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The Homosexual Agenda

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posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 03:03 PM
My point is that attraction is beyond one's control. Behavior is not beyond one's control. You may apply your own analogies as you choose, but I believe that my point is correct. Society is largely founded on the latter.

[edit on 2006/3/3 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by pepsi78
I dont belive that.
Like you say they are curios but things can go rong, they can understand it diferent and turn out diferent.

I really don't know what you mean. Small children are not interested in sex, they are discovering their bodies, but not sexually. Unless you are drilling sex into their heads at that young age, they have NO idea what it is, therefore will not have differing understandings.

Well yes you never seen them.
It does not happen every day, but it hapens, it does not have to hapen to you, what are you god?

Well, sometimes I'd like to think I am, lol.

It will hapen at random with random people sometimes you dont see everything.
And with the where it would hapen that would be in public, regular people kiss in publlic so gay people would do so too.

No, I've been around for 28 years, I've been all over the place, many raves, clubs, concerts, parties, whatever. I've never seen two men making out in public. Straight people do it all the time, but I think gays are rightfully nervous bout the reaction they may get.

how is that to say that it's not fetish , that homosexuality is not fetish
Well doing the cow is sex isnt it?
So how do you separate 2 events that are the same in acts.

It's very easy to seperate it. There's a huge gay population in the world, but animal humpers? Not so much. So are you saying then that being straight is a fetish, or a natural impulse? Your preference is natural, along the way some develop fetishes like having needles shoved into their groin etc. But those folks are few and far between.

There are people that were violent as kids and when they grew up they became calmer.
There are people that were picked upon when they were little and they became violent , it's all related to the growning up factor.
People can change that is for sure.

Right, just as there are probably people who were straight at one time, but their bodies may have underwent a hormonal change of some kind and they became gay, it's not always related to childhood, sometimes it is biology.

Ps do you think people in prison doing what they do , do you think it's genetic too
When all the sudden they decide to make some guy his girl.
Picking up the sope
I dont see any genetics there.
People can become gay in many ways, prison is one of them.

I think that's more of a power issue than anything, just like any rape. Those are not crimes of passion, but of dominance.

And about the recivers in your brain, they can be influenced as well.
It's alll about teaching and geting it right from the begining.

You can't teach your body how to react to chemicals. Can you teach your body not to be drunk if you consume alcohol?

What do you do if your son that has 6 years old comes and ask you, "what is that father?"

What is what, son?

Boys become sexual active early.
BE honest with us and tell us when did you start you know what
6? 7?

What?! Try about 12. And right away I was attracted to women, not because anybody taught me it was the right thing to do, but because I liked them.

There are people that sustain" never done it" I belive you are one of them.

I haven't done, lol. You believe quite wrong.

About education.
It's Just like smoking "it's a bad thing" but you do tell your kids about it dont you.
Just like that you can begin telling them in a lighter form , so they can make the right choice, you dont need to get in to details till later when they are older but you got to tell them in a way so you know it will set them on the right road, so he will get a sort of the picture but not all and has he grows up bit by bit you can tell him more.

And if you drill it into your child's head that being gay is wrong, when he/she reaches adolescence and becomes very rebellious, well then, you may have influenced your child to become gay. Sex ed is very important, to teach about safe sex and the diseases they can contract, not to tell them being gay is wrong.

This si very important, most parents evoid such conversations.
Just like with math and studys you work with your kids on it they do good.
But one thing is left out and we let our kids lose we dont tell them anithing about it and before we know they turn gay or they go on rapeing girls or who knows what.

So not telling kids that being gay is wrong, will cause them to turn gay or become rapists? What are you talking about? Whoa!

It's all about being ignorant , some are profiting from it.
There is a gay agenda, not made by gay people but by people out side the gay circle.
It's in their intrest to see as many gay as posible, it's a blessing for them.

Maybe it's in all of mankinds interest to see as many gays as possible. We're already overpopulating the earth, maybe it's nature's design to stop us from running out of food and resources. Not to mention, more chicks for me, lol.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
My point is that attraction is beyond one's control. Behavior is not beyond one's control. You may apply your own analogies as you choose, but I believe that my point is correct. Society is largely founded on the latter.

Why not answer my question instead of diverting? If society was founded on sex with women being considered wrong, would you abstain completely or have sex with men to conform?

Would you choose to suppress your attractions to other consenting adult females in order to control your behavior to conform to the will of others, even if it meant you would be miserable?

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 03:11 PM
Listen pepsi - I don't know if it's nature or nurture, but neither does anyone else, mmmmkay? So show me how it's 'proven' that there's nothing genetic about it - I can't say it is, or isn't - But I'll tell you how it happened for me, and even though I used to think this, I am NOT the only one that felt this way, or went through this.

I'd never seen anything 'gay' when I was little, I was never molested when I was a kid, I didn't even know what "gay" meant - I'd heard older kids call people 'faggot' before, but I just knew it was an insult akin to 'sissy or pansy'. I was never even aware that 2 men 'gettin it on' was even a possibility, much less that it happened every day.

Neither was I aware of what straight people did - sexuality was never discussed where I grew up - I went to a private Christian school, went to church every time the doors were open and if I wasn't at church or school, I was at my religious Grandmother's house. As far as what 'straight people' did, if it wasn't on 'The Waltons' or 'Hee-Haw' or 'Dallas' or 'Dukes of Hazzard' then I didn't know about it- I'd seen people kiss before, and I knew that Daisy Duke wore shorts that were "too short" for the women around here, and "just right" for the guys that liked to watch her.

I grew up knowing that men were supposed to make cat-calls at women, and that those magazines/VCR tapes at my uncle's house were full of pics of naked women, but I was never curious to see them or ever cared about looking at a lady's shape or figure or to see what was underneath their clothes.

Once I was allowed to be part of the older kid's "clique", I eventually saw some of those VCR tapes, and I knew what the guys were looking at - they talked about it, pointed out how it looked and how good it would feel to "get in that" - But I was not interested in the lady's body, I was intrigued by what I saw on the guy. I liked his shape, where the hair was, the muscles and the way they changed shape while he was doing his thing to that lady. I really couldn't tell you what the lady looked like, I was WAY too interested in the guy. I didn't know what he was doing, I just knew that it was 'cool' to watch this tape, and we'd better not let the grown-ups know what we were doing - that was my job, being the lookout at the window so we wouldn't get caught.

Now I never was into sports, or cars, or anything that required one to sweat or get dirty, but I was still allowed to 'hang out' with the guys because I was a big guy, pretty manly looking, and I was allowed to do whatever I wanted to because my parents trusted me - BTW, I NEVER drank or smoked or did anything illegal or immoral as a teenager, even though most of my peers had done it, or even did it frequently. Everyone's parents trusted me, and I never broke anyone's trust. I was just a gentle giant that "didn't have a girlfriend because of his size and shyness."

As I saw my friends getting interested in girls, wanting to date, talking about girls with each other and bragging to other guys about how "far" they got, I just went with the flow - I didn't feel left out, I just agreed with what they were saying - the whole time knowing that I didn't feel that way or even wanted to. I knew I wanted to be with my guy friends, I didn't really think of them sexually, but I knew I wanted to be around guys and not girls - I thought it was more of a 'best friends' kind of thing - When My friends would stay over, they had to stay in my room and I remember being nervous because I knew what was going to happen as soon as it was 'lights out' - I would lay awake all night, confused as to why I had an erection just because there was another guy laying in the bed beside me, I'd only had 'morning wood' before, and knew from hearing the other guys talk that that was normal, but to just get an erection from laying down beside a guy? I didn't know what that was all about - I thought when you got an erection, it meant it was time to have 'relations' with a woman and I knew from biology that it was for 'makin babies'.

I wanted to be attracted to girls - I wanted to fit in and do what the other guys were doing, but there was just no feeling there - I WAS not attracted to the ladies, and the thought that I was actually attracted to the guys was just something I couldn't handle, I was afraid to admit it, even to myself - I denied it to myself, and if asked, I would get VERY defensive about it - I mean, I'd never 'done' anything gay - so why would I get questioned about it just because I didn't have a girlfriend? Could people tell? Did they already know and just wanted me to admit to it? I didn't know, I just knew that identifying as gay would have meant social suicide - so I decided it would be best if I just never got involved with anyone intimately or got in ANY kind of relationship - I didn't want to lie to a woman just so I could 'appear normal', that wouldn't have been fair to her - and I just knew that If I ever pursued a same-sex relationship, I'd be an outcast - a 'sinner' - disowned by my family and abandoned by my friends.

The loneliness got to be too much in college- I just felt like the only person left on earth, sure I had my roommates to talk to, but I couldn’t tell them I was gay, and they had girlfriends and I couldn't always be a 'tag-along' - So I'd pray to god EVERY night, through angry, bitter tears for him to just please make me normal - please make me 'straight' - please make it so I could be at least 50% attracted to boobies and 'kitty' and the female shape. This went on for 3 years - I pretty much locked myself in my room, I never went out with my roommates, I couldn't concentrate on school anymore so I dropped out of college and worked full time - When I wasn't at work, I was trying to sleep - trying to ignore the fun that my roommates were having with parties and drinking and sex, crying in my room because I knew I couldn't be a part of that. EVERY waking moment was filled with "I'll never be normal, I'll never fit in, what's the point in living, why keep going, tomorrow is just going to be a carbon copy of today, and I wanted it to stop." Still, through all of that, nothing EVER made me attracted to ladies, or want to pretend to be. I knew what I was, I knew I must keep it a secret, and I believed that letting anyone know would almost certainly mean death.

I kept it in till I was 28, and it was driving me crazy. I finally broke down in front of my best friend and said it - I said to another human-being "I'm gay" - and I just knew that meant I'd lose him as a friend and that EVERYONE would know in a matter of days, but to actually say it to someone, to say it out loud was such a relief - It felt like I'd had a 10 ton dump-truck on me and it had finally come off - To my surprise, my best friend sat with me and comforted me and told me that it was OK and I was going to be alright - I felt so much better - I'd finally let someone know and it wasn't the end of the world - My friend and his wife accepted me, they kept inviting me to their home and they were my family now - my chosen family, Not the family that I had been assigned to that could NEVER accept a FAG in the family - It wouldn't have been 'acceptable' - it would have 'shamed' them.

I finally worked up the courage to tell my Mother, she acted like she'd never suspected it and like it didn't bother her, but I could see that look of heartbreak in her eyes, that pain that comes with realizing that someone’s expectations of you, their hopes for you, hopes of being happy and having a regular life are now gone, beaten to a bloody pulp and never coming back to life. It was almost as if I had killed "her baby" and replaced him with something empty, something she didn't recognize or ever want to recognize - and it crushed me, I knew I was responsible for causing my mother pain, and the only thing that kept me from falling apart was knowing that it wasn't me that was causing this much pain, but the way society had stigmatized homosexuals and conditioned people to think of homosexuality.

Do you think anyone would EVER choose to go through what you've just read? Do you think it's some kind of fad that's 'hip' and 'cool' ? - Do you think people are seeing how we're treated and think "Hmmm, I'd like to get in on that" ?

For those that wonder where gays keep coming from (if it is genetic) We know we can't reproduce with each other, it's the stigma and peer pressure that makes people pretend to be straight long enough that children are conceived and lives are built around someone pretending to be straight - just so they won't have to deal with the way people treat gays.

We're not pedophiles, or rapists, or perverts - Some of us are, but not all of us - JUST LIKE STRAIGHT PEOPLE!!! Some straight people are sick, twisted, evil beings, with no goodness in them at all - does that mean ALL straight people are like that? NO! . . . And If I said it did, and half the worlds population agreed with me, and it was preached in church and debated in government, how would you feel? Seriously, as a straight person, how would it make you feel if over half the world believed that you were going to hell and that you were a bad person, just because you were attracted to the opposite sex? Can you answer it? Probably not - lucky bastards!

Also - We don't want to "turn" anyone into a homosexual, we just want people to feel free to admit it, stop hiding it, stop being afraid of what you know to be the truth - If you are one, you know it, and if you're not, you know it too. Don't think that just because little Johnny is told it's OK to be gay that he will want to be gay. But little Johnny needs to know that it's NOT OK to discriminate against people just because they might be.

People pretend to be straight when they are afraid of what real straight people will do to them when/if they find out.

You like being feared? I'd hope not.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 04:25 PM
paulthefourth you grew up with out your parents saying anithing to you not educateing you about it.
And you saw on that tape something strange at a man, rather bizare that captured your atention, the way the mussles moved or that guy was really strong and it impresed you in a way "it marked you"

Neither was I aware of what straight people did - sexuality was never discussed where I grew up - I went to a private Christian school, went to I

Well I can understand that, thats what I quoted that it's very important to let the kids know in a way so they know what is what., it just hapend to you,, you never recived it, it may be the result of the outcome for you, the present you.

Once I was allowed to be part of the older kid's "clique", I eventually saw some of those VCR tapes, and I knew what the guys were looking at - they talked about it, pointed out how it looked and how good it would feel to "get in that" - But I was not interested in the lady's body, I was intrigued by what I saw on the guy. I liked his shape, where the hair was, the muscles and the way they changed shape while he was doing his thing to that lady.

Yes that is it , some are curios than others at all the details.
What is your favorite color?do you think that is gentic?Just let some one flash a red light in front of you when you are little and you can begin to hate it or love it for the rest of your life.
Maybe you were astuned by power and the way that guy looked because he was strong and the mussles contracted, maybe you liked strong caracters when you were young and it influenced you in a way.
It's fetish that's all it is, I have my obsesions with woman and how they should look ,It's fetish thats what it is, nothing more.

People pretend to be straight when they are afraid of what real straight people will do to them when/if they find out.

You like being feared? I'd hope not.

I dont blame you fot what you are, it's not that.
I blame others.
So you are you exist, very well i dont hold it against you, but what I must make sure is try my best that it does not hapen with my kids.
So i'm going to make sure they recive the education that they need.
I'm going to give them a bit of freedom but at the same time educate them.

I'm not going to let the plejure of his friends explain it , i'll do it first and beat them to it.
A parent must observe and when he feels he is about to find out step in and explain it to him(not with a porn vcr)
Maybe if you didint see that tape and your parents would explained things better to you you would of never been in this situation now.
Let's say there aer no man on the planet only woman.
You only knew woman from the begining, would you not agree that you would never know of it?
If things dont exist you dont know of them, just like when you are a kid, you find out things that impress you.
I dont blame gay people , I blame the ones pushing this forward with a lot of propaganda.

[edit on 3-3-2006 by pepsi78]

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 04:34 PM

I'm sure you feel better having gone through all that and it is interesting and certainly does add a human touch to the question. It also reinforces what I say about attraction and how we are left to play the hand we are dealt. It is a cruel hoax, it seems, that not all of us come with the "correct" wiring and that those must suffer as a consequence of nature. I do also recognize that the one with such attractions is in a double-bind situation of being damned if he acts on his attractions and being miserable if he doesn't.

And it is this very conundrum, or Catch-22, if you will, that should be at the heart of this discussion, which I will remind everyone is supposed to be about social movements first and personal feelings second. How does a responsible and compassionate society respond to this age old problem?

I have mentioned before, much to the irritation of kegs, that, as paul reminds us in his signature quote of the bard, "For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." The rise of civilization is fraught with all manner of paradoxes, for it was only through ages of barbaric practices that at least a portion of the world has risen above such practices and created laws and constitutions that protect what nature does not. As Peter Weiss puts it, "Nature would watch unmoved if we destroyed the entire human race."

But we cannot deny nature, even if we seek to control it. There are those who have certain predilections and there are those who have others. Some are attracted to things that nauseate others. Some are in the majority and some are not.

Regardless of how unpopular the notions of social engineering and eugenics might be when applied systematically to the human race, the fact is our species as it exists today is a product of both natural and artificial selection. Beyond that, culture has arisen to form institutions and our institutions form the society we often speak of but never actually see.

In that process of selection of both genes and behavior that has taken place over millenia, through all the "whips and scorns of time" and "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," a model for crafting and molding the future has arisen, despite our frequent attempts to destroy it all through greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, pride, and sloth.

It may have been forgotten in our time, but the march of civilization can be summed up in a single ethos, "Save the women and the children." For it is by them that the future can be insured. We men have always been expendable, but the women and the children are precious.

Two other concepts that has fallen into disfavor in recent decades are family and patriarchy. Both, though flawed, have formed part of the foundation of the civilization that is currently reeling from internal weakness and attacks from without. Both are important because patriarchy controls the gene pool, while the family organizes the society, motivates the men, tempers the women, and socializes the children. Certain behaviors have been identified since antiquity as being antithetical to the values presented above. Homosexuality and adultery are two of those things which come readily to mind.

Now, we are bombarded by messages that fly in the face of all that experience has proven and all that has brought us to this level of social development and some want us to believe that those who promote this trend are both progressive and devoid of an agenda and that those who resist are reactionary.

I would argue to the contrary. Those who proclaim a progressive agenda (whoops, did I use that word? It seems less threating in that context, however.) are really the reactionaries because they would have us discard all that we have learned as a species and return to the disorganized, amoral, "natural" state of our ancient ancestors, whom we often regard as primitive from our current state which has been provided to us by the sacrifices made by all those who came between us and them. What took millenia to produce has been fractured in less than a century.

And so it is not without good reason that we consider the changes that have been thrust upon us over the last few generations and the motivations behind those who profess that the abandonment of tradition is in our best interest. Without a doubt, as noted earlier, the paradox of our civilization is that it would not have been possible without institutions that we currently hold in contempt, but surely we must always scrutinize the institutions we seek to discard, as one of those might very well be the keystone that holds all the rest in place.

[edit on 2006/3/3 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 02:48 AM

Please remember there are loads of real, straight men out there that are beside you 100%, There are very many, many more of us than you think.


I could write books about what you’ve said. Thankfully others have already done it. I suggest you start with the ones about a big red dog and his big red ball. I hear the corners are chewable and it’s completely machine washable.


Glad you got a laugh.

Sometimes I go into an argument with too much vitriol. There is a point to it, especially in subjects like this. Only with equal or over the top anger can you sometimes make your “opponents” true feelings or policies come the surface.

Once they do, you know who you are dealing with. There is a point.

Though to stay on topic I will add, of course they exist but so do agendas....homosexual ones, evangelical ones, atheist ones, animal rights ones, and even heterosexual homophobic ones!

Of course they can exist, but to think they always do takes a hefty pinch of paranoia. To equate a civil agenda with some evil agenda can also be costly.

Much was said on both sides of the atlantic when women wanted the vote...

People have got to stop ignorantly judging masses of people by a few who associate themselves with or can be identified with. Can people please understand that

Agree totally.

For example-I am very heterosexual. Nothing anyone could do or say from the opposite sex could change that... (and a few have tried )however, being hetero, and even in believing there is an actual "homosexual agenda" doesn't mean that I should be identified with the "homophobic sexist cokeheads" (sorry, thats really just a song title and I couldn't resist) but seriously, just because I am hetero and believe there is a homosexual agenda doesn't mean I think all homosexuals are *IN* on that agenda, any more than I am in on some gay bashing one.

I myself am, as you put it, ‘very heterosexual’; Equally, I don’t think it aligns me with any agenda, coked up or otherwise. I just believe in equality and equal rights for all, and by all, I mean All.

I think people miss this point. and I want to make it clear for two reasons:

1. this thread is about the homosexual agenda-and I think it should be pointed out though it exists it is not representing the agenda of all gays!

True; but I’ve yet to be told conclusively of what that actually is, besides tales of hearsay and Bible class.

2. someone (ahem) who believes in agendas-even in the possibility of the/a "homosexual agenda" does not make that person an ignorant homophobic gay basher

True... but it’s a bit like the old office cliché poster “you don’t have to mad to work here, but it helps”

3. to think it is wrong, biased, prejudiced, or politically incorrect to speak of a homosexual agenda, but discuss theories of otehr possible agendas or conspiracies is ignorant. Any group however that group is identified will have some within them with a it the majority or the minority well organized or rebells without reason, and if people can't accept that-even in their own politics, religion, sexual orientation, etc-that to me is blind ignorance

Say anything you damn well please. Just expect an answer to it..

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:22 AM

I could write books about what you’ve said. Thankfully others have already done it. I suggest you start with the ones about a big red dog and his big red ball. I hear the corners are chewable and it’s completely machine washable.

Well dont blame the genetics at least dont do that

Many laymen now believe that homosexuality is part of who a person really is ­ from the moment of conception.
The "genetic and unchangeable" theory has been actively promoted by gay activists and the popular media. Is homosexuality really an inborn and normal variant of human nature?
No. There is no evidence that shows that homosexuality is simply "genetic." And none of the research claims there is. Only the press and certain researchers do, when speaking in sound bites to the public

Scientists Know the Truth about "Gay Gene" Research

But before we consider the specifics, here is what serious scientists think about recent genetics-of-behavior research. From Science, 1994:

Time and time again, scientists have claimed that particular genes or chromosomal regions are associated with behavioral traits, only to withdraw their findings when they were not replicated. "Unfortunately," says Yale's [Dr. Joel] Gelernter, "it's hard to come up with many" findings linking specific genes to complex human behaviors that have been replicated. "...All were announced with great fanfare; all were greeted unskeptically in the popular press; all are now in disrepute."[1]

It's a propaganda, it's genetic bla bla bla.
The truth is that it comes from your choice dont blame it on genes.

Washington, DC – A trio of psychologists associated with the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) have just published a startling report that debunks one of the major foundations of the homosexual movement: That homosexuals are "born gay." The report quotes noted "gay" scientists as well as "gay" philosophers who openly admit there is no research proving there is a "gay gene" or "gay brain."

The gene thing is an excuse and it has been debunked, what you are is what you chose to become, similar to what you are is what you eat.

No proper sexual education when little, influent factors @!@!bam!@! and there you are turning out diferent.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by pepsi78]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:43 AM
Yet again Pepsi, you prove to be comic relief.

You weren’t hired by Disney to sponsor this thread or anything were you?

That umm.. example of err…esteemed learned research from the institute of the "National Association of research & therapy of homosexuality” was educational as well as arse creasingly hysterical.

I know you meant the former, but the latter was seriously unavoidable.

Yeah! That link’s much better. I think you should give the homosex potpourri a shot.
Whatever the hell that is.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by kegs]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by kegs
Yet again Pepsi, you prove to be comic relief.

You weren’t hired by Disney to sponsor this thread or anything were you?

That umm.. example of err…esteemed learned research from the institute of the umm…“National Association of research & therapy of homosexuality” was both educational as well as arse creasingly hysterical.

I know you meant the former, but the latter was seriously unavoidable.

Yeah! That link’s much better. I think you should give the homosex potpourri a shot.
Whatever the hell that is.

sure you can bark all you want
I'll just to rip it of from cnn or national gegraphic, that thing what's it called we are boren with 4 eyes and 5 legs is more likely to hapen than with we are boren gay.

Do you prefere national geographic or animal planet
just to know u'r tastes, i'll have to dig deep but i'll get something for you.
You sure bring a lot of links with plausible evidence I can see, i'm all buried in information, all this scientifical notes that you provided confuses me

You are truly grate thanks for enlighting me.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by pepsi78]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:32 AM
Subjects like this hardly need links unless there is undeniable proof of something. It's not news; It's a social question, and sometimes social philosophy (ie politics) with a hefty smattering of religion. It’s not about anything that can be proved with a link.

TV? I deliberately watch very little TV.


I'll keep barking and you can continue professing the need for a better literacy program and well stocked libraries.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by kegs

Subjects like this hardly need links unless there is undeniable proof of something. It's not news; It's a social question, and sometimes social philosophy (ie politics) with a hefty smattering of religion. It’s not about anything that can be proved with a link.

TV? I deliberately watch very little TV.


I'll keep barking and you can continue professing the need for a better literacy program and well stocked libraries.

It's not that it's looking for the facts.
If scientists say it's not genetic then hey it must be something.
We cant prove it's genetic (we would like to do that but we cant)
Why is it so hard to admit to it, taking a cover and hideing behind the genetics, I dont really mind gay people, what i do mind is the propaganda to nurture a lie, facts are facts and links are needed.
I am aware that this is not the thread where we should see if it's genetic or not but how ever it is part of the propaganda sayng ohh it's genetic you all acn become gay dont worry in stead of saying hey we can change things we got to be more careful, we got to invest in our kids "time" and educate them on the matter properly.
I'm sorry to say but it would indicate that no one can trace a gay gene, it's something that was said long ago and then taken apart again by scientists
in the end the final out come was" we cant state at this moment that there is a gay gene"
What hapend hapend and they are people just like us, that does not mean
I have to accept that thing with the "gay gene" and I never will, who does that does not care for their kids.

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 05:28 AM

...I don’t remember saying anything about a gay gene, but you seem to be frantically holding this close to your chest as some kind of proof.

There is no genetic proof either way.

The mere supposition that genetic research can give an answer is still that, supposition.

As I said before, homosexuals have existed since the begining of recorded history. The idea that it is a recent ‘malfunction’ is patently absurd.

You really should look into those 'book' things I mentioned earlier.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by kegs]

posted on Aug, 1 2006 @ 03:09 PM
Well, that's what Bishop Gene Robinson said at Episcopal Church Convention last month, according to Michael Bates at

Is Jesus Christ the gay agenda?

Here are some recent links regarding the Homosexual Agenda:

Google News Search

posted on Aug, 2 2006 @ 05:52 PM
How can genuine love between 2 consenting adults ever be wrong???

I checked out the site. Yipes! According to Mike Bates, the gay agenda is acceptance and non-discrimination. Wow, that's pretty radical...not. He says they want special rights when all they're asking for is to not be slandered and to not be discriminated against in housing and in employment, things that every other group of Americans has had for decades. Blacks, white, women, other minorities and religions are legally protected but not gays. Gays aren't looking for special rights, they're just looking to not have to be treated like outsiders, pariahs or lepers and they want to have the same rights as everyone else; which they've never had and still don't.

There are so many people on this board who say that homosexuality is a sin because the Bible says so. Well, I have news for you. Jesus taught to love unconditionally and to not judge. How can straight people even begin to understand what it's like to be gay unless they have been there themselves or at least had alot of gay friends who they can learn from what it's like. Further, the Old Testament is the part of the Bible that says it's a sin; Jesus came to preach the New Testament gospel and says nothing about it being wrong. He also said the the O.T. is history, and that we are to follow Jesus's teachings. Hey, he ran around with prostitutes, thieves, tax collectors and he had 12 apostles, which according to statistics says that 1 out of 10 men are gay, so that means at least one of his apostles was gay.

THe people who are being so judgmental about homosexuality should be ashamed of themselves. Their opinions are based on nothing but rumor, hearsay and incorrect facts and for those who are Christian, I can only say, I don't think Jesus wants us to judge gays, lesbians, blacks, whites, women, dogs, Moslems or whatever.

BTW, how many heterosexuals on this thread CHOSE to be that way? I know I never did, it was thrust upon me whether or not I wanted to be gay, straight or in between. Those of us who are hetero don't get any extra points for "choosing the correct sexual orientation do we?" Why condemn others for not being hetero?

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
How can genuine love between 2 consenting adults ever be wrong???

That's a sweet sentiment, forestlady, but we're discussing the homosexual agenda, what it is, or is not, or even if there is such a thing, or not.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 05:46 PM

Do you prefere national geographic or animal planet
just to know u'r tastes, i'll have to dig deep but i'll get something for you.

Oh please bring up the southwestern lesbian whip-tail lizards. BTW I am beginning to doubt my iguana's heterosexuality.

[edit on 13-8-2006 by laiguana]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 06:41 PM
We're speaking humans here, laiguana, despite the tendency of some to try to justify human behavior by what they see some animals do.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 06:45 PM
Grady: humans are animals (primates)
To observe nature only tells us about ourselves. Perhaps from a religious viewpoint it would be different. However I don't believe we are discussing religion here. Nature is a beautiful, mysterious thing (imho). To think we are an entity outside of nature would be a fallacy.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 06:50 PM
You don't need to remind me that humans are primates. Some of us believe that humans should rise above our purely animal instincts to achieve better things for ourselves and our planet.

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