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Ancient Aliens Debunked (Full Length Movie)

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posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Imtor

I had time for the video. I never did have time to be bunked in the first place but
the alien talkers have been at it since Roswell and moved on to lies of the past.

All to cover up a science that has been carefully avoided.

I liked the approach and wonder if any of my favorite unofficial stories might be
covered in a similar manor. Here the official word of experts put down the lies.
In the case of Velikovsky and documented Cosmic activity of the Earth, Dr Barry Fell
and the population of the Americas before Columbus, the Ballantine findings
of Christopher Marlowe secret writings, and the Lyne Tesla and ancient history
findings all have experts to counter and would not put the finding as anything official.

The Ancient Aliens Debunked seems similar to the many 911 videos countering the
official story. With too many people saying it doesn't make a difference, the only way
to make a mark would be to make a block buster movie, make a ton of money like
Spielberg did on Aliens and be done with them.

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by FaceLikeTheSun
Well I would simply say, Gorgio needs to go back to the drawing boards. In my opinion, the AA Theory is thoroughly debunked!

Chris White is notorious for his debunkings. He's debunked David Icke, Michael Tsarion and others. Now he takes on a huge topic. The Ancient Astronaut Theory. The basic premise is that Gorgio and the gang omit facts, or in some instances flat out lies about any given topic in order to make it seem like the Anciet Astronaut Theory has credibility. Much of the speculation comes from the work of Zachariah Sitchen. The video features ancient language scholar Dr Michael Heiser ( who prior to the passing of Sitchin, challenged him to a debate several times. As fantastic and amazing the AAT is, it simply doesn't have any legs to stand on under careful examination of the claims.

All the citations for this video, as well as the videos by category and topic can be found at
edit on 28-9-2012 by FaceLikeTheSun because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by FaceLikeTheSun because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by FaceLikeTheSun because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by FaceLikeTheSun because: People complain a lot.

edit on 28-9-2012 by FaceLikeTheSun because: Spelling

Puma Punku is plain and simply the reason Ancient Aliens will never be debunked !
Gorgio is right !

posted on Oct, 4 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by thetiler

The video discusses Puma Punku. The truth is most (if not all) of the claims AATists make about the site are out and out lies.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 09:31 AM
ok. i've managed to return here after watching this. I've fought the tears, pain and agony of realization to bring you this post!

a bit of background... I latched onto these theories many years ago. I've watched countless documentaries, videos, read blogs, sites, articles on AA theory and loosely related theories, but using the same base, namely that of Sitchin and Von Danniken.

I set up a website, ran it for years. believed that this was one day going to be the basis for a new dawn of understanding for the human race. It made me feel excited, happy. It was always in the back of my mind. The interest the AA theories generated warmed my imagination.

I am almost 40 yrs old. I'm not an idiot, or at least I thought I wasn't.

I've returned here to say, that Sitchin is a fraud, as is von Danniken. Many people told me this before. I argued, using "facts" such as granite blocks cut with lasers, monolithic stones being moved with sound. I used documentaries such as "the pyramid code" and "revelation of the pyramids" as reference points. I convinced many people to open their minds.

WHAT AN IDIOT I'VE BEEN. I can barely begin to explain how I feel. None of it was real. It's all utter garbage. If you deny this, you should seriously take a step back and apply some common sense. You cannot really argue about aliens building massive structures on earth when the basis of your argument is a confirmed lie.

we have all been had. You cannot deny the debunking in this video. There are many unanswered questions, but these are the same unanswered questions that the mainstream believers and historians have. There is no basis at all for the ancient alien theory, there is NO EVIDENCE, it was all lies.

poke fun at the debunker, call him whatever. But look at the fact. Granite blocks are actually sandstone. they can be cut with tools. There are no "perfect angles". This is just one example. this documentary hits you hard. BANG BANG BANG. there is no defense against the facts presented. Some of the theories are counteracted with other theories, but it's the missing information and background you were never given that's the killer.

I've been mentally raped. 5 years of my mind being pumped with a drug only to find out the supply has been cut. I will NEVER believe anything again. I've gone so badly wrong this time. I feel like an idiot.

to those debunking the debunk: Get some common sense, shut up and walk away quietly. Maybe nobody will notice the monumental error in judgement you've made. To those refusing to watch it. YOU are your own worst enemy, you're a dreamer and denying fact, don't do it any longer. You are wasting your time and thought cycles. Watching the simpsons is probably more beneficial.

wtf do I do now?

edit on 5-10-2012 by ceetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by ceetee

I think much of history is as plain as we see it.
Yes shocking to see the quarries with big rocks but thats the way walls were
built and no mystery to me either after seeing the video.

If you want mysteries to track down or to find there are still some around that
have been worked on already but are none the less interesting.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by ceetee

Bravo! It's rare to see people admit they're wrong on here. Especially when it comes to something like AAT which has pretty much become its own religion. Let's hope others will follow your example and actually watch the video and do the research instead of attempting to blindly defend their ET gods.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by ceetee

I think much of history is as plain as we see it.
Yes shocking to see the quarries with big rocks but thats the way walls were
built and no mystery to me either after seeing the video.

If you want mysteries to track down or to find there are still some around that
have been worked on already but are none the less interesting.

any pointers to these mysteries?

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Xcalibur254

unfortunately, i'll probably get a lot of backlash for my post. but as you say, people rarely admit they are wrong on ATS. I won't enter into argument in this thread, people just simply need to fully watch the 3hr reality check and then come back and explain why the debunk is wrong.

Sure, some of it is based on "understanding", which could be wrong, however there is no REAL evidence to back up any of the claims made in the AA show or anything that's spawned from the works of Sitchin (if you look into this guy, he rarely has evidence to back up his claims, and when he does, it doesn't check out)

As far as i'm concerned, the human race has never known why it was here and has forever been chasing answers from a source text which has been re-written over and over again. People claiming the information "was lost", well, there's just no evidence for that either. Infact, it's highly likely that any lost information was again based on twisting the stories of Horus etc, and contained no actual answers at all.

the bottom line is... you can spend as long as you like looking into this. eventually, whether it's now or in 50yrs, you will end up where you started. With no answer.

Sad but true.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by ceetee
ok. i've managed to return here after watching this.

a bit of background... I latched onto these theories many years ago. I've watched countless documentaries, videos, read blogs, sites, articles on AA theory and loosely related theories, but using the same base, namely that of Sitchin and Von Danniken.

I am almost 40 yrs old. I'm not an idiot, or at least I thought I wasn't.

I've returned here to say, that Sitchin is a fraud, as is von Danniken. Many people told me this before. I argued, using "facts" such as granite blocks cut with lasers, monolithic stones being moved with sound. I used documentaries such as "the pyramid code" and "revelation of the pyramids" as reference points. I convinced many people to open their minds.

WHAT AN IDIOT I'VE BEEN. I can barely begin to explain how I feel. None of it was real. It's all utter garbage. If you deny this, you should seriously take a step back and apply some common sense. You cannot really argue about aliens building massive structures on earth when the basis of your argument is a confirmed lie.

we have all been had.

Welcome to my world, back in the late 1980's.

I've been railing about these con men for years here, to the point where people claim I'm some sort of "disinfo agent" or just some crazy old coot or whatever.

I feel your "idiotic" pain. I posted a vid here a few months back that I remember seeing decades ago that flat out confirmed what I had begun to suspect at the time concerning VonDaniken.

They're all lying bastards, scraping out a puny living from the much needed purses of the ignorant masses. Not only that, but their claims perpetuate, and even deepen, the ignorance of those masses.

Originally posted by ceetee
Now, wtf do I do now?

You take up the cause, that's what.

I'm almost 60 years old. Wanna be my protege? LOL

No, really, educate yourself. Don't simply rely on the debunking site linked in this thread when you go out and set the ignorant straight. There are many people here that already told the true believers everything you saw in the vid. We have all provided links, many of them to scholarly papers, others to simple information. We have basically been ignored and/or ridiculed for this.

You don't have to do like the maker of that vid and rely on Heiser's material to show the inanity of the AAH claims. You can scan posts here from Hans, Byrd, myself and a great many others for links to good, reliable information on most topics covered in that vid.

BTW, Heiser's a good guy. You can email him or post a reply on his blog (Paleobabble) for suggestions concerning where to go for more information, and his website has many papers loaded on it that you can't find otherwise, unless you are in academia or working from a collegiate library.

Again, welcome to reality. It bites, but not as hard as the frauds.


posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by ceetee

Well the media is always coming up with stuff as the AAT was a big attraction.
I came across a few that I was OK with and felt any more investigation was
better left to experts anyway but always interested in support of the findings.

I mentioned Velikovsky in a previous post and have numerous publications which
can be difficult but look to see if anything develops further.
Velikovsky famous for "Worlds in Collision" but has sort of re written history as
AAT attempted but ended up identifying Nebuchadnezzar in ancients text as he puts
it but I thought that was established already.

Lets see. I mentioned Dr Fell and his series of publications that went into pre
Colombian migrations by sailing across the oceans that seemed a breakthrough
at that time. The only follow up was from Lyne unpublished about evidence in the
American West being that he lives in New Mexico and has noted the artifacts.

The above works became tainted by all the alien trash of leaving signs which are
just human markings unexplained except for their way. Sitchen surely diluted
the work of Velikovsky as far as ancient text interpretations from what I came across.

Author Ballantine read the early works of Shakespeare under the guise of research
to establish the first few lines of the plays to re scramble the letters. She evidently
rewrote history with Marlowe in it as told by Marlowe himself. I don't see this going
main stream or official any time soon.

Author researcher Lyne found still secret technology and re wrote history in many
respects involving the silent history never covered by intel controlled mass media
outlets. A good source of over unity generators and the control of static electric
forces. This for me is continuing for now.

edit on 10/5/2012 by TeslaandLyne because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Harte

thanks for your reply, you have a new recruit, albeit a saddened and disappointed one!.

I was considering resurrecting my website and altering it's course a bit... I enjoyed running it and it was quite well received. I think ATS is great, but it's very hard to get a balanced view unless you want to read through 2000 posts on every subject, most of which is heavily populated by the believers, the non-believers obviously can't keep their head counts up as what's the point in having to constantly tell people they are wrong... I always tried to present subjects from both sides. I think if it does come back it needs to be more of a debunk site rather than a disinformation repeater. I just don't have the time to do it all myself, so maybe it'll never come back.

in many respects i wish i'd listened to the likes of you before. I applied too much of the "brainwashed drone" concept to debunk posts from people like you, thinking you needed to "open your mind", when in reality, it was me that needed to open my eyes
. All it takes is 10mins research on each AAT claim and it's dead. It falls like a crumbling wall, one brick after the other. I feel bad for not putting in the time and effort to scratch the surface, especially as I was peddling this around the internet via a website that grew to be quite popular for a good period of time.

People should disregard anything i've posted on ATS about AAT. Consequently, I also now disregard most of what people post on ATS unless there is a large amount of evidence backing up the claim and completely avoid entire subject areas. I'm actually a bit shocked as I am supposed to believe (at least that's what I thought) that the media was a drip feed control mechanism over the masses, yet somehow I took the appearance of AA on mainstream TV as some kind of confirmation that this was now accepted as a plausible theory. I'm not sure how that happened and it's quite alarming as i'm fully aware of how the media works and basically believe nothing i'm told through those channels. I guess this drug was just too damn appealing to my state of mind and I glady overdosed on it!

Suddenly I can see why people that are in a certain state of mind can give themselves unconditionally to clans/cults etc, and in the most tragic of cases, partake in mass suicides or murder missions in the name of their cause... I REALLY fell for this. It tied in nicely with a period of my life that was a slow building decline into depression (and ultimately, upheaval and a bit of a life restart). I became convinced, the AA shows on tv became completely insane with their claims, but i still believed in the core theory. I argued with many people and pushed it on others. What a reality check. I am however glad this has finally happened, AAT was becoming like a religion, i was living in a false hope, at least 40% convinced that this all tied in to some magical 2012 event. I feel like such a dick

why am i posting this on here? well, I certainly don't want to argue about AAT anymore. I'm really not interested in that. If pro-AATers read my "confession" (lol), they may draw some parallels with themselves. If they do, it may help rid them of this stupid spell we've been put under. If just one person draws that conclusion after reading this, at least I haven't completely wasted countless thought cycles and hours watching garbage over the last 5-10 yrs

edit on 5-10-2012 by ceetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

thanks, i'll have a look into the things you have mentioned

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by ceetee

Don't be too hard on yourself, as it reflects on my old self too!

Look, the AAH is exciting and seductive. I understand its insidious allure quite well.

It's okay to fall for something like that, as long as you (eventually) come to your senses!

edit on 10/5/2012 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Harte

thanks, but i think you'd sound better structuring your sentences like Yoda
come to your senses you will!..

edit on 5-10-2012 by ceetee because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:19 PM

Lying turds, they are. Believe not them. Keep a steady mind, you should.

Debunk them, we must.


posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Harte
Lying turds, they are. Believe not them. Keep a steady mind, you should.
Debunk them, we must.

Still. There are mysteries in the world. Astounding accomplishments. Possibilities. A person shouldn't shut themselves off from those just because they don't necessarily include aliens. The fun part is to try to put yourself in the mindset of a genius thousands of years ago, trying to solve a problem with limited information. Also to give credit where it's due.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by ceetee
ok. i've managed to return here after watching this. I've fought the tears, pain and agony of realization to bring you this post!

a bit of background... I latched onto these theories many years ago. I've watched countless documentaries, videos, read blogs, sites, articles on AA theory and loosely related theories, but using the same base, namely that of Sitchin and Von Danniken.

I set up a website, ran it for years. believed that this was one day going to be the basis for a new dawn of understanding for the human race. It made me feel excited, happy. It was always in the back of my mind. The interest the AA theories generated warmed my imagination.

I am almost 40 yrs old. I'm not an idiot, or at least I thought I wasn't.

I've returned here to say, that Sitchin is a fraud, as is von Danniken. Many people told me this before. I argued, using "facts" such as granite blocks cut with lasers, monolithic stones being moved with sound. I used documentaries such as "the pyramid code" and "revelation of the pyramids" as reference points. I convinced many people to open their minds.

WHAT AN IDIOT I'VE BEEN. I can barely begin to explain how I feel. None of it was real. It's all utter garbage. If you deny this, you should seriously take a step back and apply some common sense. You cannot really argue about aliens building massive structures on earth when the basis of your argument is a confirmed lie.

we have all been had. You cannot deny the debunking in this video. There are many unanswered questions, but these are the same unanswered questions that the mainstream believers and historians have. There is no basis at all for the ancient alien theory, there is NO EVIDENCE, it was all lies.

poke fun at the debunker, call him whatever. But look at the fact. Granite blocks are actually sandstone. they can be cut with tools. There are no "perfect angles". This is just one example. this documentary hits you hard. BANG BANG BANG. there is no defense against the facts presented. Some of the theories are counteracted with other theories, but it's the missing information and background you were never given that's the killer.

I've been mentally raped. 5 years of my mind being pumped with a drug only to find out the supply has been cut. I will NEVER believe anything again. I've gone so badly wrong this time. I feel like an idiot.

to those debunking the debunk: Get some common sense, shut up and walk away quietly. Maybe nobody will notice the monumental error in judgement you've made. To those refusing to watch it. YOU are your own worst enemy, you're a dreamer and denying fact, don't do it any longer. You are wasting your time and thought cycles. Watching the simpsons is probably more beneficial.

wtf do I do now?

edit on 5-10-2012 by ceetee because: (no reason given)

Thats the most honest, and sincere post I have read on ATS to date.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by Harte
Lying turds, they are. Believe not them. Keep a steady mind, you should.
Debunk them, we must.

Still. There are mysteries in the world. Astounding accomplishments. Possibilities. A person shouldn't shut themselves off from those just because they don't necessarily include aliens. The fun part is to try to put yourself in the mindset of a genius thousands of years ago, trying to solve a problem with limited information. Also to give credit where it's due.

While I realize the section of this forum that this thread appears in, it's not that there's no aliens (to me,) but rather the lies about the past promulgated by VonDaniken, Sitchin, Hancock, Cremo, etc.

I don't argue UFOs in this forum section. Only ancient aliens, and the lies told by the fraudsters pushing this inane idea.


posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by Harte
Lying turds, they are. Believe not them. Keep a steady mind, you should.
Debunk them, we must.

Still. There are mysteries in the world. Astounding accomplishments. Possibilities. A person shouldn't shut themselves off from those just because they don't necessarily include aliens. The fun part is to try to put yourself in the mindset of a genius thousands of years ago, trying to solve a problem with limited information. Also to give credit where it's due.

While I realize the section of this forum that this thread appears in, it's not that there's no aliens (to me,) but rather the lies about the past promulgated by VonDaniken, Sitchin, Hancock, Cremo, etc.

I don't argue UFOs in this forum section. Only ancient aliens, and the lies told by the fraudsters pushing this inane idea.


Notice the fraudsters on this site that push the Ancient Astronaut quackery and have done so for years have now all but disappeared and have got nothing at all valuable to say about the evidence put forth in this video. This is a great victory for humanity because it shows that they have been utterly defeated and are on the retreat, for now at least, until they can come back with more so called "evidence", probably a 'find' of some kind from NASA or some other group, which is what Chris White, the author of this video said he expects to happen at some later date.
edit on 6-10-2012 by BlackManINC because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2012 by BlackManINC because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2012 by BlackManINC because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2012 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by BlackManINC

Last week, or the week before, on "Coast to Coast AM," Art Bell stated that he had some "inside information" that a huge announcement would soon be made concerning the supossed underwater ruins off the south (or southwest, can't remember right now) of Cuba.

Maybe that'll do it.


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