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Generation Y&Z, What is our Place in the World?

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posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 01:39 AM
Hi everybody, i have been thinking a lot lately about the impacts of different generations on history and the society we have today. What has really been my main note from all my observation of the younger generations not only here at ATS, but in my daily life as well, is the amount of desperation to be gleamed in the minds of the young.

A general distrust of government, business, religion etc., has been the main note of agreement amongst most of us. Things are messed up and they are messed up bad, but what exactly is it that's messed up?

As this thread is mainly for those in the early 20's and younger of ATS, i am asking simply for you to ask yourself what it is that is exactly wrong with our society?

To take it even a step further i would like to direct that question to the young of ATS who feel it isn't worth it to contribute to the system..

As you ask yourself this and think about it for a minute i will present to you how i feel.

From an early age i began to surf the internet, reading about history, current events, science etc.. Early on i learned very quickly how many problems the world actually had, at the age of 12 i had a feeling that there is no possible way we can fix everything that is happening in the world. Well now at the age of 23 i finally am beginning to realize that reality is not all we quite make it out to be. What i mean is that the reality of the world being this bad, dangerous place full of double deals and bribery and blackmail and injustice, while valid, is a direct result from being bombarded by the worlds problems from such an early age.

Many can and will argue this generation is spoiled beyond all belief, but i don't see spoiled, i see hopelessness. I see a generation who unlike any other in our recorded history, has efficient access to a wealth of knowledge so vast it has allowed us to peer into the realities of the world at a young age. Why is escapism such a problem among the kids of today? are we all lazy? No, i don't think we are lazy, what i truly believe is the culprit for the epidemic of escapism is the inability for many of us to deal with everything we are expected to deal with nowadays.

On top of the pressure of figuring out what you will do to survive for the rest of your life, you are also pressured to make sure you like to do it, and furthermore to make sure it helps other people. These pressures are based in the mindset of our entire society, they expect great things from the generation with everything at their fingertips. The older folks expect us to take the advantages they didn't have and excel beyond what they have done, this is what i fear has contributed to the overall lethargy of the youth in this country.

Its not enough to just BE in this country anymore, its almost as if you feel you are failing your family and country if you take the fast food cashier job, or the horse manure shoveling job. On top of knowing all of our peers too have this same expectation you can almost guarantee to be ridiculed by them if you are seen not making a huge impact on society. This has caused mass numbers of intelligent and artistic individuals to retreat to the safety of their unbiased internet!

So what is there to do? what do you do? Well we have to get accustomed to failure my friends! and this leads to my point. My generation, is so scared and afraid of the consequences of failure, that many of us use this as a reason to not even try to begin with! Of course if you try you have to realize you are not guaranteed to be the best at what you do, you are not guaranteed to be a celebrity of millionaire innovator. You are not guaranteed anything, and that's the point! that's what our grandfathers try to tell us, that's what our elders try to tell us, but we still feel the void that we are failing if we do anything less than make history. This is just not true!

Now i cant dare to say this is all of us, i cant pretend to know this is the exact cause of all the stigmas we face as a generation. But what i can say is that i AM thoroughly convinced that our generation has been given a major gift, and like spider mans uncle always said, "with great power comes great responsibility", and its pretty obvious knowledge is power these days am i right?

All in all i am just pained to see such smart kids, with so much potential and so much to be cocky about, staring at their shoes sad and depressed. Staring at the ground wondering why life sucks for them, staring wondering how anything will ever get better and how they will ever lead a meaningful life.

Remember, failure is Alright! in fact once you get used to it, failing is one of the greatest things that can ever happen to you! Only in failure will you change your ways, only in failure will you tweak your formula, only in failure will you finally imagine the perfect story! Only in failure will you ever truly see "where" you are at! Only in failure can you truly change who you are! Its the story of our lives, it falls in line with the amazing idea that no matter how many times you fall you have to keep getting back up!

Through constant failure, through constantly disappointing, i finally found my passion! Only through failing in many of the things i have tried in life have i finally come to the point where i have decided what i want to fail at for the rest of my life now. EVERYBODY FAILS, directors, authors, businessmen, leaders, everybody fails in one form or another, it is how you build yourself!! The key is learning to build from failure!

If this is you, stuck in the idea that the world has nothing to offer, stuck in the idea that the inner world is more important. I want you to know i once felt the same, i once felt the weight of the world on my shoulders like its going to be my responsibility to fix everything, like i am the only person to help. But i realized every day there are 1,000,000 miracles, you just have to keep putting yourself out there till you get one, heck sometimes you might even catch two!

But you are not alone!!! you are not at all alone, we have been given a chance no other generation in history has had, we have the opportunity to help adapt the old to the new, we have an opportunity to help the world in this age of change. The entire world is evolving, things are changing, like always! But now we can see the entirety of the change, we can at the drop of the dime see what is happening all over the world. We can see how people think in other places, feel how other people feel in different situations. We have the beta-meta-brain at our disposal, understand what i am trying to say? We are going to run this country one day, maybe not all at the same time, but we are the future!

i did want this to be a discussion from all points of view about the Y&Z generations speculated place in society btw..

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:01 AM

this is a part of your precious generation y and z the youth of america is going downhill quick, i know your not all are like this, but ill tell u this there are way more of these emo,werewolf,vampire lames than there were goths from my day.....its like "hey guys i eat three times a day and live with my parents but my life is horrible, i think im gonna cut myself to show everyone how emotionally hardcore i am"

what ever is going on in the world and the media is making kids week, whomever is in charge of this is doing a great job at turning our future generation into conformists of a pathetic and weak nature.
edit on 1-10-2012 by DocHolidaze because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by DocHolidaze

i didn't ever pretend to be a mythical creature.

edit on 1-10-2012 by POPtheKlEEN89 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:07 AM
The more things change the more they stay the same,

Much of what you said can be said of any generation,

Take the 70's and the hippy gen.

Every gen thinks its situation is special.

Truth is the names may change but the general feeling of youth is restless angst and distrust of authority.

Don't worry one day your generation will be the "man" and the oppressors of socitey, while there will be some member of the youth posting something very similar to what you are on what ever passes for social networking in there day and age

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by POPtheKlEEN89

i was not calling u a mythical creature, i just see whats going on and the future generations are weaker than ever.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by DocHolidaze
reply to post by POPtheKlEEN89

i was not calling u a mythical creature, i just see whats going on and the future generations are weaker than ever.

Really? Every gen has their emo weirdos, from beatniks to goths to ... Werewolf/vampire kids...

On 2nd thought you may have a point.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by DocHolidaze

There's a lot of unawareness and weakness within people in general. A lot would rather run away or pretend than face things.

Realizing we're all in this together, and disregarding most of the more useless categorizations, with age being one of those.

edit on 1-10-2012 by Soloro because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by benrl

i know there has always been outsider groups like you said, but now in the social network age the idea is spreading like wildfire, and it just so happens that this new generation doesn't have any kind of movement behind them. All they want is to feel sorry for themselves and hide behind there makeup, you tube, Facebook, and twilight. I have been observing for about 30 years and i know that these new generations are weaker mentally and there are more of them, its sad. i just hope my little ones don't end up with an emo complex.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by DocHolidaze
reply to post by benrl

i know there has always been outsider groups like you said, but now in the social network age the idea is spreading like wildfire, and it just so happens that this new generation doesn't have any kind of movement behind them. All they want is to feel sorry for themselves and hide behind there makeup, you tube, Facebook, and twilight. I have been observing for about 30 years and i know that these new generations are weaker mentally and there are more of them, its sad. i just hope my little ones don't end up with an emo complex.

As I said you may have a point, I blame bad parenting.

I saw it really start in my generation, I remember when having a kid in hs was taboo when I went, to go to day cares in hs for my younger brothers gen.

I can only imagine the children of that gen, it's exponential.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by POPtheKlEEN89

Explanation : S&F!

Gen Y & Z's place is to pay taxes to pay for all the stuff your grandparents and great grandparents [aka baby boomers] bought ... you know little things like your freedom through outspending the USSR to end the cold war and policing the rest of the world etc.

Personal Disclosure: Finally having just recently turned 40yrs old I can say to the young ones ...

Get a Haircut and Get a Real Job!

P.S. I'M JOKING OK! :shk:

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by benrl

You are both correct, i cant be blamed for the escapism other people around my age choose. But what i can say is parenting is also a big part, like i mentioned in my OP, a huge majority of parents baby their children to be scared of being in the negative light of failure for a moment. And yes i totally agree with you about all generations think they they are special, every generation has a unique situation and strengths and weaknesses as a whole. I am looking at the big picture, and just want to encourage some of my fellow's to get out into the world and fail a little bit!

My generations biggest weakness is being scared of people thinking they aren't special!

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

That's a valid point as well, we did inherit these problems..

But i like to look at it as what was being done at the time was what they, at the time, felt had to be done, now we cant really blame our g-parents for that can we?
edit on 1-10-2012 by POPtheKlEEN89 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-10-2012 by POPtheKlEEN89 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Soloro

Very true, i was trying to make the point though that stigmas from a society who never grew up with the things we today grew up with are resulting in a huge wave of young people resorting to video games and fantasy and as you said running away to escape from the perceived "Pressures". I would just like to help young people realize the world is not as bad as the news and pessimists make it out to be.

We definitely need unity and cohesion at this time, i feel popular media helps steer us away from that though.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 03:26 AM

Many can and will argue this generation is spoiled beyond all belief, but i don't see spoiled, i see hopelessness.

Spoilt? No??????

This may seem funny - but they are real issues of todays youth. I know, I have a teenage son.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by POPtheKlEEN89

I am a Baby Boomer of 64 years.

When I was your age I could have said everything you have said.

When my Sainted Father was your age he could have said it too.

Ponder that.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by POPtheKlEEN89
Yes, blame your g-parents for this and learn from them.

Please, please, please, learn that communism and welfare doesn't work, learn that paying $150,000 for a degree in communist propraganda doesn't work, please learn that keeping more of your own earned money does work.

Baby boomers were spoiled. We're the weak ones. Completely exemplified by the current Obama administration.

I'm wondering how you feel about bringing children into this world. Most of the young people I know, don't want to. They realize having mom and dad working, mom and dad splitting up, learning how to manipulate them and enjoying watching them fight between eachother, is sooooo meaningless.

I hope your generation learns to appreciate - christian values, family, honor, responsiblity, integrity - I'm looking for the right words ....

I know you're getting responses from older people right now - I'm almost 50 - have a son and a granddaughter who's 10 years old, but you can bet that us older people are really interested in watching this thread.


posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 03:56 AM
Interesting insight. Im also 23 and feel like we have been given a great gift... Sadly we are the last generation to use it, work ethic and moral values are non-existent in younger generations. We grew up with technology but were raised and expected to not use that technology as a crutch. In contrast every school year (in public schools) children are encouraged to fall back on other peoples opinions and technology to solve problems. Memorization is taught instead of common sense and problem solving skills. I completely agree that our generation is weak, but its getting ALOT worse. I have only met a few individuals like me, and generally speaking they are hopelessly lost in a drug stupor. At the current rate there will have to be an echelon of elite just to keep any kind of competing world industry or world government. The trend is pointing towards the gradual decline of intelligence as a whole. I predict in 3 more life times we will either be a highly advanced and peaceful race or the personification of the movie idiosyncracy. I've notice that in our generation in particular,either a person is lazy and reasonably intelligent, or a hard worker but has absolutely no reasoning or logic.To find a intelligent hard worker is literally like finding a needle in a hay stack. Technology has allowed survival of the fittest to become irrelevant, making it detrimental on the human race as a whole.On the other hand Generation Y&Z has the most potential for higher knowledge and technological advancement and spiritual enlightenment. One dosnt have to fly across the world to learn about spirituality as a whole, we dont have to read various scientific journals to keep up with the current scientific theories and experiments. We have the know-how and opportunities at our fingertips where previous generations even all the way up to 2000 had to spend a life time tracking down and researching various authors who wrote this and that about hidden techniques, certain symbolism, deep and PROFOUND esoteric, scientific, philosophical, metaphysical knowledge that simply wasnt available to the public. I joined the ATS community just to wright this down, our generation has limitless potential, and the generations before us see that. "TPTB" see that, we are the pivotal generation if they can control us all the younger generations dont stand a chance. By the way there doing a GREAT job at it too. P.S. to the older generations reading this, i know this is ATS but DO NOT let your children watch Television unsupervised. That is why i have lost faith in the younger generation they are completely desensitized to violence, sex, drugs, crime. in fact they praise it. delusions of grandeur and little to no problem solving skills makes for a lethal combination.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 04:16 AM
I'm 32, and I have basically come to the conclusion that I don't want to bring any new people into this #hole. My girlfriend feels the same way.


I see the majority of the human race slowly but steadily going towards slavery with no chance of getting out of it. I can't risk my ancestors being medicated zombies that have only one purpose in life: work to benefit the ultrarich and reproduce to give them more workforce. Much like we keep animals for food right now.

I'd rather stop my heritage.

The future seems bleak, and for every day that passes, I get a better understanding why a lot of captive animals plainly refuse to procreate.

My only hope is for a damned revolution, some kind of doomsday-scenario or something else drastic that will nullify where we have come so far. In such a situation I'd reconsider and maybe be willing to procreate.

I could add that there is whole generations that are younger than me, where I live who also have a very hard stance against having children. I'm not going to speculate on their motives.
edit on 1-10-2012 by Litterate because: Added the last sentence.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by AsAboveMichael

..... ethic and moral values are non-existent in younger generations. 

.....children are encouraged to fall back on other peoples opinions and technology to solve problems. 

Memorization is taught instead of common sense and problem solving skills. 

....our generation is weak, but its getting ALOT worse.

....generally speaking they are hopelessly lost in a drug stupor. 

I've notice that in our generation in particular,either a person is lazy and reasonably intelligent, or a hard worker but has absolutely no reasoning or logic.To find a intelligent hard worker is literally like finding a needle in a hay stack.

You list all of these characteristics of this youngest generation, and yet conclude the following;

On the other hand Generation Y&Z has the most potential for higher knowledge and technological advancement and spiritual enlightenment.....our generation has limitless potential, and the generations before us see that.

Can I ask how a generation of youth - with little moral or ethical values, taught to fall back on other peoples opinions and technology to solve problems, with little common sense and problem solving skills, weak, lost in a drug stupor, lazy and with absolutely no reasoning or logic - can then foolishly believe that it "has the most potential for higher knowledge and technological advancement and spiritual enlightenment"???? Can you not see that 1 + 1 does not equal 2 here? Your generation will have no future because it is spiritually dead and enslaved to Satan. Your parent's threw out their ancestor's God and you are now beholden to the world and it's thinking - slaves to the beast of death and destruction. Can you not see that your future of "higher knowledge and technological advancement" CAN NEVER BE ACHIEVED by this last generation who are incapable of producing it? Can you see that someone has indoctrinated you to hope in man and technology despite knowing that your own generation around you couldn't produce it?

That is why i have lost faith in the younger generation they are completely desensitized to violence, sex, drugs, crime. in fact they praise it. delusions of grandeur and little to no problem solving skills makes for a lethal combination.

Of course they are because we are the last generations. They have swallowed Satan's doctrines, his speaking images that pour this morality into the brains and hearts of our innocent youth. It's all they want! Their future is delusion and a fantasy. The love of sin hardens the heart to not only each other but most importantly towards their Creator. God was transformed into a "bully" because their anti-bullying indoctrination taught them that nobody has a right to criticise them or judge them, God was transformed into a bigot and hater because their lifetime of "politically correct" indoctrination has taught them that nobody (including GOD) has the right to hold absolute moral truth, and He was transformed into an "intolerant monster" because they've ingested a lifetime of "tolerance" propaganda which has taught them to equate love with acceptance/tolerance and to equate intolerance with hatred. These last generations, without God's direct calling, will perish because they prefer to believe lies than the truth staring them in the face. They will perish because, caught up in the love of evil and sin, they will refuse to ever admit that the very same is the cause of society's ills. That point has been reached. We drive by the overflowing prisons filled with murderers, rapists, thieves and drug addicts and yet we deny the cause - that most are growing up without any love and obedience to the Creator. We have a famine of hearing the Word spoken in this land, and as a result, all those who love evil as good will continue to fight for it. They love Buddhism and Hinduism and paganism because none of these tell them that they are dying but instead offer them a "golden age" to come. It ain't going to happen.

posted on Oct, 1 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by DENBY

well..i guess your absolutely right!
thanks for that!

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