posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 06:47 PM
I was driving on i43 just north of the i94 split in milwaukee about uhm....half an hour ago. I look in my mirror and see a bunch of flashing red and
blues, first thought is oh snip! They really got me now! I saw the amount of "cops" and moved to the left hoping they werent for me....they passed
me. Of course it looked like all cops due to reflections.... Mustve been 3 black crown vics with totally blacked out windows, lights and they even hit
the sirens to make me move. Several upscale suvs with blacked out windows and a transit connect were in formation. Ive been unable to figure out who
the important person must be, i couldnt go fast enough to see much, but i only saw like two of the license plates, they were regular wisconsin plates
not us government. Incognito feds maybe?
Research shows obama was in madison today. But this was hours ago and hes probably on air force 1 now. Also seems like obama would be more important
than a 5 car motorcade. I cant find out where romney is. Could it have been him?
Anyone know?
Or were they the men in black going to intercept aliens. oh, and they were driving fairly crazy, so i like that answer....