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Back when my kids lived with me, they would mention seeing a dark shadow near or in their room (Only at night). Apparently, this wasn't an everyday
occurrence. Never the less, it happened often enough for it to be dismissed as imagination or pareidolia.
Out of all of them, my daughter experienced the most significant incidents. Many times, she would wake and see a dark translucent human silhouette,
peeking-in from the hallway and through the open door. Other times, it would be standing in the middle of the doorway seemingly looking at her but
never stepping in.
My son's experience was different. The shadow he saw was! Inside his room. However, unlike my daughter, he was never able to view it directly. It
was always a rushing blur whenever he glanced in its direction.
From what I recall, they described the incidents as frightening, yet they never felt as if they were in imminent danger.
Eventually the occurrences seemed to subside. That is, until it happened to me.
I woke up in the early hours of the morning around 2-3am. As my eyes sluggishly adjusted into focus, the image of the bedroom ceiling slowly started
to appear. Most of the room was still in darkness with only a faint glow emanating from behind the curtains. I recall thinking "darn it’s still
Seconds later, I began to feel uneasy. I turned to look at the curtains and a rush of panic immediately overtook me. Standing right next to my bed,
was this tall dark shadow. It had no defining features other than its outline. It looked wide as if wearing a trench coat and as ridiculous as this
may sound, it looked as if it was wearing a wide hat.
Much more ridiculous was my instinct reaction. I threw a punch at it! Of course, I hit nothing and it instantly disappeared. Once my heart settled
down, I calmly spent the next 15 min thinking, “Did I just imagine this?”
To be honest, I still have a hard time believing what I think I saw. Everything happened so quickly. Could I have imagined that? It’s very
possible. After all, I had just awaken from sleep.
Several years have passed since that incident. One day while my daughter came to visit, I asked if she had any recollection of the figure she had
seen during her teenage years. She nodded yes. I proceeded to describe what I saw. The expression on her face told me everything. Never the less,
she exclaimed “Oh my god dad… All this time I thought I was imagining this thing, and now you have just described it exactly as I remember!”