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What if E does not equal MC squared?

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posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:09 AM
C'mon, its 2012 and Iran still cant build a nuke? Without computers, without 60 years of data, without bribing 2 generations of Nuclear Scientists & while fighting a war to the death with Germany/Italy and Japan the Americans could do it?

What if nuclear energy isnt converting mass to energy, rather harnessing some atomic instability? What if we had some confederates in Japan in 1945, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki were just big dirty bombs exploded over some large TNT explosions?

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by GeneralMishka
C'mon, its 2012 and Iran still cant build a nuke? Without computers, without 60 years of data, without bribing 2 generations of Nuclear Scientists & while fighting a war to the death with Germany/Italy and Japan the Americans could do it?

Germany was on the cusp of creating Nuclear weapons. The Atomic bomb was a monstrous creation from the mind of the Nazis. They had a whole host of incredible technological advances their scientists were working on, and the Nuclear weapon was just one of them.

After WW2 many of those scientists moved to the USA and began working for the government, helping them to develop the nuclear weapons we have today.

America did not make this scientific breakthrough when it comes to weaponry and mass destruction. The Nazis did, and America simply stole through espionage and spying, then paid them to switch sides and be spared after the war.

The Nazis also had plans for orbiting weapons, harnessing the power of the sun, long before NASA left the ground, long before the moon landing, long before the international space station and long before satellites.

People continuously underestimate what the Nazis were capable of behind the scenes, and much of that (I believe) has been witnessed since in UFO reports (something else the Nazis were working on) and many of the disgusting weapons we see today.

The Nazis had, without a doubt, some of the most disgusting scientific minds ever gathered together, and their imagination knew no bounds. They were not constricted by the idea of "impossible" and believed in everything. This unbridled insanity and unlimited belief in anything being possible resulted in Nuclear weapons, possibly "Foo Fighters", potential high speed craft we see today and can't explain, and plenty more that we have absolutely no idea about.
edit on 29-9-2012 by detachedindividual because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by GeneralMishka

Many dont believe it is ALWAYS correct. Including these guys, check this out

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by GeneralMishka

Maybe its because Mossad is killing all of their nuclear scientists

The attacks, which have killed five Iranian nuclear scientists since 2007 and may have destroyed a missile research and development site, have been carried out in dramatic fashion, with motorcycle-borne assailants often attaching small magnetic bombs to the exterior of the victims’ cars. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Obama administration is aware of the assassination campaign but has no direct involvement. e

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by GeneralMishka

What if nuclear energy isnt converting mass to energy, rather harnessing some atomic instability?

Historical issues aside, nuclear energy isn't converting mass to energy. It is harnessing an atomic instability... the chain-reaction decay of unstable heavy isotopes.
Mass-energy conversion would be a matter-antimatter bomb. Significantly more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by CLPrime

Originally posted by GeneralMishka

What if nuclear energy isnt converting mass to energy, rather harnessing some atomic instability?

Historical issues aside, nuclear energy isn't converting mass to energy. It is harnessing an atomic instability... the chain-reaction decay of unstable heavy isotopes.
Mass-energy conversion would be a matter-antimatter bomb. Significantly more powerful than a nuclear bomb.


isnt the Energy(from an atomic weapon) equal to the mass destroyed(from the split neutron?) multiplied by the speed of light squared? no?

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by GeneralMishka

Not exactly...the energy of nuclear fission comes from the binding energy that hold those heavy isotopes together, which gets released when the atom decays. This translates into an apparent loss of mass due to E = mc², but the energy itself is not from any sort of mass-energy conversion.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by CLPrime
reply to post by GeneralMishka

Not exactly...the energy of nuclear fission comes from the binding energy that hold those heavy isotopes together, which gets released when the atom decays. This translates into an apparent loss of mass due to E = mc², but the energy itself is not from any sort of mass-energy conversion.

OK, for the sake of my OP, let me rephrase. Energy is equal to the 'apparent' YET measurable loss of mass. S0...for my 'what if' scenerio -a nuclear device doesnt generate the energy the E=MCsq formula would suggest? Rather significantly less

and we just dropped big dirty bombs on Japan, and it appeared to generate that energy because of large TNT explosions under the airbursts set by confederates. It could be justified as the hoax prevented a costly invasion of Japan
edit on 29-9-2012 by GeneralMishka because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Germany was on the cusp of creating Nuclear weapons. The Atomic bomb was a monstrous creation from the mind of the Nazis. They had a whole host of incredible technological advances their scientists were working on, and the Nuclear weapon was just one of them.

Not quite - I doubt very much that the "Nazi's" had much to do with the actual making of the bomb. It was pretty much a Jewish affair actually, which means there were several nationalities involved other than German.

The greatest historical wartime irony of all is that Hitler wanted nothing to do with Einstein and what he called "Jew science." He then made sure to get Einstein and his fellow "collaborators" out of the country. The making of the A-Bomb was a Jewish affair starting with, but not excluding A. Einstein - although he worked behind rather quietly the scenes taking on the role of advisor/counselor. Of the 11 scientists that created the first atomic bomb Ten of them were Jewish and one was was Italian, Enrico Fermi (a crypto Jew) who was also married to a Jewish woman. In the final analysis one would have to concur that the Jews created the first atomic bomb. Jewish scientist Otto Frisch, while commenting about a scientific group of his Jewish cousins from Hungary remembered that his friend Fritz Houtermans, a theoretical physicist, proposed the popular theory that they were really from outer space like the Mormons.

The Jews he named were, Theodor von Karman, Georg De Hevesy, Michael Polanyi, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner, John von Neumann, and Edward Teller. All born in Hungary and all were involved in building America's first atomic bomb. Eventually Edward Teller would go on to become the "father" of the even more powerful hydrogen bomb.

By the early 1930s, nuclear physics was THE scientific thing to do. Universities and individual scientists the world over co-operated and competed in the field of atomic physics. Although most activity was collaborative, most of the notables were Jewish.
This list includes others as well: Enrico Fermi , Italian,(crypto, but with a Jewish wife), Emilio Segre ,Italian, (Jewish), Leó Szilárd, Hungarian (Jewish), Fritz Strassman, German, Otto Hahn, German, Werner Heisenberg, German, Otto Frisch, German (Jewish), Eugene (Paul) Wigner, Hungarian (Jewish), Rudolph Peierls, German (Jewish).

Dozens of other scientists would later gain fame working on the Manhattan project, which employed over 6000 scientists in total, many of whom were Jewish.

edit on 29-9-2012 by de_Genova because: text

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Originally posted by GeneralMishka
C'mon, its 2012 and Iran still cant build a nuke? Without computers, without 60 years of data, without bribing 2 generations of Nuclear Scientists & while fighting a war to the death with Germany/Italy and Japan the Americans could do it?

Germany was on the cusp of creating Nuclear weapons. The Atomic bomb was a monstrous creation from the mind of the Nazis. They had a whole host of incredible technological advances their scientists were working on, and the Nuclear weapon was just one of them.

After WW2 many of those scientists moved to the USA and began working for the government, helping them to develop the nuclear weapons we have today.

America did not make this scientific breakthrough when it comes to weaponry and mass destruction. The Nazis did, and America simply stole through espionage and spying, then paid them to switch sides and be spared after the war.

The Nazis also had plans for orbiting weapons, harnessing the power of the sun, long before NASA left the ground, long before the moon landing, long before the international space station and long before satellites.

People continuously underestimate what the Nazis were capable of behind the scenes, and much of that (I believe) has been witnessed since in UFO reports (something else the Nazis were working on) and many of the disgusting weapons we see today.

The Nazis had, without a doubt, some of the most disgusting scientific minds ever gathered together, and their imagination knew no bounds. They were not constricted by the idea of "impossible" and believed in everything. This unbridled insanity and unlimited belief in anything being possible resulted in Nuclear weapons, possibly "Foo Fighters", potential high speed craft we see today and can't explain, and plenty more that we have absolutely no idea about.
edit on 29-9-2012 by detachedindividual because: (no reason given)

Germany never did develope the technology though they were on the cusp of doing so. America developed and brought the atomic bomb to the people of the planet though a developement program called The Manhattan Project. Come on, I know you've heard of this.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:07 PM
What if E does not equal MC squared?,

Then Einstein has some splainin to do !

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:24 PM
Einstein is right, but i think he just grasped a small part of a bigger truth, it has to be more beyond!

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 01:00 PM
E = Energy
m = mass
c = speed of light/binding energy

E = mc2

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 02:16 PM
The way i have always remembered how E=MC2 is the amount of energy which a given mass is equivalent to because matter and energy are the same thing just in different forms.

Example would be if you had 1kg of anything, lets say a 1kg bag of sugar then the Energy equivalent would be:

1 (mass) x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000 (speed of light squared) = 10,000,000,000,000,000 Joules

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 02:19 PM
With the proper material and a few years of testing, Iran could develop one of the most basic types of nuclear weapons. However, it is still fairly difficult and dangerous to build and store.

Take a simple implosion-type nuclear bomb, for example. What you have there is a solid core made of Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239. That core is surrounded by a reflector shield made of Uranium-238. Around that, there is usually a pusher shell made of aluminum. And the whole package is surrounded by high explosives which need to detonate at the same time on all sides of the device.

When the explosive detonates, the aluminum and U-238 shells are pushed inward, compressing the U-235 or P-239. The momentum of the two outer shells compresses in on the inner core to cause fission.

However, Iran is most likely not interested in this type of device. As it is in the very low kiloton range and not very efficient (approximately 20%). Most likely they will be shooting for the most powerful devices they can get. Things that are capable of safely being fired from a missile or ICBM.

Now when applied to nuclear fission, E=MC2 means that mass will always be removed along with energy in a fission reaction.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

This is incorrect. The Nazis and the Allies were developing the atomic bomb simultaneously, yet independently. There was concern among the Allies that Germany would achieve it first. But it was later proven that the Germans were on the wrong track, and would not have achieved "the Bomb.". No Nazi German scientists assisted the US in the Manhattan Project.

After seeing the German project at Haigerloch, Goudsmit wrote that:

It was so obvious the whole German uranium set up was on a ludicrously small scale. Here was the central group of laboratories, and all it amounted to was a little underground cave, a wing of a small textile factory, a few rooms in an old brewery. To be sure, the laboratories were well-equipped, but compared to what we were doing in the United States it was still small-time stuff. Sometimes we wondered if our government had not spent more money on our intelligence mission than the Germans had spent on their whole project.[95]

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by GeneralMishka

Yes, I was thinking about this just last night.
the speed of light, redefined by the speed of certain particles we apparently cannot see nor judge!!!OMG
What does this mean.
When the observable becomes induceable.....what that might mean????Perhaps, we have been led down a road, and would we know the address, because what I suggest above means whatever you read it to be is, I hate this phrase, wait for it, whatever someone wanted you to think, so that the rules and the system by which they were introduced and justified were, totally, SCEWED
Where does that leave us.

There was a thread about math, a rant about YOU are not the SMARTEST.....Look it up.. It's worth the read. And I thought, let's talk about algebraic variables. What does variable mean? Having said that, let's talk about linguistsics.....letters add up to words that only work in a language of representation and definition because we agree.
AGREE, that certain representations mean what we agree.
The same is true of math. Numbers are a language, a representative language, in which we agree we have and observe a chair, and another chair, in a certain room, which adds up to two chairs. 1 like thing and another equals two like things. This is my explaining a mathematical assumption based upon language and numbers.
Oh boy. Do you see all the loopholes within what I just described?

Then: Let's take variables. In algebraic math, meaning 2(2 chairs which we see), and x( which as a VARIABLE could, illustrative of the definition of variable, mean anything, at any given moment, for it VARIES) X the rug on the floor, or the floor itself?

Just sayin'.......
Like your OP, just the same. And if I had a code opposite from the letters of representation, what would what I spelled out here even mean????

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by GeneralMishka

And, in short, in answer to your question, it means that we have been literally sold a bill of goods, designed to keep us arguing over obfuscating "facts" so that we would never understand what is happening, truly, if we couldn't
" do the math," judged wanting as addicts while someone next door was shooting up, so to speak.
Are you ready for that metaphor, and reality, in a world where reality, itself, is an induced, up for grabs concept, to get you to judge, act, feel, etc......
Because this is WHERE YOU ARE....

Thanks, OP, for saying the above, so I could say that.....
I laugh, because i can no longer cry, my tears are spent.......for there is truth, but no one may ever know......and so many, here, will suffer as a result.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by felixjames20
The way i have always remembered how E=MC2 is the amount of energy which a given mass is equivalent to because matter and energy are the same thing just in different forms.

Example would be if you had 1kg of anything, lets say a 1kg bag of sugar then the Energy equivalent would be:

1 (mass) x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000 (speed of light squared) = 10,000,000,000,000,000 Joules

10,000,000,000,000,000 - 15 zeros

million: six zeroes
billion: nine zeroes
trillion: twelve zeroes

quadrillion: fifteen zeroes

quintillion: eighteen zeroes
sextillion: twenty-one zeroes
septillion: twenty-four zeroes
octillion: twenty-seven zeroes
novillion: thirty zeroes
decillion: thirty-three zeroes
undecillion: thirty-six zeroes
duodecillion: thirty-nine zeroes
tredecillion: forty-two zeroes
quattuordecillion: forty-five zeroes
quindecillion: forty-eight zeroes
sexdecillion: fifty-one zeroes
septendecillion: fifty-four zeroes
octodecillion: fifty-seven zeroes
novemdecillion: sixty zeroes
vigintillion: sixty-three zeroes

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by TheComte
reply to post by detachedindividual

This is incorrect. The Nazis and the Allies were developing the atomic bomb simultaneously, yet independently. There was concern among the Allies that Germany would achieve it first. But it was later proven that the Germans were on the wrong track, and would not have achieved "the Bomb.". No Nazi German scientists assisted the US in the Manhattan Project.

The Germans weren't even close and as earlier stated it was because Hitler branded A. Einstein as unfit to pursue physics and all other scientific ideas in Germany, and so consequently rejected Einstein and his colleagues for their "Jew science."

God directs the hand of scientific discovery!!!
edit on 29-9-2012 by de_Genova because: (no reason given)

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