posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Sublimecraft
Oh what the hellz.
On a serious note.... I really don't think you can make anybody who does not want to just drop there feelings that lead them to were there at there
whole life on the drop of a dime because of the whole Casanova thing, that's just for the movies, and usually what you see in movies is how it never
actually is. And from all I seen from dudes who were smooth, that only really works because the females they do it on want it to work, and in
reality it's not really about the dude in question. Its just more about the timing and place, ie usually when they got some sort of emotional dilemma
or change usually they look for something like that.
And really it will work because of those facts and not really because the guy is all smooth and all, that is just a game they want to see and play.
Beyond that there really is nothing to it. Really the actual dude in question has little to do with it, and it may as well be the flip of a coin,
most times its just the first dude that shows up and tries. And a lot of it depends if your on the same vibrational frequency, because if your not,
then you don't exist for them and no matter how hard you try, or what you do, it will be a no go.
I kid you not. So ya! I think that no
matter how smooth you are, that you would be able to change her mind if she really truly did not want to. In fact from what I seen and been told by
the Casanovas out there, really that is the secret to it, just to find the person who wants that and the rest just kind of works by itself.
But on a less serious not...Man talk about taking matters into your own hands. I think that if this dude is either completely going about it the
wrong way, or he is brilliant. But for that kind of money you would get all kinds of people doing all kinds of things and coming up with all kinds
of plans and scams to get that money and never mind the girl in question.
We already got two dudes on this site who would be willing with the split the money and fake it already. This is like something you would see in a
reality show, something along the lines of who wants to woo a billionaires daughter, complete with all the wacky and crazy characters out there. Sh*t
they should put it on TV I bet it would be funny as hell, and it would definitely get ratings.