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Sarah Palins False Flag warning to America?.

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posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 07:48 AM
I was listening to Fox News and the interview between Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin. The discussion was just how poorly Mr Obama performed during the debate. True, Mr Obama was disconnected, and his stammering around his answers, sans teleprompter, revealed what a poor actor he really is. But what caught my attention was Sarah Palins warning to America. You see her, momentarily, turn from the camera to gather her strength, and at 5:22, she states," ... be aware something could be pulled here to turn things around, if Mitt Romney continues to gain so much ground."
Could this be the warning for a False Flag attack?

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 07:57 AM

2nd line

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by Violater1

Diebold rigged voting machines.

Why do we bother to vote?

That is the only thing, they are going to do as far as false flag!!!!

They do this every four years since the Florida debacle, and that happened
so they could get their digital machines in for fraudulent votes, so they can more easily put or keep
in office who they appoint!!

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:03 AM
Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin put together couldn't change a light bulb must less recognize a false flag. If Mittens gains ground Obama may pull a False Flag hilarious.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Violater1
I was listening to Fox News and the interview between Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin. The discussion was just how poorly Mr Obama performed during the debate. True, Mr Obama was disconnected, and his stammering around his answers, sans teleprompter, revealed what a poor actor he really is. But what caught my attention was Sarah Palins warning to America. You see her, momentarily, turn from the camera to gather her strength, and at 5:22, she states," ... be aware something could be pulled here to turn things around, if Mitt Romney continues to gain so much ground."
Could this be the warning for a False Flag attack?

It is the Chicago way...
edit on 4-10-2012 by NavyDoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:51 AM
I took her to mean a Chicago style political dirty trick....not a false flag.....I don't really forsee Sarah Palin being "in" enough to have that kind of info.


posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Violater1

True, Mr Obama was disconnected, and his stammering around his answers, sans teleprompter, revealed what a poor actor he really is.

To me, it looked as if he were listening to a hidden ear bud. Someone(s) were prompting him with answers and comments. I think Romney realized that and started talking during the presidents responses which generated some pretty funny facial expressions by Obama. That was my take on the debate...

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by ladyarwen

Not all states use Diebold, but all electronic/computerized voting machines are vulnerable to re-programming. Maybe a US Constitutional amendment to do away with all electronic/computerized voting machines is needed.

Now back to your regular post...

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 11:48 AM
Why would any one listen to palin? She single handedly derailed mcains bid for presidency. I would of voted for him had it not been for her. I despise that woman and btw shes making preemptive excuses for when mittens loses. You will all see soon enough the real mud always comes out a week before the polls open. Itll be herman cain all over again. Silly republicans always choosing the roughest turd and trying to shine it up like gold. I do hope everyone yelling revolution if obama gets re elected actually acts on it, i do so love watching people get hit with a fire hose on national tv. Just remember lower center of gravity better stability oh and tuck and roll.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:00 PM
Hey, hasn't this thought been discussed by all us regular people for a while now?

It really is not much of a stretch to think that Palin could come to this conclusion, by way of her handlers, at this point. It's been a leading topic for months now on the alternative websites.

Don't give the woman too much credit. Although now that she has said it, the lowiest of thinkers now will think it possible. More fodder to distract.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:26 PM
Well, it goes without saying they will "pull something". Both sides will "pull something". That doesn't mean either side will start committing crimes. Wait, the democrats already are, forget that part (please see openly documented evidence of bribes to military contractors to break the WARN law).

With that aside...Sarah Palin is nucking futs. And an idiot. Short of that, guess you could consider her an intelligent, sane source, if you're feeling all "mavricky".

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Valhall
Well, it goes without saying they will "pull something". Both sides will "pull something". That doesn't mean either side will start committing crimes. Wait, the democrats already are, forget that part (please see openly documented evidence of bribes to military contractors to break the WARN law).

With that aside...Sarah Palin is nucking futs. And an idiot. Short of that, guess you could consider her an intelligent, sane source, if you're feeling all "mavricky".

I don't think Sarah Palin is an idiot or nuts.

That being said, I don't think she is as smart or politically savy as she (or some people) thinks she is. Nor do I think she really ever is or was Presidential material. I know some people from Alaska, she did some good things up there, but it's a relatively small state (population and economy wise) that has to operate it's own way due to the hostile climate and environment up there. That doesn't mean her style of "politikin" would have translated well down "here" in the lower 48,

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 07:22 PM

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 07:29 PM
Hannity and Palin aren't smart enough for TPTB to trust them to release even the most basic information about a false flag to.

It was probably just a passing comment, she seems to think the debate performance might persuade the 274 electoral votes from states currently with at least an 8% poll lead for Obama switch to Romney.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by SrWingCommander
I took her to mean a Chicago style political dirty trick....not a false flag.....I don't really forsee Sarah Palin being "in" enough to have that kind of info.


I don't think you have to be "in" to be able to envision obama and his evil minions orchestrating either a false flag of some sort or Chicago style political dirty tricks. I'm certainly not "in" but I can easily see smooth sailing as long as obama has a clear lead, should that lead evaporate look for a nice big plate of dirty tricks and "in your face" lies and deceit with a side order of false flag all topped with a creamy poo sauce.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Hannity and Palin aren't smart enough for TPTB to trust them to release even the most basic information about a false flag to.

It was probably just a passing comment, she seems to think the debate performance might persuade the 274 electoral votes from states currently with at least an 8% poll lead for Obama switch to Romney.

Interesting statment. By that you emply that FOXnews ISN"T part of the MSM???? That, at least their anchors/show hosts aren't taking their marching orders from same said TPTB???

Fox has the largest viewership in the MSM. Surely with that kind of outreach the "TPTB" would want Hannity and Palin on "their side"....according to your theory...

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Violater1

But what caught my attention was Sarah Palins warning to America. You see her, momentarily, turn from the camera to gather her strength, and at 5:22, she states," ... be aware something could be pulled here to turn things around, if Mitt Romney continues to gain so much ground."

Was she talking?

I’m sorry…..I was fantasizing and lost my train of thought. Let me watch it again.


Yes, it appears she did say that.

Well, I wouldn’t put it past them. I’ve always had the feeling that we’d never make it to the next election or that something would happen to prevent the election (false flag attack, martial law, terrorism, WW3, etc). I guess we’re about to find out. If I had to lay odds at this point I’d say 50/50.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 02:22 PM
Are you angry about the country? There are millions who are seething about the incredible affronts to traditional America.Millions who want to hit
They'ed better behave soon or we might see something all right.I 'm not talking a whack ball in a theatre either.
If a vet decided to ambush a theatre ,nobody would have made it out.You will see us kill ourselves before that happens.If Homeland Security shows up in any mass force or anyone starts shooting and killing a lot of people as a unified group,it's on.

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by KaiserSoze

Originally posted by SrWingCommander
I took her to mean a Chicago style political dirty trick....not a false flag.....I don't really forsee Sarah Palin being "in" enough to have that kind of info.


I don't think you have to be "in" to be able to envision obama and his evil minions orchestrating either a false flag of some sort or Chicago style political dirty tricks. I'm certainly not "in" but I can easily see smooth sailing as long as obama has a clear lead, should that lead evaporate look for a nice big plate of dirty tricks and "in your face" lies and deceit with a side order of false flag all topped with a creamy poo sauce.

Absolutely. And it was great to see Mr Romney call Obama on all of his lies, during the debate. Look how Obama pulled the security teams from Libya, that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and three other Americans, murdered!

posted on Oct, 7 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by oasisjack

hey, now you posted why would anyone listen to had this thought that anyone tromping her is probably a city problem

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