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Virginia man kills family and himself over fear Obama would be re-elected

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posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

The problem is not the man (even if he was not right in the head) nor any one actor (whatever politician was credited), but the system we impose on people.

In a perfect world there wouldn't be a need for guns, there wouldn't be any rationalization for suicides, there would be no "us versus them" or " mine and yours" among other things that only serves to create and maintain unnatural divisions and inhumane social power structures. Society should serve man, man shouldn't be forced to serve society....
edit on 29-9-2012 by Panic2k11 because: clarification

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by SassyCass

had a history of paranoia and was also affected by a favorite uncle’s recent suicide. On Wednesday, The Washington Post reported

They totally missed the real and very tragic point of this story.

The man obviously had a history of mental health problems and once again our countries health system failed and people died as a consequence.

That should have been the headline


He is selfish. Can't blame anybody but himself.

He wants to go..ok let him go...But why does he have to take 3 innocent lives with him. He didn't even let them choose to live.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Panic2k11

Unfortunately we do not live in a perfect world and it is unreasonable to expect that we ever will the best we can do is work towards one with reasonable expectations. To turn a blind eye to such things and merely hope for the best invites disaster.

History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 09:41 PM
Well now he can't go and vote against him, eh? Good riddance.
It's very unfortunate he took others with him, though.
Go ahead, blame it on Obama.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 09:56 PM
Everybody is so scared of their kids having to take over a ruined country, check this out, i am going to have faith that my kids and the z generation will work things out, by the time they are older than hell imagine the chaos that will have already ensued on this planet because of overpopulation and dwindling resources. Somebody down the line will get desperate enough to unite and break the system and i truly believe it will be those born at the turn of the century.

Or as many others think they could all just plug themselves into virtual reality and give up, and game over, or on for that matter.
edit on 29-9-2012 by POPtheKlEEN89 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Grimpachi

A Virginia man allegedly killed himself and his family earlier this week in part because he was upset by the thought of President Barack Obama being re-elected.

“They were very well off people and they saved a lot of money,” she said about the Petersons. “He couldn’t understand how the government could be so irresponsible and he thought it would be on the backs of his boys.”

To me this is a direct result of the irresponsible fear monger journalism that is constantly being broadcast by the likes of Fox news, Hannity, Rush, and others where the whole story is almost never told. The man obviously had mental problems but people trust the news especially when they tout that they are Fair and Balanced when in actuality it is far from the truth. You would be surprised just how many people believe the propaganda they are being fed. This is indeed a tragedy.


To me this is the direct result of an idiot who believed everything the talking heads said.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by tracehd1

Good points. Guy goes nuts kills his family and ATS blames FOX news. No personal accountability it's always someone else's fault. This thread is embarrassing.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 10:34 PM
Social darwinism?


posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 10:54 PM
so.... why would this man say that about obama getting re-elected, if he DID NOT hear anything like that to create this fear? why wouldn't he blame it on his job, money problems, living conditions, spousal problems, drugs, society, etc....

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals

He felt that our God-given rights were being taken away,” a family friend identified as “Maggie L.” told The Daily Mail. “He didn’t like where the country was going.” Raw Story (

Our rights disappearing have as much to do with Republicans as they do Democrats and on that point he wasn't incorrect at all. I fear the same thing for my kids and grandchildren. What will kind of country will they inherit?

I think the fear of Obama being re-elected as a cause for his suicide is more of the same fear-mongering journalism you're complaining about.
edit on 29-9-2012 by Asktheanimals because: corrections

I am fearful as well. And I have lived all over the World. Seen many places. Many places that many Americans will say is much worse than America.

Hardly. There are many third World Countries in which greater peace and freedom can be had.

The problem with America is everyone is clamoring who will "own" them next.

Its really sad actually seeing Americans put so much worth into a President in the first place, when in reality his position does not call for the attention the American People give him.

A dictator however, would have such people clamoring over him.

It has been this way for years, and Obama is just another cog in that wheel.

Americans need to worry about State and local matters in politics. The federal level Congress and the Senate.

But like everything else, the president is the focal point, whereby the cult of personality "type" people can all get around him and fight over which group gets to force their own ideals down everyone elses throats every 4 years.

That is what this Country has degenerated into.

Most People who vote should not even vote, since they are statutory citizens, and only Constitutional Citizens have authority to vote. But all of that knowledge is long gone, and never to return, like so many other things today in this instant gratification society of nihilist.

America, home of the instantly gratified and land of the nihilists.

With a combination like that, no wonder People are being led to their slaughter.

Two Supreme Court Justices have said the same thing this man is afraid of.

That a Dictatorship is coming.

The writing is on the wall, as History repeats itself, and everyone is still in denial, that this go around, the United States is playing the falling empire.

People can say what they want, but History is always the same, as any student of it will tell you, and all the deck chairs on in line this time, and just like the Germans, no one sees what is coming as well.

So get ready, because the October Surprise is still in the wings somewhere, and once that happens, life changes forever in good ole USA..

Forever rest in peace America. You just dont know your time is up yet.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 02:25 AM
Read this link:

The Government/Mafia has been using those tools to tap into peoples computers and upload kiddie porn onto your computer so they can put you in prison, take your kids away and put them under State Care, seize your home, assets....

I don't blame this guy for killing himself and his family.

America is now hell.

President now has authority to kill Americans without a trial.....Military can detain Americans forever without a trial....secret prisons nobody knows about all over America and around the world...

This man and his family have been raptured by Jesus Christ, they won't have to suffer what we are suffering.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 02:41 AM
If it weren't for Fox News we'd just have the liberal media saying everything is ok, Obama is great, and go back to sleep. I don't like Fox, it's annoying (and how many blonde chicks do they need??), but I find it much less annoying and slightly more truthful still than CNN or MSNBC. They actually covered Fast & Furious and are pointing out problems in this Libya ambassador story. They also don't make 100% fake war rooms, like CNN.

In the end tho, they act as the controlled opposition for all those smaller liberal networks - all controlled by the same psychopaths.

It's nobody's fault but this man's and may his troubled soul RIP.
edit on 30-9-2012 by TheLegend because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by spinalremain

He was programmed into believing "Obama wants your guns and all your rights! He is a Kenyan Mooslim extremist who hates America!"

Well he seems to have been right about a few things. At least if we are to believe Obama's own words and those of his grandmother.

Sad he died, but to look on the bright side, there's one less weapons-manufaturer in the world now,

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
To me this is a direct result of the irresponsible fear monger journalism that is constantly being broadcast by the likes of Fox news, Hannity, Rush, and others where the whole story is almost never told. The man obviously had mental problems but people trust the news especially when they tout that they are Fair and Balanced when in actuality it is far from the truth. You would be surprised just how many people believe the propaganda they are being fed. This is indeed a tragedy.

The above remarks are absolutely ridiculous.


Many thanks to the Fair + Balanced staff at Fox Truth - Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Geraldo Rivera, Bill O'Reilly, Sheppard Smith, Lou Dobbs, Megyn Kelly et al. for telling the truth about the dangers of BHO - then, now, and in the future.

AND to Judge Andrew Napolitano for his defense of freedom and the constitution against the onslaught of the Marxist regime now in power.

AND an especial thanks to Rush Limgaugh for telling it like it is when it comes to the criminal enterprise known as the Obama administration. He hosts the #1 talk show in America.
edit on 30-9-2012 by de_Genova because: edit

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by de_Genova

I guess you missed the link to where Hannity touts the end of America as we know it. You should read the whole thread.

If you still believe the drivel you just spewed out then you are completely brainwashed.
Link to audio of Limbough reviving death panels fear mongering
edit on 30-9-2012 by Grimpachi because: link

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Juggernog
Hmm, I went through the entire article and I didnt find one mention of Fox News, Hannity or Rush.
You think you can just arbitrarily make claims like that and expect people to believe it?
edit on 29-9-2012 by Juggernog because: (no reason given)

So the guy came up with that belief all on his own, without watching any news at all? I think that's highly unlikely.

There needs to be a source, something to support the irrational fear and continue it. The only thing there is out there that could do that is the right wing fear monger propaganda you see every day.

Regardless, the point still stands. Even if it were not based on this tragic story the fact would remain that your media is not news, it's propaganda. They barely ask any questions anymore, they just parrot what they're told to report on, or interview each other on their extreme views - almost always based in BS.

America will never get anywhere unless the people turn off the BS.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 08:51 AM
A wicked little voice inside me says, 'now this is what I call eugenics.'

Yes, I know. Vile, insensitive and all the rest. But some people are just too crazy to live.

edit on 30/9/12 by Astyanax because: of being a bad boy.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Originally posted by Grimpachi
To me this is a direct result of the irresponsible fear monger journalism that is constantly being broadcast by the likes of Fox news, Hannity, Rush, and others where the whole story is almost never told. The man obviously had mental problems but people trust the news especially when they tout that they are Fair and Balanced when in actuality it is far from the truth. You would be surprised just how many people believe the propaganda they are being fed. This is indeed a tragedy.


I do agree that for somebody to take such drastic action would suggest mental instability...UNLESS...they had a moment of total clarity and knew that there was no other way out.

Take the jumpers of 911. Were they mentally unstable? No. They had only 2 options and chose the quicker less painful one. I don't agree with what he did, unless it involved only him.

On the other hand. The media is actually downplaying the reality of what's going on. This world has changed drastically and is no different than the towers on 911. Some of us escaped, others of us are holding on to false hope, and some of us just accept the reality that there's NOTHING you can do. It's burning and coming down ( society's structure) just like every society before us. All because of people with selfish and greedy God complexes. Thinking they're special and the rest of us are lower life forms.

But don't think for a second that everything's fine and dandy in America or the world. This isn't fear mongering, just an observation of the truths and facts that are the reality of today's deteriorating, greedy, corrupt and immoral life. All politicians are corrupt and guilty of treason and stepping on the people who actually should inherit this world. The people who've worked to build it.

we're on a downward spiral and unless everyone decides to unite and take control now, we're finished.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Grimpachi
reply to post by de_Genova

I guess you missed the link to where Hannity touts the end of America as we know it. You should read the whole thread.

If you still believe the drivel you just spewed out then you are completely brainwashed.
Link to audio of Limbough reviving death panels fear mongering
edit on 30-9-2012 by Grimpachi because: link

After the previous 4 years aren't these fears well founded?

'The end of America as we know it' seems like a reasonable description. I won't be killing my family over it though.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:04 AM
doom porn claims another victim


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