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Been thinking about HAARP recently

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posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

First of all higher freq's do travel slightly faster than lower ones ,Within the formula for the speed of a specific freq is a symbol ( f ) this means (FREQUENCY) . If frequency did not matter when fomulating wave speed IT WOULD NOT BE IN THE FORMULA!! Point # 2 A pulse has a speed A FRONT PORCH and a BACK PORCH and A SLEW RATE all terms discriptive of a paticular electromagnetic DISTURBACE moving through oxygen nitrogen and dust particles in the medium called air, riding on the ocean of magnetic flux we are all imerced in.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by SoulVisions

Thanks for your input ,its nice to see someone using there organic computer ( brain) instead of only repeating what they heard or told to say.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by supergravity
reply to post by chr0naut

First of all higher freq's do travel slightly faster than lower ones ,Within the formula for the speed of a specific freq is a symbol ( f ) this means (FREQUENCY) . If frequency did not matter when fomulating wave speed IT WOULD NOT BE IN THE FORMULA!! Point # 2 A pulse has a speed A FRONT PORCH and a BACK PORCH and A SLEW RATE all terms discriptive of a paticular electromagnetic DISTURBACE moving through oxygen nitrogen and dust particles in the medium called air, riding on the ocean of magnetic flux we are all imerced in.

I believe that the propagation of electromagnetic radiation is normally and nominally rated as the speed of light in a vacuum, however slight variation of propagation speed CAN be implied by the refractive index of various media.

As the refractive index can be negative (demonstrated in some meta-materials where both permeability and permittivity are both negative values) higher frequencies can be both faster OR slower than lower ones, dependent upon conditions.

The refractive index of a vacuum is generally regarded to be unity (but as the calculation is dependent upon phase velocity, rather than overall propagation speed, is actually a very small negative value).

The refractive index of air at 0 degrees C and 1 atmosphere is 1.000293, which is close enough to unity for it to have little effect but to add to atmospheric scattering which would further diffuse any EM pulse by tiny amounts.

In the atmosphere, with a positive refractive index, higher frequencies are refracted more than low frequencies. As the phase speed is lower in the atmosphere, the higher frequencies would travel more slowly (try and imagine it that the wave fronts are being compressed closer together in the higher refractive environment of the atmosphere. This results in the phase speed of the wave fronts being less in regard to the phase speed in a lower refractive environment of a vacuum).

As the pulses were supposed to be non-sinusoidal and time variant, the equations of frequency would not really apply so the point is moot. That is, if we are talking about non-sinusoidal EM as proposed in your post.

I am aware that waveforms are defined by a rise time (front porch), maximum rate of change (slew rate) and fall time (back porch) which is usually also the propagation speed divided by the minimum rate of change, but these are very conventional descriptors of a (usually) resonant waveform (in a non resonant waveform, the slew rate is the same as the minimum rate of change).

And regarding the "oceans of magnetic flux" in which we are immersed, the Earth's magnetic field is actually quite weak.

posted on Oct, 9 2012 @ 09:24 PM
Hey BrianG, have you read the recent DARPA (etc) breakthrough involving Helicon wave, helical beam effects, and also Twisted Light, braided waves, retarded braided waves, circularly polarized light?

Remember Norway Spiral? I believe that was a large scale EISCAT (Norway HAARP?) test involving circularly polarized light.

A Circularly polarized wave, if I am not mistaken, can carry an almost infinite amount of data or energy depending on how "wide" the "corkscrew" is when you're dealing with these weird twisted/braided waves. This was supposedly discovered recently. But if it was not recent, that means we have been paying premium prices for hardline (cable) internet and TV when this new Helical beam wireless can transfer "7 blue rays per second" (and that's a low powered one).

It's possible that a circularly polarized wave can carry a lot of energy without us seeing the normal effects of such a transfer, because I believe the energy is bundled in such a way that it doesn't escape i.e. signal degradation is extremely LOW.

SETI should be using this technology, because ET wouldn't use anything less if they are still using electricity.
ET would not waste time using MORSE CODE when ET could be sending blueprints.

HAARP is a scary thing, but I hope it can give humanity the key to some free energy secrets. I don't like what HAARP and Helical energy together can possibly do to the human brain, though. It takes only a special signal of about 110 Hz iirc to cause the brain to switch from left to right hemisphere dominance, achieving the Delphi effect or the Tao. So you can see the moral dilemma involving HAARP very clearly.

Not to mention the possiblilty that HAARP works together with sensor devices like IceCube Neutrino Observatory to locate and predict nuclear explosions and other events, particle leaks from bad reactors, precognitive experiences in humans and animals, and of course, ET contact.

We should never discount the theory that it is our own human leaders who are barring us common people from the benefit of ET contact. Because of capitalism and other controls.

But that is crazy talk, no?

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

Remember Norway Spiral? I believe that was a large scale EISCAT (Norway HAARP?) test involving circularly polarized light.
No. That was a Russian missile test.

A Circularly polarized wave, if I am not mistaken, can carry an almost infinite amount of data or energy depending on how "wide" the "corkscrew" is when you're dealing with these weird twisted/braided waves
You are mistaken. What you seem to be talking about is polarization multiplexing. It doesn't involve only circular polarization and it doesn't provide infinite bandwidth or energy. It's similar to more "standard" forms of multiplexing in that it allows several datastreams to be transmitted on the same medium.

It's possible that a circularly polarized wave can carry a lot of energy without us seeing the normal effects of such a transfer, because I believe the energy is bundled in such a way that it doesn't escape i.e. signal degradation is extremely LOW

You think that circular polarization somehow defies the inverse square law? Better think again. Better learn what circular polarization means. While you're at it you may as well learn what elliptical and linear polarization mean as well. You could start by looking at how polarized sunglasses work. Then you can study up on the data transmission thing and the science behind it.

HAARP is a scary thing, but I hope it can give humanity the key to some free energy secrets.
Why is it scary? What does it have to do with "free" energy?

This would seem a good time to point out that the idea of polarization and "scalar" electromagnetic radiation are mutually exclusive.
edit on 10/10/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

Circularly polarised light is used in the "RealD" cinema 3D system. The polarization can be either left handed or right handed in rotation and this differentiates between the signals decoded by the passive polarization filters in the glasses.

Circularly polarized microwave radio has been used for radar since the second world war. The circular polarization reflects better off non-spherical objects. Due to rain drops being spherical, rain does not reflect circularly polarized signals as well and so aircraft & etc are not as easily masked by rain and similar atmospheric conditions.

Circular, helical or elliptical polarization is neither new, nor does it have any truly amazing properties in regards to data capacity or ability to carry power.

There are many naturally occurring circularly polarized electromagnetic signals and filters.

edit on 10/10/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by chr0naut
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

Circularly polarised light is used in the "RealD" cinema 3D system. The polarization can be either left handed or right handed in rotation and this differentiates between the signals decoded by the passive polarization filters in the glasses.

Circularly polarized microwave radio has been used for radar since the second world war. The circular polarization reflects better off non-spherical objects. Due to rain drops being spherical, rain does not reflect circularly polarized signals as well and so aircraft & etc are not as easily masked by rain and similar atmospheric conditions.

Circular, helical or elliptical polarization is neither new, nor does it have any truly amazing properties in regards to data capacity or ability to carry power.

There are many naturally occurring circularly polarized electromagnetic signals and filters.

edit on 10/10/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)
Thanks, but WRONG:

Published on Jun 26, 2012 by slatester
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In "get this into my house immediately" news, a group of scientists have created a new system for transmitting data that uses light and could be 85,000 times faster than broadband cable.

This super wi-fi, which could be used for everything from satellite communication links to fiber optic cables, employs something called "phase holograms" to manipulate eight separate beams of light so that they can carry "1" or "0" data bits—the building blocks of sending digital information from one place to another.

The beams, twisted into a DNA-like helical shape, were sent through free space as unique data streams, almost like separate channels on your radio. The transmit speed? 2.5 terabits per second, which Gizmodo describes as the equivalent of seven Blu-ray movies.

Of course, this technology, funded by DARPA and developed by a multinational team of scientists from Pakistan, China, Israel, and the United States, could easily be used for evil. But for now, let's all just imagine downloading all of the Star Wars films in a blink of an eye—even if we only really want to watch three of them.

How come the really anal technical guys always think they are right but are most emphatically wrong?
You need to read more -- not everything you know is true.
'Twisted Light' Beams Data at a Staggering 2.56 Terabits Per Second
By Damon Poeter June 25, 2012 09:29pm EST 15 CommentsGoogle 0 Share 0 Tweet 0 Submit 0 Share 0 Pin It 0 EmailPrint
How would you like to be able to download a feature film onto your smartphone in a single second? How about 70 movies in a blink of an eye?
No phone has the storage capacity to handle such a monumental data dump, of course. But it's fun to imagine the possibilities of "twisted light," a new approach to transmitting data that can hit speeds of 2.56 terabits per second (Tbps), according to an international team of researchers publishing in this week's issue of Nature Photonics.
That's 85,000 times faster than the 30 Mbps broadband Internet we enjoy today, according to Innovation News Daily. Or, to put it into better perspective, at such data transfer rates, you could transmit 70 full-length DVDs over the air in about a second.

edit on 10-10-2012 by KhufuKeplerTriangle because: darpa

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

"Twisted light" does not involve circular or any other type of polarization. It makes use of orbital angular momentum to encode data. It also has nothing to do with HAARP (HAARP does not transmit light). It also does nothing to reduce power loss or increase power density. It is simply another means of multiplexing data streams. Since light is capable of very high bandwidth as is, multiplexing further enhances that capability.

You need to read more

You need to try to understand more of what you read.

edit on 10/10/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

In responce to the idea that the layers of atmoshere could not reflect energy fields with high efficency I refer you to the book angels dont play that harrp. When one expermint went wrong ,A reflected wave came back to the ant aray and VAPORIZED a 1 inch metal lug bolt , this was no small reflection,it would take extremly large induced current to do this.More than that two areas tesla was working on were HARMONIC RES and STANDING WAVES. The latter was what destroyed the lug bolt .THAT WAS A 1500 mile reflection.

The main reason for slight changes in speed of any given signal is harmonic res.all atoms, and matter in the atmoshere has an exact freq that the electrical resistance goes to zero.As you get closer to the resonace of water, resistace to said signal goes down ,if you lower freq, the atoms put up more resistance and absorb some of it slowing the signal.

Thats some interesting stuff twisted light. stationary photons ,slowing light to 38 miles per hour etc.
This leads me to the fact that light IS NOT A CONSTANT and neutonian laws of phisics are not laws at all but temporary RULES .For example newtons theorys were based on STATIONARY objects. But nothing in the universe is stationary. Look at saturns poles, BECAUSE ROTATING MASS DISTORTS AND VIOLATES these rules every day. At the poles they found large pie shaped patterns of high speed winds ,the rings of saturn violate the rules of time space.The forever storm on jupiter is also a side efect of a large mass rotating.My whole point in all of this is , we are living in a universe that cant be measured or understood with oversimplified formulas.

One more thing to stir the intilect, the theory of supergravity as I undrstand it would explain many things.
ALL atoms and materials are breaking apart and reforming so fast they cannot measure it,because there measuring devices are disappering at the same rate.atoms are breaking apart into sub atomic particles and speeding away MANY TIMES the speed of light.In my view there are rivers of tacions( i call them that for simplicity ) coming in all directions reforming matter. these tacions have to have memory systems to hit the target atom .more than that ROTATING MASS causes MAJOR PROBLEMS in the memory prosses,THIS CALLED FRAME DRAGGING .This was PROVED IN 1998.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by supergravity

I refer you to the book angels dont play that harrp
By the con-man Nick Begich.

When one expermint went wrong ,A reflected wave came back to the ant aray and VAPORIZED a 1 inch metal lug bolt
No it didn't.

The main reason for slight changes in speed of any given signal is harmonic res.all atoms, and matter in the atmoshere has an exact freq that the electrical resistance goes to zero.
You are claiming that air becomes a superconductor? No.

edit on 10/10/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to [url=]post by
You need to try to understand more of what you read.

edit on 10/10/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Okay genius, read these for me:


Mechanical Effects of Optical Vortices
N.R. Heckenberg, M.E.J. Friese, T.A. Nieminen and H. Rubinsztein-Dunlop
Centre for Laser Science, Department of Physics, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia
As has been pointed out by Berry[1], the concept of phase is an abstract one, and
the idea of a singularity perhaps more so, so that a singularity in phase is a double
abstraction. Besides, even the fact that light has an oscillating or wave nature at all is not
often obvious. It is therefore particularly gratifying that optical phase singularities, which at
first were experienced only rather negatively as dark spots or indirectly through defects in
interference patterns, have in recent times been shown to be tangible enough to exert
mechanical forces capable of rotating and moving small objects about.

Of course, the forces
are exerted by the light field surrounding the singularity but their characteristics are
determined by the characteristic radial increase in irradiance and by the helical nature of the
wavefronts associated with the singularity (the optical vortex), which can therefore be held
responsible for the effects

The fact that light carries energy, momentum, and angular momentum has been well
understood since the work of Maxwell (1873) but the small sizes of the associated forces,
together with the interference of spurious effects such as radiometer, thermophoretic and
photophoretic effects in low pressure gases, made direct measurements difficult. Lebedev[2]
and Nichols and Hull[3] were probably the first to make measurements of radiation
pressure, while in a well-known experiment, Beth[4] measured the angular momentum
carried by circularly polarized light.

Can you tell me that Helical waves have no application other than transfering data on a bus? LOLOL. Did you read the bit about levitation and helical wavefronts being responsible for MECHANICAL ACTION? I bet you simply haven't googled the right two terms.

One major difference between scientists and shills is a good scientist never ever says "that is impossible" without doing his own reading.

If your research is before 1992 you can THROW IT AWAY:

Recently a microscopic parallel of Beth’s experiment was carried out. In this
experiment, the angular momentum carried by circularly-polarized light in a Gaussian beam
was transferred to a microscopic fragment of birefringent material causing it to rotate[5].
The issue of the mechanical effects of optical vortices was first raised in 1992 by
Allen et al.[6]


HAARP, Tesla and Mechanical Resonance
By Truth Seeker on May 15, 2011 with Comments 1

HAARP or the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program has been in the center of attention after the waves of earthquakes Japan had experienced. But many skeptics have raised many questions on the theory of HAARP controlling these earthquakes. How can mere antennas have the power to cause catastrophe in a global scale? What do frequencies have to do with causing an earthquake?

Well first things first, we must introduce the man who started it all, Nikola Tesla. A genius whose knowledge and contributions have surpassed those of Albert Einstein. The inventor of alternative current and engineer who created countless inventions that are used today.

Tesla’s inventions included a Death Particle beam that was supposed to bring down military airplanes all around the world, the Tesla coil which transmits high voltages through the air and can be used to transmit wireless energy, then an earthquake machine that used mechanical resonance to almost bring down his New York apartment!

What is mechanical resonance you ask? What is an earthquake machine even made of? Well building an earthquake machine is surprisingly simple, so simple that MythBusters attempted to recreate Tesla’s earthquake machine. Tesla was testing a mechanical oscillator in his apartment. A mechanical oscillator is simply responsible for making a certain frequency through moving up and down on a certain object.

In physics there’s something called resonance frequency, resonance frequency is the natural frequency of an object. Since atoms are never solid and no object is solid every object has stores some sort of vibrational energy. Finding this vibrational energy through a frequency then sending this back to the object will cause it to destabilized then fall apart.

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 03:54 PM
The people in this thread who are naysaying, bashing, and poo-pooing the Tesla science being discussed, the levitation and rotation of objects that can be accomplished with an optical vortex, etc.

DAMAGE CONTROL DARPA OGRES, go back to the troll bridge please,

We scientists want to have a discussion free from the "need" to "understand" your 4-12 wasted years at a school where you accomplish "learning by rote" rather than "learning by exposure".

It's okay to be wrong, you know.
Because anyone can use the scientific method, or just skip it actually... lol

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

As I understand it, the particular "TwistedLight" technology you are talking about in your post does not use circular polarization, but uses phase shifts between adjacent signal sources. The diffraction caused between the sources is the carrier of the data. As the data is carried by the phase propagation speed of the signal sources, it is not limited to the carrying capacity of the signals frequency. The diffraction method also makes the minute phase differences more easily detected.

While the article seems to make great claims (and no doubt, it is clever) you should remember that Blu-Ray disks are already read with lasers. The "TwistedLight" method uses eight multiplexed lasers to achieve its potential "seventy Blu-Ray" data stream. It also is easily scrambled in the time domain so transmission over optical fibers or through the atmosphere where refractive index of a media can destroy the minute phase differences is a fairly major problem - a show stopper, in fact.

edit on 10/10/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

DAMAGE CONTROL DARPA OGRES, go back to the troll bridge please,

So those who do not agree with you are trolls?

Well then......

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by KhufuKeplerTriangle
The people in this thread who are naysaying, bashing, and poo-pooing the Tesla science being discussed, the levitation and rotation of objects that can be accomplished with an optical vortex, etc.

DAMAGE CONTROL DARPA OGRES, go back to the troll bridge please,

We scientists want to have a discussion free from the "need" to "understand" your 4-12 wasted years at a school where you accomplish "learning by rote" rather than "learning by exposure".

It's okay to be wrong, you know.
Because anyone can use the scientific method, or just skip it actually... lol

The rotation of a very tiny (microscopic) object suspended in a liquid, by a powerful laser does not equal "levitation of an object".

You have drawn a conclusion that side steps the the issues of scale and energies required.

Although you may call me a DARPA ogre (is an ogre like some sort of elevated troll?), I am not a US citizen, nor do I reside there. It is highly unlikely that I, an Australian citizen residing in New Zealand, would be employed in the defense of; what is to me, a foreign government & nation.

I have also studied beyond school level science, so I suppose I have therefore wasted more like 16 years learning at educational institutions. A further 20 years of employment and similar experience also would account for an even greater wastage of my years.

Further to my education, it is normal practice to perform experiments (usually call 'LAB' in our studies) where every idea and precept is tested experimentally, over and over again (a tedious process most times). This is to inculcate proper scientific method and also to give true "hands-on" experience of EVERY concept we are taught. What this means is that students who have actually studied physics in an accredited educational institution do have "learning by exposure". It is here that they verify that the "simple equations" give answers that are observationally supported.

... and I'm not always right either (life's a conundrum).

edit on 10/10/2012 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle

Interesting article about lasers. Lasers have a very high power density. It is the fact that the orbital angular momentum of the "twisted light" is transfered to a particle (a very small particle) which enables the multiplexing method to be used. As pointed out, the "twisted" light is not the same as circular polarization.

One major difference between scientists and shills is a good scientist never ever says "that is impossible" without doing his own reading.

Who said something is impossible? You've just been making claims about circular polarization which are not true. Claims of lower power loss and "almost infinite energy".

Originally posted by KhufuKeplerTriangle

It's possible that a circularly polarized wave can carry a lot of energy without us seeing the normal effects of such a transfer, because I believe the energy is bundled in such a way that it doesn't escape i.e. signal degradation is extremely LOW.


I see you've fallen into the myth of Tesla. Do you think that he invented the idea of resonance? But it's sort of amusing the way people associate Tesla with HAARP. He did not believe that the ionosphere (in his day, called the Heaviside layer) existed at all.

Terrestrial phenomena which I have noted conclusively show that there is no Heaviside layer, or if it exists, it is of no effect.

Tesla did not believe that radio waves (discovered by Heinrich Hertz) were capable of transmitting power at all, his wireless tranmission scheme involved the transmission of electricity through the ground.

The Hertz wave theory of wireless transmission may be kept up for a while, but I do not hesitate to say that in a short time it will be recognized as one of the most remarkable and inexplicable aberrations of the scientific mind which has ever been recorded in history.

Tesla did not believe that radio would even be of much use for communication at all.

As regards signaling without wires, the application of these radiations for the purpose was quite obvious. When Dr. Hertz was asked whether such a system would be of practical value, he did not think so, and he was correct in his forecast. The best that might have been expected was a method of communication similar to the heliographic and subject to the same or even greater limitations.

Tesla was a very good inventor but he was also very wrong about some things. And he had nothing to do with HAARP.

edit on 10/10/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by KhufuKeplerTriangle

It's okay to be wrong, you know.

so don't be too hard on yourself....

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 03:35 AM
Ready to get completely shot down about your claims about HAARP, helical waves, Tesla and Marconi, etc.?
I am in the mood.

reply to post by chr0naut
Tesla and Marconi
by David Hatcher Childress
Atlantis Rising Issue 13
from AtlantisRising Website

The relationship between Tesla and Marconi is a fascinating one! While Tesla has become a popular figure to revisionist scientists in the last ten years, Marconi is still largely unknown and seen as a usurper of Tesla's inventions.

Yet Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) was a brilliant scientist, and, in fact, Tesla's close friend.

Unlike Tesla, Marconi was a good businessman, socially adept, and was able to manage a sizable financial and manufacturing empire. When Marconi allegedly died in 1937 (while still a relatively young and healthy man) he was a multimillionaire, lived on a luxury yacht, and was probably the most knowledgeable man in the world at the time in the practical application of Tesla Technology.

In the esoteric writing of the Latin countries, Marconi has achieved a near legendary status, much as Tesla has recently in the United States. But most Tesla students are unaware that Marconi was supposed to have founded a secret high-tech city in the remote southern jungles of Venezuela. The great Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi was a former student of Tesla's.

Marconi studied radio transmission theory with Tesla and made his first radio transmission in 1895. Marconi was fascinated by the transmission of power, and in 1896 received a British patent and sent a signal nine miles across the Bristol Channel. In 1899 he successfully set up a wireless station to communicate with a French station 31 miles across the English Channel.

It was thought that the curve of the earth's surface would limit radio transmission to 200 miles at the most. When on December 11, 1901, Marconi transmitted a signal from Poldhu, Cornwall, to St. John's Newfoundland, 2000 miles away, he created a major sensation. For this Marconi replaced the wire receiver with a coherer, a glass tube filled with iron filings, which could conduct radio waves.

At the time there was no scientific explanation for this phenomenon of long-distance transmission, and it was postulated that there was a layer in the upper atmosphere the ionosphere which reflected back electromagnetic waves.

Marconi Antenna

Marconi antennas are usually 1/4 wavelength long and require a path to ground. The ground plane itself acts as a reflector of energy, and combines with the directly radiated wave to create the overall radiation pattern. If the ground is dry or otherwise a poor conductor, a copper grid is generally laid out on the ground. The impedance of a 1/4 Marconi antenna is 36.6 .

Notice that a Marconi antenna could be considered as a dipole antenna with one of the poles buried in the ground. The ground acts as a reflector to create the appearance of an buried antenna in the same way that a mirror creates the appearance of someone behind the glass. Increasing the antenna length has a significant impact on the radiation pattern:

Helical Antenna

Wikipedia has related information at Helical_antenna
Most Marconi antennas operate in the broadside mode, which means that the bulk of the signal radiates off the side of the wire. However it is possible to modify the antenna to operate in the end fire mode:
HAARP Antenna Array.
Showing the crossed beams of the circularly polarized antennas.
HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is to be a major Arctic facility for upper atmospheric and solar-terrestrial research. HAARP is being built on a DoD-owned site near Gakona, Alaska. Principal instruments include a high power, high-frequency (HF) phased array radio transmitter (known as the Ionospheric Research Instrument, or IRI), used to stimulate small, well-defined volumes of ionosphere, and an ultra-high frequency (UHF) incoherent scatter radar (ISR), used to measure electron densities, electron and ion temperatures, and Doppler velocities in the stimulated region and in the natural ionosphere. To further the scientific capabilities and usefulness of the IRI and ISR, HAARP is supporting the design and installation of the latest in modern geophysical research instruments...


posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 03:46 AM
in case the wall of text above was too technical to catch the vital points:
HAARP Antenna Array.
Showing the crossed beams of the circularly polarized antennas
The 9/11 Question and Particle Pumping


Whether or not APTI was using that particular patent for HAARP, Begich questioned the
wisdom of the whole effort, ―if this technology works, is it in humanityßs interest for a
secretive bureaucracy to control something which could stop all electronic communications
or change the planetßs weather patterns?‖
The library had the patent on microfiche. Its abstract (summary) read: ―A method and
apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth's
surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its
charged particle density

HAARP Creator of Misery & Mayhem.wmv - YouTube
► 9:54► 9:54
Dec 10, 2010 - 10 min - Uploaded by iwasthatdolphin
The HAARP transmitter uses cyclotron resonance in radiating its energy transmissions into the ionisphere ...

Particle Pump
An Artificial Particle Precipitation Technique Using
HAARP-Generated VLF Waves

yclotron Resonance Depopulation!
2 posts - 1 author - Jan 12, 2010
Possible Depopulation Strategy! Cyclotron Resonance: Connection Between HAARP, Chemtrails, and Pollutants.

Cyclotron motion

Google Books:
HAARP: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy

"synposis":"The HAARP project in Alaska is one of the most controversial projects ever undertaken by the U.S. Government. Jerry Smith gives us the history of the HAARP project and explains how it can be used as an awesome weapon of destruction. Smith exposes a covert military project and the web of conspiracies behind it. HAARP has many possible scientific and military applications, from raising a planetary defense shield to peering deep into the earth. Smith leads the reader down a trail of solid evidence into ever deeper and scarier conspiracy theories in an attempt to discover the whos and whys behind HAARP, and discloses a possible plan to rule the world. At best, HAARP is science out-of-control; at worst, HAARP could be the most dangerous device ever created, a futuristic technology that is everything from super-beam weapon to world-wide mind control device. The Star Wars future is now! Topics include Over-the-Horizon Radar and HAARP, Mind Control, ELF and HAARP, The Telsa Connection, The Russian Woodpecker, GWEN \u0026 HAARP, Earth Penetrating Tomography, Weather Modification, Secret Science of the Conspiracy, more. Includes the complete 1987 Bernard Eastlund patent for his pulsed super-weapon that he claims was stolen by the HAARP Project."
HAARP: Constructed by BAE after Consolidation with Marconi, a Subsidiary of General Electric
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 15:35

BY THE WAY, you military guys, I am SO GLAD BAE lost it's huge effing 45 billion dollar contract opportunity with EADS today (or yesterday) because Germany and France don't trust them. If you want an example of corruption involving radio contracts for the DoD just go to my blog and read the leftover news from CNN.

CNN itself points out the indiscretion without really saying much, just that Europe doesn't trust UK/US. Great, where does that leave the USA exactly, in the ditch like a sex sale gone wrong.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by KhufuKeplerTriangle


A helical antenna? What does that have to do with "twisted light" or HAARP?

HAARP does not use helical antennas. Each antenna element (of 180) consists of four dipole antennas. HAARP attains circular polarization (and linear) by controlling phasing. But, as pointed out, that does not eliminate the inverse square law nor does it allow HAARP to produce a power density of 1 W/cm2.

What "case" do you rest, exactly?
What "other scientists"? Childress? Isn't he that Ancient Aliens guy?

edit on 10/11/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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