posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 05:36 PM
I believe that they are real. I see your point in that they have no power over our individual choices and our ultimate path in our personal lives.
However, I disagree that they don't matter on the larger scale of humanity. I feel that this is a spiritual power struggle. They can go by whatever
name they would like, but they have left their mark all across history. One of my personal theories is that, just like so many others who wanted to
remain truly anonymous, they merely changed names and affiliations to continue on their goal of ultimate power.
Unfortunately, our apathy and ignorance as a whole of humanity is mostly responsible for the actual power that they seem to currently wield. I would
love to think that the now G20, and the Bilderberg meetings and the crashing of world economies mean nothing to me and do not affect my life in any
way. That is buying into the hypnotic show that has been orchestrated to keep everybody occupied.
This is where I agree the most with the OP, our personal, individual decisions shape our daily lives more than TPTB. I choose to pay attention to
what I feed my family, because I cannot blindly trust what they hand us. I choose to research the candidates in every election and speak my voice,
every time, so that I have some effect on the policies made that govern my life and my freedoms.
I choose to take the responsibility for my own family, rather than have the entitlement attitude of " it is owed to me". I choose to get out of
bed every morning and care for my family, my home and my other responsibilities.
One of those responsibilities is vigilance. I refuse to be an unwitting victim of somebody else's power trip. I don't need what they are pushing,
but I know too many people around me do, when the trance is broken and the truth is laid bare for everyone (if that ever happens) I don't want to be
taken by surprise.
Thanks for the post!