Been a lot of 2nd Amendment threads of late. I've come to the conclusion that folks outside of America really have a problem with the fact we as
Americans have the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. And I for one am sick of hearing the whine. I'm tired of explaining it. The why's, the what
I am an American. A Southern American. I grew up with firearms. There as much a part of my life as owning a damn cat. I was given a 410 gauge shotgun
for my tenth birthday. WOW was i excited, I bet I shot three boxes of shell's that Christmas Day. That is one of my best Christmas day memories.
Shooting that gun with my dad, all day. Made my friends, bikes and Evil Kneivel crap look they got for Christamas look pale in comparison.
That gun still sits in my closet. My dad long since pasted away. But that gun, those memories, they remain forever. I've bought guns since the day I
was able to do so. I bought my son & daughter a gun for their 11th & 13th b-days. Taught them both firearm safety as my dad taught me. We have hunted
together, shot hundreds of rounds together.
They are now both adults, who have their CC permits and I feel safer that they carry and know how to use their weapons. Gives me a warm & fuzzy. My
2nd wife had never shot a gun before in her entire life. She does now.
She carries with a CC permit. Knowing she can protect herself in the event she has too..Gives me a warm & fuzzy. You see, we have allways had this
right. We are brought up with guns. You folks who can't own them because your Government want allow it. Stop and think. You don't live here. So you
don't have a American with a gun to worry about. So why all the fuss? Jealous? Envy? What is it? Trust me, if we did not have the second Amendment, I
would have a very large knife & club collection.
Nothing like that Christmas memory of waking up.Running to get under the tree to open up your new "club". And clubbing stuff all day with dad. Yea we
have guns here in America. We like them. We buy them, we collect them. We treat them like their investments. So if you all want go be able to own
guns, those of you in those countries that outlaw it. Tell it to your law makers and try to get you some. Just stop the bitching and moaning becasue I
have they right and you don't. IMHO, none of you that can't own guns never come off as concerned about saftety, but more so you come off as whiney and
jealous that you can't have them.
Guns are a part of my life. Plain and simple. There a big part of alot of American's live's, I'm not the only one that feels this way. So to all you
responsable fellow gun owners, Next time your at the range with your son or daughter teaching them how and why, ask them how they would react to
getting that "club" for Christmas.
One of my favorites quotes. " An un-armed man is a subject. An Armed man is a citizen"...
edit on 1-10-2012 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)