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How to See Spirits

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posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 01:35 AM

edit on 30/9/12 by fastbob72 because: double post,sorry

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
First vid is pretty compelling I must say. Most "orbs" are bunk, but plasma lifeforms are not so farfetched after all it seems.

“Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although the individual movements of each electron appeared to be random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce collective effects that were surprisingly well organized and appeared to behave like a life form. The plasma constantly regenerated itself and enclosed impurities in a wall in the same way that a biological organism, like the unicellular amoeba, might encase a foreign substance in a cyst.

So amazed was Bohm by these life-like qualities that he later remarked that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was ‘alive’ and that plasma possessed some of the traits of living things. The debate on the existence of plasma-based life forms has been going on for more than 20 years ever since some models showed that plasma can mimic the functions of a primitive cell.”

“Paranormal analyst, Allan Danelek (in his book, The Case for Ghosts) says, ‘One could think of orbs as ‘tiny ghosts’ moving around a room, their essence being contained within a tiny sphere of pure energy, like air inside a bubble.’ This description matches the description of life-like pulsating plasma spheres generated in the laboratory by Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu. According to the paranormal literature ‘orbs’ are light anomalies that appear on photographs and video as spherical balls of light but as flashes of light to the naked eye because of their rapid speed of motion.”

Nice article, how did you find that? I've been looking for that kind of information for a long time! I guess I should have used the keywords "plasma balls."

I haven't read it all yet, but from the snippet you posted, “Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole," man that hit's the nail right on the #ing head! I will have fun reading this!

It's like, there are tiny orbs that act like swarms of fish, they all move in unison. Very few of the tiny orbs, the size of a BB, will respond to the laser.

Then you have golf ball to baseball sized orbs. Almost all of these will respond to my infrared laser A lot fly in unison as well.

Then you have the basketball sized orbs. They are slow, and don't seem too amused like the others. They can be fast if they want.

Then you have the jumbo jet sized orbs that fly up high. My infrared will not reach these orbs. Hopefully I can bring it on a plane the next time I travel. Most big orbs fly by themselves, and will disappear when you point a laser pointer near them. You don't want to hit them, cause if they are a real plane you will go to jail. I have footage of about 20 high flying orbs that are moving in unison at about 10,000 mph. Unless you are the cameraman, you cannot really explain how fast these things are. You just have to be the one filming to get the full effect or feel. These things are so fast, it is so hard to capture orbs, high or low flying!

Also, the closer the camera is in focus to the orbs, the more you will see. Like the tiny orbs are easy to see up close. Once you focus out farther on the infrared laser, less orbs appear due to the intensity of the light decreasing, however you will now see bigger orbs. It's bizarre to say the least, and truly amazing.
edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Firewater

Originally posted by Hecate666
I stopped at the title: "19 orb videos".

Furthermore, orbs are not spirits. Orbs are dust, bugs or other airborne particles.

Did anyone actually watch these videos? They are pretty amazing. I very much doubt what we are seeing in these videos are dust or bugs.

Great work. I am very interested to see the footage in cold weather (ruling out the bug possibility).

Very interesting!!

Thanks. It's instigators like you that keep me going!

I might find one and post it here later. It will be a video from another person, obviously. You will like it.


posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
The thing is, to me, they look exactly like someone is blowing soap bubbles and you're filming them in IR as they move on the air currents (the busier items will be bugs). Of course, maybe they aren't soap bubbles and you're the first person to capture proof of a new life-form using widely available technology? It's a pity the video is as heavily-edited as you say because, without seeing one of these orb/bubbles for longer than the time it takes to cross the screen, it remains ambiguous.

That would be a BIG soap bubble shooting behind the tree and out again, although no other explanation other than new life-form has been as good as that possibility so far.

If it ain't CGI and it ain't Soap Bubbles, we've got some hella-footage to consider here. I'm not the most technical videographer I know, but I am experienced and after looking at those larger anomalies over and over I have to say I'm intrigued.

I wouldn't be surprised at a mundane answer, but I wouldn't be surprised at some major anomaly/discovery at this point either

ETA - Wow. You're quite a nifty producer when it comes to your videos. I think I saw the Barbury Castle crop circle and orb digital-effects footage in there and definitely saw the Skunkworks faked saucer image. You've also dropped Greer in at the end...

I took those staged scenes to be artistic license--like the clips from the movie--to get his point across, but I could be wrong...

I'm looking forward to see how this develops. Do you know if JRitzman is still willing to look at footage from here, btw?

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by The GUT
I've sent up a bat-signal for a second opinion.

I'll have another look at the video to see the one you describe going round the back of a tree - must have missed it.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
I'm really surprised this isn't getting more attention. As a professional videographer/editor I can say that the "vortex swarms" could be something other than anomalous, but I can also say .. the larger anomalies you are catching is some of the most impressive film I've ever seen.

Thanks, it means a lot. Now go capture some footage yourself. You now know how!

Originally posted by The GUT
The only other question I have is related to my unfamiliarity with the techniques you are using i.e. does the method make the anomalous objects appear larger than they are?

My Xenonics camera is a manual focus. If you watch my "orb mist" video, you will see that as they move towards the camera, they go from blurry, to bright, and then blurry again. You can focus up close or far away. Most of my footage, like the "orb mist" and "19 orbs" videos of mine, have the infrared laser mounted on top of the night vision camera. The other way is to hold the infrared laser three feet to the left of the camera. 99% of my footage has the adjustable infrared laser pointer off, and that is what gives it its high beam. Trust me, these lasers are the best, and the company is totally legit. They have honored both of my returns, since the first return only fixed 50% of the problem. Anyways, if anyone can find something better and cheaper, LET ME KNOW!

Originally posted by The GUT
Unless a really convincing debunk comes along, I have a feeling that slowly but surely your footage will start to catch some attention. Have you contacted any video analysts to get a second opinion? I'm sure there are a few who would love to look at your stuff more closely.

Video analysts? 2nd opinion? I have an online friend who has sent his footage to numerous universities, "think group type" organizations, and no response. I have no idea why I would want to send this footage to a video analyst. I don't even know what they do. If you know of one, I can hook you up with my raw footage. It's 9.000+ mpeg bitrate.

People have said that this could be "ball lighting," that's the best counter argument I've heard. I don't believe it, because once you hit these things with a 5 watt laser, they usually get the # out of the way.

If my footage does go viral, I'll probably send all people with questions to this thread. People have so many questions, I got a lot of work to do. I thought my videos explained it all.

Originally posted by The GUT
I'm also taking the opportunity to imbed the Scole vid you linked. I saw it about a year ago and have shared it with quite a few people. It's not your everyday "paranormal" documentary.

It's funny because that video shows the most wicked images of these # balls of light, and what they can morph into, and people still think they are benevolent!

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by AriesJedi
I believe that orbs are what they look like to our 3D eyes. What they look like in 4D or 5D would be quite different.

Great observation! Wish you would record these on your own. You are way ahead of your time.

Watch my "19 orbs" video. Download and watch it in slow motion at timestamps 0:38 and 2:14. It appears that there are three orbs, but the move as one. I have noticed this many times before. What appears as one orb, becomes three once the other two move into the lasers infrared flood light. They contract to almost one orb, then move apart as three orbs, all in unison, all rotating, contracting, and expanding at the same speed. Weird.

Originally posted by AriesJedi
In fact how do we know the orbs are not someone's spirit astral projecting? Even in the bible someone left their body to go to Heaven. (As I have.)

No they didn't. No person has ever seen the face of God since Christ was resurrected. That's why when you hear of people having out of body or near death experiences and seeing God, you know right there that it is a satanic lie / possession.

Originally posted by AriesJedi
You know this is kind of helpful, as my husband had a dream the other day. (He never remembers his dreams).
He was checking or making lasers, that was it and I thought that is a really weird dream to have, as he hates physics. But maybe he was making a laser to see these orbs??? He has never seen a UFO either. I have seen orbs and UFOs.

#, you just reminded me of another way to see orbs that I totally forgot about. #!

You take a normal visible spectrum laser, like a 2,000mw 450nm / purple laser, and adjust it to flood mode vs. a pointed laser beam. Point that at the sky and you will start to see orbs fly above your head, no other equipment needed!

Orbs can manifest at will. I have a friend that saw three orbs in a triangle formation. He still doesn't believe in the supernatural.

Maybe your hubbys dream translates into, he want's proof that angels and demons exist!

Originally posted by AriesJedi
I have seen an orb dance in joy around a rainbow and I always wondered how they could see a rainbow, as I had been taught that the postition of a rainbow is determined by the angle between my eyes and the sunlight hitting the raindrop.

The Bible states that God made man a little "lower" than man.

Originally posted by AriesJedi
But apparently it is the only object that can be seen in both (all) dimensions!


Originally posted by AriesJedi
How much does a 5000mw laser cost? Can you get one on Amazon?

$500 bucks without overseas air shipping. the 3 watt is about $300, but trust me, the 5 watt is worth every single penny! The hardware comes from China. I have found similar products offered by US companies, but they pale in comparison, and can only be purchased by law enforcement. Click the link in my first post to find the manufacturer. Send them an email to place an order, and provide your PayPal email address so they can properly invoice you.

Originally posted by AriesJedi
Have you only seen orbs or have you picked up shadow creatures? My eldest keeps seeing a shadow creature and I would like to see what she sees, to kick its butt.

Ask God to get rid of it!

I'll find you a good "shadow people" video! Private message me in two days if I forget to post it on this thread.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by SuspendedBelief
The first video looks beautiful and somewhat equivalent to discovering a new life-form. There they all are floating, pulsating and moving on the night breeze in front of our eyes. This footage is clearly and obviously not snowflakes or dust motes like damn near every other alleged 'orb' or 'spirit' digital imagery.

It's not new, it's old, and mentally ill.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by SuspendedBelief
The thing is, to me, they look exactly like someone is blowing soap bubbles and you're filming them in IR as they move on the air currents (the busier items will be bugs). Of course, maybe they aren't soap bubbles and you're the first person to capture proof of a new life-form using widely available technology? It's a pity the video is as heavily-edited as you say because, without seeing one of these orb/bubbles for longer than the time it takes to cross the screen, it remains ambiguous.

It's won't be ambiguous when better photographers learn this information. Soap bubbles? That's a lot of bubbles! Remember, a theory can be repeatedly tested. Prove me wrong if you wish. I could upload the raw, unedited footage if you want. As I said, these things move fast, what else can I say? It's edited, slowed down, so you can see the phenomenon better.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by SuspendedBelief
ETA - Wow. You're quite a nifty producer when it comes to your videos. I think I saw the Barbury Castle crop circle and orb digital-effects footage in there and definitely saw the Skunkworks faked saucer image. You've also dropped Greer in at the end...

Thanks! What's a producer? I thought I was just an editor.

"Barbury Castle crop circle and orb digital-effects footage"

If you are talking about the crop circle formation footage, the crop circle was real, and huge! The guy that got it on tape, he took it to a pub to show his friends just after it happened. At the time the footage was shot, video stabilizers that could produce that footage within a few hours were not available. This is an argument from "Crop Circles - Crossover From Another Dimension."

Greer knows what he is doing is wrong. # Dr. Stroke Job Artist.

"Skunkworks faked saucer image," source please?
edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief
I've watched your video 6 or 7 times now and remain unconvinced. They look like bubbles to me.

It's also presumably fortuitous that, with your off-the-shelf equipment, you've been able to capture evidence of your belief-system. This raises the question of why aren't other people encountering the same things with the same equipment?

I'm not averse to the existence of orbs as you can see in this old thread.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by fastbob72
An interesting OP,normally these types of posts are quite dubious and please don't take offence but when someone starts stating that only christ and god can protect you or talking about other people as godless then it usually puts my hackles right up.

I meant to say "athiest." If I wanted to insult, I would have used... "ape."

Other than that, I have no choice but to warn. I believe what I know, and God does not like people inviting this garbage into their lives, weather via Ouija Boards, hypnosis, seances, etc.

There is one story from the Bible where three guys were chased out of a house, naked and bleeding. There crime? #ing with spirits! Ask me for the quotes and I will find them for you.

Originally posted by fastbob72
You videos are certainly interesting though.Admittedly I've no experience of filming with high powered lasers so maybe they could refect off bugs and dust to produce this effect but I have to say it intrigues me enough to keep my mind open to the idea you have caught something of interest.

Bugs get in the way sometimes, so what. They are noticeable from their opaque, non symmetrical appearance, and I try to edit out as many as I can. Once my winter footage comes out, there will be no argument.

Originally posted by fastbob72
Personally I found the first video a lot more compelling.I could imagine very light snow or rain in the wind producing some of the effects in the second video.

I am coming out with more test to prove these orbs are not affected by wind, or anything for that matter.

Originally posted by fastbob72
When I read you're vengeful tirade against spirits,wanting to capture,expose,punish and torture them for what you feel they have done to you in the past now you have divine protection it devalues the other side of your post in my eyes.i.e the spiritual,religious aspect of what you said as you've approached the 'spirit world' with an agenda and a fully formed conviction as to what your dealing with.

Why? How does it devalue my reasoning? Maybe you have never been possessed before, and therefore can't understand.

Originally posted by fastbob72
I've had some encounters or run-ins with this kind of thing but I can't claim to know or appreciate fully what is fundamentally going on although there are many,like yourself,who claim they do know for sure.

Two atheists I have personally talked to that do the same research as me have been tormented by these things. One of them, he told me he no longer needs hardware to see these things, they just "appear" and they "scream" at him. Do your own research, you will discover some dark facts.

Originally posted by fastbob72
Are spirits the souls of dead people or elemental non human forces ??

They are fallen angels or nephilim spirits, both bound to the EARTH. The Bible states than when a man dies, he NO LONGER has any influence on this earth whatsoever. Evil spirits like to pretend to be loved ones for this reason, to challenge non-believers that dead people roam the earth. It's BS!

Originally posted by fastbob72
I just dont know though I have my doubts concerning the souls of the dead.It may even be the manifestation of some darker,unknown recess of human conciousness.All I know is I've seen an experienced things I cannot explain and were seemingly physically impossible !!!

I bet they were deceptive and demonic as well. Did they teach you any truth, probably not!

(Continued below...)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by fastbob72
Where I would agree with you is your assertion not to take this stuff lightly,keep it away from your home.Dont get seduced or carried away with this stuff if you do happen to encounter something that is 'paranormal'.

These things can't enter your home, as far as I know, unless you invite them in. Check my future posts for video proof. I will title it "winter orbs."

Originally posted by fastbob72
it's incredibly easy to see the what you want if you are taken with this stuff,mistaking coincidences and the not at first obvious for paranormal but when you do encounter something,a force,entity or whatever you will know about it.

As I said, it's hard not to believe when you have seen. What I have seen and researched correlates perfectly with what the Bible says about fallen angels and demons (nephilim spirits).

Originally posted by fastbob72
Remember (for those of us who are you dont know what it is your dealing with and therefore you cant judge what its capable of so be cautious,dont just take it at face value and dont forget if your mind n will is strong and your own then,iMO it'll protect you.

I know what I am dealing with because I have a source, the Bible, something the authors died for. You have no source, just conjecture.

Originally posted by fastbob72
Those who believe their spiritually protected have strength from that,if you too have the strength of your convictions then it cant help.

Man, I have a lot of work to do. Stick around, I'll prove your wrong.

Originally posted by fastbob72
Anyway this post is certainly interesting for the videos.if you have captured something concious or aware will be interesting to see !!


Originally posted by fastbob72
cant say i saw any ufo's in the accepted sense

See my other youtuber vids.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by The GUT

I took those staged scenes to be artistic license--like the clips from the movie--to get his point across, but I could be wrong...

What was staged? I need a source.

Originally posted by The GUT
I'm looking forward to see how this develops. Do you know if JRitzman is still willing to look at footage from here, btw?

Who is JRitzman?

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by The GUT
I've sent up a bat-signal for a second opinion.

I'll have another look at the video to see the one you describe going round the back of a tree - must have missed it.

Timestamp please? I have a million orbs on record and can't remember all the great captures.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

What was staged? I need a source.

He was referring to the alien scenes in your video and meant no criticism.

Jeff Ritzman is an image-analyst. Unfortunately, without using very similar hardware to you, I'm not sure analysis is the way forward.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by SuspendedBelief
I've watched your video 6 or 7 times now and remain unconvinced. They look like bubbles to me.

#, you caught me red handed! Good job! However, you are a little off though... They are actually gay fish from the 4th dimension! It's a long story. Just find the South Park Kanye West episode. And if you cannot understand my sarcasm, you probably never will, probably because you are sarcastically challenged, literally.

Seriously though, a theory can be repeatedly tested with the SAME results. Get the same equipment as me, and prove me wrong. Everything else is CONJECTURE.

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by SuspendedBelief
It's also presumably fortuitous that, with your off-the-shelf equipment, you've been able to capture evidence of your belief-system. This raises the question of why aren't other people encountering the same things with the same equipment?

I'm not averse to the existence of orbs as you can see in this old thread.

That's the thing, it's not being lucky / fortuitous! The NASA STS satellites first discovered you can illuminate orbs around 1994 YouTuber search "the tether incident. NASA lasers along with infrared cameras illuminated 3 mile wide orbs! Someone find the video and embed it here please. Otherwise I will do so later.

Thanks for the link, will read your thread later. Peace.
edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:32 AM
I'm not going to comment on the OPs assessment of spirits or energies as being evil when they are killing a lot less people than the living.... you can believe what you want but I want to ask just one very critical question. I also want to make it clear that I have a deep admiration for Jesus and am pretty sure he has already won dominion over hell itself and I'm pretty sure this makes me NOT an atheist regardless of what anyone else says.

I didn't read everything.... and I just want to know one thing and otherwise I don't care.

Are you taking it upon yourself to try to repel or effect these spirits in any way and if so, how are you going about doing this?

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by SuspendedBelief

What was staged? I need a source.

He was referring to the alien scenes in your video and meant no criticism.

Jeff Ritzman is an image-analyst. Unfortunately, without using very similar hardware to you, I'm not sure analysis is the way forward.

Does Jeff Man live in the Midwest? Maybe I can visit him. I have lots of friends scattered around the states, mainly the Midwest.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie
...when they are killing a lot less people than the living....

They counter the Word of God by saying the exact opposite, for example: they pretend and prove to you to be your dead grandma, one way or another. End result? Bible says dead people have no influence over the living on earth, "dead grandma" just "proved" the Bible wrong, now you disregard the Bible. Understand? They can't kill God, so they do the next best thing, drag Gods most complex creation, humans, into hell. I know it's sad, get over it.

Originally posted by NotAnAspie
Are you taking it upon yourself to try to repel or effect these spirits in any way and if so, how are you going about doing this?

a.) CE4 testimonials - This link will show you that the Bible was not lying when it said that the name of Christ is the most authoritative name God has ever created. Use this name to resist the spirits.

b.) William / Bill Cooper taught me that a "faraday shielded environment," such as a "faraday cage," will entrap or repel these balls of turd light. Research it.

c) There are also companies that sell products that claim to repel all types of electromagnetic energy, which is what orb spirits are made of. They market their products advertising that there are all kinds of energy flying around from radio waves, wifi, etc., and their product can create an "invisible shield" around this electromagnetic garbage. It's like this. You know when you are watching TV during a storm, and a bolt of lightning takes out your power, and you feel kind of... better? People claim that this is because all the electromagnetic garbage goes away. I wouldn't be surprised if these products can repel orbs as well. I will test them out someday when I have some #ing money.
edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2012 by SuspendedBelief because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:55 AM
I need 48 hours of sleep, literally. Post me a question, I WILL get back to you.


posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 06:09 AM
Very good article. Thinking of doing a version of the mirror-procedure with a laptop, some special software and a webcam myself. Attached with a ghost-box too.

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