posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 02:04 PM
I venerate my mother, because she brought me up to be good and taught me love. But is she God? Can I force everyone else to kneel and worship my
mother, or have their heads chopped off if they refuse?
I can't. It is against both God and civilised society's law.
I venerate our Messiah, for his mission was meant to save only jews, yet his compassion extended to non-jews, which includes the insignificant gentile
me. He was my teacher and path to know God. It was his teachings I strive to follow, flawed as I am. But is he God? He never claimed that in his
teachings. What man interpretated later is another thing.
Did he compelled anyone to follow his teachings, which were only teachings by God? He didnt. He forced none, and even plead God to FORGIVE those whom
had harmed him. Only latter men did, from 3rd century till 16th century. But not today.
Similarly, the good prophet Muhammad's teachings was meant for all. He never claimed he was God, or forced anyone, except at the initial stages in
the barbaric pagan land Arabia was. He faced far more difficulties than others had, and had to teach in a language that the barbarians could only
understand - violence.
But after Arabia was won, he never resorted to violence, He gave mercy and compassion to children of the book, if they do not cause hurt or harm to
his followers, and even attempted to win the hearts and minds of the Persians just before he died. But only man used violence upon others after his
We can venerate our divine teachers who led us to our common Creator, but we cannot force or compel anyone, worse - kill anyone, for each human is a
child of our common Creator and given free will, more so these present generations, and to be given the opportunity to know Him by His will, not
man's will. Human sacrificing pagans had long died out, but only the remnants remain.
The good prophet Muhammad last sermon was to warn muslims that Satan and his minions will attempt to infiltrate into the religion and bring
I fear for my fellow human brothers and sisters in Iran living in fear or blind faith under the tyranny of the persian apostate infidel leader
Khamenei and his dogs - the terrorists hizbollahs and supporters whom had infiltrated into many nations such as Palestine, Libya, Syria, Kenya,
Somalia, Nigeria, Thailand, Indonesia, etc,etc to sow discord and chaos.
He did this to gain power and glory for himself, to usher in the mythical Mahdi, a figure prophecied by prophet Muhammad of the end times, but with
no date for none knows, yet the persian apostate claims to know the end times as he continually preach, and sought to manipulate events to such dates,
with already several false mahdis, such as the one during the siege of Mecca.
He had failed, yet many honest Shia muslims still are fooled by him. And equally pitiful are the Hamas who think they have a saviour in him, yet whom
had only prolonged the suffering of the sunni muslims in palestine, to be manipulated for that apotasical event of the Mahdi's comming.
The Mahdi will come, as the good prophet had prophecied and as Shias believed, but NOT in the way as the persian apostate had manipulated events to
be. The Mahdi thanks and bows to no man, but only to Allah and His will.