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Your Spirit is Real, it is The Creation, It is GOD, Pray to it

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posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 06:26 PM
You don't need to pray to any sort of god. Pray your admiration on this beautiful and momentarily existence we call life. Then perhaps you can cut off the speaking and words and simply admire. That is for me, the best prayer one can have.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by jiggerj

who can say that we aren't just as microscopic to a larger being? And even though no one can prove it, it makes more sense than the spirit world -

What if that IS the spirit world? What if this world we are experiencing is nothing more than an expression of spirit?

Thats EXACTLY what I wanted to say!

What if?

"Expression of Spirit" sounds like something we were talking about last week and the week before. lol

Everything all the time expresses.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
If I have to come back I want bigger boobs!

Can I say that on ATS?

Just give Michael Moore a call. I heard he's more than willing to trade.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by HiGilgamesh

To be fair, I can't prove you wrong. So, let me propose this:

Every galaxy is one living cell within the body of a giant being (could be a human-like being, could be a cow or a plant for all I know). But, how do I know this? Look at all the energy the suns are producing. The cells within a giant being also need energy.

In OUR cells there is information, and the same can be said for each galaxy. Indeed, WE are that information. The cells in our bodies come to life, move about, replicate and die. Galaxies form, move about and die, only for it's matter to reform and to be reborn into another galaxy. We are the living information needed to keep this giant being alive. Maybe we and our planet, along with our whole galaxy, is a white cell, and right now every galaxy we see is rushing off to fight an infection.

Now, you prove ME wrong!

Gee, if it's all information, then it's had plenty of time to become self aware, no..?

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by HiGilgamesh

Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and, your neighbor as yourself (this is the height of the law of life and love). Develop compassion for one and all and the flower opens, and then you know, and you know you know you know, if you know what I mean. It's unmistakable when life opens up because of love, which is what it was made for, by God, as the first father of all creation, and self aware. The creation needn't be worshipped however, since it's simply the infrastructure or the field for our creative play and enjoyment. Never dispense with the indespensible I-Thou relationship WITH God as the Absolute.

The OP is so close but so far from the right relationship of the human being to God in the creation.

But you can count me out of elevating my own spirit and/or the creation to the stature of God the creator, even the creator of the creator since creator is just a role God took on to create.

edit on 25-9-2012 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by jiggerj

who can say that we aren't just as microscopic to a larger being? And even though no one can prove it, it makes more sense than the spirit world -

What if that IS the spirit world? What if this world we are experiencing is nothing more than an expression of spirit?

I can hear a child saying, "The sky is a blue egg shell because what if we're an egg?" It says absolutely nothing, makes no sense at all, and offers no reason to believe in it. We can do What if's all day and it's not going to offer any proof at all.
edit on 9/25/2012 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

What do you think the child would say when you told them the truth about the sky not really being "blue"? They would then question what they see and want to ask why a lot more.

Seeing is not always believing.

We have "feelings" for a reason... or so I think.
edit on 26-9-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

Your post has the flavor of a man who must be pushed off of a cliff before he believes you when you say it's there. And also: we ARE an egg. Ever read the egg story? It's quite inspiring.

It says absolutely nothing, makes no sense at all, and offers no reason to believe in it. We can do What if's all day and it's not going to offer any proof at all.

I feel like a Wright brother. Thank you for taking the time to close your mind - when you're ready, the future will be waiting.

edit on 26-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:00 AM
religous debates are useless...if you have faith that there is a god, then for you, there is....if you need proof of a god, then for you, there isn' assign "good" or "evil" to either, is a non-starter, due to the fact that the qualities of both behaviors are found on both sides of the debate.
for myself, i cannot assign my own "good" or "evil" behaviors to an outside "force", "god", or "devil", due to the self-realization that i'm ultimately the one responsible for my own actions

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 10:03 AM
lol that's funny. Get real.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Actually, that's the genius of it. Self-awareness is a miracle of sorts, because you can have all the data you want, but there's a very special ingredient that makes the data self aware.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

From the research I've done, it's not in the final analysis, an emergent, bottom-up phenomenon of aggregate materialism ie: consciousness is not merely an epiphenomenon of matter, no, it's the very ground of all being and becoming call it the Zero Point Field the Akashic Field or Record, the Tao, God, whatever you like, and thus, we are said consciousness catching up with itself in the fullness of time and history and a longgg cosmic evolutionary process, by design (with intent for a purpose). The purpose? Sharing, and thus love or mutuality WITH the Godhead. "Therefore do not be afraid nor let your heart be troubled, because it pleased the father (first father, first/last cause) to share his kingdom with all his children." It is both innerent and transcendant, both, and therefore, in the face of the divine mystery of existence, a healthy dose of humility is in order, which is the very fount of wisdom and thus knowledge and understanding. There's no way "in" but by invitation only.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by HiGilgamesh

I'm not going to start talking to myself like that, people will think I'm crazy or conceited.
I'd rather pray to mother earth and talk to nature, People will just call me a tree hugger. I talk to my subconscious regularly, that is not god, it is the other part of me.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

We are all godly...but the godly part is deep within and high within. When you pray, that is the part you are addressing, and when you meditate, that is the part you are reaching for. Why do you think prayer and meditation are so helpful? That's when you are truly utilizing your hidden talents! That is when you are connecting with the ALL!!!

It may sound crazy, but tell me: why do so many people practice these things with such success, if it's imaginary?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

There's no way "in" but by invitation only.

Are you saying this in reference to spirituality, spirituality in relation to this reality, the science of spirit, or what? Also, can you explain that specific line in more detail, please?

edit on 26-9-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Not by self or self will, but in reception of the greater love by which we are already included, and thus, are not excluded. In other words we cannot engineer our own salvation, or our own re-integration. In our humility before the awesomeness of the infinite intelligence and creative potential of God the transcendant, and in our own willingness to humbly acknowledge our own shortcomings (repentance, contrition), by a radical, transformative forgiveness are we "enveloped" by God as the first father of creation (see parable of the Prodigal Son). Of ourselves and according to our own self-willed pride and arrogance, we are not "huggable", yet in our own recognition and admission of ignorance and stupidity, we are taken in and ultimately, transformed, such that, as a "work in progress" we come into what might be thought of as an inheritance prepared for us from the time before time, which although freely given, is unearned or deserved ie: an inheritance we did not work for. No striving, no self-seeking will take us there. What we need is a "towrope" extended to us, from above.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 01:48 PM
We must reach out for God, even in our ignorance, to find God and to be touched by God, and then we know that we are loved and included and accepted. We might even need to pray to or commune with God from a contrite or repentant heart, asking God to heal us and inform us and to fill us with wisdom, strength, courage, whathaveyou, recognizing that God is infinitely more powerful than we are, and then if we make the approach in the right manner, in all humility with an absolutely open mind and heart, we are recieved and enveloped (hugged).

OTOH, if we try to climb into the eternal domain by our own self-willed "knowledge" or assumptions, or the desire for power or to achieve something we might be given to brag about, then God wisely leaves us to our own devices and delusions so that we might discover something about our own limitations and the need to rely upon God as higher power.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

So where is this "god", exactly?

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

Originally posted by jiggerj
reply to post by HiGilgamesh

To be fair, I can't prove you wrong. So, let me propose this:

Every galaxy is one living cell within the body of a giant being (could be a human-like being, could be a cow or a plant for all I know). But, how do I know this? Look at all the energy the suns are producing. The cells within a giant being also need energy.

In OUR cells there is information, and the same can be said for each galaxy. Indeed, WE are that information. The cells in our bodies come to life, move about, replicate and die. Galaxies form, move about and die, only for it's matter to reform and to be reborn into another galaxy. We are the living information needed to keep this giant being alive. Maybe we and our planet, along with our whole galaxy, is a white cell, and right now every galaxy we see is rushing off to fight an infection.

Now, you prove ME wrong!

Gee, if it's all information, then it's had plenty of time to become self aware, no..?

I don't know. Are the red and white cells in our bodies self aware? Doesn't my premise alleviate the ridiculousness of a consciousness made out of nothing? Of course, the religious claim a supernatural being, and I'm claiming the existence of a giant being, so the origin of life is still a mystery.

But, on the one hand we have a god that watches everything and everyone, watches all 7 billion of us on this tiny dust ball in this humungous universe - impossible. My giant doesn't claim such a feat, and it makes more sense considering how much of a mess we've made of this planet. My giant isn't watching us because we're a part of him/her/it.

Below is an image of red blood cells, and an image of galaxies. I say there's a similarity there.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

God is neither within nor without, he is both nowhere in particular and everywhere at once, God is the truth and the objective reality, fully informed and self aware in eternity. God is our true condition not an idol. I suspect that his transcendant nature transcends all. God is the Absolute, and our right relationship with God is that of an I-thou relationship, without which there is no love because love to BE love is a love shared between a beloved and beloved other. We are children OF God. The secret of Jesus' power and authority resided in his willing obediance to the higher will of God, which is the will to love. Without that supreme love, that devotional love aka Bhakti in the Hundu tradition, we are nothing and have nothing even if we had all knowledge or even "power" of a sort. It is a timeless, spaceless and eternal love where we as created beings are first loved by God by virtue of our very inclusion in the creation. Self-will, self-striving, the urge to power, all of these things are ridiculous and absurd in the face of the ineffible mystery of the eternal Godhead who's gateway resides in the love of Jesus Christ. All the treasure of heaven as a domain of limitless possibility is in Christ, and the treasure is his love.

"Love one another as I have loved you." (his one commandment)

It defies reason. It is the knowledge of experience. To know God is to love him because we recognize that by virtue of our inclusion he first loved us.

edit on 26-9-2012 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ

Seeing is not always believing.

We have "feelings" for a reason... or so I think.
edit on 26-9-2012 by MamaJ because: (no reason given)

That's a very good point. Just as you raise your eyebrows when a salesman tells you his vacuum cleaner is so powerful it can pick up a car, you can FEEL that he's B-essin you. And when someone tells you there's an all-knowing, all-powerful, invisible being who created the whole universe and who lives in another dimension called heaven, well, my eyebrows raise to the top of my head.
You don't even need a fifth grade education to FEEL how it's complete BS.

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