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Here’s More Evidence of UFO Reality!

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posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:10 PM
Err.....Where's this evidence you spoke about?

This thread should have been titled "Here’s More Hearsay About UFO Reality!", because that's all it contains.

I'm not casting doubts on the story here, but without some supporting evidence a story is all it is, no matter how 'important' the alleged witness might have been.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:33 PM
Thank you for sharing this story.

I believe that it is the accumulation of all of these stories from credible witnesses all over the world which will finally lead most people to believe that there must be something out there. I think most people already accept this as fact, but many are still afraid to discuss it.

So, everyone needs to keep telling their stories, and sharing them, so that everything can continue to be pieced together. Imagine, if everyone just kept this to themselves and did not share? They would think they are alone, and might doubt what happened. Others would be oblivious to what is going on. It is the sharing that will lead to the truth.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 04:49 PM
Originally posted by jamespond

Perhaps I'm misreading it, but your reasoning escapes me. On the one hand you say:

Whatever these things are they have obviously been observing us for a long time. In this time they will have witnessed our governments commit all sorts of unsavoury acts, a lot of which the majority of the populace are unaware of, i.e. 9/11, oil wars and countless other acts, at home and abroad, that would be probably be considered crimes against humantiy.

In other words, you think UFOs floating around the sky are privy to the most intimate details of government operations, including, for example, who really did 9/11 and all the other crimes against humanity, and yet you also say:

The only way the truth will come out is if the aliens reveal themselves which i consider to be unlikely because they are obviously so much more advanced than us i just can't see them being interested.

Yet they are uninterested. So why would they study something intently enough to know all the government's secrets if they were uninterested? I don't think you can have it both ways. Either they are interested and know, or they're uninterested and do not.

Further (and this is not in reponse to jamespond) I don't buy off on this oft-expressed idea that "we're ants to them." because they are SO advanced. Ants don't mess around with Super String Theory, fly to the Moon and back, send probes to planets and outside the solar system, or completely dominate their planet. This simply reflects the inferiority complex we have. We like to beat ourselves up because we're so horrible and all. I don't believe it. We're neither horrible nor unintelligent and we are quite capable of understanding anything thrown at us, something our government and the aliens, should they exist, apparently do not understand. In fact, I'm not sure either of them exhibit much intelligent behavior themselves, but perhaps that's fodder for another thread.

edit on 10/6/2012 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Oh lol the shape of a bat. Well at least it was not saucer shaped, I am getting tired of all the flying saucers people are talking about, we need more flying baseball bat UFOs to balance things out. In fact they should be more cool shapes, why not even the shape of Swiss cheese, now that will throw people off. Imagine a giant flying glowing metallic piece of Swiss cheese in the sky....Do you think whoever sees such a UFO will have anybody believe him.

Imagine how that conversation will go.

Alpha to base, I think I see an unidentified flying object out here....Base here, we get no recognition on the radar go check it out...Roger that base, moving in on the target now....Then after some time....Alpha here, come in base...You will not believe this but there appears to be some sort of giant floating glowing metallic looking Swiss cheese like UFO up here....And it took off like lighting, what should I do......Base here, return to base.

And then the poor guy goes home and tries to come up with ways to tell his family or buddies that he saw a giant flying Swiss cheese shaped UFO one day. That may not go so well with people, I do not think anybody will believe him.

Anyways on to the subject at hand....Cool thread OP.

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Junkheap

mass hysteria.

the possibility of being inundated with false reports that they want to investigate because looking into these things is top priority

edit on 6-10-2012 by reject because: spelling

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 08:25 PM
That was a great story, told without rhetoric and ego, it comes off very plausible and I believe it. I also totally agree that video today actually works to downgrade authenticity rather than enhance it. Video technology is just too advanced to rely on it to authenticate anything, I believe. In fact, in order to take a video seriously today, it probably needs over one hundred observers of the item being filmed, and from many different vantage points, and that is a rare event indeed.

When I was in aircrew in the service, crew members, including myself, saw a great deal of "abnormal" objects in the sky when on patrols, however we never reported any of them because there was just too much ridicule and resulting paperwork if you brought it up officially. We never, however saw something as clearly as you have written about, which may have caused some of us change our mind of reporting it if it had that kind of detail.

Great Post, and thanks!

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

You don't have to convince me,i have seen a metal disc in broad daylight and an orb on an Heathrow airport runway.
I used to be fascinated by it all and all the different sightings but after seeing them myself in the 90's my brain has integrated the whole phenomena into part of our existence.
The sighting part was one detail and both sightings lasted no longer than 3 seconds each but after years of careful thought i was left with implications of something far more deeper.
I started with the basics which was a normal curiosity in the paranormal and was rewarded with two encounters and ended up with the thought that the whole goal of it all was the ascension of man.
Sometimes writing how you feel and what you think is impossible and this subject for me is so deep and has so much to do with the history of man and so many implications that i could never convey them convincingly enough to pass off as a sane person.But the whole U.F.O. deal is as real as it gets.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
One of those accounts you hear that has the "ring of truth" about them. Jolly fun to hear anyway. Thanks, Op.

Yeah. It has a ring alright. An alarm bell.

I don' t know these stories all start the same. Somebody, who in the eyes of the story teller has a great deal of credibility. relates something weird. Something, were it not coming from this source, unbelievable. Generally there is a buffer between the source and the story teller. In this case his father. Often it's an uncle. the most common similarities in the stories is the suspicious actions of the authorities. This really dives home the reality of the sources experience.

I have to remain skeptical.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by okyouwin

I have to remain skeptical.

And so you shall. And so you should. That does not mean the event did not take place. Nor does it foment a critical persuasion.

That brilliant pothead Sagan once said (oft repeated here at ATS), "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

A great story is a great story, but it is not extraordinary evidence. It is not even empirical evidence. That does not mean the story is untrue, only that it can not be substantiated.

Nevertheless, telling the story and repeating it here is worthwhile as it tickles our curiosity, gives us a miniscule and momentary sense of encouragement, enables us to discuss and ponder and extrapolate some morsels to digest later.

Yet, I must agree with the poster who concluded that at least the OP's thread title, if not the story itself, may be misleading (though perhaps not disingenuous). Why? because "Here's More Evidence..." is no evidence at all. An entertaining, titillating, fascinating, and quite believable 3rd-person account perhaps - but evidence it is not,

We are no closer to "UFO Reality" by the retelling of this story, though we may be, only so very slightly, a wee bit wiser.

And for that at least - I thank thee...

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

How in the world is this evidence??

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Fascinating and yet not something so taboo now is it? I mean speaking for myself that is. Dad was a air force test pilot and air traffic controller in later years. Seen the foo fighters and many blips on the radar when we lived in Scottsdale, AZ early 80's. Even pointed out a UFO one evening it was a cigar like oject. I consider myself lucky to have witnessed these craft. Anyhoo great story

edit on 7-10-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by longlostbrother
reply to post by OrionHunterX

How in the world is this evidence??

Testimony is an instance of evidence. If testimony was not relevant it would be rendered moot in a court of law. The abundance of testimony/evidence on this topic in astounding to say the least. Do a bit of research it's mindblowing.

and take a chill pill

or blue pill

edit on 7-10-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by DarthFazer

Originally posted by longlostbrother
reply to post by OrionHunterX

How in the world is this evidence??

Testimony is an instance of evidence. If testimony was not relevant it would be rendered moot in a court of law. The abundance of testimony/evidence on this topic in astounding to say the least. Do a bit of research it's mindblowing.

and take a chill pill

or blue pill

edit on 7-10-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)


"the rule against hearsay is aimed at prohibiting the use of another person's statement, as equivalent to testimony by the witness to the fact. Unless the second person is brought to testify in court where they may be placed under oath and cross-examined."

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by longlostbrother

Originally posted by DarthFazer

Originally posted by longlostbrother
reply to post by OrionHunterX

How in the world is this evidence??

Testimony is an instance of evidence. If testimony was not relevant it would be rendered moot in a court of law. The abundance of testimony/evidence on this topic in astounding to say the least. Do a bit of research it's mindblowing.

and take a chill pill

or blue pill

edit on 7-10-2012 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)


"the rule against hearsay is aimed at prohibiting the use of another person's statement, as equivalent to testimony by the witness to the fact. Unless the second person is brought to testify in court where they may be placed under oath and cross-examined."

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
reply to post by OrionHunterX

Thanks for that account, OP...
...but I can neither believe nor disbelieve the story -- I can only be indifferent.

I see no reason to blindly believe what he said, although I also see no reason to automatically discount what he said, either.

You can check his karma. That is a point either for or against the believability of this account.
In the OP's case, it is among the highest I have seen on ATS and that very strongly supports the notion the OP is telling the truth. Whether the witness was telling the truth is speculative but motive to lie about this is missing so, there too I am guessing yes.

edit on 7-10-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
I think that even the most dumbed down, moronic, brainwashed, and spiritually retarded amoungst the general population has come to the conclusion that, at the very least, there must be life out there SOMEWHERE.

That's a start, but we don't have long to catch these people up to speed.

It's one thing to believe there might be life o ut there somewhere.
It is another to believe that it is visiting our planet.

And yet, quite another
to come to the conlusion that they are inter-dimensional in nature and have totally and completely infiltrated every aspect of EVERY major Government and military on the planet and are actively conquering humanity and enslaving us through the use
of technology that we have been purposely kept too spiritually retarded and dumbed down to responsibly handle.
Not to mention that they do all of this thru people who share a direct connection to ancient Babylon thru their lineage and DNA. In this way, they are able to DIRECTLY influence a dimension in which they would otherwise have ZERO power,control, or influence over!!!!!

Ohh well,
It's a start.

All "parents" want to visit their "children" at some point after they've "flown" the nest!

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Outrageo
reply to post by okyouwin

I have to remain skeptical.

And so you shall. And so you should. That does not mean the event did not take place. Nor does it foment a critical persuasion.

That brilliant pothead Sagan once said (oft repeated here at ATS), "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

A great story is a great story, but it is not extraordinary evidence. It is not even empirical evidence. That does not mean the story is untrue, only that it can not be substantiated.

Nevertheless, telling the story and repeating it here is worthwhile as it tickles our curiosity, gives us a miniscule and momentary sense of encouragement, enables us to discuss and ponder and extrapolate some morsels to digest later.

Yet, I must agree with the poster who concluded that at least the OP's thread title, if not the story itself, may be misleading (though perhaps not disingenuous). Why? because "Here's More Evidence..." is no evidence at all. An entertaining, titillating, fascinating, and quite believable 3rd-person account perhaps - but evidence it is not,

We are no closer to "UFO Reality" by the retelling of this story, though we may be, only so very slightly, a wee bit wiser.

And for that at least - I thank thee...

Another relevant quote from "the brilliant pothead" to ponder: After I give lectures—on almost any subject—I am often asked, "Do you believe in UFOs?". I'm always struck by how the question is phrased, the suggestion that this is a matter of belief and not evidence. I'm almost never asked, "How good is the evidence that UFOs are alien spaceships?"

— Carl Sagan, The Demon Haunted World, 1995

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by elrem48
Another relevant quote from "the brilliant pothead" to ponder: After I give lectures—on almost any subject—I am often asked, "Do you believe in UFOs?". I'm always struck by how the question is phrased, the suggestion that this is a matter of belief and not evidence. I'm almost never asked, "How good is the evidence that UFOs are alien spaceships?"— Carl Sagan, The Demon Haunted World, 1995

Sagan was a card-carrying member of the scientific priesthood whose job it is to interpret reality for the masses. Not surprising he took this viewpoint. But I think it alludes to the idea that lots of folks take UFOs in a Cargo Cult religious matter, hence the word "believe." Indeed, we're constantly being fed this scienario from the likes of Billy Meier, Steven Greer, and, indeed, any Exo-politics aficionado.

It's always the same. The Space Brothers have a zero point energy device they can bestow upon the world, but we are so horrible that they can't bring themselves to give it to us until we mature. Or Big Oil and Big Government is suppressing it. Even if you don't believe that nonsense, the meme is there to observe.

The problem with reports such as the OP's, besides the ones already brought up, is that you can't do much with them. In the final analysis, all you have is a UFO, even if perfectly described and faithfully related. It's a light in the sky or a "metal disk" and by God we saw it so we know it is real! But that's all you really know about it. It didn't have Starfleet's logo on the side in large letters, so no one really knows what it is.

So what do we do?

Make stuff up to explain their behavior. We say they're aliens from another planet. That's made up. We say they won't land because they're so advanced. That's made up. We say they won't land because we're all screwed up. That's made up. Some of us suggest they are actually faeries, the djinn, or interdimensional. That's made up. We have very good imaginations, and because we really don't know what these things are, where they are from, or what their intentions are, we utilize our imaginations so we can put them in a slot and pretend we know what they are. Not knowing what they are makes us more uncomfortable than making them out to be reptilian shape-shifter monsters here to eat us.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by DarthFazer

Originally posted by longlostbrother
reply to post by OrionHunterX

How in the world is this evidence??

Testimony is an instance of evidence. If testimony was not relevant it would be rendered moot in a court of law. The abundance of testimony/evidence on this topic in astounding to say the least. Do a bit of research it's mindblowing.

and take a chill pill

or blue pill

I suspect an amount of physical evidence also exists but easy to pass off as a weather balloon or some other man-made object.
Interesting story all the same so thanks for sharing OP.
I often wonder what would consitute as evidence because if a craft came and hovered in a prominent place for a couple of days it would be played down as a military craft or figment of the delusional population.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by schuyler
Some of us suggest they are actually faeries, the djinn, or interdimensional. That's made up. We have very good imaginations, and because we really don't know what these things are, where they are from, or what their intentions are, we utilize our imaginations so we can put them in a slot and pretend we know what they are. Not knowing what they are makes us more uncomfortable than making them out to be reptilian shape-shifter monsters here to eat us.

Not knowing is reality ground zero. You're right on in your argument as far as I can see. Gortex made some great points/posts about that too on another recent thread.

Whatever they are, we can't imagine how mind-blowingingly paradigm changing it will be for our minds. The answer to the greatest mystery of all-time is bound to have some surprises, eh?

Can we narrow the field though? I think we can. I can't help but like the M.O. of those you excellently stated as "faeries, the djinn, or interdimensional."

The consistent historical context taken in totality doesn't provide an easy explanation for "what," exactly, they are, but it does suggest certain anomalous consistencies and that maybe they've always been here and have never left since mankind's recorded history.

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