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Mitt Romney: Teachers Unions' Contributions To Political Campaigns Should Be Limited

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posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE
So I guess public unions should buy politicians? Come Contract "negotiations" the union sits on both sides of the table(labor AND(paid for) Management)?

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

I hope the above post made more sense BEFORE you edited it.

Trade union

A trade union (British English), labour union (Canadian English) or labor union (American English) is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay, increasing the number of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions.


An incorporated entity is a separate legal entity that has been incorporated through a legislative or registration process established through legislation. Incorporated entities have legal rights and liabilities that are distinct from its shareholders.[1] and may conduct business for either profit-seeking business or not for profit purposes.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by BritofTexas

Don't believe I can make it much clearer for you, buuuuut I'll give it a shot:

Your PUBLIC Union pumps funds into elect a candidate. Say offhand a state governor (like Gov Walker's opponent.);

When contract "negotiations" come around the union rep sits on one side of the table and candidate THEY HELPED ELECT(I.E.CONTRIBUTED)TO; sits across the negotiations table to"discuss "Union pay and benefits.

You see absolutely no leverage there? Two foxes of the same color arguing over how many chickens they'll grab out of the public hen house?

I guess I even have to point out the TOPIC of the thread:
Mitt Romney: Teachers Unions' Contributions To Political Campaigns Should Be Limited

Doesn't say anything about "trade unions"...

Silly "hobbitses"

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)


posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:31 PM
i would go further to say that public (government worker) unions should be banned. Government workers are our employees, they work for us. If you want higher pay, better benefits, go work in the private sector. Government jobs are for public servants. Anything else is just counter to the vision of the founding fathers.

To all the people that actually think the unions have "your best interests at heart" wake up, get a clue you are gullible. You really think that AFL-CIO or SEIU really care one little bit what happens to you? About as muchg as apple cares what happens to you. You are nothing but a revenue stream to them. The advatage to the unionis, they can force you to pay the dues even if you do not want to be apart of their little cabal.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

Well...isn't it obvious? Corporations are people...but people aren't people.

Sure Mittens...whatever you say.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I agree that teachers unions' contributions to political campaigns should be limited. As a former teacher and former union rep for my building, the one thing I hated about the unions is that my union dues went to political candidates I didn't necessarily agree with past the one issue at hand. In other words, when taking other issues into account, the unions would always support someone I'd never vote for. I always viewed the union as a necessary evil. I always wanted the option of being able to tell them I didn't want my dues to go to a political candidate I didn't even agree with.

edit on 28-9-2012 by LeSigh because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by defcon5

Hes correct.

I just find it hard to listen to him, even if he is within reason. I feel Our Country is lost with Obama, and lost with him also.But back on the subject. Teachers Unions are out of control. Look at these Chicago teachers, who didnt care if the Taxpayer had to foot the bill, and shall I say, held Chicago Hostage. Yes Out of Control. Can anyone say a Teachers Union has backed a Republican?

The taxpayers in Chicago were with the Teachers on that.
I know I want my kids to have the best teacher money can buy as well.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by defcon5

its a conflict of interest to have the unions paying off politicians who they later negotiate with.

A conflict of interest? Good grief.

A group of people selects a presidential candidate who represents their interests (just as, in a democracy, you're supposed to do), supports his candidacy with funds and canvassing (again, just as you're supposed to do) and you call that a conflict of interest?

Politicians are supposed to represent their constituents' interests. And yes, they are expected to be held to their campaign promises when it comes time to make policy decisions. The only conflict of interest here is that trade union interests conflict with yours. Well, that's the way democracy works, too. Love it or leave it – and consider yourself lucky that, unlike some of us, you live in a country that gives you the choice.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by SM2
i would go further to say that public (government worker) unions should be banned. Government workers are our employees, they work for us. If you want higher pay, better benefits, go work in the private sector. Government jobs are for public servants. Anything else is just counter to the vision of the founding fathers.

To all the people that actually think the unions have "your best interests at heart" wake up, get a clue you are gullible. You really think that AFL-CIO or SEIU really care one little bit what happens to you? About as muchg as apple cares what happens to you. You are nothing but a revenue stream to them. The advatage to the unionis, they can force you to pay the dues even if you do not want to be apart of their little cabal.

Tell that to police and firefighters and then pray you never need them.
How ignorant are some of you, really?

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by milominderbinder
reply to post by Grimpachi

Well...isn't it obvious? Corporations are people...but people aren't people.

Sure Mittens...whatever you say.

On the contrary: people who work for the govt shouldn't have undue influence over their govt (i.e.publicly provided)pay and benefits. Otherwise the locks are off the candy store!

Are you people purposely being "divergent"?

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by wascurious

The taxpayers in Chicago were with the Teachers on that.
I know I want my kids to have the best teacher money can buy as well.

Seventy-nine percent of the 8th graders in the Chicago Public Schools are not grade-level proficient in reading, according to the U.S. Department of Education, and 80 percent are not grade-level proficient in math.

U.S. Department of Education: 79% of Chicago 8th Graders Not Proficient in Reading

Keep dreaming.........That YOUR Money is paying for "qualified" Teachers. Better yet? Why don't you Pay, for every child in Chicago, since you think that the amount of money, is going to make better students.

I find it funny you keep following me around the threads, actually.

U2U is a better way of getting to know me.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by wascurious

Originally posted by SM2
i would go further to say that public (government worker) unions should be banned. Government workers are our employees, they work for us. If you want higher pay, better benefits, go work in the private sector. Government jobs are for public servants. Anything else is just counter to the vision of the founding fathers.

To all the people that actually think the unions have "your best interests at heart" wake up, get a clue you are gullible. You really think that AFL-CIO or SEIU really care one little bit what happens to you? About as muchg as apple cares what happens to you. You are nothing but a revenue stream to them. The advatage to the unionis, they can force you to pay the dues even if you do not want to be apart of their little cabal.

Tell that to police and firefighters and then pray you never need them.
How ignorant are some of you, really?

You mean:
The ones shooting handcuffed suspects in the back on train platforms? Or The guys in the black combat boots and riot pads blasting pepper spray under themasks of sitting protestors or the ones caughtontape laughing about blasting some aclu lawyer chick in a skirt and sensible shoes in the fore head with a rubber bullet?

"fark 'em". Swat and high&tight "buzz cut" G. I. Joe wannabees; I can do without.

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Hollywood even made a film about how bad the educational system is:

Won't back down.

Teachers unions have only their self interest in mind, but then agian public unions should not be able to contribute to poltical campaigns since that cash is tax payer money.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

This has always been a conflict of intrest. Being that the contributions from the unions are from the pay checks from the teachers , whom are thus paid by the taxpayers. Hense' the conflict of intrest ( taxpayer money ) and elected officials put into a barginning position. This does need to be limited to some extent, because it's basicly tax payer money allocated for education and teachers pay; not political contributions.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

Sonny, that is exactly why so many of the teachers wanted to strike... they just aren't allowed to. The only thing they can strike for is pay. The classrooms are way overcrowded, the school day had been made an hour longer with zero benefit to students in that extra hour, extra curricular activities had been slashed such as art, music, and sports. Multiple years in a row the school year started without books and other learning materials... policy was always the issue not pay.

Wascurious is correct, parents were overwhelmingly behind the teachers on their decision to strike and throughout it.

Campaign finance reform is a big step in correcting the corruptibility of elected officials. There's no need to demonize, it's just another ploy to get people all upset and lose focus on what we should be talking about. Not to mention the utter gall this rat has to call out organizations that can't match the buying er donating power of Corporations.
edit on 29-9-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)


posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by wascurious

Originally posted by SM2
i would go further to say that public (government worker) unions should be banned. Government workers are our employees, they work for us. If you want higher pay, better benefits, go work in the private sector. Government jobs are for public servants. Anything else is just counter to the vision of the founding fathers.

To all the people that actually think the unions have "your best interests at heart" wake up, get a clue you are gullible. You really think that AFL-CIO or SEIU really care one little bit what happens to you? About as muchg as apple cares what happens to you. You are nothing but a revenue stream to them. The advatage to the unionis, they can force you to pay the dues even if you do not want to be apart of their little cabal.

Tell that to police and firefighters and then pray you never need them.
How ignorant are some of you, really?

well, where I live, the police and firefighters are not unionized, so I have nothing to worry about thank you.

So, just because I think your position in some debates is the polar opposite of what we need as a country and the antithesis of what this country is supposed to be all about , you call me ignorant? Maybe you should look in the mirror my friend. Since you insist on playing left/right lets look at the left a moment, seeing as thought the vast majority or the unions are left leaning.

The left has over the years, been the political party that has worked the hardest at keeping minorities in poverty. The voted against and worked against emancipation. They worked to keep segregation in place. Now they work at the same ends by duping the very same people they want to push down into voting for them. Then they turn around and encourage people to remain in poverty and create multi generational welfare families. They propagate the entitlement mentality and advocate taking my property (money is property) by force and giving it to someone who refuses to work as hard as I do either presently or previously while in school.

Then, if thats not enough, in most states, when you go to work at a company that is unionized, they again take your money by force. They tell you that you have 2 choices, you can pay the dues and be a member, or you can pay the dues and not receive their protection, either way they get their money. So what if you morally object to the union that is stealing your money ? Tough, the democrats in congress long have made it legal for this to happen. Then when some on wants to change it, they are labeled union killers and heckled everywhere they go.

I really think that people that endorse the unions blindly and actually believe they care about the individuals has a mental illness

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by SJE98

reply to post by neo96

What else should we be telling public union workers to do with their pay since their pay is funded by tax dollars? Should we tell cops, firefighters, teachers to only buy certain products, live in certain homes, drive certain cars? What about military personnel they're paid by taxes too... should we be telling veterans that they can't form organizations that campaign for a politician because we pay their veteran benefits?

Are you people really going to walk that road? Do you actually think you have some kind of ownership of these teachers?
edit on 29-9-2012 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 07:16 AM
I might be losing the plot here, but I fail to understand how either party or candidate needs millions of $'s to campaign.

Get them in a room, get ten slots on national networks, ask them their positions on the most important aspects and let the people vote! It's not that f'ing hard to do!

People should be voting on the opinions and intended actions of their politicians, not on who looks better standing at a podium or who gets the loudest cheer when they land in "sh*tsville Alabama".

None of this pomp and ceremony is needed. None of that funding is needed. None of the corporate sponsorship is needed.

The people need to see the debates, the opinions of the people they plan to elect. That's it, nothing else.

Remove all funding from politics whether it's a union, banker or private millionaire. Until that's done the entire system is completely corrupt.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by SM2

Originally posted by SM2
well, where I live, the police and firefighters are not unionized, so I have nothing to worry about thank you.

And there we have the bottom-line attitude of Romney's campaign and the general attitude of the GOP today. "I've got mine. You're on your own". As long as you're taken care of, why should you give two craps about the rest of the people in the country, who's children's safety DOES depend on unionized police and firefighters? Who gives a crap about them, right? Let 'em burn! :shk:

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by SM2

Originally posted by SM2
well, where I live, the police and firefighters are not unionized, so I have nothing to worry about thank you.

And there we have the bottom-line attitude of Romney's campaign and the general attitude of the GOP today. "I've got mine. You're on your own". As long as you're taken care of, why should you give two craps about the rest of the people in the country, who's children's safety DOES depend on unionized police and firefighters? Who gives a crap about them, right? Let 'em burn! :shk:

Well somebody's gotta roll grandma and her oxygen bottle of the cliff when she passes her productive years????

Who's gonna' do that you????????? You're too busy emulating a "victims advocate". Surely there's a victim out there somewhere? A "wrong" to "right"...."let'em burn" Of course conservatives want children to burn!Rapist to run loose in the streets....
Garsh...there's no talking to "you people".

"It's for the children"...

"think of the children"
There's a story in our local paper yesterday : The school district supplied new i-pads to every middle schooler; One in 5 is destroyed and they need funding for repairs....

edit on 29-9-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 08:35 AM
Public Unions should be abolished completely. Agenda based education is rampant and is destroying America. The campaign contributions are just the tip of the iceberg. There is separation of church and state, there should at least be separation of unions and state. It would be preferable to abolish teachers unions because they are just a form of buying votes and indoctrinating our children for the benefit of the Liberal agenda.

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