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How to Stop Monsanto and GMO Foods for Good !

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posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 08:56 PM
90 percent of Americans want GMO's to be labeled on our foods. Most people after having seen the facts believe we need to get GMO's out of our food supply such as from the documentary Genetic Roulette. I thought it was a very good, scientifically based movie on the dangers of GMO foods. The movie is free to watch.

I would like to share an idea I have that may help us win the war against GMO foods

Many people are lazy. Sometimes they start label checking with the best intentions then slide back into not checking when they need to grab something quick, or the store has limited brands etc.

I will strongly propose and may create a national campaign, if Proposition 37 passes, that all grocery stores separate their items by GMO and Non GMO foods. This way we can easily go to the non GMO sections. This would save time on the consumer and be a boon for the stores. Most stores do this anyway with Organic produce and foods from other countries, so it shouldn't be that big a deal, if they know this is what the public wants.

It would also serve as an indicator over the coming years which types of foods the general public uses and trusts more. If you want a way to take down Monsanto (GMO foods) - and if the anti GMO people are right - This is the way. The public will speak through this buying power. If less and less people are buying foods from the GMO side, the stores will stop carrying those foods. If the GMO foods turn out to be safe and the public wants them, then this effort will not have hurt a fly. It's a win win.

We need separate isles/sections for GMO foods and we need grocers themselves to take an active GMO stand for or against. So far as I know, no one has heard from the grocers themselves - they are the middlemen, the last stop before the food gets to the consumer. At the local level, grocers will listen to YOU, the communities they serve. If the local community is against them, they don't make money.

I have read about the Grocery Manufacturer's Association (GMA) stating how against the labeling they are, but they do not represent the grocers, they represent the manufacturers. They may try to use their name to mislead the public. " Grocery Manufacturer's Association, but its members represent the nation's largest food makers"

We have enough to worry about with additives and preservatives. We don't know how much damage has already been done to us because of not knowing our foods contained these GMO's. This must stop. I hope to see it happen in my lifetime.

Help me spread the word to the grocers if Proposition 37 passes that we want them to separate the GMO foods from Non GMO foods. If the public don't want GMO foods it will soon become known and we have a chance to win this genetic war, for ourselves, our children, our future as the Human race.

edit on 1-10-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:29 AM
O.k... it's been two days, I have 6 flags and stars at this time but no comments?

Personally I thought this was one of my few Brilliant ideas. It would effectively put the issue to rest as far as consumers go for or against. Why then does it seem no one wants to discuss or even comment on this?

I have a some hypothesis about this. Do people think this is a horrible idea and are too embarrassed for me to tell me? Are people perhaps liking the idea but are too afraid to take such a strong stand as to put themselves in the line of fire? Are people simply waiting to see if the Proposition passes before making a decision on where to go next with the issue?

I find it strange as so many people are mad as hell over GMO's that I don't even have any comments - even to tell me I'm a buffoon and the idea is silly..

I posted the idea now, way ahead of time so we can discuss this and do things like perhaps send out feelers to our local grocers to see how they feel about these issues. We would also need to figure out any counter arguments Monsanto may have and ways to counter them. I already have some ideas on this. I could use some ideas for websites to post this to for this national campaign. I don't have a lot of money but plan to start off using free web resources perhaps places like

Come on guys, tell me what you think.. tell me - something.. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:47 AM
This is a great IDEA.

So is "Give Peace a Chance".

The problem with both of them is......It AINT GONNA HAPPEN!!!

Because the government has gone a long way to make sure these NON GMO as well as GMO aren't labeled to make sure we don't know the difference. They did this for a reason. They are NOT going to allow such a simple plan to ruin all of their hard work.

A new bill will be introduced within weeks of this even being attempted which will fly through the house and the senate and be on the Presidents desk in short order.

It will make it illegal for grocers to separate GMO and non-GMO foods in the store.

THey hold the trump cards everytime my friend.
Your freedom and free will are illusions.

Anyone can SAY you're free, just don't try and exercise your freedoms.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:53 AM
The "most evil company" will stop itself with its inherent misgivings...predicated upon falsity, this will serve as the frail foundation which falls under the weight of their failing fragility as facetious global forerunners when facing those forging the way for FOOD FREEDOM

Thank you for the OP link too!
Heres an option to take action from that site!

We are sucSEEDing every day in every way for the highest good of all~



posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 10:54 AM
I think that even if they did separate them, the natural foods would be prohibitively expensive and the GMO would be cheap.
Unfortunately with todays economy, people would chose GMO if it was cheaper.

Even if the costs to produce them (GMO/Natural) were the same, or competitive, Gmo would still be cheaper, they would make sure of that. Then they would say people demand and prefer GMO foods, even if they do out of economic necessity.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by awake1234

Thank you for the OP link too!
Heres an option to take action from that site!

We are sucSEEDing every day in every way for the highest good of all~



I didn't even think to put this on the Take Action area for the movie. Thanks.

I am contacting others to see what they think of the idea. So far I have contacted

International Advocates for Health Freedom, GreenPeace, Natural News, Organic Consumer Association, TreeHugger - and are lined up to contact many more. I'll let you guys know if anyone responds. Thanks for the input so far folks, keep em coming.
edit on 3-10-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Screwed

I love your pessimism but that's what I want. I believe it's one thing simply to shout Don't buy GMO Foods but it's quite another if the consumers speak with their pocket books in a way that will show the grocers they are losing money on GMO Foods. This is as much for the benefit of our grocers profits as it is for the consumers. I believe if we get the grocers on our side, at least voluntarily, the government cannot tell them how they can separate their products - that would be such a strong encroachment on the freedoms of grocers they won't stand for it. That would set a precedent for government to impose more restrictions on grocers to the point where all grocers are no longer simply independent companies selling food items - they would all be government controlled at every level. I honestly don't think such strong arm tactics will fly. However, you may be right, we'll watch and see.. I don't trust this government any farther than I can throw it.


About 30 % of our foods are non GMO it's estimated now. They don't cost any more to produce, last longer, are fresher, and have more health giving qualities and don't cause the health problems GMO Foods can. I believe if demand for these foods goes up this will cause these prices to drop. It's cheaper to produce these foods as it is as opposed to GMO foods and in ways that don't harm the environment. I can't see any reason why these prices would go up.
edit on 3-10-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:43 PM
I am sending copies of this form letter to all grocery associations I can find (as well as e-mailing anti-GMO companies)

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to you because of this national debate to label GMO foods. Next month in California consumers are going to vote on whether to label GMO foods or not. If this proposition 37 passes, how will grocers nation wide feel about it?

Do you want to make more money? Of course you do. I have an idea that can help boost your status with the public as well as boost your profits.

If California begins to lead the nation in GMO Food labeling and as stated in many places, 90 percent of Americans want GMO Foods labeled, then grocers can advertise and can set up isles or sections that separate the GMO Foods from non GMO foods. This way it will help consumers flock to your stores because they wont have to spend so much time reading labels. This will help get more consumers in and out of your stores more quickly. This will also give consumers a sense that the grocers really do care about thier health and food choices.

This will also serve to show the grocers which types of foods the consumers want to buy most. If you are not making money say on the GMO foods for example (or vice versa) , this will tell you not to carry those non profit making foods.

It is estimated that at least 70 percent of all foods today are GMO foods. That only leaves 30 percent of foods that are non GMO - But the public seems to be on the side of non GMO foods. It should then be a simple matter to separate the GMO foods from the non GMO foods. This will cater to the wishes of the consumers in a fashion that is positive and encourages a great symbiotic relationship between the consumers and their grocers.

What do you think of these ideas? If you like them, would you be willing to implement them in your stores?

Thank you for your time, I await your reply,

John Phoenix

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:46 PM
Good luck stopping them..

If achieve I hope everyone feels good about the millions
in 3rd world countries who will die over the food supply running out.

Pat yourselves on the back good job!

You have accomplished depopulation.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 12:59 PM
OP, I have S&F all of your posts. The result here is a typical example of Henny Penny. Everyone wants something but doesn't want to put forth the effort to get it. You are right on and it will take millions to get on board, if we unite, we are so powerful. I will put the letter out to my grocery store and even further, beyond my local borders. If we don't try, we immediately fail. It's the NOT trying that is disconcerting, because so many people here claim to be against Monsanto. The proof is in the pudding! Too many armchair executives on this site. Not enough doers! That's the whole problem with the world.
edit on 3-10-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 01:10 PM
In Canada, we have the same problem. In 2002, the government declined to pass legislation that mandated labelling food products that contained GMO ingredients.

Since my wife and I became parents recently, we have taken this issue a lot more seriously.

My advice is, do not rely on government agencies, and do your own research.

Here are two online sources that I found to be very helpful in identifying GMO vs non GMO products in supermarkets:

edit on 3-10-2012 by Humanity4Ever because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by popcornmafia
Good luck stopping them..

If achieve I hope everyone feels good about the millions
in 3rd world countries who will die over the food supply running out.

Pat yourselves on the back good job!

You have accomplished depopulation.

Actually we will have achieved just the opposite, more food, cheaper healthier food for the masses. Farmers that grow GMO crops have to spend more money on them buying seed from Monsanto year after year - because the GMO crops only have a 1 year lifespan. This is by design so Monsanto can sell more seed. These foods decay faster than natural foods and do not produce the nutrition natural foods do. - you really want hungry 3rd world children to be subjected to those factors?

Facts are there is no problem with having enough food to feed the wolds population now as it is. We have food enough 10 times over. The problem with feeding 3rd world countries is because those governments don't make the foods available to the people. Feeding poor starving people this GMO garbage can only serve to worsen their health as it does now for healthy people and animals in the USA. Monsanto itself would be killing these children. That's why so many countries - even many 3rd world countries, have banned GMO foods and crops.

Need more resources? Look at the links and documentaries here: They really go into detail on these issues.

Wanna hear something really funny? - Even Monsanto won't allow GMO Foods in their own cafeteria !

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Humanity4Ever
In Canada, we have the same problem. In 2002, the government declined to pass legislation that mandated labelling food products that contained GMO ingredients.

No, but your government did do something else that was pretty cool. They set a precedent that allows for people who have had their crops contaminated by Monsanto GMO seed to make Monsanto clean up the crops from the offending plants, or send the bill to Monsanto.

There is a huge problem with this in the USA. If Monsanto finds GMO seed or crops on a farm that isn't part of their operation, they threaten to sue for theft. (legally all profits from GMO seeds/crops are property of Monsanto) They then offer the farmer a choice to go to court or join Monsanto and produce crops for Monsanto using only seed and pesticides from Monsanto. Since the farmers cannot prove they didn't seal Monsanto's technology, they usually take the deal so they can stay in business - at a loss, now working for Monsanto instead of themselves. They choose this because fighting Monsanto in court will be very costly and likely ruin them. This is a huge scam by Monsanto.

In Canada they can have a cleanup and send the bill to Monsanto. In this way at least in Canada farmers have a little more protection than they have in the USA.

It may be that if GMO labeling takes root all across America, Canada will have a change of heart.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I promise you that if something like this were even attempted then grocery stores would be federalized or subsidized and considered a threat to national security to have it any other way.

Once you fully understand how the people who really run the show......really run the show, then you can predict their moves with 100% accuracy.

Great Idea in the sense that it would force their hand and expose themselves and their agenda to an even broader audience even more than it already has been.

The more we push, the more it forces them to push.
The harder we push, the harder it forces them to push.
Eventually it becomes clear to all but the most dumbed down, brainwashed, mentally, spiritually, and politically retarded amougst us.

posted on Oct, 3 2012 @ 11:58 PM
The only solution to the monsanto problem is for a grassroots eradication of not only their vegetation continent wide but the total destruction of their manufacturing plants. I would never condone the harming of the average monsanto employee but i would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see every base of operations in Canada and the USA to be fire bombed and wiped away.

They are an evil corporation that cares for nothing but profits and they need to be eradicated for the good of the human race, and i get a a good feeling when i think of it because its happening every day across the globe. Every country that says no to monsanto gives rise to the cause and voice of all all those people who have opposed these degenerate leeches for the past 20 years. I see monsanto going tits up in 5 years.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I promise you that if something like this were even attempted then grocery stores would be federalized or subsidized and considered a threat to national security to have it any other way.

Well it's in full swing now. The website is half way completed as is the facebook campaign. I'm calling it, Consumer GMO Choice.

I did try not to be bias towards one side or the other while making the website but suggested mutual benefits for grocers and consumers. The idea was to help make choosing easier and keep the issues alive while giving both sides something they want. The website will be completed in a few days. I'd post the URL if a Mod tells me it's o.k. to do so.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I fully support what you are trying to do.
Let me know if there is any way I can help.

As I said, the result that I am looking forward to is different than the result that you are hoping for but in the end we both win.

This is a great idea but for a different reason than you are trying to achieve.
IMHO of course as always.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Screwed
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

As I said, the result that I am looking forward to is different than the result that you are hoping for but in the end we both win.

This is a great idea but for a different reason than you are trying to achieve.
IMHO of course as always.

You've also said,

I promise you that if something like this were even attempted then grocery stores would be federalized or subsidized and considered a threat to national security to have it any other way.

Once you fully understand how the people who really run the show......really run the show, then you can predict their moves with 100% accuracy.

Great Idea in the sense that it would force their hand and expose themselves and their agenda to an even broader audience even more than it already has been.

The more we push, the more it forces them to push.
The harder we push, the harder it forces them to push.
Eventually it becomes clear to all but the most dumbed down, brainwashed, mentally, spiritually, and politically retarded amougst us.

So in light of those two posts I'm trying to understand your above meaning (different results you are looking for and different reasons) .. perhaps the coffee and electronic cigarettes hasn't kicked in yet..

In both posts you remind me this may force Monsanto and TPTB to fight back harder. I don't think you actually want so much legislation where government in is total control of our food and grocers but you sound like you're afraid that could happen- is that it?( unless you work for the FDA or Monsanto) So what could it be?

We can't not take action simply because we may cause an avalanche to come down around us. That's the cowards way and I'm done with talking. I had to do my part. My goals are to help get the grocers and consumers to work together for the benefit of them both and to help keep these issues in the forefront of the public's mind. I know if Proposition 37 passes and starts a nationwide trend Monsanto will downplay the labeling. I know they will count on people becoming lax and stopping checking labels and becoming apathetic. This is what I'm concerned about.

Could you please elaborate a little more on what you think the different results will be and your different reasons?

edit on 4-10-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:41 AM
If Monsanto is so great, why are people killing themselves over them? WHY ARE THEIR CROPS FAILING?????

The Indian SuicidesFarmers in India are finding that the "biotechnology revolution" is having a devastating effect on their crop lands and personal debt levels. "In 1998, the World Bank's structural adjustment policies forced India to open up its seed sector to global corporations like Cargill, Monsanto, and Syngenta. The global corporations changed the input economy overnight. Farm saved seeds were replaced by corporate seeds which needed fertilizers and pesticides and could not be saved" Says Vandana Shiva, leader of the movement to oust Monsanto from India in her 2004 article The Suicide Economy Of Corporate Globalisation. "As seed saving is prevented by patents as well as by the engineering of seeds with non-renewable traits, seed has to be bought for every planting season by poor peasants. A free resource available on farms became a commodity which farmers were forced to buy every year. This increases poverty and leads to indebtedness. As debts increase and become unpayable, farmers are compelled to sell kidneys or even commit suicide. More than 25,000 peasants in India have taken their lives since 1997 when the practice of seed saving was transformed under globalisation pressures and multinational seed corporations started to take control of the seed supply. Seed saving gives farmers life. Seed monopolies rob farmers of life" [1].

UPDATE: "Since 1997, 182,936 Indian farmers have taken their lives and the numbers continue to rise. According to a recent study by the National Crime Records Bureau, 46 Indian farmers kill themselves every day – that is roughly one suicide every 30 minutes – an alarming statistic in a country where agriculture is the economic mainstay".[2]

Yet even this number may be underestimated. According to P. Sainath, rural affairs editor of The Hindu, "the states where these [figures] are gathered leave out thousands from the definition of "farmer" and, thus, massage the numbers downward. For instance, women farmers are not normally accepted as farmers (by custom, land is almost never in their names).

edit on 4-10-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 08:51 AM
Did anyone MISS this????? UPDATE: "Since 1997, 182,936 Indian farmers have taken their lives and the numbers continue to rise. Why is this???? People, here is your opportunity to take control.....why is there a lack of response? I am soooo disappointed. I thought the people here cared....evidently not. What a Eff# disgrace.
edit on 4-10-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

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