posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:15 PM
I stumbled across this story on Drudge and did not see it here.
This is absolutely inexcusable. I hope there is enough on the video for these boys to be tracked down.
I was reading the thread about the girl with cerebral palsy that is being mocked by her neighbor and his father which of course reminded me of this
What is wrong with people? I'm fairly certain any of these bullies would be shocked and hurt if someone did these things to them. Why are there
some out there that seem to have no empathy?
I don't remember this level of bullying being a routine thing. I realize that with the internet we hear of many stories that were always going on...
we just didn't know about them but still, it seems like it gets progressively worse. I know I taught my kids morality and compassion and as I read
comments on here it seems most claim to have done the same so where do these monsters come from?