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Rare book by C B Scott Jones ("Aviary" member) now a free download

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posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

Nothing will ever replace a real book in my opinion. It's just too bad that our technology seems to be pushing us away from printed material. There is just something about a musty book. I understand the space issue completely too! I finally got my long awaited library just a year ago now, and it is already spilling out of the room!

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by woodsmom

Yeah if you're in your room reading then you're lazy.

If your out in public sitting at a computer then you're not lazy.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
By the way, have you read Vallee's UFO novel - "Fastwalker"? (I think people tend to have read some or all of his non-fiction UFO books, but not necessarily his novel). Given the issues you are exploring in relation to the Aviary and the views you seem to have formed, I'd recommend adding that to your queue as well.

Oy Vay! Gonna have to do it although extant copies are fairly expensive. If anyone can help with a pdf, I won't feel too guilty because my Amazon bill for the last year--for that matter just the last two months--represents an amount I wouldn't tell anyone but my best friend about. "Hello, My name is T.G. and I'm a book-a-holic."

Also, Isaac, just so you know, I didn't miss the following:

"Frankly, I do not have any direct knowledge that there is any
inside govemment information. I don't consider this to be a
handicap, rather it is an essential liberating condition for

If I had inside information, I would not be here
tonight. Technically, I could be speaking on this subject if I
had information, but this would be in the role, perhaps, as an
agent of disinformation. But, ethically, I could not do this."

For the moment I'm taking it at face value. Even at face value it might be revealing in other contexts. Dr. Jones seemingly has a sincere passion for his Peace Initiative. His connections and affiliations always raise doubts, it seems, in the researchers who've addressed him, but he does seem rather focused on creating a diplomatic front in anticipation of a hoped-for "Contact"

If, and I know it's a big "If" any relevant information does get out either accidentally--or in coded form--of what the birds are up too...surely the best sources seem to be Jones and Vallee. Other than the bumbling clues left behind by "The Bird-Gang That Couldn't Shoot/Fly Straight" in regards to MJ-12 and Serpo...That was very revealing.

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 03:34 PM
So what is this Aviary?

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
So what is this Aviary?

Firstly, it's a loose term that references certain people who turn up time and time again in relation to the UFO subject. The main players have lifetime connections to the intelligence apparatus as well as a lifelong interest--both personal and professional--in what might be termed alternative subjects.

If you do look into them--and it's a daunting task if you're starting from scratch--keep your eye out for any info that relates to ELF/Electromagnetic effects on the brain.

Separating disinfo from misinfo from fact is a challenge, but it's a challenge that many have found undeniably intriguing.

Just to see if it whets your personal appetite:

Would be good to have you on board looking into this, Imtor, I hope it interests you.

edit on 28-9-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
So what is this Aviary?

That's a good question, but the answer is fairly controversial and will depend on the views of the person you ask.

It's being discussed by various people at the moment in a thread recently started here on ATS by "The Gut"). I wish I had the time to fully participate in that thread, but have a few things I'm trying to finish so I've got rather limited time to formulate and post views there.

The basic answer is that "the Aviary" refers to various individuals, most of whom were members of the military or intelligence community, that had contact with ufologist William ("Bill") Moore in the 1980s to whom Bill Moore gave bird "codenames", such as Falcon.

The fun and games begin when you try to work out WHY those people were in contact with Bill Moore and the extent (and nature) of their interactions with one another:

(1) Some people think that these people were just individuals with a personal interest in parapsychology/UFOs/remote viewing/spoonbending etc, while

(2) Some others view "the Aviary" as akin to an MJ-12 group i.e. in possession of "THE TRUTH" about alien visitations and are:
(a) seeking to keep that knowledge from the public by spreading disinformation, or
(b) seeking to release that information to the public, slowly (so as to avoid a social/political/economic/religious crisis)
(b) seeking to test how the public would react to the release of information if they choose to release it.

(3) Still others argue that the members of the Aviary have no secret knowledge of (or real interest in) aliens and only participate in the ufo community for professional reasons completely distinct from any concern in extraterrestrials, e.g.
(a) to encourage belief in UFOs to hide secret projects and/or
(b) to test how novel ideas can be spread and/or
(c) as part of counter-intelligence operations and/or
(d) to get inspiration for non-lethal technologies and/or
(e) numerous other speculated reasons...

(4) Yet others imply that some or all members of the Aviary have no secret knowledge of (or real interest in) aliens and only participate in the ufo community:
(a) to make money,
(b) for the amusement value of it all.

The above categories are written off the top of my head - I'm sure they are not exhaustive and more would occur to me if I spend more time on a proper list.

If you plug "the Aviary" into Google in combination with Moore's name (possibly adding Richard Doty) you'll find LOTS of different views on the above - much of it nonsense and/or written in a rather irritating style (e.g. referring to everyone by pseudonym but giving enough details of the relevant individual to make it obvious who the person is). The Gut's thread will give you plenty of reading and links.

Oh, and ATS has links to several members of the Aviary...

(You may see now why I've been reluctant to start posting views on each of the various theories that have arisen, or could be raised, in The Gut's thread! Add in the complicating factor that you really need to consider each individual member of the Aviary separately and you've got a fairly large topic on your hands...).

Hours of fun for all the family.

Anyway, as I say, many of these issues are being discussed in The Gut's thread. I may do a thread myself some day on the Aviary - but probably not for another year or two.
edit on 28-9-2012 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by Imtor
So what is this Aviary?

Firstly, it's a loose term that references certain people who turn up time and time again in relation to the UFO subject. The main players have lifetime connections to the intelligence apparatus as well as a lifelong interest--both personal and professional--in what might be termed alternative subjects.

If you do look into them--and it's a daunting task if you're starting from scratch--keep your eye out for any info that relates to ELF/Electromagnetic effects on the brain.

Interesting. Consider this series of arguments.

A) ET craft can come here, and they do so by means of gravitational metric modification ("warp drive") using physics so far not known to humans. (Complete hypothetical)

B) Part of the consequences of this technology and physics is strong, unusual, localized electromagnetic phenomena---this would likely be expected from fundamental physics & GR. (Scientifically plausible given structure of laws of physics). Various "UFO" reports have included phenomena such as inoperative electrical & electronic machinery close to the craft. Also, some reports craft appear to be 'glowing' at night [craft surface surrounded by cloud of light] with colors which seem to change with the motion, e.g. effects from gravitational frequency shifting or other unavoidable physics from the engines.

C) Magnetic fields induced on the brain of humans cause unusual psychological phenomena, including perception of "spiritual" effects. (Laboratory demonstrated fact).

Possible conclusion: The physical side-effects from ET craft's gravitational engines can cause seemingly strange hallucinatory perceptual phenomena in humans who encounter them close by. This may be a cause of some of the "high strangeness" effects reported in close ET encounters---read up on how weird '___' trips can be when it is all in the head.

If the above were true and ETs are in fact here, then electromagnetic effects on human perception would be a topic of interest among some government research agency in order to understand this problem better.
edit on 28-9-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
Possible conclusion: The physical side-effects from ET craft's gravitational engines can cause seemingly strange hallucinatory perceptual phenomena in humans who encounter them close by. This may be a cause of some of the "high strangeness" effects reported in close ET encounters---read up on how weird '___' trips can be when it is all in the head.

If the above were true and ETs are in fact here, then electromagnetic effects on human perception would be a topic of interest among some government research agency in order to understand this problem better.

Where have you been hiding all my life?
Jus' kidding, I almost always find your posts interesting and star worthy. Cool to hear your excellent thoughts on this subject.

Of course Dr. Michael Persinger is not an "Avarian" but he is closely associated with members of the bunch.

Reportedly, his boss at one time was Dr. Jack Vorona who headed the Sleeping Beauty project that studied the effects of microwaves on the brain. Dr. Verona was also known as, if I remember correctly, "The Great God in the Sky" to the Remote Viewing team members because of his support and protection of the project.

Whether electromagnetism is a by-product--or even involved in the physical make-up of non-human intelligences--or just an effect that makes one experience "paranormal" modalities, it's certainly been of interest to our Birds and their Boss for any of those reasons.

Recently Dr. Persinger has been wiring up Ingo Swann directly and making some interesting claims. There's something about the electromagnetic spectrum that makes "believers," of some sort, out of all who delve deeply into it.

From the dailygrail:

Dr Michael Persinger of Laurentian University quickly became the science darling of skeptics and atheists a decade ago with news of his 'God Helmet', which appeared to show that 'sensed presence' of supernatural entities (and/or 'God') may be simply due to magnetic disturbance of the brain. Since then however, Persinger has not made himself an overly attractive science reference for skeptics as he has been involved with, and claims to have achieved positive results in, experimental parapsychology.

Earlier this year, Persinger gave the following lecture, titled "No More Secrets". In it, he detailed his theories on the connection between magnetic fields and the brain, in particular how this relationship could facilitate telepathy and remote viewing. He notes particular experiments and individuals (Ingo Swann, Sean Harribance) that seem to give evidence supporting his theories, and makes some fairly extraordinary claims which I'm sure will lead to some debate.

I had never seen Persinger lecture before - he's a great presenter, and with his usual suit and pocket watch, and precise mannerisms, makes for a fair caricature of an eccentric scientist. Whether you agree or disagree with his theories and evidence, it's still worth a watch just for some of the oblique insights that he has (e.g. when discussing the minuteness of fields involved, "don't think of 'bigness' as being important, it's the pattern that is important"). A worthy time investment for any science fiction writer...

The lecture is around 36 minutes long, and is followed by almost 20 minutes of questions and answers.

edit on 28-9-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 10:33 PM
There's another side to whole Aviary thing that maybe goes unmentioned at times because of who and what they represent. That is, it could be, in part, they are, as members of the establishment, out of the loop as it were and looking in desperate to learn from the hoi polloi that they suspect some know about about the whole phenomenon they simply don;t. What if the "big secret" is that the "establishment" are the last people this phenomenon wants to speak to and have contact with?

If you think of the masons, someone who is a brick layer in their normal life, might out rank a King or a Prince within a lodge. Could that be a clue, in some way, that is based on past experiences? That is, when this intelligence has chosen to speak, it they who choose who through? Or, that is the myth and the perception within the establishment, possibly erroneously?. However, it's always wroth remembering, they are just humans and prone, as much as anyone else ,to mythologise that they don't actually understand?

posted on Sep, 28 2012 @ 11:19 PM
Just wanted to say Thanks

I look forward to printing this out as well

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Candycab
Just wanted to say Thanks

I'll pass on your thanks (and that of others in this thread) to the AFU (since the guys there did the scanning) and C B Scott Jones himself (since he gave permission for his out-of-print book to be made available as a free download).

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi

Originally posted by Candycab
Just wanted to say Thanks

I'll pass on your thanks (and that of others in this thread) to the AFU (since the guys there did the scanning) and C B Scott Jones himself (since he gave permission for his out-of-print book to be made available as a free download).
Yes, somebody had to do that scanning so a big shout out to AFU and all that they've done/do besides this fine gesture.

And to Dr. Jones as well. I wasn't prepared to enjoy his book as much as I am. It's a real treat so far. I had a little trouble getting it loaded on my tablet--had to bluetooth and that took awhile--then I started reading it in bed in the wee hours and I saw sun before I was able to put it down. I hope to finish it today and bring some comments back

I find him, so far, a bird of a different breed than some of the other players...and that's a good thing I think. He comes across consistently as sincere and passionate about the topic. If he did turn out to be disinfo...the others need to take lessons from him. Classy fellow, diplomatic flair, and a gentleman.

Thank You, Dr. Jones.
Hopefully through the triumvirate of Dr. Jones, the AFU, and IsaacKoi this book will have a well-deserved new life.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by FireMoon
There's another side to whole Aviary thing that maybe goes unmentioned at times because of who and what they represent. That is, it could be, in part, they are, as members of the establishment, out of the loop as it were and looking in desperate to learn from the hoi polloi that they suspect some know about about the whole phenomenon they simply don;t. What if the "big secret" is that the "establishment" are the last people this phenomenon wants to speak to and have contact with?

That would certainly explain at least one aspect of their interest in abductees, contactees, remote viewers, psi savants, etc.

It would also make sense in Vallee's "Control-System" manipulation hypothesis as well. Your thesis would suggest that they've seen enough to believe something is going on, but haven't been personally "picked" for the individual "disclosure" afforded some folk so they seek to find and study those who have received "contact."

If that's the case, and non-human intelligences or "Visiting Others" as Dr. Jones calls them do indeed exisist, it would show they were a pretty good judge of character and discerning of who their friends should be.

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by FireMoon
it's always wroth remembering, they are just humans and prone, as much as anyone else ,to mythologise that they don't actually understand?

In the case of some members of the Aviary, probably MORE prone to mythologise what they don't actually understand than the average member of the public...

posted on Sep, 29 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
In the case of some members of the Aviary, probably MORE prone to mythologise what they don't actually understand than the average member of the public...

In no particular order, unless you are so inclined, how many reasons for that can you come up with?

Your leads have been most excellent so I hope they continue. I am Grasshopper to your Master Po.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
In the case of some members of the Aviary, probably MORE prone to mythologise what they don't actually understand than the average member of the public...

(snip) how many reasons for that can you come up with?

About 11...

Oh, you'd like me to post them?? I'll try to find the time, since I don't mean to be a tease - it's just I'm rather busy with other things (ufological and non-ufological) at the moment . It may not be in the next few days.

Your leads have been most excellent so I hope they continue. I am Grasshopper to your Master Po.

Flattery will get you nowhere Mr Gut.

Seriously, I really should focus for a while on finishing my thread on "Astronomers and UFOs", and a post regarding resources for researching Rendlesham. I'm going to try to resist the lure of the Aviary for a while - although actually I may try briefly bothering Kit Green (either directly or via Springer) in the next few days regarding a couple of non-Aviary UFO matters.
edit on 30-9-2012 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by IsaacKoi

thanks for the link. I'm new to the author and look forward to reading his work.

posted on Sep, 30 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by IsaacKoi
Flattery will get you nowhere Mr Gut.

DARN! I failed to snatch the pebble from your hand! Again.

I knew it was a long're a tough cookie that way. But the respect and gratitude is real nonetheless.

posted on Oct, 2 2012 @ 09:53 AM
Okay, downloaded.
Thanks. S&F.

posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 12:43 PM
Finished Dr. Jones' excellent book. Wowzer...I owe you a bigger thank-you than I even knew I did, Isaac. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

I will say again: C.B. Scott Jones is not the typical "bird" one might think of when they hear the ever-misleading term "Aviary."

While his background and affiliations could make his motives suspect, he does seem to pan out as a truth-seeker with an honorable mission.

The body of his work on the subject not only has more depth than what we've seen from other birds, his message is also consistent...and as far as I can tell he's never got busted (TWICE!) trying to fob off faked information on the UFO community.

(Caveat: Those other Birds MIGHT believe the basic ideas of what they put out, but if so they are being disingenuous about their "source." And they do have some science to hide that muddies the picture. I'll explore that further in a thread, soon.)

I think some of Dr. Jones' best information and gentle nudges have been ignored by the ufological community because they think those alleys lead to subjects that don't interest them. They hear certain words and their minds shut down because it conjures an initial confusion rather than a "sports model" ufo hiding somewhere.

But I'm thinking that all those roads lead to the same place. Only our dusty paradigms need changing.

edit on 5-10-2012 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

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