posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by OnWhiteMars
You're right, destructive behavior is the key to surviving. But here's my question in return: what if we no longer need to survive? For being on top
of the food chain, we do an awful lot of destroying - in other words, we claim we have nothing to fear, but we keep displaying huge amounts of fear.
Surviving is for those who have limited tools in a less-than-friendly environment. Perhaps instead of survival, we should work on coexistence. I see
no threat to the well-being of our race aside from one thing: ourselves. And that's where coexistence comes into play. Perfectly obvious, but then
again, we're perfectly stubborn.
The only thing that is unnatural in the universe, is resistance to change. Change is motion, and everything is in motion. But we're so afraid of where
that change will take us, that we waited until we were in a spot where we could come to a stop and build a city of gold, rather than continue down the
river. We are unnatural at this point in time, because we are resisting the flow of the universe. We are blockage. Because we are afraid. Afraid to
grow, because we think we won't like what we become or where we go.
Survival? No. Survival is no longer our game, just like walking is no longer an adult's game. An adult must focus on working with others to further
its deeper developments - and just so, we must focus on our deeper developments, such as getting along with our own species.
edit on 28-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)