posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 09:17 PM
When I was a kid I did, I think I spoke about it before on ATS or elsewhere. Mostly it sounded like deep moaning or mumbling but sometimes sort of
fuzzier if that makes sense. you know that thing people can do with a comb and a piece of fabric to simulate a fly sort of noise - difficult to
My parents used to tell me it was their television but I'd hearit sometimes even whe I knew they were in bed and they had no TV in there.
One particular night I was in bed and could hear the noises...if I ever had to get up I'd run to where I was going, as soon as my room door opened I'd
sprint and get the chills like something was right behind me. I also used to hear, or believe I heard, screams and voices coming from the toilet when
I flushed it and was scared to turn my back on a flushing toilet - it still kinda gives me the chills if I think about it, normally I'll forget but
occasionally it'll strike me quite suddenly while I'm at the loo and I still have to stand there and watch it flush...if I turn my back with the
though still in my head I feel an urge to move quickly and get the hell outta there.
But back to the voices...there was one particular night I heard them and they were creeping me out, as yu say, incoherent. I can't hear what's being
said or even say for abolute sure they're there but there's patterns, there's a sort of question/response thing at times. I got up and ran from my
room to the living room and opened the door and saw my parents.
I felt safe for a second as I shut the door behind me and staterd to tell them there were voices, monsters I don't know what i was really young. I was
looking at them and it suddenly dawned on me that they were talking but not moving at all - completely still.
I started to get worried and approached I think it was my mother...I reached out tto her and as I touched her she fell over, light as a feather - it
was a cardboard cut-out of my mother...the really weird part is she fell over and on the back side was a huge casette tape reell which was playing,
simulating her talking - I freaked the hell out and woke up screaming.
The hairs are now standing up on my neck and back at the recollection of this dream but it's certainly an interesting dream for a child of such a
young age to have. I also need the toilet and am afraid to go now.
edit on 14-1-2016 by samerulesapply because: (no reason given)