mark 15:9-11

Ever notice that your "ancient aliens" theory is given to by the "History Channel"? The same channel that pedals the prophecies of Mayan and Nostradamus as "truth", yet constantly proclaims Jesus as a "lie"? The one with the Freemason pillars and triangle?  Do you not understand who controls and produces what you watch? The "leaders and teachers" of today  have effectively crucified Christ Jesus in your mind and heart, and as such, they sway you to release 'Barabbas' (the son of the father - the son of perdition) instead of Jesus, the Son of God. You are their new crowd, the last generation on this Earth. What was, will be again for their is nothing new under the sun. 

The media is Satan's PULPIT, the largest PULPIT in the world. Your entire "theory" has been preached loudly from that pulpit , and you believe it.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Destinyone
reply to post by davethebear

Then millions of Muslims will declare war on the infidel that exited that craft......blasphemy

I find that a bit insensible. Low-income muslims, working hard all day in deprivation, are not the one who do mass-murders. The one who do that are extremists islamists, which are actually able to buy guns, and some of them which are recruited by the CIA.

There are american terrorists who shoots down students in universities. Does that mean all christians are terrorists? No. One mustn't mix extremism and normalism.

No offense meant.
edit on 9-10-2012 by swan001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Argyll

How about we ignore the "white robe wearing old guy with the long beard" version of god, and simplify the concept.

I would ask anyone to sit alone, preferably in a dimly light room with no sound distractions and simply ask a question....Then listen for the answer. You'll get the answer; whether you like the answer or not, is irrelevant.

This is where most people shun the concept... when the answers are not in their favor; "...and if god supposedly "loves all" then why does it treat ME like this?" The answer is simple; It's because you treat yourself like this...

The energy is narcissistic and it's meant for you, and only you, never to be shared with others. There you go...I give you god...please accept it. And don't argue with me about it, because all that does is push the energy away from you...and I'll just take it right back without thinking twice.

In regards to aliens; that one is a little more complicated and most likely deals with more meta-physical concepts and less with "space-travel". They seem to dwell interdimensionally and have an ability to 'pop' in and out of our (I hate to say this) dimension. This is likely done with advanced technology...yet they exist on a meta-physical plane where, perhaps, their existance on this level is a huge error and would possibly explain why they continue to hide from us. In a nutshell; they're not suppose to be doing this.

Many abductees have noted a time lapse, usually attributed to the fact that they were either sedated or just under so much stress that the mind simply blocked the event out of their accessible consiousness.

My theory is that when one is near or inside one of these "vessels", time is warped to the point where things become almost dreamlike. Only because we aren't accustomed to these types of high electro-magnetic fields.

So, to sum it up;

Where is god?..everywhere... if you look in the right place.
Where are aliens?...everywhere... if you look in the right place.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:06 PM


posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 02:47 PM


posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by davethebear

Many thousands of years ago I believe that man was already upon the Earth when he was visited by beings from another place we have not yet come across in our own time.

Then where did man come from that was already here in your belief??

God created us all no matter what your opinion may happen to be......There is no explanation for intelligent life on Earth but having a creator.....

If you believe that we evolved from monkeys, then how did the monkey get here?

If you believe aliens created us, then where did the aliens come from??

There is a logical explanation and I know you don't want to hear it, but God created all of the above and a lot more!!

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 03:39 PM
Come on folks, discuss the topic and knock off the rude comments.

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